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Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 284
To Spence

Thanks for the well thought ourt post at the WCC mb. Minc indeed has deserved much better treatent than the media have given her. Unbelievable!
I too would hope that regardless of background, politics or whatever, one would report on or spot someone like this evil Smith jackass.
Still, here in the USA (perhaps elsewhere) you have simpletons who believe it's not "cool to rat on" evil perps, whether they be Smith, John Gotti or whomever.
Actually, I've been flaming and bitch slapping some creeps at MFFG trying to 'connect' Minc to Smith. Chilling in that perhaps they too may be connected to Smith by blood or whatever
Give me 5--only 5--quality minutes with that piecea garbage....


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 279
RE: To Spence

"Minc indeed has deserved much better treatent than the media have given her. Unbelievable!"

Atf. you're 100% right about the treatment of media. However it is not too unbelieveble some reporter thinks it is "strange". Don't forget that even among "us" we deem somebody strange if he is not into the same particular interest as us.

"Still, here in the USA (perhaps elsewhere) you have simpletons who believe it's not "cool to rat on" evil perps, whether they be Smith, John Gotti or whomever."

You may be right that some people think it's not "cool to rat on" evil perps. I'll tell you a real story:

I have a friend who had a jewelry store in a nice neighborhood in Orange County. One day 3 mthrfckers came in his store as customers, pulled their guns and started firing even before telling this was a robbery. Luckily, there were 2 cops next door and the bas..rds were arrested. My friend still has 2 bullets in his stomach when he goes through metal detectors at airports he carries his report with him. One bullet went through his wife's cheeks and luckily she didn't die.

Interesting thing is, few months after that incidence an officer came to their house before the court date and said he and his family must move out of their house immediately in order to save their lives.

What happened was, those 3 robbers belonged to the most dangerous gang in California. They decided to kill my friend and his wife to eliminate the witnesses. In order to join this gang you needed to have an "accomplisment" like killing someone (the more the better). So, many candidates volunteered. (Police department got this tip thru an informant.)

Police told him that they would issue him a new licence plate and move his furniture to his new residence for him so that the gang couldn't track him down. Last but not least they adviced him not to appear at the court if he valued his life.

He closed down his store, and moved to a new residence. Everything was moved by the police.

Can you believe all this Atf.? Police knows some gangsters will kill you and they can not protect you, they are advising you not to appear at the court in order to save your life and set those jackasses free back into the society again.

Well, my friend did what you and I would do...went to court, now those bas..rds are behind bars.


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 274
Mention my name to be a one-man firing squad...

Two bullets still in his stomach ???...

THAT is amazing. Like, how in the hell can anyone still exist (e.g., have normal digestion; guard against infection; not worry about eventual blood poisoning, etc.) with two bullets still in his guts ???...

I STRONGLY COMMEND your friend for doing his civic (and, by all means, PERSONAL) duty and testifying against those b a s t a r d s at the court trial. Not trying to sound like a one-man admiration society, but I damn well KNOW I'd do the same as well if I were in his situation, as probably ATF and other decent people would, too.

I've slowly heard news reports that the cops are getting better and better at wiping out those
b a s t a r d s, or at least curtailing their activities.

Just mention my name if the judge needs a one-man firing squad for execution.

No, I'm NOT trigger-happy, but since I firmly believe the only good gun-using criminal is a dead gun-using criminal, I guarantee I'll sleep very soundly during the night after sending him to his grave for good. (Half the time, the problem is wasting court time on all those damn appeals...notice I said "half" the time,...not
"all" the time.)

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 272
RE: To Spence

Yes Tangler he has the bullets in him (they may not be exactly in his stomach), surgeon decided removing the bullets would cause him more damage. He testified against the bas..rds anyway, and they are in jail.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 260
RE: To Spence

Unreal, Harry. Thank God he's alive and now -- that, my friend, is a real hero.
Yep, Tangler, I'm right with you. People don't kill innocent people; scumbags with guns do!


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Feb 22, 2004
Views: 255
On second thought...

On second thought, Fonz, if ANYone ever shot me during a crime, I'd probably find a way myself to kill that individual sooner rather than later. I just can't fathom someone having the privilege of staying alive after committing a crime like Harry described. It's too horrific.

Sure, everyone deserves a trial...Just give him a trial, and, if found guilty [and provided there are no "legitimate" grounds for appeal (I don't mean "technical" or "procedural" errors by the lawyers and crap like that; I mean REAL errors, like misleading or missing evidence, witness perjury, etc.)], then EXECUTE him, and I do mean EXECUTE, the damn b a s t a r d.

I know a lot of people would say that's easier said than done, and that's probably true.

But killing someone who perpetrated nearly a life-ending crime to me would be damn well worth it.

(Like I "always" say: If someone breaks into your home, shoot first, ask questions later.)

Hell, yes.

Sheriff Tang

Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Feb 24, 2004
Views: 222
Thanks Fonzie

I would like to think that anybody in my family, friends, or neighbors would have done the same thing, that is the "right" thing. Maybe that's why I have chosen to live in this part of the country, where the crime rate is low, relatively speaking, and most people seem to have the morals and ability to know right from wrong.

And oh, fonz....sorry about Dominik Hasek. That sucks. The Broooooons are playing well, the Celtics are playing for ping pong balls, and the Boston Sports Pages don't give a damn. It's all about the Sox, baby...and of course, I'm phsyched. To imitate the man in the desert.....

Belee Dat!

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 24, 2004
Views: 213
RE: To Spence

Concerning Hasek:
You know, I have lived long enough to have seen 'loyalty' as merely a fleeting suggestion, a possible criteria but a low level one at best.
I cannot see that rat's name without thinking that he epitomizes all that's bad in sports and perhaps the world.
When one has no firm grasp on what's important and proceeds to turn his back on people who have helped him it infuriates me!
Loyalty isn't something that's necessarily "blind" or "robotic/reactionary." It's saying that there's something greater than yourself that you'd wish to ameliorate through effort, enterprise or -- at least -- through mutual respect and bonding.
Hasek, sadly, is just just another creep who falls well within the definition of "whore."
I mean, if you don't want to play hockey any more just say so. If you do & want out of Detroit, fine. Just don't be a phoney whiner.
Even fluffy wouldn't fink outta a march against the evil "capitalist big business" types; there's something to be said for those who maintain their credibility and honor. Others merely flow with the wind, never concerning themselves with others and rarely asking crucial questions -- such as: "Did I not just sign a contract for eleven mil??" & "Does that mean I should play if my gonads are now o.k.?"
It would be an honor to head up to Maine some time. Just might do just that. If I make a commitment to, I will.
'Cuz I am no Hasek, for sure.

belee dat...


