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Post InfoTOPIC: Something about Harry...
Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 353
Something about Harry...

...or, "Dirty Harry". hehehe

On the other bored, our man from LaLa Land is making friends again by insulting Steve from VA or whatever.
Steve's "fault"? Ah, he enquired as to whether Las Vegas might not be a better place to hold a 'convention' as opposed to some other place (Pasadena, CA perhaps? hehehe).
Steve made an intelligent point by saying he appreciates the heads up of brother Harold, as he'll know enough NOT to attend.
Anyway the whole point of this is something that legion had brought up months ago (in regards to a statement by Jabs, of all people), to wit: Not a good idea one gives out any info, real names, etc., to a buncha sickos.
Well, the subjects seemed to mesh.
For the record, I think Vegas makes the most sense. Possibly Laughlin, NV as a second choice. Ah, either way, I'll take Steve's advice and stay home....


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 346
RE: noththing about Harry...

If a women's wrestling convention came to my town I wouldn't care if sars,terrorist,or Harry was there (LOL) I'd still go !!!!!!
This is not the Fonz I like ?!?!? Come on man! Just because the Bundies are going to the party doesn't mean your not going !!!
Now get in your monkey suit , fix your tie , comb U'r hair and smile !!!

I'm sitting here in friggin massachusetts light years away from where the event will be held and you'r more than likely a couple miles a way ! I feel like an etheopian in one of those commercials.
"Please help this poor little bastard JSK .
He needs to watch women wrestle but doesn't have the means to see it ."
As I stand there bloated and sad .

As for 100 bucks ? Awww F it . I'd pay it , but I'd listen to what GR said cuz he said it best. Sell tickets cheaper and you'll get more to attend and more spent on other things like merchandise . Thats a huge mistake selling tickets that high . And as for promo you should beat the guy in charge of it because the whole state should know about something like this .... especially seeing the only thing THEY did wrong was not pull a permit ?!?!

Well over here we have Crystal films and hopefully sometime they will close the streets and have women duking it out all day long ! Oh no JSK are you the type who likes the DARK SIDE of it ?!?!? (LOL)
I'll buy wiseguy and spences ticket for that and you have that one in writting !!!

F-ing Nancy's !!! (

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 344
RE: noththing about Harry...

NANCY=thanks Leege (LOL)

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 345
RE: Something about Fonzie

...and thus ends the daily report by Fonzie of the goings-on at Barbs bored.

Sure, like I'm going to fly down there to the Fourth Reich only to have the show cancelled again like last time.

Unless they have it at my house, I'm not going.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 343
RE: Something about Harry...

Have it at your house then Leege .
Might be good to have women over there occasionally huh ?
Hey how come I can't see you posting while I am ?

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 339
RE: Something about Harry...

IF they have the event at your house, leege, sappers, snipers, gypsies, tramps and thieves couldn't keep me away.
But Harry might. I mean, he just seems creepy.
Or is it me?

perhaps losing perspective

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 337
RE: Something strange about Fonzie...

...spread out, knuckeheads.

Here I thought you chimps would be mighty impressed with my Yogi Berra-ism, and you primordial slimes didn't even get the joke.

Good grief.

That'll be five cents please.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 333
RE: Something about Harry...

Oh we get it Leege.


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 13, 2003
Views: 329
RE: Start Spreadin' the News...

...you're a day late & a $$ short.
Before you're able to buffalo us on your next 'crackin wise' we'll change the question, L-man.
But thx for the attempt & playin the game. Don't hate the game...hate Killer & the Fonz. Just sayin' sumpin stupid cuz we like you...

imitatin' Frankie

Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 14, 2003
Views: 291
RE: Something about Harry...

JSK wrote..

I'll buy wiseguy and spences ticket for that and you have that one in writting !!!

Yes, I do, and now have it on my computer and saved, in case you backtrack on that one. Actually, I was going to offer to buy drinks for you if you did buy my ticket, but, I'm pretty sure I'd lose my ass on that deal.

Let's see, JSK buys Wiseguy and Spence a ticket for 100.00 each to a fem wrestling convention in the NE USA.

Spence offers to buy drinks for JSK in the hotel bar later that night.

