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Post InfoTOPIC: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....
Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 647
Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

...there, or what ? ? ?

What happened to my thread that I just began a day ago about those asinine Massachusetts judges supporting homo "marriage", WITH ALL THE OTHER REPLIES, INCLUDING MY OWN ? ? ?

Dio says what you post is up to you, and Leege here keeps on sayin' about the only rules around here are there are no rules..............

Don't you people believe in the First Amendment, or what ? ? ?

So much for Constitutional freedoms in 'Murkinville or elsewhere.

(If there's an error in the operation of this MB, or if the thread I started was inadvertently dropped off, I apologize; otherwise, don't anybody ever lecture me again on free speech, for Christ's sake.)


Posted By: steve

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 631
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

I believe in the First Amendment. I also believe that idiots like you, who have no clue about what's going on, other then outside of the back window of the house, need to get a reality check every once in ahile. I found your post offensive, and lacking any real intelligence. My wifes' brother is gay, and I love him, well, like a brother. You can spew your garbage all you want on message boards. But when you do, expect the consequences. Your post was written like a true homophobic. Why should you care what goes on in anyones house other then your own? And for that matter, why should anyone here care about what you think is morally right or wrong? Geesh, lighten up; you sound like Archie Bunker!

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 629
And, BTW, whoever you are, at least have..........

...the decency to reveal yourself openly on this MB and tell me (or, us) what your problem is, unless it's beyond your intellectual abilities to do so.

There was nothing so abrasive in that thread that should have ****ed you off, and a LOT of other people gave some very good replies, which I answered, as best as I could.

You (whoever you are) disagree ? ? ?


I'll listen, and respond without haggling you about it, provided you don't continue to hide behind the keyboard of your PC like a script kiddie who lost his latest copy of "2600, The Hacker's Quarterly" and feels he's been stepped on.

"Those who can't face the music shouldn't act like they can strike down the band."

Posted By: steve

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 623
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

I'm going to nip this in the bud for a couple of reasons.

First of all, I am not sure I understand what you want me to do as far as identifying myself? Reveal myself? Well, reveal yourself. I've been a frequent visitor and poster to Barbs board for over three years now. So what? Do you want my e mail address. My picture? My phone number?

Secondly, I have said what I wanted to say. I am, by no means, into flaming, name calling, and long message board threads. You are. Not interrested in playing that game, especially with you. I have nothing in common with you, and to be honest, wouldn't hang out with somebody as close minded as you in the real world. Hey, nothing personal, I just think you are not my kind of people. Good luck.

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 620
Fair enough there, Steve...............

Look, apparently you completely missed some of my major points.

You say your brother-in-law is homosexual (BTW, I'm going to use that term, rather than "gay", as a personal preference, since the homosexual community has, by virtue of its organized campaign for equal civil rights, brought a new definition to the word "gay" that has changed it from its original meaning. The term "homosexual" is, and always has been, unambiguous from the beginning, so that's the one I'll continue to use.)

I wholeheartedly agree with you that, by virtue of him BEING a brother-in-law to you, that showing him the family respect and affection as a member of the family is what you SHOULD do. That's what I would do also. His sexual identity has NOTHING to do with his ROLE as your brother-in-law, or as ANY OTHER possible family relation to you (father, brother, son, etc.) It's his BEHAVIOR that needs to be judged, as it is with anybody--heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or whatever, IMHO.

Like I said in a reply in that thread, you're completely confusing (like so many other people), homoPHOBIA with homo-VALUE rejection. Hetero's like myself don't condemn homosexual people for the sake of BEING homosexual--there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of someone's homosexual identity, orientation, etc. It's the behavior that we condemn and reject, just as like-minded people like myself would condemn a whole host of behaviors (e.g., prostitution, group "marriage", bestiality, adult incest, etc.). So forget about this crap about how you think all of us hetero's think that the homo's are a threat to opposite-sex marriage, e.g., because right-minded hetero's like myself already know that homosexual, bisexual, or other non-heterosexual people AREN'T a threat, and there's nothing to be afraid of. It's the other, truly homophobic hetero's who are "afraid" of the homosexual's motives. You understand that ? ? ?

As for my bringing it up on this Board, I did it because it's in the news, big-time, like a whole host of OTHER issues, many of which are posted on here regularly, and I felt like making a statement, like anybody else that pays attention to current events and wants to post. You got that ? ? ?

