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Posted By: Harry

Posted On: May 3, 2004
Views: 292
Nato Summit attack foiled

Nato summit attack foiled in Turkey

Turkish Intelligence and Police rounded up 25 people who were allegedly preparing to raid a synagogue and carry out a bomb-raid in the NATO summit. Explosives were found at the houses and business places of these people in the province of Bursa.

Bursa governor Oguz Koksal told at a press conference that, the operation was carried out into the "Ansar Al Islam" organiation led by Ahmed Faraj in Iraq and connected to Al-Qaeda. Initially 16 were detained in Bursa, including the leader of the organization.

Koksal said that the organization was expected to raid the NATO summit to be held in Istanbul at the end of June.

In a simultaneous operation in Istanbul, police captured nine people who are members of "Ansar Al Islam" and preparing to raid the NATO summit. A suicide bomber would try to kill President Bush, and then the rest of the members of this organization would flee to Iraq and organize attacks to the U.S. soldiers there.

60 American Agents In Turkey

Security preparations began for the NATO summit in Istanbul which U.S. President Bush will attend. 60 American agents already are in Turkey. 270 more will come.

President Bush will be protected with a special shield system in Turkey. All flights over the Lutfu Kirdar Congress Hall will be banned as of June 27th. Suspicious air crafts will be forced to land.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 3, 2004
Views: 290
RE: Nato Summit attack foiled

Hmmm only 60 of the finest? Thats almost as many troop other countries send in to help with Iraq!

I'm sure this stuff will again be poping up all over the place so its good to hear about them foiling one than not.

It goes to show its a much bigger issue that needs to be addresses by all countries.
(Or else we'll have to bomb them.)

Be vigulant Harry!!!

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: May 4, 2004
Views: 281
RE: Nato Summit attack foiled

Maybe Bushie's ass needs to stay at home, between now and November. I wonder how much the Secret Service bill has skyrocketed, now that he's fully ticked off about 9/10 of the globe, with his fake machismo and narrowminded "go it alone" attitude. He's shown no skills in international diplomacy through the first 3.5 years of his Presidency. Why start now, when it's the most dangerous time for a Prez to be traveling anywhere outside the US?

Nobody overseas likes him anyway, so just stay at home Dubya....or hell, just phone it in. Trust me, you won't be missed. I'm sure the international translators purposely make you sound dumber than you already are, so save us all the embarassement!

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 4, 2004
Views: 267
High five for Turkey, but what's the use of ...

... a NATO summit at a time like this ???

The round-up of all those murderers is great news and I can't commend the Turks highly enough for their first-rate efforts, but why the hell does NATO HAVE to have a summit right now. It can wait. If NATO believes there are a lot issues at stake here, tell it to hold a damn video conference, so everybody can stay at home.

I can tell the Turks are gung-go and goin' full blast to prevent any terrorist attacks, but serving the need to protect Bush with a total of 330 security personnel is farktard overkill, for Christ's sake.

You wouldn't even have that many surround Jack-O at the courthouse. (Damn !!!...He now has a total of TEN felony counts...THAT'S RIGHT !!!...I

Maybe Shrub can take Jack-O's underwear over there and get it autographed. Might be a good diversion for any potential terrorist attacks.

In the meantime, ponder this:

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: May 4, 2004
Views: 246
RE: Bush's Security

I remember a few days after 9/11 the Prez was delivering an address to the nation. The voice-over said, "From the Red Room in the White House, The President of the United States."

Bush comes on the screen and is sitting behind a desk in what appears to be the Red Room with HIS BACK TO A WINDOW WITH THE CURTAINS OPEN!!! You could see DC in the background. (Granted, he was probably somewhere else with his image projected over the back drop of the Red Room, but what an image!) But it gets better!!

As he's speaking in front of this window, the message band at the bottom of the screen reads' "Vice President Cheney has been taken to a secret location." Absolutely classic.

I wouldn't worry about any attempt on Bush's life. I don't think there's a sharpshooter in the world who could hit his brain.

What about Tecumseh's curse, you ask. I guess since Reagan beat it, narrowly, the curse is broken. Any comments?

Posted By: Sammy

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 238
RE: Nato Summit attack foiled

I guess I'm the lone Republican here. :-) I love the fact that everyone seem to forget that terrorists have long been plotting to bomb the U.S. way before 9/11 and before President Bush took office.

People have to remember what we are fighting is an unconventional war. If we had not taken the fight to them they would have surely been more bombing in this great country of our. The people we are fighting and the thing they stand for is hate. They hate all type of people except Muslim. They will try to kill all people except Muslim and that include yourself as well as me.

President Bush did not start the fight we are in. People such as Bin laden, Hussein, as well Arafat and etc.. are the reason we are fighting this war.

How many of you remember the Wall Street journalist who went to interview al-qaida members? Does anyone remember what happened to him? I bet his wife and mother does.

Well I rambled on a bit, does anyone like to comment?


