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Post InfoTOPIC: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)
Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 505
USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

JJ I noticed you guys just LOVE the Sex Pistols over in U'r land . Heck , I do too , but don't forget who were the REAL punkers.
THE RAMONES !!! They started it and could play their instroments .

I will also add that if it wasn't for America allowing them into our country to play they would not be anything they are today and even less of stars in your country as they are today .

Ofcourse you embraced one of the biggest and most talented artists of all times "Jimi Hendrix" and brought him over here . Even though he was from here ?
Thank you .

God save the queen huh ?

Maybe thats why we all liked the tune so much ? Because it wasn't allowed in u'r country when it was made ?

Also, you didn't allow "A clockwork orange" to be played in your theaters for over 15 years or something like that ? Why not ?

Its an outstanding movie and pure enjoyment the whole family would love .
Sure, much of it Ultra violent and such , but those who were appauled missed the whole meaning behind it .

Tis , tis .
I dunno , just thought of this and am listening to some Sex Pistols right now .

Nakid chick wrasslin is cool .

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 499
RE: RE: RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

No competition, most of the Gods of Rock are British. Hendrix was nothing until he came to England.

What Are You So Afraid Of?
Sex? Gays? Terrorists? God? In BushCo's fear-drunk world, only one question really matters

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Friday, February 13, 2004

Oh my God but we are one terrified nation.

Fear is in. Fear is the new black. Spritz it on your face and neck, walk around the world all quivering and tremulous, waiting to be crushed by some dark massive throbbing wall of evil at any moment.

Fear is everywhere. Classrooms, water coolers, truck commercials. Fear is our government's raison d'etre, the calling card of the GOP. It will be the prime motivator in this year's presidential election, as Karl Rove will command that Dubya beat the drum of fear loud and hard and nonstop, smirking all the way.

Fear of terrorists fear of gay marriage fear of women and foreigners and the poor and environmentalists and progressives and Janet Jackson and hippies and commies and gul-dang liberals who want to take away your guns and make you think for yourself. We cannot have that.

Vote for us, the GOP will scream, and we will make sure to slaughter all those evil hippie demons, all while keeping your fear at a fever pitch via a never-ending parade of freshly minted evils that threaten your numbed McDonald's-gorged diabetic asthmatic children who can't breathe due to all the air-quality laws we've gouged. Shhh.

Fear has served the GOP beautifully. It won them the election and let them launch two full-blown wars and has pumped billions into the coffers of crony corporations and there is no reason to stop now.

Fear is bombing Afghanistan, right now. Fear is why we are decimating Iraq. A massive murderous budget-busting U.N.-hating war on a nonthreatening nation would have been unspeakable and intolerable had the GOP not deliberately engaged in truly world-class fearmongering beforehand, all about leveraging the sadness of 9/11 and tying it to nonexistent WMDs and biotoxins and nukes and scary bearded foreigners who are all hell bent on slaughtering American babies with rusty machetes.

Basic truism of politics, worldwide: Get the populace scared enough, and you can get away with anything. Fear yanks away your basic civil liberties, your intuition, your sense of dignity and humane behavior.

Fear means not blinking an eye as you remove your belt and your shoes as you allow your carry-on to be dumped out and rifled through and your toddler to be groped and her teddy bear strip searched by some snickering security personnel.

Fear means barely wincing as the utterly draconian USA Patriot Act gets reamed through Congress, twice, giving the FBI and police appalling new powers to monitor your e-mail and your Web-site visits and credit card usage and telephone calls sans warning or warrant or even probable cause. Fear means no longer saying hey, just what the hell is wrong with you people?

Fear is a tactic. It is a calculated force, a strategic maneuver, a carefully constructed PR methodology. It is a poison in the air, a cancer in the national bloodstream, a media pastime and a cultural narcotic. And here's the biggest secret of all: Fear is a learned trait, a practiced habit. It is something you cling to and allow to fester. They are counting on it.

