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Post InfoTOPIC: booing - why oh why do they hate us?
Posted By: legion

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 316
booing - why oh why do they hate us?

Definition: “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

There is no ‘war on terrorism’ only a war OF terrorism, committed by the homicidal psychopaths of the U.S. Army.

Might Makes Right. There is no higher law for U.S. military personnel. They live in a very twisted fantasy world. Totally racist, they call Arabs “sand-****s” and “ragheads” or the generic "skinnies" (the poor, impoverished) — and yet they convinced themselves that they invaded Iraq to “liberate” its people, a people they couldn’t care less about. A people whose children they murder in cold blood with no remorse. Why oh why?

Might have something to do with this attitude I read on another message board from a Patriotic American? : Arab Muslims are animals. That's all there is to it. They may look like humans, have language and basic tool-making ability, but their behavior is that of mindless, cannibalistic savages."

Might have something to do with all the rampant, systemic racism and bigotry from top to bottom in American culture?
Gee, I dunno. Why don’t you put your massive American brains together and see if you can figure it out?

Might have something to do with the arrogance and macho swaggering braggadocio from every newly empowered, mediocre lowest-common-denominator halfwit in the United States on account of the accidental location of his birth?

Why is America so insecure? If some British guys did the real mission in WW2 then why not have some British guys do it in the movie? Pierce Brosnan or Connery or somebody would be great. You didn’t go making James Bond into an American, did you? Sherlock Holmes wasn’t suddenly rewritten and relocated to the NYPD in the movies, was he? I don't recall Jack the Ripper stalking Brooklyn? So what’s up with all the historical revisionism just to pump up a tad more patriotic hype? Why does EVERYONE have to be an American, saving the day as usual?

My diagnosis: Penis envy from a generation of emasculated American eunuchs.

Five cents please.

Or maybe not. I could be wrong.
The Jewes are
The men that
Will not
be Blamed
for nothing

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 309
RE: tard

Wrong answer dude.
Our president has every right to invade Iraq or anywhere else needed to insure safty.
Its proven to be an unsafe place for not only us,but millions of others in the past.
You dinks just like to sit back and do nothing while others do the dirty work for you. In reality most of you feel bad about being no-doers so you go about it this way.
Lots of other countries are in on it as well so its not like its just us doing it to be bullies.
Tell me you guys or anyone else gave a **** about them up until now?

Its a no brainer our president is doing this for the Iraqi people and the world. If not why else would he put his own in harms way?
You people just look at it in your alway negative perspective.

You can disagree all youd like and I know you always will ... fine.
I totally support what my president is doing and many others do as well. Who really cares what you baboons think. You guys are a vacation outlet not a country.

Its just funny how you twits go about getting your points across to whomever.
Seeing hockey is a Canadian's number 1 passion I guess thats why you think it matters that you BOO us? It makes you guys look JUST as bad.

Although a cool sport its not on the A list here in the states. Infact, it was my wife who told me about it other than that I wouldn't have heard about it.

You guys can't even fight on the ice let alone any place else. BOO, throw things ... whatever makes you cowards feel happy.

Pop another Oxyconten and shut the Christ up !!!

JSK :)~

Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 307
Pointless talking about it..........

Nothing to do with global politics is done conciously. It has more to do with the weather conditions and the phases of the Moon. It`s only when some deciding factor that`s too big for even a patriot to ignore, like being drafted to go and actually FIGHT some "skinnies" for their oil far away, or Nazism (The best thing to ever happen to democracy), that the jabbering mouth monkies have to stop pittling their lives away & act responsible. I have a Kurt Vonnegut kind of fantasy about the future, where people won`t gather in large groups because us human lego bricks always make a collective "common denominator monster" whenever we get together. The problem is what I call "Princess Syndrome", whereby any dumb action based on any halfarsed opinion can be walked away from & so people NEVER GROW UP, still believing in Santa Claus while being inaugurated as a high court judge. This is still the dark ages, still we have the scminternet (porn you can talk back to - Hooray!) Geordie Thing

Posted By: Monkey Man

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 303
I sling feces and whack off

Yes, Gerogie we are in the dark ages still, no doubt about it mate! And we always shall be as long as we are so inclined to sling excrement at one another.

Some of the higher thinking baboons have produced some fine porn, as you say..so that we can spend whatever time we have left over masturbating furiously!

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 291
Bushie faces the press

Yes, it was not a very good speech (big surprise). Same old stuff we've heard before...nothing new. Bush hardly ever does any kind of press conference anyway, because he's simply no good at it. It looks like someone would tell him "practice makes perfect" and he would try to hold more of them. Even Ronnie Raygun did more press conferences than Bushie, and he was senile six out of his eight years!