Spence has a very fun weekend, gets his VISA bill next month and sees that he has a bill from the hotel bar for 400.00 bucks.

Hey, it's only money.

I have been reading, for the last hour or so, all the posts on Barbs board about a new WWC possibly happening again in Cal. I can't really comment on the pros or cons, because I've never been to one. And, as long as they are held on the west coast, I probably never would go to one. I get just so much vacation time a year, and I would never take some to fly out west for something like that. I would note, however, that someone over at Barbs posted that it's the same 50 guys (or so) that show up at every single one of these events. Maybe some new blood, as in customers, is needed.

I'm just afraid that "Harry" would actually buy a ticket and show up here in the N/E. Or Jabroni. Or Susan Ondine. (Hey wait, anyone ever seen Jabby, Suzy crossdresser, or Harry, the Les Femme Fatale spokesperson in the same room together before? Me either!) Inquiring minds need to know!

Have a weekend, comrades!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 16, 2003
Views: 260
RE: Spenceamilla !

Hey Dude ,

I will buy a ticket if Crystal has something like they are having over there in Cali and only said it because well .... I know it won't happen ! No , the "you can come in and view the fights for real in the studio" doesn't apply.
(In small print)

this excludes all legal residents of the united states or family and friends of them

See you didn't read the fine print . YOU STOLE FIZZY LIFTING DRINKS !!! (Ok inside humor)

Yes, theres should be something different and what I was getting at over at Barb's board was that why should all the events be held over there ? Isn't there better events elsewhere ? I'm sure just one carolina catfight event can give the last few WWC events a run for its money. Ofcourse I've heard some of the WWC events went quite well which is why I question how something like this happened ? Not just why was it busted , but why such a crummy turn-out ?

50 people is BS . If someone "like me" organized it I would have to be sure more came and would put every effort to make sure more came. And I know they would .
Plain and simply I've organized and still do things that bring in lots of people. Chicks rolling around with each other I haven't done and can only see it could bring in more than usual . It makes sense ! People would love it not just us .

As I said I know many people in the area that own clubs, airplane hangers , nighclubs etc. Theres nothing in the rule book saying an event has to take place in a mansion and priced more than a New England patriots game!

Set a decent price to get in. Make sure its the talk of the town . Get locals in on the action. Have it where people from the event (women) can get in on it and win 50-100 bucks in between certain matches and stuff.
Be creative . Sure I love watching chicks wrestle , but for others it just might not be enough. You need to do more .

To say it can ONLY be for us is crazy . It doesn't and shouldn't have to be. How else does a show like the WWE survive ?

Call radio stations , bring in the news crew and make it sound like just as much of a party and annual thing that WILL happen each year and make it a possitive thing .

I'm not saying hold it here and only here , but there should be things like it . From what happened last year anything would be better than what they did or didn't do.
Pleanty of talent in these parts its just no one has asked or made an attempt at pitching it to a different level than that of hiding in a hotel and having a woman come over to kick your ass .

I kinda think its funny noone on Barb's board has given me **** about saying "you can't do it" " everyone says this" because I think either they know I'm right or a bell went off in their heads saying ... you know what I think thats a good idea.

I'm sick of it being closed to the public.
The public is where the money is on this one.
For a person like me I'd need them . For those who felt weird about going because they worry about being seen or something on tv or papers (Don't go! )
Besides like I said it wouldn't have an atmosphere like that what so ever.

I'd make it 50% legit and 50% entertainment Ringling Brothers style. The hype alone would draw the crowds.

For those who say "you've never done it before , only a producer can do it "

Thats BS and why it doesn't happen . Producers are human . Not saying anyone can do it , but its worth trying than saying " I should have." I'm not lazy like most (well in some cases yes) but if I'm gonna get something off the ground like this it will have to work and I've done pleanty of things much harder to do than set up women to wrestle infront of people .

So I'll get back to you about this. I might even ask if you'd like to be a part of this.
Can't win if you don't play .


Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 17, 2003
Views: 246
RE: RE: RE: Something about Harry...

