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Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 681
Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

The cold weather doesn't bother this maniac, Fonz. Quite the contrary. Actually, I posted on Barbs board a few days back, and told Jab boy to lick my scrotum (or something similar to that) and she wiped the thread. I feal honored. Now I can join the who's who list of people who have had their posts wiped. That will look good on my resume, huh?

And what happened to Tang's anti gay/Rush Limbaugh's, sounding post? I was already to light into him about his close minded, right wing, my way or the highway crap? Is it possible that Dio has wiped a thread here? Hmmmm!

Or, am I losing my mind and that post was on Barbs board?


Oh, and a joke I heard earlier today...

*A Priest and a Rabi are having a nice dinner together.

*They finish, and are enjoying a nice courvosier together in the den

*The priest says, you know what we need right now?

*What's that?..says the rabi?

*A nice 12 yr old alter boy, says the priest

*What for? Says the rabi?

*So we can f u c k him, says the priest?

*Out of what, says the rabi?

Dam, hope i don't get banned or wiped on that one!

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 675
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Yeah well, here's one back at ya:

Protestant, Catholic and a Jew were arguing how much money they give to God

Minister: We wait for a fairly windy day, toss the $$ in the air and all that lands within a 10 foot horizontal line belongs to God.

Priest: We have a better idea! We draw a circle, gently toss the $$ in the air and the dollars that land in the circle belongs to the Lord.

Rabbi: That's why we're the (wink,wink) chosen ones! We band the bucks, toss 'em in the air and He can keep any He can get!
We never lost a bill yet.

expecting a bolt anytime now

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 667
Fonz, now THAT was good ! ! !...

Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !...

Fonz, I have to hand it to ya', now THAT WAS FUNNY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (LOL big-time ! ! ! !)

Where'd that come from ? ? ? :-) :-) :-) :-)

Must have been a slow-sermon day in church.

Hang in there, fella, you're going places......you're going places.......

Now tell me what in the hell happened to the terrific thread I just started a day ago about those damn Massachusetts judges supporting homo "marriages" ? ? ? I did read your last reply, but wanted to re-read it to be sure I understood it as you meant it. Now I find it's been wiped. What gives ? ? ?, pray tell ? ? ?

Somebody payin' off Dio to act as a censor on his own MB ? ? ? I find it rather hard to believe he's behind it, because there was nothing inflammatory about what I or anyone else stated, or did I step on some poor homo's tippy toes too much so he started crying ? ? ?)

You tell me, and then we'll both know.

Eagle-eye Tang (ever vigilant in watching out for and upholding the morals of society)

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 661
By the way, Spence, feel free to go ahead.........

...and post whatever you had planned. I take no offense at all, since it appears you're right, and my (as usual, excellent) post :-) was somehow wiped away.

I'm sure enough readers remember the subject, and I'm always open-minded (or at least try to be). A lot of good replies were given by Rough, Marty, JSK, and Wiseguyly 69, along with Leege's (usual execllent) caustic style of humor. [Special note to Leege: Go ahead and re-post those calendars, fella, just to show 'em who's the Big Boss and King of Comedy around here. I have a suspicion some poor heterophobe got a bad case of reverse patriotic fagitis, and needs to be put in his or her place (LOL !!!)].

So go ahead and chime in.

I'll read it and, if need be, respond to it.

Captain Tang (on the bridge of the H.M.S. Brittania, throwing down the depth charges to blast the living daylights out of those damn heterophobes and fascist MB dictators)

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 652
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Actually, T-man, I distrust the gummint and have no desire to see them or anyone else force their lifestyle over me. None the less, being a lesbian trapped in a man's body, I also have zero problems concerning what people do or do not do within the privacy of their homes. Just don't hit me with the "gay rights" equals "civil rights" crap. Note: 2/3rds of Americans do NOT want gay marriages legalized. Anyway...
Obviously, the caretaker here decided to erase the thread and that is their right.
See, most never did get it: I NEVER said Babs couldn't do whatever she wanted to do with her mb. Same here! I disagreed with her rules, especially after an obvious strong arm from an idiot with more guts than brains, but that was ALL that it was.
Problem is, she continued to assert that "five flamers shut down" her board. Bull.
Anyway, I don't like the intrusion of privacy there and DO go to the chatroom and MAY post, but it would have been/ will be under another name.
Oh, the joke? An old one. My best buddy's an Orthodox Jew and he loved it. As a 'Scotch-Irishman' I'll give you my insult to THEM:
An old Scotch-Irish gent ambled outta a Pittsburgh liquir store with his fav bottle of scotch. Walking in January on ice is risky and the old boy slipped, hitting his head and slamming his body and bag to the ground. Feeling liquid on top of his head, he looked at the 'result' and exclaimed: "oh, thank God, it's only blood!"

o.k., not great, but it's old and I'm tired. Well, I'm OLD and tired.


Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 646
Oh yeah? well heres one fresh off the TV

From Conan O'Brien about 15 minutes ago.

Anti war protesters continue to harass President Bush in London, today.

However, protesters dispersed when authorities fired toothbrushes into the crowd.

Now, if that one doesn't get me banned and/or wiped...I'll be damned if I know what will!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 624
RE: free-dumb bored

For whatever reason Dio decided to ax the post is his own doing . But, I just couldn't help myself : )

Hope T or anyone else didn't make the Prince take down Dio's drawers and give him a firm ass spanking !?!?!
I think his hands are busy at the moment with George being over there anyways.