Fear is why we buy SUVs. Fear of horrible spine-mangling accidents, fear of smashing head-on into a Mack truck at 90 mph at any given moment, fear that just around the next corner is an enormous gorge full of anthrax and gangbangers and demonic vegans that we will have to traverse just so little Timmy can make it to therapy and Daddy can haul his load of dry cleaning back from the office.

Never mind that SUVs have hideous road manners and are, in fact, far more deadly than smaller cars and suffer far more accidents than smaller cars, which are much better at avoiding accidents in the first place. Fear scoffs at this. Fear knows it's all about convincing you that horrible accidents and ungodly pain are inevitable, even if they're not. After all, fear drives a Hummer.

And logic? Poor ol' logic breaks down in the face of fear. Fear has no patience for common sense and spits at it and smashes it with a baseball bat and treats it like Dick Cheney treats a fat, docile pheasant.

Fear is why we love our guns. Fear is why we love our huge knobby tires and Super-sized fries and ultraviolent sports, making us feel all manly and corpulent and invincible. Fear is why we pummel the weak, hate the different, cling to uptight religious doctrine that we know, deep down, is sapping our soul and crushing our independent thought and numbing our sexual potency.

Try this test. Ask your neighborhood neoconservative homophobe just what, exactly, would happen if, say, gay marriage were to be legalized nationwide.

Ask them what would change. Ask them to be very specific. How would their lives be threatened? How would society crumble, exactly? Riots? Locusts? What is the danger in allowing love to flourish in all its variants and be enthusiastically supported by the state? Be as clear as possible. What, really, is so terrifying?

Fear, it just is. It nibbles away at our souls like a tapeworm. It is our own personal kryptonite.

It does not matter. For most of us, letting go and dissolving tight, harmful definitions of self and forsaking, say, an angry sneering homophobic God in favor of cultivating a messy raw juicy delicious wet incredibly difficult sense of personal responsibility and open-mouthed divinity is far too much to ask. We are terrified to even try. The church is counting on it.

We do know one thing: Change freaks us out. It is an upheaval of what was, the known, the stable, the safe. Change -- social, sexual, political -- is confusing and troubling and forces us to question our own inhibitions and moral shortcomings and deep inborn prejudices and who the hell wants to do that? No one, that's who.

Fear means never having to dig very deep, never having to ask serious questions of the self. There, there now. Don't bother thinking for yourself. Let the priests and the government CEOs and the war hawks make it all better. Boom boom crush snicker.

There are, of course, plenty of ways to defeat fear. You hear little about them because they aren't nearly as sexy or dire for media and politicians. After all, fear sells copy, moves product, draws ratings, gets votes. Defeating fear is for New Agers and peaceniks and pot smokers. Right? Whatever.

This is all you have to do to defeat fear: You don't. That is to say, you actually do the opposite, which is to promote the positive, educate yourself, drop your tired notions of how it's all supposed to work and pump out what the ancients knew to be a radiant kind of raw ego-free love. What, too fluffy? Tough.

Because only by making your world, your body, your perspective truly "in love" does anything actually change. It ain't pink hearts and fluffy bunnies and Hallmark swill. It's the most difficult and often most painful and life-altering thing you can do. It means forgoing the safe, questioning your deepest belief, peeling back the self in ways you can't even imagine until you get there and you say, oh my freaking God this is a pain in the karmic ass.

But once you tap into something divine and deeply personal and free of the spewings of the hate-filled homophobic Right and the whiny politically correct Left, only then can you use this energy to battle the demons of ignorance and fearmongering on every front, every day. Because, simply put, the more you know yourself, the less you fear. It is the only way. And you can start immediately.

After all, what are you so afraid of?

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 494
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Well thank you Leege for repeating what I said about hendrix ?
Actually Jimi was only a month or two a way from being picked up by American producers , but instead the Brits who were at one of his shows simply couldn't resist waiting for him . He blew away Clapton who to me isn't a good or a GOD like everyone says he was or still is ? They all knew this and thats why they wanted him so badly . He had the new sound they wanted . Jimi's sounds are still just as important today and just as ripped off as any other artist around .

