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Post InfoTOPIC: So Where the hell is Legion?
Posted By: Spence

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 580
So Where the hell is Legion?

Did he die on the Canadian orthopedic operating table?

Does he have many pins in his foot?

Does he have morphine still running through his head and veins?

Is he on crutches?

Or is he bed ridden?

Does he have a lap top?

I'm off to the airport, will be back for Wed night, (ST Patty's day) here in my home town...and other then a few minor projects I need to take care of...I'm looking forward to a nice 4 day weekend coming up.

But, I'd feal better if I knew my 'message boys' were all good.

Leeg??? Talk to us.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 564
Legion? They tried to whack the bugger!

This investigation is just underway, but I have it on good authority that a special black ops unit of Bushie's CIA actually tried to bump off our boy Fluffy! Leege had been saying too many nasty things about the Shrub and Bushie don't like that...we all know what happened to people like Saddam and Roy Horn. Actually, the Roy Horn tiger attack was a "pre emptive strike", because Bush discovered that Segfried and Roy were planning a surprise spring wedding.

With Leege it was just TOO damn easy (and didn't even involve a remote control tiger). Finding out Fluffy's secret ID was the hard part, then all the bastards had to do was sneak into his lair and grease the stairs. Leege comes down to check his mail and BANG..BOOM..CRASH! But of course they didn't succeed and Leege is still clinging to life by a thread, so totally drugged out of his mind he barely even know what planet he's on!

These Bushie's will stop at nothing to squelch malcontents (yes, even the Canadian ones)! But ole Roughy will continue saying rude and nasty things about the Shrub (no matter what the cost) in an attempt to sway as many undecided voters as I can between now and November!

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 553
RE: Hey Rough, You wont have to...

...al Qaeda will toss a nuke our way two days before election in November and all the cowards here will be crying in the town squares and voting left, ala Spain.
Remember, you heard it here first. Just say I'm a genius regarding human nature.

By 2010 we'll all be Canadians & Frogs; 50% taxed, front end, nanny succled until death and asking the mean malcontents not to "please raise our gas prices any higher...$12.50 a gallon is kinda steep?!"
to which the smarmy camel jockey at your local "mom & pop/ service station" will say: "Hmmmm, how much for the little girl??? The little girl???" Then, he'll laugh. Won't we all...

Hey, just 'amembur...I'm still on YOUR side.

alfonso X,
knowing when to toss in the towel

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 546
Don't give them any ideas, Fonz!

What was so stunning about the attack is the way it was so strategically (and successfully) timed for maximum political fallout. I guess you've heard that the Madrid attack came 911 days after 9/11/01! Pretty spooky, huh? Think about it...several bombs and 200 deaths has literally caused "regime change" in Spain. I really do firmly believe that Bush's "War on Terror" has made the world LESS safe. A newly invigorated al Queda will probably be bold enough to strike Britain or Italy next to try to further fragment the coalition. And how much longer will our own luck hold out, here in the US?

I was thinking about the '04 Election earlier today...how much is riding on it and the fact that, in the ever changing political climate, eight months is a LONG time! Taking the horrible Madrid attack into account, think about how our own election could easily go either way. Scenario 1: Osama bin Laden is captured in Sept-Oct and Bush totally capitalizes on it, probably winning big in November. Now, quite conversely..Scenario 2: Al Queda carries out another attack on US soil by late summer-early fall (and it doesn't even have to be a fraction of what 9/11 was). I think Bush would lose big time because, with one brazen act, it would convince many that Bush has NOT made the US any more secure. In either of the aforementioned scenarios, it goes without saying Bush doesn't deserve all the credit or all the blame....but we all know that factors such as these can directly effect the election coming up. I think the attacks in Spain will give al Queda the motivation to do everything in their power to sabotage Bush's re election, by launching some sort of attack on US soil. I hope and pray that security here is beefed up 150% between now and November because I really think that NOW is the most dangerous time here since 9/11.

