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Posted By: alfosothefan

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 317
Setting the Record Straight

As I watch and listen to Lurch running for Prez, something has occured to me:
This guys a liar.
No, not just any runofthemill type liar; a top gun lying som-bitch who is starting to make Clinton and Nixon look like Georgie Washington by comparison.
George Will has an excellent article on his duplicity, so look it up. In the meantime, allow me to say that in my near 11 months in Vietnam I never -- I mean EVER -- saw soldiers raping women, the killing of children nor the "burning of villages".
Did it ever happen? Could be. If Kerry saw it, perhaps Lurch should have been court marshalled for not reporting it.
Anyway, I am sick and tired of liars prospering and stupid people believing them. So, smarten up, differentiate between crucial differences and know that if a pol says something...ah...chances are pretty good they're lying.
I know being a gigalo has brought Lurch added kudos here; beware! This guys carrying more baggage than Imelda Marcos.
Don't like Bush? No problem. Just know that Lurch isn't the answer; then again, perhaps his wife can purchase Iraq before we have to blow it up again.

Oh, and Tangler! When leege says killer and I and WG wanted to "censure" you? See above^^^^& think L-man = Lurch...



Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 314

Which one's 'lurch'? I'm unsure which candidate you're referring to? Unless Lurch from the Addams Family is running. That would be cool!



Posted By: Jeordie Jeorje

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 309
"What kinda S**thole planet is this, anyway?"...

.....In an unrelated, yet related way, I myself too have been getting sick of the stupids & I went & took myself over to Barb`s board to annoy as many people as I could & get myself banned from at least one yahoo group (remember the good old days of constant verbal punch-ups between Leege, Sketch, and,....well, everyone, over at Barb`s? -let`s see if we can`t bring it back.) Mebbees I`ve been watching that Sex Pistols documentary film "The Filth and the Fury" once too often, but every bloody thing seems like fair game these days. - So, what d`you say, lads, let`s storm the gates of the winter palace of stupidity & complacency!! Kick over the apple carts of acceptable behaviour and drink the hot, sweet, earl Gray tea ( 2 sugars, please, luv.) -of freedom!!!!! We can do this thing, because we`re British! (partly) Well?... are you with me lads?........lads?,..........hello?.......(oh, s**t.)


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 303
The problem with our lovely democracy

The problem is that we have no choice. What kind of a democracy is it where it's already down to Bush and Kerry? And now we have the fun task of picking the lesser of two evils when both are basically cut from the same clothe and we all know it. Both are lying, career politicians who are up to their eyeballs in special interests...two sides of a conterfeit coin. Of course, in an ideal democracy we should have a whole array of candidates to choose from. But with America's ever shrinking attention span, I guess two is about all we can handle anyway. No way in hell I'm voting for Bush...sadly, Kerry doesn't really look a whole lot better. Worse still, Kerry's got nowhere to go but down, especially as the two start bitch slapping the fire out of each other.

Hell, maybe a grudge match is the answer. Have Vinnie Mac organize the thing and then have Bush and Kerry battle it out at the Silverdome or something. They could have a side card with Rumsfeld taking on Saddam.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 292
RE: Setting the Record Straight

Lurch: I assume he's talking about John Kerry. The guy is homely and kinda does resemble Lurch on the old Addams family show.

As I understand it, as it came out after the war burning villages was standard policy in Vietnam so just because you never saw it happen in your rear-guard capacity as 1st Class potato peeler doesn't mean it never happened.

Barbs bored - not interested. She deletes everything even slightly contentious anyway so why bother?

Bush/Hitler '04

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 284
RE: Setting the Record Straight

Setting the record straight for Cousin It in Canada:
I wasn't in a "rear area" (about the only rear areas there might have been Camn Rah Bay, I don't know...), Hue, Danang, Chu Lai, Tam Ke and several Landing Zones; I was in the Americal Division, 196th Light Infantry Brigade. The reason I didn't stay the alloted 12 months was because I was badly wounded during a North Vietnamese Invasion in 1969. I only got ONE purple Heart, though my injuries are far more than Lurch's.
btw, the Americal was the 23rd Division, signified by white stars on a blue background. Gen. Colin Powell was a Lt. Col. then and a good man -- if aloof. He retired with those colors.
2nd btw, I woulda gladly peeled taters instead of being shot at.
Unlike Kerry, in public I won't & don't talk about my experiences; indeed, any guilt trips he finds himself on are strictly self-imposed.
Got it?
Good. Now, shuddup...


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 273
RE: Setting the Record Straight

Don't worry ATF Lurch isn't getting my vote and never has in the past . Everyone saw through him while he ran our taxes to some of the highest of any state in the USA , but there was nothing anyone could seem to do .
Now because its cool to hate your leader people are forgetting about all that and blindly thinking about voting for this clown ? Sometimes you gotta suck it up folks .

Although the US has been through quite a lot in the past few years I'm not blaming the pres for all of it . Much of the laws and rules of reform get pushed a way by congress.

And , in regards to homeland security and what not I also think that people are forgetting that it hasn't even been 5 years since the nation was in fear from it saying something needed to be done . Terrorism is still a big thing . While figuring out how to deal with things it'll cost more . Trial and error . I'm not saying Saddam had a hand in it , but I'm not excluding the man or the country . I don't applaud war , but I'm all for it if needed . I still stand by my pres for his decision and I've talked to many people who came back from Iraq saying the same thing . Its now a new land over there .

Back to Johny boy -
Kerry is one who has gone against some of the things GW tried to have pass that would have been good for our country. Not only that he's gone against other things & other presidents bills that they wanted to pass in order to change things . He has a record of doing this for no apparent reason besides the fact that he is a YES man .

