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Posted By: Mikey

Posted On: Feb 28, 2004
Views: 664
couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

*Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party has accused Mel Gibson of perpetuating the racist myth that Jesus was white and not black. Shabazz and others cite a few biblical references about Jesus's hair (like wool) and skin color (burnished bronze). Okay is it just me, but anyone who works outside as a carpenter for 15 years is going to look really tan. The guy working on the roof across the street from me has dark bronze skin, but it's not because he's black, it's because he works in the sun 12 hours a day. Get over it Malik.

*The chairman of Smith & Wesson has stepped down after it was discovered that he did time for armed robbery and attempted escape from prison back in the 60s. Boy is it a tough time to be a firearms enthusiast! I'm sure fat Michael Moore and his sock-puppet Al Franken will have a field day with this. Through their usual convoluted logic and outright lies, they'll have this looking like a good reason to repeal the 2nd ammendment.

*About Jabroni - I try to stay out of the whole wrestling thing but I couldn't help but notice this mess with the Dixie Chicks. Did anyone go to that link posted on Barb's site? The site is just a fan site, not an official Dixie Chicks site. The "quotes" seem to be random and unsubstantiated. In fact, in the middle of one rather unbelievable story, the writer admits he's making the whole thing up. So it's doubtful the wrestling thing is true. I mean, with the non-stop scrutiny celebs face today, I can't imagine a statement like this could be made without it ending up in a major publication. If you have ever followed a band to several tour stops, they usually make the same or similar "ad-libs" at every show. The thought of these three girls getting drunk and pounding the sh*t out of each other on a regular basis is National Enquirer front page news! So where is it? Plus I can just imagine Maxim or FHM doing a photo spread with the girls in wrestling attire if anyone else had heard of this, can't you?

*. . . never leave without my .38 - I couldn't find that post again, so here's a tip - upgrade to a .40cal bro. Much better stopping power and though I hate the "plastic" gun thing, Glock makes a cute little carry piece in .40S&W that's about the size of your hand if opened flat.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 28, 2004
Views: 660
RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

I guess the movie "the passion of Jerry Christ" wasn't as bad as they said it would be ? Ofcourse stick any mixed idea or view into religion and there ya go . Now they'll try and find anything to pick a fight about.
"Hey , camera man # 34 was Joe Smith not Joe Smith JR ...etc. Fix that damn credits !!!!
Friggin petty if you ask me (even though U didn't)

I missed the whole Jabaroni dick me chicks thingy . Jab's is full of hot air and I think he's now beginning to believe that himself .

Remember not long ago ... I'd say about a month or two when Jab's said there would never be any fem wrestling on pay per view ?
All because they couldn't draw a top name to promote it ?
Hello ? Nude wrestling & Carmen Electra .
Although she won't be featured in any of the matches (as of yet) all I can say is it doesn't get any better than that !

20 more days to wait until the dead rises again . No not Jerry Garcia or even the Lord. Dawn of the Dead .
And well .... the Killer's B-day : )~

I expect all the goodies I got from all you clowns that I got last year !

Take care & have a safe weekend-

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 28, 2004
Views: 659
RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

Oh yeah... I finally got to see "Bowling for Columbine" . Not a bad film at all . Very meaningful and thought provoking (LOL)
Still I think it belonged more on "life time" network than the big screen . Since seeing it I talked about to a few people.
Most adults over the age of 25 plus said it was ok . Maybe a handful liked it as much as I did . Anyone under the age of 25 said it was boring . Guess there wasn't enough violence in it for them ?

Tears came to my eyes seeing what the NRA did just weeks after two horrific incidents.
The school shootings . Pointless and should have been addressed before it got out of hand. I think from all those interviewed Marilyn Manson sounded more interesting and understanding . Infact , he looked like the good guy even from hearing all the idiots placing blame onto him .
For instance they asked Manson what would he said to the kids at the school if he had a chance ?
"I'd say nothing and listen to them . Thats the main problem we had over there"
is basically what he said . Very powerful and true .

Its good to know the NRA and the KKK were created all in the same year . This even I didn't know .
All I can say is how can you shoot with hoods on anyways ? Is there a point !?!?!?

Micheal Moore is still a scum bag in my eyes , but it goes to show you can make something good out of something so terrible.
AND make money from it !!!! Just as he did without the use of a gun .

JSK (sawed off!)