Like I've always said, we should have concentrated solely on al Queda/bin Laden, instead of going after Hussein's regime, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and were not a clear and present danger. We've only unnecessarily shaken up a huge hornets nest by making the extremist fanatics more determined and resolute. You CANNOT conduct a "War on Terror" by fighting a conventional war. By trying to take the fight to them on a world stage...by being asinine enough to say "Bring 'em on"...you are only breeding more hatred and speading terrorism like a cancer.

You should use more BRAINS than BRAWN....more DEFENSE than OFFENSE....imho.

Don't like Bushie...but love Fonz!

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 536
RE: So Where the hell is Legion?

My only question (at least for tonight) regarding the Prez is this: If the guy reads the Bible as much as he claims to, wouldn't he be trying to stay the hell out of the Middle East and instead of wading in up to his chin?

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 534
Oh no...

I can’t believe how wrong you guys are. An October attack on the U.S. by al Qaeda is a White House wet dream. There is nothing more that Shrubya and Rove dream about as they go to bed each night. If there is one thing these guys have learned, it is that a bunch of dead victims is pure political gold.

So what would happen if there is a terrorist attack? Congress would go out on the front steps and sing “God Bless America” while Dubya points out that he is a “uniter, not a divider.” Faux news would stress that the attack was possible because the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces was distracted by the campaign, something that a “wartime President” should never have to contend with no matter what the Constitution says.

The Shrub would visit the site of the terrorist attach, wearing his favorite flight jacket and that expression on his face like someone just placed a turd under his nose. He will give a speech that no one will remember due to his fumbling with every two syllable word.

Talking heads for the White House will point out that this is all Clinton’s fault, while strongly hinting that John Kerry and bin Laden are the same person.

Shrubya will take decisive action against the terrorists and their supporters. This will take the form of billions of dollars in contracts for Halliburton and foreign aid to Saudi Arabia.

Pat Robertson will tell us that the attack was God’s punishment because too many people were trying to prove his previous prediction wrong and planning on voting for Kerry. Also, God was upset by the gay marriages, but it was the election that really broke the camel’s back.

The feeble minds of the masses will unite with sound bites of “If Bush isn’t re-elected then the terrorists will have won” and “Anyone who isn’t voting for Bush is not a patriot and hates America.”

Now, some may consider me too cynical, but keep in mind that that Shrubya is the anointed one of the Religious Right and a Christian zealot. He wants Armageddon and the Rapture so he will get a soul kiss from Jeebus. What are a few thousand sacrificed if it is for the fairy tales of the Book of Revelations?

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 530
Interesting, Wiz....

And your post proves conclusively that you MAY have more contempt for war monger Bush than I do!

I think the next eight months will be VERY interesting. It could be a bumpy ride, so fasten your seat belts! Admittedly, a lot of former Bush supporters are now onto him and his BS war. The unnecessary war + the economy is ever so slowly eroding away at him. A new anti war movement is gradually trying to get off the ground, led mostly by military families. With draft boards being quietly set up as we speak, guess what Bush has planned for Act 2? Yep, you guessed it...I feel a draft...because there are going to be literally thousands of US troops who sure aren't going to sign on for this again. And if you thought that the war made National Guard Volunteers upset, just wait til the 18-25 yr. olds start getting shipped to Iraq because we've spread ourselves too thin. I have a feeling the anti war movement will REALLY get cooking then! I think many people now realize that we should have never gone to Iraq. Aside from Hussein being removed from power, nothing good has come of it. Thousands killed, billions spent, no end in sight...not even the faintest glimmer of a light at the end of the tunnel. I think it's finally resonating with so many that we are going to have to be in Iraq for years, as more or less the glue that keeps the country from completely falling apart. In many ways, I think that's the worst part of it...basically the unknown...the fact that there's no finish line in sight, and really and truly absolutely NO inkling of what the final outcome will be. With things over there changing like the shifting sands and so many forces wanting to vie for power, it's really anyone's guess if any form of democratic government will ever take root.