If you would have read my reply to Marty (did you ? ? ?) e.g., who was responding with good points very similar to what you're saying, you would've known what I said. As I told him, I believe very much in privacy to a very large extent, so don't believe I'm acting like a one-man moral crusader thinking your own bedroom is fair game for the cops to poke their nose into. That's NOT what I answered, so don't give me any Archie Bunker B.S. about being a damn bigot.

All of this completely misses the issue.

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 614
Steve, when I was referring to the individual.....

...who wiped the thread that I began, no, I wasn't referring to you (I think you may have been a bit confused here due to the chronological order of the posts, since they can only be posted in successive order of submission, rather than by direct "link" with the post that they're supposed to be in reply to).

I don't need you to reveal yourself (LOL, but not being sarcastic), your e-mail address, picture, or phone number !...No, no..I'm referring to the heterophobe who took it upon him or herself to wipe the thread that I started, that's all.

I was only asking if that individual had the decency to post an explanatory reason why he/she was acting like an MB censor, when I at least had the decency to take the time and carefully explain my views to all who responded, that's all...nothing more, nothing less.

Hopefully, that clears that up.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 19, 2003
Views: 615
RE: Please call them queer not gay !

Waaaaaaaahhhh ...
Stevie my bro in law is gay too . I have many friends who are and a relative that is. Aside from that normally when I visit friends for the holidays (which is coming up) their gay brothers and sisters are there.
So I'm surrounded by both pickle smoochers and Pats with breasts.
I'll still poke fun of them . You think they don't do it to us ? Sure T's posts may have sounded offensive , but its just as less "offensive" when people use the back up of MY BROTHERS GAY so stop talking about them !!!
I'm American. Where are you when Leege picks on me and the other American's ?

Are you the reason that Dio had to delete the messages ? Because you were offended ?
God I hope not . If so I'd hate to have you around if your going to complain from the start.
Pleanty else has sounded more offensive on this and other boards and the craps still on them .
Anyways ...
Welcome to this board .
The bored of Free-dumb-


Posted By: Grants Bro

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 595
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

whatever, tongue tangled. you wake up in the morning and people are offended. put yourself in our postition. we have to deal with you on this board. you are kind of like that retarded relative at thanksgiving. or that "homo" aunt or uncle. by the way, aren't you single? are your relatives beginning to wonder about you sexually? when is our tang going to find a woman? a big damn, well, hell they should be by golly! but i'm sure the women really love you a dam hell of a lot, tangled one. because you damn well tell it like it is, and thats a big for dam sure...LOLOLOL :):):):):):):):):):)


That was one dam good one!

:) :) :) :) :)


Posted By: steve

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 582
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

Yes, JSK, I wrote Dio a long letter asking him to delete the stupid post that Tangler wrote about.."If I were a judge" and he did. Thank God, because I was offended, and the owner of this website didn't want to see me upset.

Are you that stupid, really? Or do you just act like an idiot on message boards? And didn't you have a "sissy" fit awhile back, when someone gave you a hard time, and stated you weren't ever coming back? Yes, I remember, you cried and whined and said you were taking your bong, and going away. What happened? Did everyone beg you to come back? I doubt it!

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 575
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

Yah, my cousin is gay too. And he's one of the most intelligent, kind and decent guys I know.

In fact, more guys should be like my cousin.

"Whatever turns your crank"

(Tang is a big fan of boring cliche' platitudes. I guess he thinks this one only applies to straights?)

Tang means well, like many Americans he's just ignorance and miseducated.

Posted By: Wiseguyly69

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 563
Might as well come out of the closet

one of my 7 brothers-in-law is supposedly gay (my wife has 7 bros and he's the youngest at 16). I personally think he's too young to be classified either way, but he does seem to spend a lot of time with a young black kid who's got a kind of 'pretty boy' look. Whatever, I can't be bothered worrying about who's having sex with whom. Once you get married, you only worry about yourself. I'm still reeling from getting denied Sunday night, but as wifey pointed out, she had to shower and the Patriots game was about to begin. So, I just checked out the last fight on L Scott Sales hellfire tape. Everything jerked, I mean worked out fine.

Steve are you the guy that ran the Sheri Whitlow site and are from somewhere in the South West?

As far as Dio deleting a thread, I'm surprised he did not post a followup saying so. I remember during the Francois wars he had to delete a JSK picture. As much as there are no rules here, maybe a certain rule was broken with Tangled's harsh tone. I can't believe Dionysus would delete something he didn't like. Unfortunately, we'll just have to wait for our lord's posting. It could be a while, as he's sneaking around the palace right now waiting for the right moment to strike. Meanwhile he uses his trusty manservant Geordie 'Humble Pie' George to keep him informed of the comings and goings at DIHQ. Let's blame GG for deleting the post, that works for me.