Posted By: Mikey

Posted On: Feb 28, 2004
Views: 653
RE: Moore + lying = ?

Not sure if you were serious about the NRA + KKK line so:

The NRA was founded in 1871 -- by act of the New York Legislature, at request of former Union officers. The Klan was founded in 1866, it technically became "illegal" with passage of the federal Ku Klux Klan Act and Enforcement Act in 1871. These criminalized interference with civil rights, and empowered the President to use troops to suppress the Klan. (the Klan hadn't been operating legally until 1871, it was operating illegally with the connivance of law enforcement.)

Of course you wouldn't find facts like these in Moore's movie, fiction works better

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 29, 2004
Views: 644
"Christ".......Saw it

A powerful, though melodramatic film...full of enough gut wrenching violence and blood to certainly drive home Gibson's impassioned point. It was the epitome of the "passion play", and without a doubt about the most appalling depiction of human brutality ever brought to the screen. Though beautfully filmed, and compellingly acted out, this is an extremely ugly, in your face interpretation of the suffering of the prophet Jesus Christ leading up to, and during his crucifixion. Since it's a no holds barred picture about the most famous crucifixion in history, it's an extremely dark, disturbing film. Apparently, a very accurate depiction of what was inherent with such events during that time, it goes without saying it's not pleasant to watch. I would certainly call it a "great film" that will go down in the pantheon with many other greats. But it's a film that is hard to endure...certainly not one that will have people anxious to see again, except perhaps for true believers around Easter time. Bloody and powerful, it struck me as being very inherently "Catholic" in demeanor...Gibson IS Catholic, no surprise really. So I had pretty much accepted the intrinsic, unrelenting violence and gore going into it.

That being said, my only real difficulty with the film was what was echoed by some critics..the mindnumbing violence that leaves you at a stunned loss and, in my opinion, overpowers the spiritual aspects. It is less divine and more physical and brutal blunt..and of course you could argue that THAT was Gibson's point. This is fine if you go into the film as a "true believer", a Christian who already knows a lot about the story of Christ...I can certainly see how the film would reaffirm and deepen a Christian's faith. For those who go into it cold, knowing very little about Jesus, I don't think it would make as powerful a spiritual point because the teachings of Christ are only lightly touched upon (mostly in clever little flashback sequences). If we knew more about him and his teachings through the actual film, it would make his sacrifice seem all the more poignant. I think it's just assumed that the audience knows a lot about Christ going into it.

As a viewer I was, admittedly, somewhere in between these extremes. I know enough about the story and the various people involved to understand it and be touched by it..but, at the same time, I do not know in my own heart of hearts whether or not Jesus Christ was truly the "one Messiah"...the only begotten son of God. I know that Jesus Christ was an important figure who literally changed the world. You can debate the overall historical merits of Christianity as a global religion, but you can't really argue that Christ's basic teachings of love and peace (so revolutionary two millenia ago) aren't among the most beautifully powerful ever taught by anyone. I was struck by the film's undeniable power and learned some things I didn't know about Christ, his disciples, and the world at that time..but I was not moved to convert to Catholicism or anything. To me, Christ as the one Messiah is a huge leap of faith and I simply have not made that leap in my life....maybe I will someday, maybe not.

Insofar as this film goes, the one thing I kept thinking over and over again was..."Who would give their life for these malicious animals? They don't deserve to be saved!" And again, I guess that's the whole point. There's a ghostly pale, androgynous Satan (played by a woman, interestingly enough) that ominously drifts through the film, alongside some demonic "children"...a haunting, chilling witness to the crucifixion. It's an interesting, very original depiction of evil...the Devil as a kind of spectator, quietly enjoying the horrible event unfolding but, at the same time, not knowing what the final outcome will be.

All the awful tortures of Christ that lead up to the crucifixion are actually more brutal, so that by the time he finally makes it to the cross, it's a relief and a "release". Gibson crafted it that way, and this pacing pays off in the end.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 29, 2004
Views: 630
RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

Great review Roughy !
I just wanna know ... how was the sound track ? Did they play any metal or industrial rock in the background !?!?!
Oh ofcourse I'm kidden .

This is what I don't see . Why make a film with so much gore with the almighty one as the lead role ? We all know how he got it in the end , but was there an importance to showing it ?

How much did the film set you and U'r family back ? I got a bible here at home (somewhere) and it was free ! And like most books they are usually better than the films made from them .

