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Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 26, 2004
Views: 295
Lurch the Liar

Oh yeah, every dog has his day and now it's Lurch Kerry's turn to have dy-no-mite shoved up HIS ass....
This piece of work stated, and I quote: "I never met Jane Fonda." Fonda, for her part, said: "I never knew who John Kerry was (in 1971 during the Winter Soldier meetings in Detroit)."
Horsesh*t! Fonda was in town and was on the Lou Gordon Show. There, she said she was helping with the "Winter Soldiers" and their 'telling of Vietnam atrocities.' And the leader of the VN Veterans against the War, who worked in conjunction with a couple of Socialist-Communist fronts? Why, it twas none other than...John Kerry aka Lurch.
Now, I know about the meetings, cuz ah... I WAS THERE! This isn't a Jabroni "I was there"...this is the real thing. I sat and listened and couldn't believe that some guys could do such evil things as purported. Most likely they sounded like lies, because they were!
Kerry said, in testimony in 1971, right after the meetings: "They (U.S. Soldiers) personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blew up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of Vietnam."
Lies, lies, lies.


1) Lurch Kerry has personally derailed every Vietnam Human Rights Bill, even after one passed in 2001 in the House, 411 to 1 (H.R. 2883). Why? Because these bills would help the Mountaignard people of the highlands and would force fair elections and basic human rights for all of the people of Vietnam, in return for U.S. Aid.
2) Lurch Kerry has worked hard to stop all searches for POW's and MIA's.
3) Lurch Kerry personally has pushed for total normalization for Vietnam. Why? Seems his first cousin, C. Stewart Forbes, CEO of Colliers International, recently signed a contract with Hanoi, worth BILLIONS of dollars for Colliers Int'l to become the exclusive Real Estate Rep for the country of Vietnam.

Lurch Kerry: How ya like him so far?!

More to follow...


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 26, 2004
Views: 289
Where is that little dweeb Ken Starr?

Yeah, Dubya was lucky the special council ran out right before he went into office. God knows, little Kenny would have his hands full with the corrupt Bush administration...would have kept him busy for years. But Starr's investigations certainly weren't POLITICALLY motivated were they? Bush is one lucky SOB. His lies have cost countless lives and billions of dollars in a wholly unecessary war in Iraq, with no end in sight. Now try and get YOUR ASS IN GEAR so you can catch Osama by November! They said on the news this evening that there's a "new urgency" to catch Bin Laden. Well, no ****...it's an election year..and it's ONLY been two years since he killed 3,000 Americans!! JERRY CHRIST!

Dubya's $2,000/plate fund raiser in Charlotte got cancelled today because of the little blizzard we got. Awww, HATE IT SO MUCH! Well, there's maybe a couple million more he won't be able to add to his big fat war chest. My friggin' heart bleeds!

Fonz, as you know, no hard feelings at all, even though we differ on the political **** at times. As you clearly point out, more negative stuff comes out about Kerry every day. But, I'll vote for ANY Dem over Bush. Man, it is going to be one UGLY race..(already is). Drop by Bab's, when you get a chance. I'm yanking Jabroni's chain, again! God, I can't help it...such an easy target. "Dixie Chicks"..that's ALL I'm saying! I know what you're thinking...."Leave that boy alone! He can't help it if he's a moron!"

I'm still a little stoked because big, bad Bill O'Reilly read the email I sent to him. If you watched last night's show and saw the email from NC, you know my ID! Hopefully you didn't see it..because I'm really a secretive guy (and it would totally blow my top secret cover at DIHQ)!

Well, I'm snowed in and high as a kite right now...so I shall say....NIGHTY NIGHT! ;)

DIO/ROUGH 2004!!

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 278
RE: Lurch the Liar

Angela Davis?! Hehehe
Ya, at least she was honest in saying what she was: A Communist.
Damn, I didn't catch the O'Reilly show last night, Rough. Bummer. Oh, wait a while, I taped it!

O'Reilly: "You suck, Bush sucks...Jabroni sucks?! Hmmmm...thanks anyway, Sven Jolly of North Carolina and a bib with 'the spit stops here' is heading right out at you!"


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 276
RE: Lurch the Liar

Oh, btw... the other bored: Did see the wonderful thread whereupon Jabs started the festivities by calling everyone a 'Moron'. Isn't that special. Oh, also: He seems to think that "ropeburn" is me, I believe, but probably can't remember my name over there, hehehe...
It's kind of a putdown, as 'Ropeburn' doesn't capitalize properly nor does he know the difference between too and to. Hmmmm...maybe that's the Fonz undercover; ya think?!
Also: What do you guys think about the 'benching' of Howard Stern? So much for 'Freedom of Speech', eh what?