Toodle Pippie lOngStockIng


Posted By: alfosothefan

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 561
RE: Hey there ! ! !...Did I offend some homo's out....

Yeah, I had a good friend in little league who I grew up with; good looking Irish kid with blue eyes kinda like Ray Liotta's. He was going out with a nice little hot number from Kain Tuckey and boy, I thought they'd be married & all.
Anyway, about 1969, when I was overseas, he up and killed himself in Heinz Park. Turns out he had tremendous "guilt feelings" because of his homosexuality (which I never knew about). Really tragic.
Anyway, Mike is in my heart & mind with my main bub from basic, now on the 'Wall'.
Kinda think we ought to treat each other better. I don't know...hell, Mike never flaunted his homosexuality and in truth, I didn't care. He never bothered me. Anyway, he was a good guy and - while I think some of the overt exhibitionism of some gays to be Bourgeois and sickening - these folks are no different than any of us sickos. Thats fersure!


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 557
So it WAS you, Steve...........

Since you did come forward and reveal that it was you who came forward to Dio and asked him to wipe the thread I began, I at least want to publicly commend you for having the decency to say so out in the open. That says a lot about your character and your willingness to "face the music", no matter how or what you feel.

I want to say that if you were offended by what I said (which you were), then you were offended. Hell, there's a lot of stuff that's been posted on both Dio's AND Barb's MB that offends me and a lot of other people as well (happens all the time), but I ALWAYS draw the line at focusing on THE ISSUE, not any personal attack or invective against any one in particular or any group. (The lone exception is that moronic jackass Ulysses S. Grant back on Barb's MB--but that's because he IS a moronic jackass since all he does IS attack me personally for his own warped sense of pleasure, and never contributes anything meaningful. His sole contribution is throwing his bullschit at me for personal reasons, and I then kick his balls up his lame ass in return. Some people are just hopeless, and he's one of 'em.) So here's hoping you've ALREADY read my above counter-replies to your earlier replies in this thread; if not, READ 'em and you'll see what I mean. I stand by everything I said in that deleted thread, and if you didn't understand my views then or now, there's nothing more I can do about it. I, in turn, have read and, although I disagree with what you've concluded about me, nonetheless understand what you've said.

I want to say that although JSK is always capable of speaking for himself, I tell ya' on his behalf he's sure as hell not stupid. HE was the one who had the intuition to ask you if YOU happened to be the one who was offended by that thread. That's not being stupid, that's what you call being deductive. Forget about any B.S. about JSK throwing "sissy fits" and acting like a whining crybaby and saying he won't come back. Man, you REALLY need to lighten up and come down off your emotional roller-coaster there, Steve. JSK isn't beating on you like the head of drum; don't get the wrong "vibes".


Posted By: wiseguyly69

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 553
Ummm, Tangla'

I think Steve was being a tad bit sarcastic in his reply. Maybe not, could be one of those cases where when someone reads something it doesn't mean the same as when somone hears something. Perhaps Steve will clear it up.

Burn out the day, burn out the nig (oops wrong MB)

Yours in whatever,


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 20, 2003
Views: 544
RE: Steve, Joe, Bill whoever U wanna call yourself

You are a total wuss. When I ran off "cryin" it was due to having enough of all the anti American hatred not because I just didn't like one post. And when I wrote it I was drunk off my arse , but seeing I said it I went by it for quite a while.
I didn't go crying to the owner and tell him to take it off like you did you little heal.
This was after many weeks of insults , not just one post.

So theres a big difference between what you did and what i did .
Sure what T wrote was offensive , but you get that on every board. Do you try and shut down boards or stop posts whenever you find something you don't like ?
You must be a busy man if you do.

And it would be another thing if you were a regular here , but your not . We've only heard from you once and its due to a complaint.
You didn't even consider trying to make a point through a post before doing what you did. If T's so easy to bash why not do it and then resort to your cencorship ?
Thats what boards are about no matter what they refer to. Then you make other judgements. Its not that I wouldn't blame someone who has gay family members or friends to write Dio & as you say its only T-100 who posted the insane babble.
The same babble that got to you . He won even if you think he's a loser .

I know your insults to me is due to what I said in reply to you and don't worry you'll get nothing else from me. Your not worth it and if you are I could careless now.

Give U'r brother in law a kiss for me.
I'll be sure to do the same to mine.
I will say good bye because I'm afraid if I don't you might get offended.


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