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Post InfoTOPIC: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth
Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 305
LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

He sucks

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 293
RE: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

That's it? That's all you got? Were you drunk/stoned again when you conceived of this clever rejoinder?


Here you go:

Damn Hippie Liberal Trees
BushCo wants you to know: Caring about the environment is for pinko terrorist idiots

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

As if 600-year-old redwoods give a damn for your politics.

As if struggling salmon care a whit for the Catholic Church's sneering homophobic stance on gay marriage. Like Alaskan elk think your viewpoints on war are far too lopsided to hold sway in the national dialogue.

There are typical GOP evils and there are warmongering BushCo flying monkeys and there is Dick Cheney's pallid sneer as he slaughters a small mountain of birds for blood sport, and then there is perhaps the most vile and destructive notion the GOP has succeeded in foisting upon the numbed nation to date: that caring about Mother Nature makes you, yet again, a "goddamn hippie liberal."

This is what has happened: The GOP has succeeded, woefully, viciously, in demonizing nature. Right now, to love our unlogged forests or to wish air quality to be protected or to hope our leaders don't allow monster crony oil companies to jam their snarling proboscises into our country's nature preserves for a handful of crude is now to be thought of as a dreadlocked Greenpeace-Earth First!-tofu lover.

It's true. You cannot think solar power is cool without being labeled a hippie. You cannot want the U.S. Navy to knock it off with the goddamn high-powered sonar that damages whales without being cast as some sort of New Age freak. You cannot drive a Prius without being deemed some sort of nutball geek who probably feeds your kids only hemp seeds and homemade sproutburgers with a side of fresh mulch.

This is the other thing: Bush is the worst environmental president in the nation's history. Period. The proofs are irrefutable, and the list of his administration's sinister assaults on the pale blue dot we all call home is painful and tragic and punishable in the afterlife by seven billion years of listening to Lynne Cheney being scraped across a chalkboard.

No natural resource has been left unmolested: From forest management to air quality to water pollution to emissions standards to land management to industrial farming to reduced controls on heavy polluters to global warming to nuclear waste to our energy policy, BushCo has made atrociously efficient progress in decimating, in just three short years, 30 years of staunch environmental protections.

Dubya, by way of his industry cronies, has initiating more than 200 major rollbacks of America's most significant environmental laws. Hey, it's nothing new: As governor of Texas, Bush made his state No. 1 in thick smudgy black air and water pollution that makes babies gag and eyes water and cancer cells flourish. He had the ugliest enviro record of any governor in the state's history.

He has openly sodomized the Clean Air Act. He has given the green light to clear cutting the nation's largest old-growth forest, Alaska's stunning Tongass National Forest. He is allowing huge industrial polluters extensive new freedoms to pump toxins into rivers and lakes. He has scoffed at the Kyoto Treaty, even as the world's top scientists wave proof after proof of the reality of global warming in his face.

Here's a telling fact: During Dubya's State of the Union speech, the environment received not a single mention. According to Environment2004, not since Bush Sr.'s 1992 State of the Union address has a president failed to acknowledge that a healthy environment is essential to the survival of our species. Dubya did, however, scowl at steroid use by athletes. Now, there's a pressing issue.

The list of BushCo enviro assaults is enormous, appalling, increasing and far too extensive and outright depressing to detail in this column, but much gruesome proof can be had by perusing Robert F. Kennedy's superlative, damning essay in Rolling Stone, "Crimes Against Nature," or by simply browsing through the Natural Resource Defense Council's many pages on BushCo's enviro-hating policies. For a start.

Here's how successful the GOP's antienvironment brainwashing has been: With the exception of Dennis Kucinich, not one of the major Demo presidential candidates has truly focused on environmental issues in the debates or in their campaign speeches, for fear of being labeled "too liberal." Thanks to the GOP, to talk too much about the health of the planet now is to be thought of as anticapitalist and antiprogress and an outright traitor to the American causes of money-uber-alles and the-world-is-our-sandbox.

So duped is the nation that to even hint that you care deeply about safe drinking water for kids or the direct connection between toxic big agribiz and the increased rates of heart disease and cancer in this nation is tantamount to spitting on the flag.

BushCo even shames its own party members. Abundant, I imagine, are the staunch Republicans who still care deeply about the health of the planet and want to see pollution decreased and their children able to drink the water or go fishing at the local lake without worrying about mercury poisoning from the local coal factory -- the one Bush just excused from complying with the Clean Air Act.

But they don't dare speak up. They don't dare mention that they care, lest the "liberal" label get slapped on their asses and they are instantly considered treasonous terrorist sympathizers who would happily give refuge and a nice organic chai tea to Osama bin Laden.

This is the GOP credo: You're either with us 100 percent, or you're a commie hippie homo who should move to France. And there are few things a conservative fears more than being ostracized by the party.

