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Posted By: Hutch

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 372
Ye Olde Rant

Here beginneth the rant...

It’s obviously silly season again…

..and most of you seem to be Charter members of the Silly Party. The amount of cowflop and conspiracy floating around this board regarding the CWWS can only elicit a befuddled “Uhhh?” from anyone still exercising part of their front temporal lobe. Allow me to elucidate so that you may find your way back to a resemblance of sanity.

Barb’s “Bored”—Well, for all the Bitching and Moaning, I note that more than one of the B&M folks are posting on the “boring” site and even those who refuse to post are still visiting it regularly. And in comparing topics, well, on the “boring” one, we’ve had a discussion on Kill Bill, a disagreement on Insurance for companies filming combative women, Helen of Virago mentioning she was on a cable TV program and a followup on that, just to name three…..here it’s been Iraq, Jabroni and slamming BaRB/conspiracy theory along with a nasty bit between Harry and ATF—do you see a pattern, folks? For me, I like to talk about combative women and the only place in town now seriously discussing combative women is that maligned “bored”.

Barb’s Dictatorship—Look, I’ll make it as simple as I can. Barb takes no cash for her website—I know as I have tried to offer assistance on more than one occasion. It’s 100% hers. What she does with the site is up to her alone—she takes all the risks and does all the work. Our only investment is a couple of mouse clicks. You don’t like Monopoly, go play Parcheesi by setting up a site of your own—and I’ll bet a tattered Egyptian Pound that it’ll end up like Dio’s, discussing everything but combative women.

Barb’s Conspiracy with Jabroni—Wasn’t around the place when the Great War broke out—and don’t plan to read the archives. But it is amazing that folks can decide, without any sembalance of actual proof, that what Barb has posted is a lie and that there must be ulterior motives in closing down the message board and bringing it back in a new version. . I have a button on my wall at work that states “I am willing to suspend my disbelief, but not hang it by the neck until dead”. Show me something or you can all report to the Grassy Knoll in Dallas or the desert outside of Roswell, NM.

Barb’s Not a Woman, or an Individual, or a…..—My god, ATF (who I think propounded this howler), do you really need to be shaved with William of Ockham’s Razor? Lets see, someone has maintained at some expense a non-commercial Combative Woman site for over eight years, which may be a record on the Web for any non-commercial site, verified and registered a number of women in the Ladies Corner (and since I have personally met 3 members and have unimpeachable evidence for a fourth, don’t tell me it is a fiction), and HAS portrayed herself as a woman to all and sundry for those eight years, both on the Board and in personal communication, to some fairly sharp characters. So either this is a very dedicated, intelligent and committed woman, or else it is a man or group that is capable of keeping up a subterfuge (with the connivance of all the Ladies Corner members, at least one of whom would have blown the whistle on a guy-run operation) for over eight years (longer if you count the time Barb was on the alt.sex.fetish.wrestling newsgroup pre-CWWS) for no apparent gain or reason. Which one makes more sense to you? Thought so.

I can here the jeering halfway through this now—“Apologist” “In Lock-step with Der Reichmistress” and whatever other creative insults you are inspired to develop. Big Fat Hairy Deal. Just remember these minor points before you dip your bile-filled keyboards onto the screen: 1. CWWS is 100% Barb owned and paid for—you let other people dictate how you furnish your house or where you take your car for repairs? 2. What’s so bad about a Combative women’s site talking about combative women? 3. Conspiracies sound nice, but I’m from Missouri—Show Me; 4. TANSTAAFL!!! (Read R.A. Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” to decipher that one—and if you don’t know who Robert Anson Heinlein is, what are you doing here instead of learning how to tie your shoelaces and not drooling on the table?)

One more—this argument about why minorities can get away with racial jokes and comments while whites can’t. It bothered me some until I figured out a simple reason—when a Junior Seau makes a watermelon joke, the other guy knows he’s kidding; when a white guy makes it, he just may not be. And no, I do not condone the reverse racism of a Rev Farrakhan or others…but that can be proven as illogical as any racism if you want to try and do more than point fingers.