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 272
RE: Lurch the Liar

And now from Lying Lurch's Old Lady:

Teresa Heinz Realty: H.J. Heinz III Marital Trust
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Assets: Over $1,000,000
Dividends, Income: $2501, $5000
Transactions in 2002: 7

Statement, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004:

"Another thing that drives me crazy and I hope I don't offend anyone here, is Wal-Mart...they destroy communities."
Teresa Heinz,
before an audience in St. Paul, MN



Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 261
Jabroni,O'Reilly,Stern,Sexual Repression,WalMart

Jabbers also recently thought I was Ropeburn. I gently reminded him that, believe it or not, there's more than one person over at Bab's who thinks he's a putz.

The latest was "classic Jabroni"...he took a story, more a less a rumor really, that was backed up by some embelished quote that Bobo found on the internet, and he totally turned it into one of his little "Jabroni adventures". The quote from a Dixie Chicks concert had the girls joking around about wrestling with each other after shows...maybe a little shred of truth in it, but it was mostly good filler material between songs. So...Jabroni takes it and runs with it. He had himself meeting the girls backstage and then getting to see their wrestling boots and outfits! Jabbers said they begged him to show them a few pro wrasslin' moves that they could use on each other. For his trouble, Jabs got some autographed pix and CDs!

God, isn't that hilarious? The man is so unapologetically full of it. I asked Jabroni a couple of times to tell us all the juicy details of his encounter...like what their "pro wrasslin' outfits" looked like, what moves he taught the girls, AND which Chicks he made it with (knowing Jabroni he did them all). Sad to say, he's been ducking this chance to further spin this yarn!

I was the guy who defended Andy Rooney, after Rooney "attacked" Mel Gibson. I told Bill that, "unlike him, Rooney was articulate and had a sense of humor"! I was surpised he read it, although there was only about 1/3 of it that made the air...sort of turned it into a sound bite. Nothing malicious in the email, and I wish that he would have read the whole thing, as it fleshed out my comment more. I just think that he was way off base attacking Rooney and now trying to force the old codger to retire. I'm no huge Andy Rooney fan, but c'mon it's Andy Rooney...all his commentaries have an acerbate, tongue in cheek quality to them, and O'Reilly over reacted, IMHO.

Yeah, they finally nailed Stern. Admittedly, I was never a huge of his either..I used to listen to him on K-Rock in NYC, when I lived up in Jersey. I think it's a shame though...this backlash after the Janet Jackson "exposure". Another case of over reaction..but typical of the tight assed prudes we've become (or have always been). There's also going to be that 15 second delay on the Oscars Sunday, so no one can get up there and burn our ears with any vile comments about Dubya. Insofar as "explicit sexual content", we've really become a nation of sexual schizophrenics, haven't we? Porn sales continue to soar year after year...with sexual titilation everywhere and used in every type of advertising you can think of. At the same time, we're dealing with this stifling, prudishness that leave so many sheltered and unfulfilled.

I just hate the way we are becoming increasingly more and more strarkly polarized here in the US. It's one extreme or the next, with NO middle ground. You see it clearly in politics and in religion, where the people who are the "true believers" will not budge an inch..they MUST be 100% right, it's all or nothing! As a whole, I think America could definitely use a little time in therapy!

Oh yeah, Walmart...knew I was leaving something out. I certainly hate shopping there and avoid the place best I can (20 check outs with only 2 open)! We have one here in town and two more big ones coming to several other locales in the county. Insofar as my NC community, WalMart is only one factor that has brought hard times to this area. My hometown is a typcial community struggling through the economic hardships of a Dubya led government. WalMart put the last nail in my downtown's coffin and pretty much killed our little mall too. Devil spawn? Probably!

Posted By: Mikey

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 259
RE: Howard Stern

Actually, I think Howard's canning was more due to the $775,000 fine that Clear Channel got for our local boy - Bubba - and one of his on air antics. CC stated that they had enough of their DJ's envelope pushing and subsequent finings from the FCC. And of course, the station that dumped Stern is owned by Clear Channel.

BTW, Bubba's stunt was a fake butchering of a wild hog. But the local animal rights types went nuts and it was all down hill from there.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 256

I didn't really know any of the finer points in the Stern situation.

Posted By: Mikey

Posted On: Feb 28, 2004
Views: 234
RE: Interesting

I'm not sure what happened with Stern either, they've been very closed mouth about it, saying only he had said something that was over the line while on air. But I think after the huge fine for the "Bubba" incident down here, Clear Channel was trying to "look/act" like they are a responsible broadcaster for the FCC's benefit.

