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Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 447
The Rain, The Gun and other things

Can't wait for the SoCal peeps who just lost their houses to replug in the ol' puter, tune into Drudge and find out their houses coulda been saved, 'cept a bunch of gummint bean-counters and 'experts' didn't want to buy a large '110 gallon water drop' (rainfall) airplane from the Russkies, cuz...well, I'm sure they (the gummint 'experts') have their reasons. Can't wait for the hearings to commence. Bailiff, turn on the metal detectors, PLEASE!
Loved the technique of the gun-toter in Van Nuys today; hey, he coulda been the VC tried to whack ol' Fonz in the day. Hehehe...yep, folks, if you want to slay your attorney, this was NOT the way. I gave him a B- for his slick walk away from the crime and a C+ for unloading on the guy. But, how many times I gotta tell ya's: The Coen Bros had it right in 'Millers Crossing'. You have to "put the gun to his head, pull the trigger and put the bullit in his brain." (aside: let's see if Jabs posts soonish. Wouldn't it be wild if this zipperhead were him?)
Still mad at Joseph Sobran for insisting William Shakespeare was a feller named DeVere, but I still read him and love him. Says Joey: "In the liberal era, now waning, the state has been exalted in a new way. It has become the mediator of social concern. It released man from his traditional primary duties to his own flesh and blood, and imposed, chiefly through taxation, new political duties to new strangers. He could divorce his wife and abort his children, but he had to pay for the welfare of people he had never met. 'Compassion' became political and anonymous.
(You can't) divorce the state, even if you're trapped in an abusive relationship."

btw, everyone knows Bill Shakespeare was merely a group of writers, some Anglo, some Dane.

Hey, don't bitch at these thoughts, or - here's an idea - go on over and read why Jabberwonky doesn't understand the difference between "their" and "they're". Yessir, here's an excuse for this, too.
It's touching, really...

Shakesperian lover

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Oct 31, 2003
Views: 445
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

Oh boy, nearly forgot! Staying more 'on topic', Cammie Lusko's name arose 'you know where' and, yes, the all-knowing Fonz has some info for you:
Cammie kinda looked like Karen Carpenter on steroids, she placed 9th in the Ms Olympia contest in 1980 and she placed second in the 60.0kg class in the weight lifting championships of 1982 in Milwaukee, WI. Now you know as much as you need to about Cammie.

I never reskled Cammie...or...
Karen Carpenter never sessioned wreskled a man & now she's dead.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 1, 2003
Views: 431
RE: bacardi ramblin with the Fonz...

You and yer 'durn liberals' hate-on is tiresome. Your house, senate, all the main major branches of gubbermint, everything in Murka including the Media, is currently controlled by the Republicans (can't you tell with all the warmongering?) and yet...you still complain about Liberals?

Whaddayou want, more war? More intolerance and xenophobia is not the answer. What do you do Fonz, watch Hannity and O'Reilly spew hatred all day long? Read Coulter and Krauthammer in their daily calls for raghead genocide?...listen to Limbaugh and Micheal Savage despise everything and anyone who isn't a white-bread neo-fascist religious freak? These people are nothing more than the 'Morton Downey' of their day. Limburger? He's a big fat blowhard hypocrite liar elitist, and I've always know it - he just proved it. They all are.

Frankly, I can see very little difference between your two major political 'parties' and I am totally impartial, non-denominational, and completely objective and logical. I don't 'side' with either of the supposed ideologies because they are both big fat liars and crooks playing the same power game. That isn't a choice you have over there in Murkastan, it's the "illusion of democracy."

From FARK: "Norman Mailer. He wrote recently that, after a long life, he's concluded that fascism, not democracy, is the natural state and that America as a nation is in a pre-fascist era, a mega banana republic increasingly dominated by the military."


Posted By: When Harry met a crossdressing catfighter

Posted On: Nov 1, 2003
Views: 415
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

**** all of that political bull****. Have you read the latest on Barbs Bored? It seems Harry (the session wrestler) has found a new bud (or bud ette) in susan ondine, the cross dresser. He states that "robin" would love to wrestle with "susan" Well, I'm sure that "Robin" is happy to have "Harry" speaking for her, but I would believe it if I heard it from her, and not him. Is this guy running her business now? And if so, does she realize he (as in Harry) isn't exactly Mr popular, and he isn't someone I would care to deal with in a transaction? Just a heads up for Les Femme fans.

Cleo, where the hell are you? Straighten this out, please!