Here endeth the rant.

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 366
RE: Ye Olde Rant

Like it or not, old buddy, Jabroni got my email address by cracking Barb's firewall. That's bull****! I don't want my email published and I don't want my identity known. I have my reasons, but that's immaterial.

I've often thought that if you were out here in the Bay Area, we'd get together for a brewski. I figured we could exchange emails through Barb because I trusted her integrity and her judgement. Well, if it's THAT easy to access someone's email address, my trust was poorly placed.

My bad? My fault? You betcha.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 355
RE: Lemme say this abot that

So it's all "just a big conspiracy" huh?
Yep, that's a great way of destroying the other guy(lady)s argument. Fact is, I was in Dallas for a week in the 70's and, Hutch, if YOU wanna believe a single shooter who was in the sixth floor of the depository killed JFK all by hisself AND Jack Ruby was a mis-guided patriot (hehe) be my guest. Boy, ya gots lots o' splaynin ta do! btw, about 13-14 years ago I debated with Ruby's brother on the radio in Detroit about the veracity of the Warren Report and the fact that his bro was a piecea s*it loser Mafia wannabe, (sometimes was) creep.
Still, Hutch, I have a feeling you'll be watching and agreeing with NBC, which has officially agreed with the Warren Commission's Conclusions. AND, you'll say how SILLY it is that peeps can believe in "conspiracies". Yet, a conspiracy's exactly was took place at Pearl Harbor, at the Lincoln Assassination, the death's of Christ, Joan of Arc and the phoney 'Gulf of Tonkin' resolution. Or, are we only to 'poke fun at' conspiracy's and related events when it suits our 'humour' needs?
In short, something happened over 'there'. You wanna believe Babs and laugh at me, hey that's o.k. I remember vividly last year telling folks that the D.C. sniper(s) was/were probably not white guys in a van, but most likely a Moslem radical. Believe what you will. In the end, it's my opinion, your opinion and the truth. I only wanna gravitate toward the latter, wherever that takes me. If it turns out that Babs is a great lady, then I'll buy ya a drink and we'll toast her. If she turns out to be a little on the peculiar side...you're on your own.


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 352
RE: Oh, and something else

Hutch, you also made the assertion that we here have called Barb a "liar". Ah, not really. Read what I've said on the subject. Suspicious, yes. For example, Bear has every right to know how Jabs got his ID and God knows how often that'll happen.
Now, you weren't here, so I'll spell it out for you:
Babs blamed "five flamers" for shutting down her site. Now, frankly, I could call that a lie, but I'll let it slide, except to say that my ONLY problem is/was her proclivity toward 'spreading the blame' and not in'pinpointing' the perp.
What's the big deal? Well, theres an answer for that, too. I've pointed out that some 'condemn' all of society for the actions of a few. Some - like Barb - seem to think it's o.k. to say that "oh, it's these guys who shut down the board..."
WRONG. It was one (1) PERSON. That's my problem with her philosophy and position. Twas from the beginning and it is now.
Also, you wonder why people from here, if we wanna bitch about 'that bored' go there. This, my friend, falls into the old "well, if ya don't like it here, why doncha go to:
1) Russia 2) Canada 3) Israel 4) China 5) Saudi Arabia...etc., etc.....
well, I'll fling the same answer at YOU that I've given others about not leaving Murika: As a free man, as a singular individual, I will go anywhere, anytime. Now, some folks may call me a coward for not posting- there- others may call me a hypocrit. Frankly, words are cheap. But they do have meaning. As legion said somewhere here, "the internet is the last place" for people of all backgrounds to go where they will post what they wanna post and eventually their true intelligence (or lack of it) will show.
Betcha don't recall that Jim Reid wrote that he hoped I would "die a slow death" from my cancer? Better still, betcha don't remember that Spence, a truly nice guy, slammed him?! Well, I just let it lay there, for all to see. Never got mad.
Sorta like poking fun at someone and having him post a nasty rant against members of your family as I did recently.
I didn't get angry, for again, this poster displays for all the world to see just what sort of intellect and decency he has -- or doesn't have.
Finally, you laugh at me for my assertion that "hey, we don't even know that 'Barb' even exists." It was inserted as a light-hearted way of saying that hey:
I don't know that Sketch isn't a 300 lb woman, that freestyler isn't a tough guy, that legion doesn't have Hollywood good looks. We just don't know now, do we? IOW, it was simply a JOKE. Now, her jabs @ some of the flamers was off-base, but- hey, it's only my opinion.
I would have thought you would have asked me personally when you wrote to me instead of this more public 'rant'. Peculiar that you didn't. Why do I think you'll read more into THIS query?
Listen & listen good: because I disagree with your 'modus operendi' does NOT mean I think you're a "liar" or whatever else it is that you have your panties in a knot over...I just think you're base believing we're 'condeming' someone we're merely questioning.
You look - how you say?- paranoid.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 30, 2003
Views: 341
RE: Ye Olde ideas