Like I said I doubt I'll go , but will catch it when it airs on cable . Any chance it will be shown on the Boston Catholic channel ?

I'd rather hear your reviews on any chickfight film or vid , but I guess this did the trick .
Thanks again Rough and hope you had a good evening -

Mikey !

Exactly ... no Mike Moore didn't explain it the way you did . He did make it sound like the KKK and NRA were founded the very day and second of each other .
Its something most people won't look into and might possibly take as the truth .
I could really give 2 s h its about the KKK or the NRA and it wouldn't be like I'd go look it up to see if he was correct .

Its called selective information which director/producer Moore is famous for . Although I did enjoy the film & thought he held some truth and good standards behind it. (maybe double standards?) I guess when the film went into the 60's and showed the blacks being suppressed we all should have gotten the idea of where he was going with the film ?

Thanks for the real infomation . I'll be sure to present that to those who bring it up . Hope noone does . I know too many NRA and gun owners and really don't want to **** them off !


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 29, 2004
Views: 622
"Christ".......Saw it

I sort of lucked up on the tickets. I certainly wasn't planning on seeing it opening weekend, one reason being because I didn't think I would be able to get in anywhere to see it (considering I live in the Bible belt and whole churches are buying up tix). A friend of mine was in the right place at the right time Sat. afternoon and got tix, for about six of us, for only $5...it was playing in an old, single screen, 75 year old movie house in a nearby town. Great old theater...we sat up in the balcony and the whole time were afraid it was going to collapse, since it had probably NEVER had that many people in it (well, maybe when "Gone with the Wind" came out).

Someone brought their 3 or 4 year old kid to the movie...we could hear him talking a few rows back. Man, I couldn't believe that! Gibson's film is NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN..it goes without saying! I didn't look away from the screen any during the film, but I can honestly say it was the most graphic, violent, gory film I think I've ever sat through. A film like that is the type of thing that would traumatize a kid....NOT Janet Jackson's exposed breast!

No metal at all in the soundtrack, Killah! Just a bunch of wussy sounding Middle Eastern music and chanting! And to make matters WORSE, Jack Black was cut from the film altogether. He played "Jerry Christ", Jesus' long suffering little brother, and FIRST Jewish comedian!

Yeah, I would say stick to the book. Like you say, the book is ALWAYS better. I would honestly only recommend this film for die hard true believers...or people who just want to see long, drawn out torture.

I'd say it's about 80% blood and violence...20% divine and spiritual.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 599
RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

Moore is no scumbag. That was a good movie - it asked the question nobody wants to ask - why? Why is Murka sucha violent country compared to similar first world democracies? Why?

As a lifetime NRA member, Moore is no gun grabber, but although he explores the different rationales he offers no real solution either. Probably he thinks a little bit of gun control might not be such a bad thing - and really, there is no reason for any old yahoo like that Terry Nichols freak to possess an arsenal of weapons. We require people to pass a test to drive a car, but yet any old moron can stroll into a gun show and pick up an AK47 anywhere in America.

Obviously any society must have some vehicle/bureaucracy in place to prevent total retards from getting access to weapons.

I generally support you Murkins in the fight for your 2nd, but a little teensy bit of gun control wouldn't kill you either.

Posted By: Hutch

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 595
RE: RE: RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

Being a card-carrying heathen (Member of the Skeptics Society, so I guess that qualifies GBG) I have no interest in see some guy who may or may not have lived (the only real evidence is the Gospels and the copies we have were written many years after the purported curcifixtion) get the bejesus pounded out of him for two hours.

I'll rent The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for that.

Posted By: Mikey

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 592
RE: JSK & Leege

Moore's fast and loose way with the facts is why I have a problem with him in the first place. If he wanted to probe what happened at Columbine, why not do it straight up? There was no need to falsify events, change timelines, engage in ambush journalism and do all the other silliness he did in his so called documentary. Use the facts available, don't create them to suit your needs. Isn't that why all you guys are hosed at Bush? Claiming he massaged the facts about WMDs to justify the Iraq war? But its okay for this clown to do it because he is espousing a view that you agree with? Isn't that a tad hypocritical?

