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Post InfoTOPIC: First off…
Posted By: Wizard® (System Admin)

Posted On: Aug 5, 2003
Views: 293
First off…

I would like to remind you that this site is no longer under the inept control of Dionysus. It is now part of Dr. Chin’s Monochrome Empire after it was found to be so woefully neglected. You may have noticed how much interest our Monochrome Monarch has taken in revitalizing this meager little place. In just the past week, he has found time to post here seven times, while Dio could only muster five posts. (This assumes that one post by a “Firld Marshall” was in fact him.)

I do have to admit that the sudden traffic here due to Barb’s board being down has caught us unprepared. We are in the middle of planning some major improvements. It is clear that it will take a lot of work to bring it up to the high standards our leader demands. Needless to say, this is a tall order. The previous owner obviously had the artistic eye of a Dark Age latrine architect. We ask that in the meantime you excuse the mess left behind by the previous owner.

As you can clearly see, one of those improvements is already in place with the addition of the Domino players of the European persuasion. Naturally, Dominos is Dr. Chin’s favorite game with the wonderful black tiles and their little white dots. I cannot count the hours that we would spend playing Dominos at Castle Grayscale.

As we continue to improve this site, we ask that you do the following:

1. We encourage you to continue interacting with Dionysus. We would like to keep him from becoming just another homeless wanker. Dr. Chin looks upon him as a favored sock puppet and has hopes that he will someday evolve into a useful member of society.

2. We ask the Cleo resist the urge to post photos that are not covered under the guidelines of black & white or the accepted sepia.

3. We invite you to suggest new names for this site. The DIHQ name is so counter-productive and does not indicate its place in Dr. Chin’s Monochrome Empire.

4. Also, we ask the Legion occasionally cut and paste an article on the benefits of marijuana so that JSK will be secure in his drug addled mind that anything he writes is an original thought.

5. Lastly, please do not tell Legion that this is now Dr. Chin’s message board. We would like to ease him into the concept of registering to contribute here.

In the meantime, please enjoy your time here.

Long live Dr. Chin!

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Aug 5, 2003
Views: 285
Now hold on!!

You COLORLESS BARTARDS! What in the name of all that's holy to do mean by holding our commander and gracious host hostage! He's also my running mate in the 2004 election but I will not bring politics into this! How dare you, sir! Dio was good enough to take some of us in and give us sanctuary after Barbara's rug was pulled out from under us! Are you, by chance, in league with another "colorless rogue"..that scoundrel Jabroni? First Barbara's Asylum...now DIHQ! I see a pattern of deceit and quite frankly mister...IT GETS MY GOAT!! Enough of that "coarse language"!

Curse your black (and white) hearts!

I feel like Dorothy still stuck in Kansas! Ugh! Hideoous!! :(