I have spoken to my lawyer, (he's in the esteemed firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe)...he has read your "small print" and tells me if I continue to pay his retainer, and also pay him milage, food, and disguise, that we might be able to win the case. Of course, that would cost me a few thousand, but I would win my 100.00 ticket to the yet to be announced femfight N/E convention. I'll let you know what my decision is on this soon.

I can appreciate your passion about trying to get something going on here in these parts. I'm for the most part a leader, but would be a follower in something like this. As far as setting it up in a bar....Nope, wouldn't be interrested. Have been to too many of those before. I did work at a place in Tampa/St Pete that used to run that kind of entertainment (oil wrestling, jello, spaghetti, etc..pretty ironic, huh?) back in the late 80's early 90's, and it turns into a bachelor party every night with a bunch of idiots, drunk, and needing the bouncers to throw the idiots out at last call.

I would propose to rent the local Elks, VFW, or Knights of Columbus Hall (or something similar) for a night or 2. These places are private halls, most are exempt from State laws, (well, as far as nudity, etc) and are cheap. I'd much rather hang with 100 people who are cyber freinds and aquaintences who I know on line, then 500 drunken frat boys, who I don't want to know. Again, just my opinion.

I'm not much of a session wrestler...in fact, I'm not a session wrestler at all, but I suppose an area would be needed for that. Hey, girls gotta make a living. If you are serious about this, I will help you as much as I can. I will let you know, that I work radio part time, and when you say...call radio stations, the newspapers, etc...well, nothing is free. I work for Citadel Communications (national corp) and they aint gonna give ya free advertising, I can gaurantee you that. I'm not trying to discourage you, just letting you know what I know.

Hey, keep the vision, brother. If you (or anyone) ever get past the talking stage, and wants to actually look into possibilities, I'm all ears, and will help as much as I can.

I would also ask someone like Cleo for advice and direction, as he seems to know what's going on in this biz, and he might be fun to have there, and party with!!! LOL

These are just my opinions JSK, and again only what I feal would, or would not work. I think that if you could break even, or even make a few dollars it would be a success. Hell, if it were in Boston, or better yet, on the outskirts, within 20 or 30 miles of the airport, I'd help you out with the initial investment.


Oh,did you stay up and watch the Pats last night? 8 and 2 baby! I love seeing parcells lose!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 235
RE: Something about chicks fighting

Did I see the Pats game .... LOL


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 236
RE: Something about Spence

Hey Spence ,

Naw the place I'm referring to (although its a bar) isn't the type that allows people to get out of control like your talking about.
I can see why you'd say that and I'd bring up the same thing . I won't reveal the place , but its legit and not a dive hole in the wall.

Your right about an elks or VFW or something to that effect. I had my bach. party at one of them and things got mighty nuts and naked : )

The reason I originally brought up the place (in question) is because seeing me or just a few would hold it and need to pay for a lot of things I'd need to insure I'd get people there to compensate it all. Other than that you'd be lucky to have the money to pay for women with such a small amount of people at an elks or where ever else. Now if you sold tickets for 100 or even 50 bucks and got a small number you might be able to . Hmmmm something to think about . That would be money well spent , but again would keep it small and private . What I wanted was to get the word out so it wouldn't always be that way , but realistically who am I kidding ?!

Oh , and I guess I know a few more popular DJ's from radio than just you . Although it would cost to promote an actual commercial for it or something it wouldn't cost a dime for them to bring it up and they usually do that for me all the time. I know two from the major stations here in Boston . Still I can't say they would definatley help .

Believe me what I'm talking about or thinking about wouldn't happen for quiet a while and am just throwing the idea around.
And we wonder why we have nothing here ?
This is why . Too many people fearing the worse and not thinking the best. But , for a mighty good reason(s).

Back to the drawing board ... and I do mean that ! (At the moment doing some artwork)

Ok then possibly come summer time we should really try to get a few of us Northern clowns to gather some women together , rent out a hall and stage some matches !
Sure, it costs money to rent them ... unless someones a member to them : )
I'd go for that and will see how many people "like us" I can gather. Would that be better ?

Thanks for the reply , ideas and insults you ungreatful bastard !!! (LOL)

I'll talk to ya later Spence .
Take care.