As far as Moore being a lifetime NRA member - he is only that because he wanted to run for president of the NRA in order to change their focus away from 2nd amendment work. Only a lifetime member can run for president, so he paid his $750 fee to suit that purpose and that purpose only. He has not demonstrated any concern for the rights of gun owners and in fact has stated repeatedly that ALL firearms should be outlawed. That is precisely the stance of a gun grabber.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 587
RE: couple of thoughts, one passion-ate

For God sakes, Mikey, don't argue with this guy. He still thinks the U.S. policy in Vietnam was to destroy and murder. See, the left thinks that power -- to THEM -- trumps all the logic and truth one can present. Note that I became a 'tater peeler' when I said his hero Lurch Kerry was a lying sonofabitch. I guess I could be "covering up", but why would I?
And it was and is, Hutch, a fact that Jesus of Nazareth lived; at least my Jewish buddy is more truthful when he called him a fraud, which must be true if He wasn't what he said he was. I, too, am a skeptic on a lot of things: the things you have 'little trouble with', i.e., Big Gummint, statism, the fact that there are people so enamored with 'control' and personal power that they will do whatever they can to cirumvent the laws of the land (9th circuit court, SF Mayor, etc.) and promote their own agenda that "the LAW" is only important to them if it suits 'their purposes' -- why yes, these are items the Fonz has a problem with -- I couldn't care less if person X or person Y has a gun or an "arsenol". I care much more about that person's intents and actions. What I have in my house, be they 'illegal guns' or 'illegal drugs' should only concern you and the nanny police if I intend to do harm to others.
In short, as the Stones say: "Get offa my cloud"....


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 584
Passion v. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Hutch, "The Passion" was worse than ANY horror film I've ever seen. It's already made $125 million and had the second biggest opening ever, if I'm not mistaken. I happen to think those numbers consisted of mostly a lot of "true believers" but ALSO a lot of people like me, who wanted to see what all the hoopla was about. Hey, kudos to Gibson...I think that he had a genuine conviction to make the thing (and of course the fortune he'll rake in doesn't hurt either). But I'm not all that happy that this film about Christ is such a blockbuster. One of my biggest problem with the Christian right is the way they are so unflinching in their die hard beliefs...all they needed was a HUGE opening weekend for "The Passion" to really give them ammunition (all gays and lesbians better head for the hills, or the closets, or whatever). Like I've stated, I'm still very much up in the air about the big JC...and that's just fine, as far as I'm concerned! I do think that Christ "the man" really lived..there's no doubt in my mind that he was an important figure who was crucified, and whose life and death left a ripple through history. I just have a real hangup with the divine aspect of it. What makes me hold back is the fact that it seemingly puts God into a human context and turns him into something we can "deal with", for lack of a better term. I may never have that leap of faith and accept that Jesus was the only begotten son of God...and that's okay too. Christians seem to think that accpeting this without question, along with a lot of the other unelievable stuff throughout the Bible, is just simple and easy breezy..when it's all a huge leap of faith with no tangible proof. Sometimes I wish I had more faith and could just "hand it all over to Jesus" like the faithful say, but I just can't do it...not now, anyway. I love telling the die hard Bible bangers that Jesus may very well have been black, just to watch them twitch! He certainly wasn't the white boy you see in all the illustrations! He was either black or at least VERY Middle Eastern looking.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 581
PS on "Passion"

I happen to think that the numbers will drop off pretty significantly in the next week or so...possibly surging again around Easter. It's a great film but it won't have that much return business, simply because it is so hard to sit through. I would really wonder about someone who would want to go see this one again soon! Unlike other noted blockbusters like "Titanic" or the LOTR films, which are actually longer films, "The Passion" is just not the type of griping drama that even your average Christian Joe will want to see a couple of more times on the big screen. The one film I might most compare it with would be "Schindler's List", in terms of the overall dramatic intensity .

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 576
RE: Gays, Christian Right, The Passion

