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Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 280

1) Killer: Yes, I understand you were one time 'Kevin.' Loud & Clear, my friend.
2) Kevin #1(not JSK): Whoever you are, whatever you are, the giant finger, bonzo.
3) Legion: Geeze, like reading War & Peace, or gawdsakes. Cut it down. Only a suggestion. Yes, we know you hate Bush. Now, be quiet. Or, as the 'other Jabs' would say: 'be quite'.
4) Haven't been here in a while (over 24 hours: YIKES!). Could someone/anyone please tell me what in the name of holy cow ****e GG was yappin' about?
5) Ah, Killer....quick question: Whatcha gonna say to leege now that Mass has 'queered up' the picture?! Hehehe...
6) Dio! Oh Dio! Damn Field Marshall's run off to give Bush the one finger salute. Kevin, consider Dio's salute to be mine as well - to YOU! Economy of effort, to be sure.
7) Where's wiseguy and Spence? Gets under freezing and the boys are no where to be found. Sissy boys.
Th-th-th-thats all folks!!!!!!!!!!


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 274
RE: Addendum

Sir David Frost, one cool Englishman:
"What's the 'to do' all about? I mean, there's to be an 'anti-war rally' AFTER the war? Then too, right here in London we're going to have a 'peace rally' tomorrow after which the irony will be that 'chaos' and 'bedlam' will break out!"

Yep, Davie boy. Ya'll forgot the 60's in America, but some of us haven't.
Volence for peace.
Shout down the Conservatives (during the 'free speech rally').
Show love for one's fellow man by roasting Bush & Blair and be sure to keep silent on Saddam & Kim il Jong.
"Bush is only for the RICH." Theme of the party of Soros, Kennedy, Streisand and John Kerry Heinz.

The lib's have a wonderful sense of humor.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 259
RE: scribble

5) Ah, Killer....quick question: Whatcha gonna say to leege now that Mass has 'queered up' the picture?! Hehehe...

Damn , I was keepin that one under wraps & I never made fun of the Cunuck's for allowing it first. Besides we're a state and they are a country !
Its been in the news somewhat so it was bound to happen.
The way I look at it is it will shut them all up . You wanna walk around holding hands and crap - go ahead. You wanna now be entitled to half or be taken for it...tehehehe whatever .

I just don't know how I'd feel about going to a gay wedding ?
Christ, maybe you should ask a few of our latest guests ?

Laaaaaater Fonz,

Posted By: alfonzothefan

Posted On: Nov 18, 2003
Views: 256
RE: yeah killer!

Maybe 'Judge Tang' could preside over the wedding of Harry & Susan O?
Ya think?!
You peeps in ol' Mass are VERY funny. Last presidential candidate from you guys had a silly helmet on whilst riding a tank. One before him got his head blown off. Culprits pretty much got away scot free. Kinda reminds me of...
ah, never mind..

Historian/Courtier to the Bored

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 249
RE: sour Notes

And just think a couple hundred years ago we were burning people at the stake and calling them witches here in mass. (LOL)

The funniest thing is even the churches gave in before the state government did . They've allowed lezbo's and fags to get married in the past , but by law didn't have the rights a "normal" marriage has. Now they do . Surprised they didn't have a huge march up and down the streets of Boston to celebrate?

Yet another stab in the local tax payers wallet once all the unhappy ones want a divorce and run up court time & costs .
Not to mention the timeless and countless hours in legislature of our money they wasted already just so they can say " I do" .

You'll see more of them making out in public and holding hands where they normally wouldn't all because "we're married" .
But, as long as this is the only break & thats giving them a peice of paper saying your locked in now I won't worry or complain . I will stress that it will be much more easier for people to fool the state and make money from it by allowing it.
Mainly minorities which have become the majority here in the states never mind Massachusetts. Where is before if someone married an "alien" (no not Micheal Jackson)
that person would now be a citizen and entitled to the rights when they don't deserve it if they are doing it out of false pretences.
You watch. Some fag likes Asian dudes and the next thing you know he's in the country sucking off his husband and state and then dumps his ass but not before going to court and blowing more money from the taxpayers. Same goes with the Lezbos. The thing is you now can't deprive them of this and everyone and anyone can now take advantage of a loophole. Straight couples that get married under false pretences are now not the biggest issue and now the % rose .

As for morals I have none so I could give a damn what person plays the mommy or daddy .

I guess we like chicks wrestling and they like the same sex. I'm sure it sounds weird to both sides . So on that sense I won't judge .

Now what I'm more worried about . Come February 2004 they are banning smoking in every public place in our state . Not just bars where it really hurts , but even Church!

Soon it will be illegal to smoke within 10 feet of someone.
Yes, Fonz there are much more important things than gays in mass that bothers me .

To say we have a F-ed up state is an under statement!

Still waiting on the legalization of marijuana factor !!! Maybe the gay married potheads can help ?


Posted By: Wiseguyly69

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 246
Oh, I'm here

I've just been doing more reading than writing lately, lots going on at work and home (or is it homo?) That reminds me of Francois Montepelier; he used to call me wisehomo, but anyway. Most people that get extremely annoyed by gays are repressed homos themselves. Hey Tangler, when was the last time you had sex with a woman that you didn't have to hand cash to or break out the airpump? OK, that's a cheapshot, but your rantings opened you up to it. George Bush is a bit of a buffoon, hmmm. But do any of these Dems grab ya? Can we really elect a doctor from Vermont (less people than Arkansas!)? Are these really the best our country has to offer? Yikes we are in trouble.

Yours in catfighting,