The truth is, no matter which party you align yourself with, nowadays it takes more guts, more outright nerve, to care about this planet, to work to strip your life of the plastic and the poisonous and minimize your waste and your impact, eat more consciously and support local farming and cherish the flora and fauna, than it ever could be to load up the Escalade with Malaysian-made crap you bought at Wal-Mart that's now 89 cents cheaper because it's made in a sweatshop and not at the local factory that was forced to shut down.

This, then, is the ultimate BushCo credo: No sanctity. No reverence for that which is larger and more ancient and more divine. No concern for that which provides beauty and nourishment and sustenance. Mother Nature is not a source of life and inspiration and vital health -- she's just a lowly wench who needs to be put in her place.

And this, then, is the only possible response: If there was any better time in American history to proudly announce yourself as an environmentalist, this is it. It really doesn't matter where you stand on other issues. Because when that beautiful bitch Mother Nature really begins to strike back, nothing else will matter.

Posted By: wiseguyly69

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 284
It all breaks my heart

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. Point taken that if anyone seems to care about the opposite view, they are immediately going to be labelled and singled out. That is the sad state of affairs in these United States. There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it. Everyone is exposed to the notion that one needs to be rich and on the inside to be happy. Everyone needs everything is the motto preached by corporate US. My poor little girl doesn't have a chance. The shows she watches, the cartoon books she reads, the toys she loves, the clothes she wears, the food she eats all aim to make her a consumer. Greedy corps have their fingers on every aspect of her life and there appears to be no escape from their grasp. People are unwilling to give up what little they have cuz they've been ingrained with cynicism and suspicion and mistrust. "I ain't giving so someone else is getting." and "Where's mine?" are the mantra's, spoken or not. Where is it going to end? The same place it always does, breakdown and revolution, baby.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 280
RE: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

Yes, you're right. A perfect example of that is JSK himself, and to a lesser degree, Fonzomatic. I post an environment article and what do they call me?

They have no answer except to respond with gibberish and namecalling.

Yah, it's not my country, I know, I know, and Canada has been pretty good lately at protecting our precious environment from the corporate rape and pillage. It makes me want to kill somebody when they talk about cutting that Alaskan forest - it is one of the LAST PRISTINE OLD GROWTH FORESTS on the face of the earth. True story.

Terrible thing to do....and I hope the American people realize this. It's like burning the rainforest.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 279
All true about Bushie's environmental record

Although, we probably don't know the half of it! As I've stated here before, he's set back environmental policies at least 30 years. Not only does Bush not care a bit about the environment, it appears as though he actually has contempt for it! He's the absolute worst example of the conservative mindset that places profit over clean air.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 268
RE: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

Yah, thanks a lot for "protecting" us from the one million Vietnamese farmers you butchered, we were worried about them invading Newfoundland any second. Real big threats those third world tinpot dictatorships, yep shore nuff. Have they stumbled across the wheel and fire yet?

Taha, here's a secret for you. If the shadowy government EVER detected a telltale nuclear signature from one of those tinpot asshats, do you think they would hesitate for even a second to let the birds fly?

That is why Iraq was invaded, dummies. Because we already knew in advance that they didn't have anything. No one in his right mind would invade a country already armed with nukes.

Kennedy did not invade Cuba in '62 because he WAS NOT INSANE, and neither is the current admin. Well, almost.

Funny thing about the rich, they never seem to get enough. No matter how much you give them, no matter how many resources you let them consume, they always want a little bit more. Paris Hilton told me it's because they've earned it, as she was unzipping my pants.

I don't know why this is so confusing for you morons, it's like ABC to me. From the general > to the specific > Mister Holmes

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 267
RE: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

Whoops, the drunken stoned moron who just finished the stressomatic of mid-terms just posted that rant in the wrong place. heh3eh, and here I was giving JSK shiate for posting stoned. That's a good one. I kill myself.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 261
Paris Hilton??

So she has chats about socio-economics right before the servicing, eh? Gee, that's gotta kind of "kill it", if you catch my drift.

No wonder you're not hanging out here as much as you used to. Be careful with li'l Paris...don't know if she's..uh.."clean". Not implying she's a SLUT or anything, but the girl has been around. I think it's something like jury duty...sooner or later you WILL has a shot at Ms. Hilton.

Always use a rubber, young man!!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 245
RE: LEEGE= scumbags / read the truth

Tahaha ...Leege ,

Yep , thats all I got and all I really wanted to say that evening . Really how worse is it than you saying what you said
about my country and leader ?
Did it really hurt you that bad ? I think not and basically if I wanted to be a dink I would have been . No need ... just wanted to post 2 words which would leave U scratching your head .

I got no problem with you infact when I posted it I simply couldn't stop laughing just because you'd expect more in the post .

Now I'm off to read your defense and "kind" words about me .

Wasn't on anything that evening . Hence the un-creativeness.

U suck , but its better than swallowing -
No hard feelings ? (LOL)