Yes, the brits are quite good . You got Led Zeppelin even .Although much of their stuff is BLUES created by American's and many of their riff's and chord progressions are stolen from other sources and later redone by them .

Hey it still takes talent to re-create something in u'r own way and they did that quite well .They were a huge influence on me and still are . My parents had all their albums and it was great to grow up listening to Zeppelin than Ingelburt Humperdink like some of my poor friends had to .

Ofcourse the Beatles are just another top name that us American's just can't live without .... black sabbath etc .

What I was getting at was much of these bands were not accepted by their own . Not in the Hendrix type way either ... just that until they hit America even the Brits didn't know how good they were and were repressed by their country .

The rest of your babble I did not read .
I would have rathered gotten general writtings from you not some clown who gets paid to do so !

You furry little bastard you !

Geeeesus , try and get just a little babble in a good way other than that of war and idiots from lands that are afraid to fight just come running out of the woodwork .


Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 479
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppplin, blah blah blah.

The U.S. has Buck Owens and Merle Haggard. Nuff said.

Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 476
The master

Why hasn't anyone mentioned Barry Manilow yet?

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 474
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Good grief. I'm going to start charging you numbskulls for my advice and opinion.

But anyway, what the Brits did with rock was totally original never been done before. It most certainly was not blues, although that is what the early rock evolved from. Everything evolves from something. Everything stands on the shoulders of what came before it. Are you saying blues started everything all by itself? Where did blues come from? Beatles were stealing chord progressions from Mozart. What a ripoff!

I fail to see your point other than to draw attention to the fact that you make stupid statements.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 467
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Dio ... sorry man Barry and his big nose simply rules .

Bear all I can say is YEEEHAAAAW we got different tastes . Country today is 50's rock sped up and now they talk about chicks rather than just drinkin .

Leege . Lets face it you don't know **** about music . What I was saying is that Led Zeppelin was not only influenced by many , they also used riffs from others ... example - "stairway to heaven" wasn't even written by them . Well it was published by them , but the entire first part was done by an American dude who got nothing from it .

It all started from African bongo's I'm sure Leege . Ofcourse besides Brian Adams what the F would you dumb talentless Candian's know besides ..... ummmmmmm hockey ?

I don't think U even created that sport .

Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 462
America vs. Canada

Oh, I must thank you for the ever entertaining dialogue between America and Canada. It's always high entertainment for me to listen to. Our equivalent of that dialogue is England vs. France.. bloody French!

Blame Canada (it's a big download, but well worth it... take that you Forest Loons!)

If you'll excuse me from sounding a bit Hutch here... I think you're both right in different ways. England is quirky and produces a lot of originality in music, but then remember Elvis. He was utterly stunning and combined rhythm and blues with gospel music to create that unique modern rock sound that has influenced so much that has followed. As John Lennon once said: "Before Elvis there was nothing"... well there was Perry Como, but let's not be too pedantic with the dead insect singer.

But Fluffy is sort of correct in his statement about originality, there's nothing truly original in music. But then again, you could say that about most things. My own definition of what defines originality is as follows:

"A composite and unique creation of existing elements that unify to create something new."

You see, the thing about 'pop music', and I use that term to describe Elvis, Led Zeppelin, Duran Duran, The Sex Pistols, Slipknot, The Spice Girls etc, they all follow and are restricted to the basic formulation of (1) rhythm (2) bass (3) melody (4) vocals. It's the commercial format recipe of all pop music regardless of genre. You create a drum rhythm, add a base line, create a melody, and add the vocals. There is obviously large scope for diversity withing the pop formula, but they all have that in common with each other. They are all valid pop groups regardless of how many naivetes argue that Led Zepplin play 'real' rock music. Just ask the fans to define what they mean by 'real' with respect to avoiding the above stated 4 point pop formula and I'll gaurantee they'll squirm in a state of metaphysical nonesense. Being a musician and writing your own songs doesn't make you any more real a popstar than Ginger Spice. You're still playing pop music, just like Eminem, Korn, Snoop Dog, and any of the other popular music artists.