And if I were a soldier, I would have NO respect whatsoever for Bush. Here's a guy who went AWOL from the National Guard back in the early 70's. He now sends thousands to Iraq and when the dead are returned there's NO acknowledgement whatsoever! That's what REALLY gets me. Bush hasn't been to a single military funeral, not even as a cheap photo op for some political points. And do you wonder why there hasn't been ONE flag draped coffin shown (when there's been over 500 sent home so far). It's because Bush doesn't want it to be shown. He's in total denial and he wants the American people to be that way too!

Now you see, I don't think that a group like al Queda would give Bush a chance to capitalize on an attack. They would just pull another "Madrid" and do something like bomb Grand Central three days before the election. That's the sort of thing that would mean disaster for the Bush campaign.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 15, 2004
Views: 528
RE: So Where the hell is Legion?

Hehehe...actually, Rough, I gotta go with the Wiz kid on this one. Fact is, we are no Spain (or France or Germany or Belgium, either, for that matter) and an attack like 9/11 will seal it up for Georgie -- with ONE caveat: IF the citizens are convinced by Kerry and Company that the al Qaeda ops came in through the back door while the Border Patrol were playing 'help the Hispanics for a vote' or 'Keystone Kops', I promise you will awake to the putrid sound of President Kerry in the morning, being sworn in and causing a much bigger tear in the fabric of America than either Clinton or Bush ever could.
I told you guys I'd have much more on the liar that Kerry is and in all honesty the guy lies so much I need a rolodex to index this stuff. But here goes: His garbage about "meeting with world leaders" has of course, been exposed. What you may not know is that he lied consistently in Detroit in 1971, using many men who were NOT Vietnam Veterans to say that THEY were "guilty of rape, pillage and plunder and murder and mayhem in South Vietnam". I know this to be a lie because I was there and saw this crap being made up in an ad hoc move to discredit the Nixon Admin. Oh yeah, I was a liberal then. Scratch that: I was a student of Marx and Franz Fanin and others & I was on Kerry's side-- for a while -- until I saw that he wasn't so much a "true believer" but an opportunistic liar. But you know that.
I'll have many more examples later...


What will happen in November is anyone's guess. I can predict that America - as we know it - won't ever be the same. The same dummies that had the towers knocked down and attacked the Pentagon have a lot of unfinished business to do and Mr. Kerry reminds me of the idiot in that old flick about a UFO landing in a field and some nitwit attempting to "negotiate" with the aggressive inhabitants of the saucer. Mr. Chamberlain II faired about as might be expected...he got bug whacked.
Really folks, we have but two options: Kill most of al Qaeda and refuse to negotiate wih Iran until they pull a 'Lybia' and back off, and shore up our borders or capitulate and concede that the radical Moslems have won.
It may not be as 'simple' as that, but the above is near as I can determine what our options are and believe me...communism, anarchy and ANY form of democracy or a republic is nowhere on the enemies radar screen or scout manual.
The world is a brutal place and knuckle draggers are in control of most of it. If you guys think for a second that we in the West are the primary problem perhaps you should consider what the lad from the Bay did and join al Qaeda. Aside from packing it in an moving to the NW Territories I think joining the fight against these mystic Islamic Nazis or joining them or becoming a Dawn of the Dead like zombie may be your several waning options.
Me? I'll ride it out. Looks from here that if Spain becomes a preview of coming attractions we better get ready for a major league big city blast come October.

Belee dat.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Mar 16, 2004
Views: 519
RE: So Where the hell is Legion?

Just listen to you dummies !!!!
Some how pointing the old finger @ Bushy for an evil others have done ? Its not even that I'm for the guy as much as I was its just that all you people and seemingly most others now in the world are looking past terrorist and giving them what they want .

To say its what our congress wants ? What a bunch of us killed again on our own turf ? Naw I don't think so . At first I did , but after rethinking how would that look if it did happen somehow ? I mean its not like it can't and would be ofcourse in their bette interest not to let it happen . Even if Kerry got in you really think some towel head has a clue about him and he's against war and getting us out of the Middle East ? For one more than half of America doesn't even know Kerry so how would a Camel jockey ? Two ...any president or "ruler" of the United States is evil in those people's minds . How's a mislead forign bombing bastard to know the difference ?