You and yer money. Money money, who's got the money? Is that all you Murkins think about - who owns what? Cash and property rights and ownership - the highest state of grace a human being can aspire to in consumerist Murkinstan, what a pathetic commentary. Ownership does not absolve you of criticism. Property rights do not constitute a free hand to oppress and do whatever you want, unless you’re a transnational corporation or Israel. Barb has transgressed the unwritten law, and I don't care if she has more money than O.J.

Watching her fall from grace is a sad spectacle indeed.

Your other droning:

Hamboni: There was no ‘great war’. More like a minor kerfluffle, and one little man who got his wee feelings hurt and decided to make some trouble for the hostess.

Oh gee, an “insurance” discussion. Sorry I missed it. I hope you saved all the fascinating points of interest.

Consigning stuff to the convenient ‘conspiracy trashcan’ is a typical evasion tactic for a flunky of the Shrub Administration. Oswald dunnit. The attack on the ‘Liberty’ was an accident. The Gulf of Tonkin really happened. Sure, sure. Tell us another story Uncle Hutch.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 30, 2003
Views: 334
RE: Well l-man, theres an answer for that, too...

Did "she conspire?" Who gives two ratz azzes?! Obviously, there were "the five":
most likely moi, Rough, Marty, Duh and Cool Dude. So, by this, maybe Jabs never factured in.
Hutch is clearly mindful of the state and its largesse and yes, we here in the USA DO judge people by the size of their wallets. Just as much as a XXX producer sizes up a mammory gland or a male organ. Just as much as the judge and jury size up the 'popularity' and 'fan appeal' of noted accused athletes, just as much as the hilarious recordings now found on Veteran's Admin Hospital phones: "we are proud to serve you"; ya, & when the funds dry up we're as disposible as yesterdays newspaper.
Our friend Hutch is a true believer; I'll cut him some slack cuz he's been away. There are no excuses for most others.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 30, 2003
Views: 330
RE: a fool and his money...

...are soon saying stupid things bolstered by the pride of ownership of trinkets the chimp did not design, engineer or build from his own mind with his own two hands, but rather collected and aquired through monetary means.

Yep, money is the Murkin 'caste' system designed to keep those poor folk in their place. In the rest of the World, we mostly find that attitude hilarious....not to mention as regressive and backward as making women wear burkas in public.

"First Class" is the best place to be.

I hate that word: Class

Class structure is at the foundation of all the problems in NAmerica. Every one.

It refers to some unquantifiable abstraction that doesn't really exist - the presumption that certain people are better/superior to others due to their cultural station in life. The fortunate idiot son of a rich man is automatically accorded preferred status in Murkinstan, or any country that endorses such an imbecilic social structure.

"High Class" - What does this mean? It has no real meaning.

"Upscale" is another good one, commonly used to referrence stripjoints. An "Upscale" stripjoint is an oxymoron, like Military Intelligence, or Hoffas integrity.

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder." - Albert Einstien

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Oct 30, 2003
Views: 300
RE: Ye Olde Rant

I hate the word "class" too. That's why I have none.