Also, what's this JSK about the Ramones inventing punk. Would it not be correct to state that Malcolm McLaren and Vivian Westwood created the look and attitude of punk which was then expressed via the music of the Sex Pistols?

Now last night on British TV we had what is called 'The Brit Awards', a kind of equivalent of your MTV Awards. Duran Duran got the award for 'Outstanding Contribution to Popular Music' award and did three songs on the show. Now I liked Duran Duran years ago, but I'd guess there's a few rockers out there who would not acknowledge their music as real music, even though they wrote their own songs, played live and are themselves musicians. But then afterwards a group that won many awards that night including best British Group was 'The Darkness'. Now all your 30-somethings and even (sadly) younger people love this band and see it as the return of 'real' music and the first real band since Led Zepplin. BOLLOCKS! I don't know if America is familiar with this group, but I must admit I can't watch them without thinking Spinal Tap. I'm in total agreement with the Oasis singer Noel Gallagher when he said thay are a comedy band. I just can't comprehend how a group of young lads would want to do a complete U-Turn and fail to define their own mileu of music by creating something original and 'of their time' as opposed to what they have done in regressing to a pastiche of what has already been done. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to COMEDY ROCK.

Cheerio then


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 452
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Very nicely written Dio and I must say THE MOST BIGGEST LINK I've ever seen ! (Not the weakest link .... which us American's also stole)

My post was made not to offend ... not to do anything really just to see what people thought . Sure all our posts are on topic :)
I know for a lot of us music is important and wanted to see where people stood with it.
If I simply posted "I like Led Zeppelin" would anyone have written anything back ?

In regards to the Sex Pistols and The Ramones ? Malcom although a musically gathering genious saw certain waves to ride on to be noticed .

He actually introduced BOW WOW WOW : )too.
And got the lead singer (a girl the age of 12) to be front person . Why and in that sort of sexual overtones ? Did we all miss something ? OR ... is he to blame for the years of "female's fronting a band" being so cool to do ?

Remember Blondie ? They were originally a punk band that played CBGB'S NY each and every week along with "The talking heads" and "The Ramones" which infact were around before the Sex Pistols actually made their first album .

Depends on who you talk to when you speak about who created punk . Ofcourse you wouldn't know punk already existed over here because much music wasn't allowed over in U'r land . The reason the Sex Pistols made such a stink over here and got punk almost "mainstream" is because it was a seemingly new brand of music . Not new to the Eastern coast which is why The Pistols started touring in Texas and other Southern parts of the United States . Plus, with the rise of the beatles and others from Britan American's just loved new things that came from there and it usually sold the band just because of where they were from .

Sure , noone is totally original 100% . I like it when the rappers today take a peice from older tunes and make it their own . Then they call themselves musical genious's.

Another funny thing is when kids today hear a tune thats redone and think the artist "Brittney , no doubt etc. " created it . For all they knew they thought they wrote these songs until they are told otherwise .

Gospel music and blues went hand in hand . All created by the blacks . Elvis was simply a man who loved that form of music . He was also a fan of others who were doing rock music far before him ... "Bill Halley and the comets" and even Buddy Holly . They were the pioneers for that style . Before that all the music was the very sad , 3 progression blues by people like Robert Johnson etc (another fav of Led Zeppelin)

Beebop . Speedy little dance numbers , but musically driven by the twingy guitars of that era brought us to where we are today.

You didn't have that in England in the 50's.
My question is what did you have ?

All I gotta say is during the decline of rock and decent music in the late 70's -when disco was king- punk did open ears and eyes and generated into people's minds that there's still other things . Punk actually got John Lennon to begin writting again .
Neil Young's the one who said "Punk music saved rock ". And it basically did . If not disco would have done more damage than it did.