Thursday's 100,000 moron march will be held in London . Don't go Dio ... don't go !!!!!!

Must have been American propaganda at it again because they showed all the Brits against GW in interviews on the street.
I can't figure out if they were asking the questions to the homeless or the mentally ill ?
Tehehehe ...


Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 566
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Dam, this board is getting downright nasty. I'm heading out the door, into the rain, and going to work. Suffice to say, not very hard. Low on sleep (about 4 hours or so) and high of bubbly expectations?!? Hate to do it, but baby needs a pair 'o shoes.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 535
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Hey Spence ,

This board has always been nasty. And as it turns out theres a few people who can't take the heat and should leave , but won't . Their 5 second stay is already long enough and goes to prove they belong elsewhere.

I created the newpaper as a joke because I've only remembered Dio stopping two things since this sites been up . Its more of a comical way to ask " what happened? ".

Now it turns out some baby made him censor a post . So , its something Dio felt he had to do. Nothing wrong with that. Just with the baby that felt the need to make him do it.
God forbid we talk about anything besides chicks yanking on each others nipples and go off posts !?!?!? I guess some people don't want to hear what others feel or think at one time or another. And we wonder why people don't change their minds or views?
Maybe they would if the subject could be talked about .

The rest of the babble below is just that.
I think Dio knows we all think he's good people and wouldn't come here if we thought different. With whats going on in England and the world and England loving our pres so much I just had to add to it . I love the Brits and its their country not ours . As long as its only tomadoes thrown no harm done while GW is over there.

I don't know how you can wake up so damn early ? I usually head to bed by that time!


Posted By: alfsonsothefan

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 531
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Hey killer,
Just a few words before I go.
Couldn't agree with you more that some ought to develope "thicker skin", but hey, as you say, it isn't our mb and - in truth - I was awaiting the singular person who would rise up in anger over my use of the word "queer." Thing is, that word is used by homosexuals themselves. Now, before anyone says "yeah, but blacks use the N-word & whites aren't supposed to..." why yes, they do and while I don't really approve of either of the words, I believe the difference is subtle but important: Blacks have historically been deprived of property rights and their human dignity. No one should be allowed to take either from anyone; but the hypocracy of the radical "gay movement" says that they - like blacks - have the same rights via the same civil rights movement (or extension of same) because of some perceived constant "gay bashing!". Balderdash! I was there to condemn those who "gay bashed." I agreed that gays have all the constitutional rights as the rest of us. But for us, on a silly board, to set up some kind of "protection" ...some special moat through which we cannot cross...that, to me, is wrong.
As to someone else: Funny, how when I was constantly attacked by "J" as being a "faggot" and so forth, why "H" never spoke up. "H" did, however, wonder why I would attack back at "J" -- while I was never really that big a flamer of "J" -- Now "H" is also crying, saying that he never wants to meet me.
Yeah, like I'd wanna hang out with him. hehehe...


Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 466
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Sleep is overated, JSK. Though the couch is looking pretty good right now.

Reading the other thread, I seriously doubt that Steve wrote a letter to the mod. I read it as sarcasm on his part, and have a hard time beleiving that is why it's no longer here.

Now, can we all lighten up and try and get along?? Probably not! And would probably be boring.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 464
RE: Present and accounted for, Sgt Fonz

Yeah Fonz ,

Maybe it was Dio that had it with us and assumed the name , but I doubt it . Sure its Dio's board , but it would be nothing without his supporters . I didn't think the posts were all that bad so I just went along with it like anything else written. So the harmful intent wasn't there from us just from the new gaaa ... guy .

Who ever this clown was that caused the censor should do the same everywhere ... like Barb's board . Even she wouldn't have pulled it ofcourse now she might , but its a different board all together from what it was and what this is/was.

I find it funny the same person uses the same insult to me "you ran off like a baby"
Who hasn't and who doesn't get upset ? He sure did . He's the baby.
Which also leads me to believe this is the same person that used the same post to me just a few months back. With another name of course.

They are nice to you until you do or say something they don't like . Then they make up a name and use that one to really insult.

I don't recall anyone saying they'd punch out anyone who likes the same sex. And in reality I've backed up many of my gay friends in the past and would do so at the drop of the hat now. I'm secure with gay people and consider them people just like everyone else which is why I won't discard them from being the topic of conversation (good or bad)

I'm the type of guy who'll tell it to your face what I think about you. If your black and call me a "cracker" I'll call you something , punch you in the face or walk a way. I won't keep it inside , but I wouldn't bash someone for no reason.
I make fun of my gay friends just as much as my straight ones. Ofcourse I'm sure we can all say the same thing , but it being a board and only words you'll never see this and always come to your own conclusion from the first sentence written .

In regards to Jab's . I saw the two of you going down hill more and more. He started it and continues to . Although he rarly if ever bashed me (with that name) he did to a lot of others. Just one of his posts out of the many was nowhere near as offensive as the few written here and then deleted .

What happened here is no different than the loser that shut down Barb's board and blamed it on others. When infact its those types of people that has the problem and mades it that way for others .


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 450
The pic's a winner, JSK (hope it shows OK !!!)....

That newspaper pic (with Jacko on it) is a winner, JSK. I copied & pasted it in my Browser separately and it came through great.

[If you're still not gettin' it, just go to the second page of replies of the thread immediately above this thread (the one I started), to read some reasons why it might not be showin' up as it should. At any rate, I did see it, and it's damn funny.)