I feel awful for the Spanish people who died and although 200 isn't anything compared to 2000 bodies of our 9/11 its still life and just as valuable & meaningful at how terrorism needs to be suppressed. (because it won't end)
But to me they just let the evil win by sticking their tails between their legs and running like they are talking about .

When will it end ?
"You sold goods to the United States thats why we bombed your grade school ! "

Now every bomb , death , stoning will be because of the United States in the middle east . And only idiots believe that . Countries will now be angered at us and not the terrorist ! Makes sense huh ?

Its a no brainer somethings gonna happen here . But , I'll be honest ... once ANYONE sets an attack on us just be good and ready to get U'r people capped down in the streets.
I think this time people won't point fingers or talk behind the "towel heads backs . " No , theres too much done already and the stakes are higher now .

You wanna get the white power idiots , the malicha and good old boys that are sick of others coming here and messin up what we got ? Just let it happpen .

A good idea . Instead of saying F the US why not just say F the middle east . Let em all do what they want so they can live like they did before . That way everyone over there can continue to blame each other like they always have in the past . We can get yelled at for not going over there and helping out .
Terrorism will end and female mud wrestling will be once again popularized in airports world wide .

Leege don't take the brown acid !!!!


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Mar 16, 2004
Views: 512
RE: Back off legion!

I'll tell Killer to cool it, 'k?
Killer: Cool it.

Now, I need Mickie Moore lecturing to me like I need to hear Madonnas take on U.S. foreign policy. IOW: I don't, dufuss!

Figuring out how it is that the same Neanderthal that said the "U.S. came into WWII late" is also the same nattering naboob who now says the U.S. wants war is telling. Yeah, we wanna cut down a lotta young men & women in Iraq cuz we -- in true Dickensonian form -- want to "decrease the surplus population". God, you really should read what you write! Yes, I was JOKING Killer, when I wrote that Bush would lose to Lurch after we got hit in October. I mean, the American public has turned hard left over the years (Bush's spending, his education and prescription drug bills, etc., would have only been a 'pipe dream' to Mondale in '84) and we certainly aren't in unison like we were in WWII; but still, I have to be shown that we are so statist and left that we would elect a socialist elitist like Kerry. Somewhere, deep inside, I fear that may be a possibility. Chilling.


Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: Mar 16, 2004
Views: 499
"us" versus "them"

The REALLY noticable thing about the Madrid bombings was how badly Tiny Blares right wing "chums" in the Spanish government handled it all, blaming ETA with no proof, so that even the dumbest, most jobsworthy journalists attacked the government. As usual, it just caused a knee jerk reaction in the opposite direction (Wonder what Spanish "New Labroso" will be like?) The complacency & contempt that modern governments show towards the "punters" is reaching a scarily blatant level. I can only comfort myself by telling me that the real adults have bought out of society as they realise they`re outnumbered by the endless jabberers (lawyers spinning everything out for maximum profit). What the world needs is a great big melting pot..........and hit "Toady Bleauuuugh" over the head with it! (......and they say satire`s dead.)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Mar 17, 2004
Views: 476
RE: Leege is in a happy place right now !

No swet Fonz I was just bumbling around with words and saying if anything gonna happen it will before elections .
Besides who here can predict what will happen with both the election or with a terrorist plot ?
I just hope we keep all the gays and lezbos happy !!! It seems to be the main issue here instead of health care , jobs and ... oh yeah that war thats now almost a year old .
Heres what I predict will happen quite soon .

I'm ready for it !!!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Mar 17, 2004
Views: 472
RE: Aw Shhi*

Trying again this time to an actual pic !
This is what it will look like in the streets during election time -


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Mar 17, 2004
Views: 406
RE: So Where the hell is Legion?

Ok maybe not then : (
I copied and pasted the proper urls for the pictures , but their pages scripts block from anyone allowing to see them .
F-ing bastards . I have a good mind to hack their site !
Oh well .

ps- they were pics of zombies in the streets.

Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: Mar 17, 2004
Views: 401
Oh, Zombies.......

...I did wunder. This board`s always cutting you off in the middle of a sent...

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