Just look at what it did to the BEE GEE's !!!
Listen to any other album before Saturday night fevor . You'd know it was them because of the backgrounds they are known for , but not the type of korkie basslines that later in the 80's were more popular in porn background music .

Duran duran Dio ? I still like them , but ofcourse was a time when I was sick of them and wouldn't admit it . I like them , not the new stuff , but the older tunes .

Ok , I could go on and on and on ......


Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 444
HTML bounder

So, how do you stop that underlining at the end of a link you create in HTML. As usual I stole it from Fluffy, but he always puts the HTML link at the end of his messages, so there's no problem. I blame Canada, so what's the code? Come on.... I am paying your DIHQ wages Corporal ;)


Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 440
Accidentally "on topic"...........

...About the Ramones, I was "browsing" in the Forbidden Planet bookshop in the Toon the other day, and I remembered I wanted to read about their encounter with Phil Spector in that book.....you know,.....that one about the Ramones, and that?......well I was interested seeing as how the Spector murder case involves the actress Lana Clarkson. She was in "Black Scorpion- the (kack) series" Seems Phil was only interested in Joey, not the bruthers, and when they were left on their own by Phil & Joey, Dee Dee went wandering & encountered Phil Spector at the top of the stairs, armed with a gun which he "Field stripped & put back together in about two seconds", mistaking Dee Dee for a burglar(...easily done), and later when Johnny got sick of doing endless takes of his opening chord for "Rock & Roll High School" he stormed out. When Phil Spector complained he said "What are you going to do - shoot me?" He probably did`nt know how close he came to being tomorrow`s headline -and RIP Joey, the man who was born to sing "Surfin` Bird". My personal favourite Rock quote comes from when Led Zeppelin visited Elvis at Gracelands, and Led Zeppelin`s huge manager ( a lot of people thought he WAS Led Zeppelin,.....or SOME kind of Zeppelin...)- Peter Grant tried to occupy the same bit of the setee (...sofa?,...couch?) as Elvis`s father, giving rise to Peter`s legendary farewell to the King,... "Bye Elvis, sorry I sat on your dad."
.....and Johnny Rotten on "I`m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!" - DISCUSS!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 420
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Dio ....
Always end your links or whatever with -
< /B and then right after B/ /Band BA/B and then the ending tag B>

If not your links would be huge like we saw above. If it were a picture it would be something like the giant pics you may find in adults sites that say they'll direct you to a certain location but always bring you to the join area .


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 419
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Geezuz sorry bout that Dio ...

Like I said its hard to write a code on a coded system . Maybe I'll make a pic so I won't have to worry about it looking so confusing . Its a joke . Even I know it.
No spelling required .


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 418
RE: USA vs ENGLAND (in a good way)

Peter Grant was the biggest bully in the music business. Today he's fit the personality of that big dude from Death row records ... what the F is his name !?!!
The guy in and outta jail on a yearly basis?

Anyways remember the story about Zeppelin having thousands stolen from their PO BOX ?

Yeah right U'r manager had nothing to do with it !
Phil was actually one of the best producers around . The problem is its usually the loons that are that way .

Rik Rubin's another weirdo that everyone seems to want to use until they get in the studio and have to deal with him .

A good producer will always make you do it again and again and again . When your in a studio for 8-14 hours a day sometimes it slips from you and takes a lot . Besides back then it was a lot harder to "punch in" certain tracks like we have today . Instead you'd have to go through the whole song and the littlest slip up you'd be back doing it.

Damn , I thought I'd remember the rappers name by the end of this post ? Still no clue ! Any help ?


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 415
RE: html tags

Dio ,
Here ya go . Whenever using links on posts or to go to pictures this simple method is used. You forgot your ending tag ... the A wrapped by the tags .

Hopefully this helps and isn't as long winded as I was in Wiseguy's question .


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