He was on "somber mode" last night, trying to convey compassion (something else he's not good at). One thing about the man, he believes his own shiat (as misguided and off base as it is much of the time) which is more than I can say for Clinton. Bush isn't going to budge an inch on ANYTHING..screw the Dems and the rest of the world! It's MY WAY or the highway! He actually believes that invading Iraq, removing the government and trying to implant democracy, against all odds, was the "prudent" thing to do (to quote the old man). That stubborness of Bushie's may just cost him the election, come November. Even though this seemingly impossible hand off is on 6/30, our troops are going to have to stay in Iraq for a very long time.How much longer will the American people put up with 10 Americans killed a week for the security of a foreign land? Someday historians will probably write about how it would have been less costly and just wiser to fight this "War on Terror" defensively instead of offensively. Like I've said, you're not going to "kill em all" and right now, we are no doubt creating more extremists than we are killing.We've got the biggest guns in history, but I think we're shooting ourselves in the foot!

Bush said he "can't wait" til the debates. I can't either..Kerry will make mincemeat out of that mental midget. Bush will carry my state full of redneck morons though. Amazing...record unemployment in NC but Bushie luvs Jesus, so he's good to go!


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 281
Awwwwwwww, lighten up there, Leege.

C'mon now, fella.

At heart, we all know you're a champion of good 'Murkinville Manners Around The Globe. It isn't your mistaken confusion of believing I'm homophobic that's really buggin' you (actually, never was, never will), as it is your disdain for our ceaseless, megalomaniacal habit of poking our nose into everybody's damn business for the sake of spreadin' around our Big 'Murkinville Morals in the name of National Defense (code word for: post-Cold War New World Order) when we ought to just keep our butt in our own backyard. To top it off, you're sayin' that if we DO have to swing a big stick, at least we ought to know the right target, instead of using our Big Foot Military to step on nations like an over-sized boot.

So, just tell me, fella, since I corrected ya' on your misperceptions about my psychosexual hang-ups (since I don't have any), am I readin' ya' right ??? ...

Yes, you say ??? ... Thanks. Thought so.

I mean, after all, after readin' your latest post, how else can someone who's never wrong prove that the size of his rationale is equal to the size of his shoe ??? [BTW--those rascist Arab Muslim comments you mentioned are sick, but then again, when you have people sayin' stuff like that it just shows 'Murkinville has no shortage of bigots, like anywhere else in the world, including Canada--so what else is new ?...Any other brilliant statements you've come across on the 'Net MB's lately ???, or, are they the Mother-Of-All Sources of Information you look at to shape your attitudes (your brilliant deductions I aleady know about).]

So, c'mon there Leege ... Lighten up there, fella.

If your foot-brain size gets any bigger, you'll qualify to be the landlord of the little ole lady who wants to live in a shoe.

Helluva place to live, if ya' ask me.

(Now c'mon,...........even you hafta admit THAT was funny.)

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

(.....And I made it up myself,...really.)

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 277
RE: booing - why oh why do they hate us?

Politics and Religion are two things you can never win against someone with the opposing view.

Some people will love this picture-:)

(img src="http://www.bacaklar.com/files/pics/chicken.jpg")

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 276
RE: booing - why oh why do they hate us?

Sorry, I goofed above.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 270
Osama still on the run

Funny pic! What a world of techno wiardry we live in...you can turn Osama into a chicken and plop Kerry right in the middle of a rally with Jane Fonda.

You keep seeing that same basic footage of Osama climbing through the hills, seemingly without a care in the world. I think he's in Arizona! Hey, it's the LAST place we'd look.

Wouldn't that be a bummer?


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 14, 2004
Views: 267
Combat Flight Simulator

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: Apr 15, 2004
Views: 252
Lookin' good.

Those pics are lookin' good, Harry.

I would have to say Herr Legionnaire's Shrub pic is also, as usual, very good and bushy. (Bad pun, I know, but I don't claim a monopoly on bad Lego-humor, I let the French do that whenever he's awarded some Freedom Fries as an honorary member of the French Foreign Legion; believe me, the French would protest, but ya' just can't bash their entire Foreign Legion. With no Legion and no fries, who they gonna use to peel potatoes ??? ...)

Hang in there, laugh-o-meter rising.


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 15, 2004
Views: 246
RE: booing - why oh why do they hate us?

Tangler you'll love this one-:)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Apr 16, 2004
Views: 218
RE: booing - why oh why do they hate us?

Leege ... I guess if I didn't say that was a funny one you know I'd be lying!
Besides thats not GW. Its his great, great, great twice removed grandfather. Remember, at one point or another we were all apes !

And an honorable mention to Harry. I don't know where you guys get this stuff from !!!


