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Posted By: Zip the Tiny Wonder

Posted On: Oct 30, 2003
Views: 339
Hello perverted big people!

I'm Zip the Tiny Wonder, a 3'10" dwarf and "all around entertainer". I can perform for up to three hours, balancing things on me, dancing, mimicking, singing, skating, twirling, bending, stretching. I do a "self contained act" in one small area. I do impressions of Truman Capote, Dick Van Dyke and a few small animals. I am "multi faceted" like a pint sized Rip Taylor or Sammy Davis Jr. (met them both). I've never been tossed, despite what some may say (they're no good liars). I'm from Romania and will never ever go back. Those Romanians are no good. They are an abusive race of whoring bastards and they do NOT like dwarves (I could tell you some stories..boy howdy!)

I used to drop by Madame Barbara's saucy website where I would spin wondrous yarns about my fascinating (occasionally tragic) little life. My main fetish in life is one I act out as frequently as I possibly can. Simply put, I love to be manhandled by beautiful babes! Not dwarf women but regular sized "normal" women (22-36 yrs. old....124-138 lbs.) Nobody larger, a 157 pound waitress once broke my tiny pelvis. I prefer women in their late twenties but I'm not all that picky (ask mom). I just LOVE having my tiny ass kicked! I have tried my cornball fetish with little dwarf babes but it's not the same. Dwarf babes are not all that hot. I need "normal sized adult hot babes". I needs it like the flowers needs the rain! Women like me and enjoy wrestling about with me. They say I am sort of handsome and look like a small version of Matt Damon (actor). I especially love breast smothering and babes sitting on my little knothead (which is roughly the size of a "small basket"). I do NOT wrestle men (dwarf or normal sized). A big man would crush me like a goddamned grape! I love this "Hollywood" lady. She's a fine lady you could take home to mom (when she has a little more clothing on). I would love to have that ass of her's on my head! I would die a happy dwarf, that's for damn sure!

If I may, I would like to get political for a moment because my dander is up (and my pants are down). I just want to say that I LOVE BUSH! Hip Hip Hooray for Bush! He is the greatest and I wish he were President of the Universe! People are too hard on him, simply because he does not talk so good and always looks stoned and drunk (he slurs a whole lot). He has what my crazy father used to call "horse sense". He thinks "like an ass". There are many who hate Bush and these people must be in mad love with Saddam! These people would have probably slept with crumbs like Hitler, Stalin, and Jerry Lewis. Ladies and gentleman, as I have stated in the past, Saddam is the EVILEST person who ever lived (I'm about sure of this). He's probably Romanian. Just LOOK at the evidence! It's mounted! We know he was behind 911, Waco, Columbine, Watergate...the assassinations of JFK, RFK, LBJ, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Paul McCartney. He was a horrid despot and he deserved a damn good whacking! I like Bush's policy of regime change. I think we should kick the crap out of Australia next. Why Australia? Why NOT? I've never really trusted those goddamned Aussies ever since Paul Hogan (Crocidile Dundee) murdered co-star Linda Kozlowski's husband and ran off with Linda! He fed the man to a crocidile (there's proof)! Paul Hogan could actually be Romanian. We should just "take" Australia, like Paul Hogan took Linda Kozlowski (without the sex). The WHOLE country should be turned into a Disney Park! And change the name from "Australia" to "Mickey's Outback". It just sounds better. What in the hell does Australia mean anyway? It has no meaning! I say kick their ass and change that name. Alas, I have so many wondrous, fragrant ideas just like that one! I know I will never live long enough to see them to fruition! Many ideas drift through my little head daily..then leave. I only have a chance to jot down maybe 2-3% of the swell ideas that hit me. I think of stuff all day..when I'm not dreaming of some big babe kicking my tiny dwarf ass!

Happy Halloween to everyone! I have been the unfortunate victim of many a "trick" on this miserable day and I prefer to "lay low". The children are especially hard on me. Little bastards!

Remember to LOVE all people..big and small!


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 328
RE: Welcome Back Zip

Boy, do you bring back the memories, like the time you flamed legion and I told the boy "even Romanian dwarfs are flaming you".
Yes, you have some wonderful ideas there, my friend.
So you don't wanna go back to the other "bored"? Well, you better peek in, otherwise how ya gonna find out about 'Kill Bill'and insurance packages needed by producers. Hey, that's lots more important than icky stuff like war, micro and macro economics and existentialism.
Wouldn't you agree?

I never tossed a dwarf didn't have it coming to him

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 318
RE: Hello perverted big people!

Hey Zipperhead :)
Are you related to Tiny Tim ?
Or Vern "minnie me" ?
What about WEE MAN ?

I think it would be great to get two little women to wrestle in the buff . Actually fist fight even . Tell me that tape wouldn't sell ?!?!?

Ofcourse if L Scotts sold it noone would ever get it so you might have to create a little company for yourself .

Happy Halloween to U 2 little one.
Be sure not wear bright clothing and look
both ways before you cross the street. AND
don't eat any candy that looks as if its been unwrapped ... (well unless U like LSD)

Anyways good luck with your venture of finding a woman to sit on your head .
They are worth the trouble finding : )~


Posted By: Zip the Tiny Wonder

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 309
RE: Hello perverted big people!

I have seen many dwarf women "throw down". Man, those little bitches fight mean. I have taped a few dwarf catfights for my own "personal collection". I would never part with them. I've seen midget babes go at it as well. The best one was back in my carnival days (1978-84) when I saw Twinky Monroe and Little Mimi fight it out in their tent. They were fighting over a guy (my buddy Thomas the Yak Boy). Boy it sure was vicious as those midgets can get really nasty sometimes. Generally speaking, midgets have "attitudes". Dwarves are more even tempered. Also more talented and articulate. Not being biased here folks..it's FACT! It's "noted".

Yes, Halloween is a bitch for me. I basically hide indoors and eat Ritz crackers and drink Tang all day. I used to dress up and go out but NO MORE. You can only be rolled and hung from goddamned trees so many times! I'm VERY SENSITIVE and people can be so damn cruel! Of course, freaking Christmas is almost as bad, with people thinking I'm an elf and all. I'm NOT AN ELF, goddamnit...and I will not put a damn thing in your stocking SO STOP ASKING!

I'm proud to say that I do NOT "dip dope"! Drugs are a scourge JSK and I hope you have never swallowed any! I do not touch them because of a bad experience I had about 25 years ago. Some wiseguy blew a shotgun into my knothead and I was high as a kite for about three days. I wandered the streets of Toledo talking to pigeons and cigarette butts. God! I was baked! As you can well imagine, it does NOT take all that much to get me thoroughly loaded! I don't drink either (except for Tang and Cool Aid). A thimble full of Jack gets me completely snokered and speaking in tongues! I puke too.

Take care and stay away from drugs and alcohol! You sound "drug free" JSK! GOOD FOR YOU!

Posted By: Wiseguyly69

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 307
Ohh that was you??!!

"Some **wiseguy** blew a shotgun into my knothead and I was high as a kite for about three days."-Zip TTW

I remember you're stupid little ass; I was so high, i thought you were one of those newfangled dolls that looked real. Sorry bout that, little one.

Burn out the day, burnout the day...

some wiseguy

PS, No, JSK, I never got it. Good luck this w/e...

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 4, 2003
Views: 251
RE: Hello perverted big people!

Ahaaaa Wise-ass ...
I'll send ya again. Didn't mean to lose touch like that.

Congrats on getting U'r tapes . Even the LSS's one !


