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Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Mar 8, 2004
Views: 254
Forever draggin' current events...

Well, fans, for all you naysayers, doom-and-gloom headshakers, and fat-chance-they'll-do-it crowd...

...They finally DID it.

There's now, believe it or not !!!, an Iraqi good-to-go Constitution.

Now, the BIG question on everybody's minds is:

Good-to-go for what ???

I admit it's a very positive step for Shrub, but the jury's still out on whether or not the Iraqis will really abide by and follow it.

You folks in the know, go ask our Vegas bookies what the odds are for it to succeed, and put your money where your mouth is. Even you could come out a winner playing this event. Hell, if Kerry can do anything better (highly doubtful), maybe Halliburton can hire him.

Speaking of juries, I'll tell Martha Stewart's jurors to tell Martha to send Leege all her latest advice for decorating a bedroom-turned-recovery room in his home. Hey, with everything Leege is gonna need, it should take her mind off what color to contemplate in decorating her reserved prison cell. Maybe she and Leege can start a Martha-and-Leege get-well club or something. Now there's a real possibility, for ya'.

(Kidding aside, I STILL have a terrific regard for everything she's accompished, and, since the judge threw out the most serious charge against her, I really DON'T think she ought to go to prison. Like, what in the hell are we dealing with here, for a first-time offender, a damn liar who covered up her story to the Gubbermint ???...O.K.,...O.K., bad enough, I agree, but if the remaining charges involved a big pad of lies and obstruction of justice for the investigation, based on the central problem of getting a tip-off of insider information of forthcoming bad news to sell stock to avoid losing money, I say penalize her by taking HER DAMN MONEY and then some, so it hurts like hell in the pocketbook.)

Aside from that, the homo's are gettin' married like there's no tomorrow, and all this crap is gettin' so much damn publicity that...

Yikes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Uh-Oh !!!...I remember LAST time...better not bring this up again..I don't want the Commandant to throw me in the brig !!!)

Till next time.

(P.S. from Martha to Leege: "Hang in there, fella, I'll send you my newly-planted daffodils fresh from the prison garden as you recover. You'e gonna love 'em !!!--Hugs & Kisses, Martha".)

Aw, shucks, Leege. Now THAT'S a woman !!!

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 9, 2004
Views: 241
RE: Forever draggin' current events...

Constitution? In Iraq? Will they "follow
Yeah, just like we have one here; the first ten amendments are broken on a rather regular basis (excepting the third). A nation of "laws", not "men". Not hardly! I'll remind you of O.J., the fact that that Manson & Co are still alive (when he would have killed more people than cancer if he'd have had a chance), U.S. Presidents lying under oath, the 'fact' that young men are still subjected to a 'draft' (manditory registration) - a clear violation of the precepts of the "Constitution" - the 'fact' that "same sex" marriage is carried out in full violation of various state laws and done with impunity by municipal heads.
hehe yeah, two cheers ands a whoop de doo for the Iraqis. Perhaps THEY will adhere to their constition better than we have ours.
Wouldn't be difficult.
Martha? Hey, prison is meant for punishment of wrongdoers. The fact that this lying, scheming piece of work was a big Clinton contributer is overlooked by smucks all over (& I'm certain here as well, including Fluffly Big Foot). I, of course, being an astute observer and constant critic, have had Martha within my radar screen for some time. Maye now she can spend some quality time with the 'ho's' @ some federal pen. I have zero sympathy for her.