Some thoughtful insights there, Rough. I didn't see the flick (can't be in a large room with lotsa people unless there's plenty of light; has something to do with this damn PTSD.
First, the gays:
Now, I have to caution you that somewhere - 'where?' being the critical question - society has to put on the brakes and say, "well, no...ya can't go there...". To the point: Do we allow people to toss their sexality in our faces? Is it appropriate for "Gay Vietnam Vets" to 'ride along' like they tried in 2000 in Phoenix, all 'gussied up' and wearing inappropriate attire in public. Is that o.k.? How about gays taking over a park in Toronto? Or a beach in Key West? Or flaunting their bodies provocitively in the Castro District?
Then, the question becomes: Hey, if THESE folks have a 'civil rights case', how about the guy in Buckeye, AZ who fell in love with his dog and was arrested for animal abuse when he took, ah, pictures of his...er...passion?
Or, how about letting someone mary his sister?! Or mother?! Or salamander?!
Civil rights issue? I think not. What a vulgar comparison to the Selma marchers and King and Abernathy and so forth.
No, the 'Christian Right' -- and, though I am truly a right winger (as in correct) and am a Christian, I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the Christian Right. Still, I see no comparison to those folks, who tend to be so 'low keyed' that they have been referred to as the "Silent Majority" and the "gay movement" with their in your face decadence.
That's the way I see it.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 1, 2004
Views: 570
Conservative Christian Right

I was really referring to some of extremists on the Conservative Christain Right who still haven't bought into the theory of evolution yet! Falwell comes to mind, fine upstanding Christian that he is. Why do I have the feeling that all his dirty laundry's going to come out someday with something that humbles even the Swaggart scandal?I dunno, something about guys like that who are such holier than thou tight asses...ole Jerry's probably a bigger freak than Larry Flynt!LOL!

And Falwell is one of these dudes who swears that the love of Jesus will "cure" you of your queerness! I'm sorry, but no one is going to convince me that some of the flaming drag queens you see dancing and prancing around aren't born that way. I think it's about 80-90% what you come into the world with and maybe like 10-20% outside influences in your formative years (like mama wishing you were a girl and putting you in cute little dresses). I mean with MOST gay people who you meet in life, can't you kind of tell right off the bat that they're gay..that they're just different..and that they just came into the world that way, for whatever reason. And every gay person, from the kid in high shool right up to the priest just can't change what they ARE. Now, I don't know if you can compare their situation to the Civil Rights Movement but they seem to think you can and they may just be right. What Dubya did was really throw down the ole gauntlet, so to speak, and draw the line clearly in the sand. It's going to make the cultural war more divisive...even more polarized. You just know that the flood gates will open on gay marriages now. He stirred up the hornets nest with his "War on Terror" and now I think he's going to do the same thing with this latest political move. And it was SO obvioisly political, to shore up his core support before November. He was probably afraid the "Mexican Amnesty" proposal lost him a lot of support. I just think it's stupid as hell to propose a Constitutional amendment pertaining to marriage. I think Dubya should have enough to keep him busy without getting involved in people's personal life. As long as they pay their taxes and don't buy up all the furniture down at Pier One, I say let gays get married. I know that they adopt thousands of orphans every year who otherwise would have no homes. I haven't heard any horror stories about adopted kids being severely screwed up or abused or whatever by a gay couple...that's not to say that it hasn't happened, but as we all know it happens plenty with "normal" hetero couples too. Gays seem to be quite willing and able to provide loving homes for children.

Back to God again....and the Christian Right and condemning people for what they are. I think about our freaky little "proclivity" for femme fighting...of watching scantily clad ladies wrestling and catfighting. Now, a dude like Jerry Falwell would say that I'm a big time sinner for enjoying such a fetish and that by accepting Jesus into my life I could start a new life and Jesus would help me "reject" this fetish, kind of like the gay's being cured of what they like. Now, first off, I don't want to be cured. Maybe someday..but not RIGHT NOW! I know that I've enjoyed it, in one form or another, for about as long as I can remember. Born that way? Probably so. I think I was predestined to like it and was probably wired for it very early on (like "in the womb early"). The basic set up was already there in my psyche, I pop out...and then maybe two nurses got into in the hospital, and BOMB..there ya have it! Some folks may laugh, but I swear one of my earliest memories I have is of two teenage girls either playing or wrestling in front of me. We're talking WAY back..I was barely walking. And it's one of those memories that seems more like a dream but I KNOW that something "interesting" happened with those two girls. I don't know if they were babysitting or what but I mostly remember how loud they were and it kind of freaked me out a little!

Geez..got pretty damn wordy there! I didn't mean to dredge all that up! Anyway, I guess at least one point I'm trying to make is...if and when I'm standing before the Almighty and he mentions the catfighting will I be a little embarrassed? Well sure. Maybe I was a little too hung up on the pleasures of the flesh and what not....hey, I'm only HUMAN! Not a bad guy..and I don't think it would keep me out of the Pearly Gates.

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