Kerry fought his way to stay in anyway he saw fit for an unsuspecting 20 long years. Wait til that all comes out . Wait til his record of 20 years of getting paid well and doing nothing comes out . Thats all GW Bush is waiting for . Once he puts his gloves in the ring and then launch that blow Kerry will crumble.

Why others can't see that the man has a failing record or some how forget this I just don't know . He's done absolutley nothing while he's been sen. here in Mass. No real achievements besides getting re-elected by the same people he'll now turn his back on. 20 years people ! You may not know because your state isn't mine !

Its kinda like the WWE because I remember a time when Kerry and Kennedy didn't have much to say to one another and when they did they tore each other apart . Now Kerry buys him a few drinks and he's on his side .

Like Sen Teddy . I've never voted for him even when his name was the only one on the list/ballot . I've putten the name Michael Myers in there. No , not the actor ... the insane killer from the movie halloween .
Its true because I was just sick of the idiots I saw on the ballot .

He might be a good guy but so am I !?!? Would anyone vote for me ? I think the man's a "Gorram" liar and somethings just wrong about him . Already he's looking past the others and am glad Edwards made it a point to tell him that it isn't over yet . Thats just insulting what he did and how he spoke a couple nights back. I also won't forget how he talked about the leader of the country . As a "powerful " figure in congress you just don't do that ! For those who forgot he called the pres " an asshole" or something ?

That might fly here @ DIHQ, but not if your running for pres. Is that the type of idiot you want in office ?

House aid-"Mr president the leader of France is on the phone"
Pres Kerry -" Tell him to go **** off ! "

I like the nick name Lurch . Although he looks to me more like one of those weird looking claymation dudes from the X-mas specials , but Lurch will do just fine .
Maybe I'd write that name in but won't in fear they'd know who I'm writting about and give him my vote !

Bush has taken a lot of critisism , but noone else can do any better . People are looking for a change . Doesn't mean it needs to be any of the 3 stooges Kerry, Dean or Edwards . Although Edwards would stand a better chance getting my vote if he stays in it . Doubt that will happen . The country is too far on the welcome/forgetful wagon with Kerry. Our president now can make a change and I think he will . Those who don't agree with me fine don't , but I have the right to think and feel the way I do . Doesn't mean I'll vote for GW in Novemeber , but I'm sure as hell not for Kerry .... or Kelly -how ever Harry calls em : )

BTW ... Kerry NEVER mentioned he was an ex vietnam vet while in office over here. Mainly because he turned against it soon after getting out . He was the potato pealer not you FOnz.Unlike some jerk offs my family has always made it a point to back up the vets especially from the Vietnam war . Ofcourse now its standard to act that way , but you know who those people are I'm sure .
Kerry was not one of them . Now he's thinking he'll get support from X vets ?
Yeah right . I don't even thinks the Gooks like him .

And like you , I've talked to many vietnam vets who were in the war for many years .
All of which never mentioned anything about killing any kids, lighting huts on fire or raping anyone that wasn't willing. It just makes good for Hollywood movies . Sure , it happened , but not as overplayed as they say it was .

And -again- I like how you caught on about how if Kerry knew about this why in hell didn't he speak about it ? Is it because the matches were in his hands ?

So rest assured Fonz , the only thing Kerry will get from me is the same thing he's always gotten .


U'r pal-

Posted By: Zip the Tiny Wonder

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 265
Lurch was a good man

But I will admit that my favorite was Uncle Fester..the way he made that light bulb glow in his mouth. How the hell did he do that?? How that sonofabith made me laugh!!

LURCH/FESTER 2004!! How's that?? Take that Dio/Rough and Bush/Hitler! HA...ha ha!

To me, Mr. Kerry looks more like Andrew Jackson. I swear to God! Pull out a twenty, right now...if he's not the spitting image of "Old Hickory", I'll eat the goddamn twenty! Jackson is a little sexier with his wavy hair and devil may care grin..but still THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY! Perhaps Kerry is reincarnated (although I don't believe in such ballyhoo).

We speak of the "political game" and the scumbag politicians and their lies and whatnot...God, IT SICKENS ME! All the politicians can TAKE ONE BIG FLYING LEAP, because not ONE has ever given diddley squat about us dwarves..the true minority in America! Lincoln met Tom Thumb once..that's about it...AND THEY SHOT HIM FOR IT!! All they would have to do is look down (but once) and they would see us there..staring up at them with our middle fingers extended! Hell, I'm a Romanian dwarf, for Christ's sake, so I am a minority! Trust me, I've been in the back of many a bus (and nearly been run over by a few). NO President has ever had a dwarf on his cabinet...NOT ONE!

You know who would have made a GOOD (or GREAT) President. Mr. Moe Howard (you know, the Stooge). Don't laugh...think about it, because I have MANY times! If Ron Reagan could have gone from film work to the White House, I bet you Moe could have too! Moe was gifted and talented...he invented the pie in the face (ask my friend Soupy). Moe was a clever writer who wrote many of the Stooge's shorts. Moe was "ethnic"...he was a Jew! He was a leader...HE WAS HEAD STOOGE...No one has ever doubted that! Could be very tough and demanding when he had to be, as that onscreen abuse was VERY REAL. But he could be a truly loving nuturer, as well...rememeber when he would kiss Curly after nailing him with a mallet? Moe was a natural diplomat and worked well with others...remember all those lame ass "Curly replacements"? Moe handled the third Stooge transitions with DIGNITY and GRACE! Moe would take no bull from anyone and get the job done! Also, I don't think he would have fooled around any (like many of the other over sexed horndogs we've elected). It is TOO BAD Moe is no longer with us....you know, they just don't make men like that anymore! He would have made a WONDERFUL President I think!


Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 218
Barb's 411 message board

In response to Geordie George's suggestion, I have just posted 5 new messages on Barb's 411 board for your perusal.