(Somehow, I can't picture Cleo setting up a match with a crossdresser with a women he was involved with)

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 1, 2003
Views: 411
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

You guys are WAY too serious.
Lesion, I have a note for you & since I've actually gone so far as to acknowledge your idiotic tirade, you should thank me.
re Legion: Just think, we have so far to go in dealing with mental illness (quick, drugggie: when did I mention Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh or O'Reilly? Now, shut up and take another bong hit)

As to the other guy: yeah, hehehe, I saw old SS* Harold and isn't it nice he wants to be so helpful. Hey, I'd been told by several people that the guys an all around weirdo, but just remember, old Suzie/Robin can take care of herself. Is he her "manager"? Yeah, sure...like Jab's is Vinny Mac's main boy. Who cares? All I know is there's enough creepy people in this fetish to give us a bad name. That's my take.
*Sperm Shooter


Posted By: Maye Bee

Posted On: Nov 1, 2003
Views: 403
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

Maybe Harry wants to wrestle Susan Ondine.

Maybe Harry is into crossdressing.

Maybe Harry is actually Robin.

Maybe Harry pays women to wrestle with him.

Maybe, maybe not.

Enquiring minds could care less.

I would guess that 2 out of the above 3 maybes are correct.

Maybe I'm wrong.


But Maybe not.

I just hope that Susie/Robin hhasn't made a bad choice with him being a spokesperson for HER company.

Posted By: Cleo

Posted On: Nov 1, 2003
Views: 402

LOL I have no control over such things, no matter how goofy it may be :)

If it happens, it can go on Les Femmes, cause I dont want to see it to have to work with it. I'd barf all over my puter.

Hmmn ok who holds the DIHQ sign next? Too bad Fonz isn't here, I'd do it with Shelly the Burbank Bomber, and have his old dust fartin ass crammed between her massive mammories with DI on the left tit and HQ on the right...Whadda sight! Hmmn those tits are huge, best go get a wide angle lens for that.

Gawd I need sleep, I just watched T-rex eat luggies and shrimp, after he caused a ton of **** to get us a table tonight...and you think he's bad ON the net? Sheesh watch him in action off of it, it's embarrassing! I just acted like I didn't know him and it kept my food quid free :) He seemed to enjoy the new sautte his food was cooked in though, yuck!

Haha now you will all have to hear his story of it all cause I brought it up. Oh well, I had to live it, you can suffer and listen about it :)

I gotta get some sleep, been going for 24 hours straight now, uggggggggggggg.

Adi freaking os,

Posted By: T-Rex

Posted On: Nov 2, 2003
Views: 379
Well... they should have seated us sooner!

Restaurants cannot continue this practice of having people wait
forever to eat their food just because they're a popular
Italian food place with delicious food.

I was waiting patiently with Christine Dupree and Cleo for over
40 minutes! The hostess had told Christine that the wait
was not going to be any longer than 20 minutes... AND I
saw other people who came in AFTER us being seated. Well...
when Barney sees injustice, he just goes berserk!

So I basically made a nuisance of myself and stood right in
the podium where the hostesses were standing and proceeded
to lecture both the hostesses and the people waiting about
the impropriety of making people wait forever. It got the
manager out so I proceeded to lecture him about making people
wait - in a really LOUD, yet tactful voice. No, I wasn't
using any expletives. In fact, I was quite clear and concise
and I got all of the people who were waiting on my side!
I felt like a Union leader... lol... all the people waiting
looked like they were about to riot.

Anyway... in order to stem any further agitation, the manager
decided right then to seat all 3 of us... AND gave us free
appetizers as a way of apology! Christine and Cleo witnessed
all of this first hand. So... I just don't talk the talk...
hell... I live it!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 4, 2003
Views: 354
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

Yeah , Harry seems to be the spokes person for Suzie or so it looks on Barb's board.
Didn't know they were good freinds like that?

I see Harry has now made another friend just incase he gets sick of wrestling with actual women (LOL)

Hey in reality I'd rather hear from a crossdressing freak than half the idiots over on that board anyways .

Atleast the guy has the nuts (or doesn't) to do it. And if it works .... and it sounds like it does maybe we should all toss on a too-too next time we meet up with our women to wrestle .

Ok ... maybe not

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 4, 2003
Views: 348
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

That was NOT a good idea, killer. Geez, you're smokin' way too much, boy!
'sides, everybody knows Harrys a 'fag'.
Er, isn't that a Brit word for 'fine fella?' hehehehe


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 4, 2003
Views: 343
RE: tsk tsk

I can see the headlines now:

Children's Star Purple Barney the Dinosaur goes on a rampage in restaurant!

This is worse than when PeeWee got nabbed for pud-pulling in a movie theatre.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 4, 2003
Views: 338
RE: The Rain, The Gun and other things

Naw Fonz ...
I smoke about the same each and everyday , but try to keep it fresh by hiding two varieties of hemp in my double secret location : )~

I was always told "Fag" in Bri-land means a cigarette ? Infact , I use ta work with a couple of the big-ears way back when and when ever they'd ask "J do u have a fag ? " I'd always point to my boss who was also a Brit . 'Yeah , he's right over there"

(ok nothing ? Not funny ?)

Whatever then.

And Leege . When the Barney craze in America was at an all time HIGH there were cases of people running around beating on the furry giant's . Oh , but you know all that .
Evil America huh ?


