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Post InfoTOPIC: I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...
Posted By: legion the wise

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 303
I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...

Go ahead, you can say it...We already know anyway. I was right about everything, I predicted the whole Iraq mess from the start.

I never thought it would get this bad though.
From the UK comes the truth - confessions of wrongness from pinheaded journalism type conservatives never cease to amuse me.

From the UK:


by Tony Parsons

STOP me if I am missing something here, but if former Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic can end up on trial for war crimes committed under his leadership, then why can't Tony Blair?

Former Yugoslav President Milosevic didn't personally murder anyone. He didn't actually rape anyone. And he didn't soil his suit by torturing anyone in a stinking prison cell.

And yet Milosevic stands accused of crimes against humanity. He faces life imprisonment for unspeakable atrocities in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo that happened when he was many miles away.

But Milosevic was dragged to The Hague because he was the man at the top, and the indisputable architect of a mountain of misery.

"He (Milosevic) controlled events," the judges at The Hague were told when his trial began, "because he controlled the people who constituted the bodies that did evil."

Which is a perfect definition of Tony Blair's moral responsibility for everything that has been done in this country's name in Iraq.

Just as Milosevic bears ultimate responsibility for the slaughter and torture in the Balkans, so Blair must shoulder ultimate responsibility for the carnage and - even worse - the enduring hatreds that have been stirred up in Iraq.

Britain's involvement could not have happened without Tony Blair. First, it was because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction ready to rain down on Croydon.

When that turned out to be tosh, the justification for war was the moral imperative - we were bringing freedom, democracy and enlightenment to a wretched and oppressed people.

And I am sure the Iraqis would thank us, if only someone would remove the dog collar, the boot and the rifle butt from their throats.

Blair is guilty as sin. He will not stand trial, of course. There will be no ritual humiliation and bringing to book for the Butcher of Baghdad, the way there was for the Butcher of Belgrade.

Blair will not stand trial for the 16,180 Iraqis who have been slaughtered on his watch, or the 1,195 Allied soldiers who have wasted their lives.

The Prime Minister will eventually go, but he will spend the next two decades or so swanning around the lucrative lecture circuit of the United States, smiling his pious, why-hast-thou-chosen-me-oh-Lord? grin, until he slides into the dribbling senility currently being enjoyed by his hero, Lady Thatcher. Unlike Milosevic - who was undoubtedly convinced of the rightness and goodness of his cause - Blair will get off without charge, and without any blood or brain sticking to his halo.

But that doesn't stop him being guilty as sin.

And there are plenty of others who are guilty too - especially those of us who supported the war in Iraq.

It is time to come clean - before they release the pictures of Iraqi women being abused in those rancid cells, before the pictures of children being tortured come out, before a bomb goes off on the London Underground. Time to say all of us who supported this war were wrong.

Hideously, horribly wrong. About as wrong as we could possibly be.

We should have been marching with the peaceniks, no matter how much we secretly despise them, and all their pacifist tendencies - and until the day I die I will believe that many in the peace camp would have rolled over in 1939.

But it doesn't matter why we supported the war - because we truly believed the lies our Prime Minister told us about weapons of mass destruction, because we thought that Saddam deserved to be buried by history, or because we have a sentimental attachment to the armed forces of this country and could not contemplate criticising our soldiers when they were fighting and dying - we were wrong.

Whatever the reason, we were dead wrong.

The pictures of American and British troops in all their sadistic glory will keep on coming now, and they will store up loathing that will last a lifetime.

And one day, possibly one day soon, there will be a bomb in a major British city, and innocent men, women and children will be maimed and killed, and then we will have injustices of our own to nurse, and then we will have our own burning hatreds to cultivate, and our own vengeance to claim.

So it goes - the never-ending enmity of the Middle East taken up residence in this rainy little island.

Most of us are sick of the sight of Tony Blair now, but he is ultimately irrelevant - just another lying, self-serving politician, just one more thing we were wrong about all along.

What matters are the unimaginable forces that Blair has unleashed, and the hatred that will last for a thousand years.

Another week, another cell, another image to haunt our dreams.

Are we really torturing the children now? Are we raping their women, and taking a few happy snaps to gloat about with the boys back home?

Are these really the mad acts of a few rotten eggs?

To this former supporter of the war in Iraq, it looks like the whole damn farm is rotten to the core.

(L: Yes, I know you were wrong, stupid, that's what I've been trying to tell you all along. Now get out of Iraq and leave those folks alone. Henceforth remember this simple lesson - I am always right. YOU are usually wrong, unless of course you happen to agree with me.)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 298
RE: I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...

Oh shut up you dumb goone!


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 293
RE: You were correct about almost NOTHING...

1. The "torture" was performed and covered up by perhaps a dozen 'soldiers' and 'civilians' out of tens of thousands of westerners there in Iraq.
2. Nowhere, since 9/11/01, have you expressed any kind of rage against the murderers (OBL, et al) or the Saddam cretins who butchered their own people.
3. You have appeared to 'praise' a man who would be Prez who acknowledges that he was involved in "war crimes."
4. Returning to #1, above, the self-flagellation of the American and British continues, ad nauseum. Perhaps we could have had some of the same 'critique' of the Saddam 'rape rooms', 'torture chambers', 'gassing of the Kurds?' I think not...not from you. You still think along the nitwit lines of Babs Hoffa that somehow, some way, the 'murkin gummint took those planes into the Pentagon and the WTC towers.
5. This past week, very quietly, the progress of the Iraqi people have been noted. Now, the average Iraqi is allowed freedom of speech, the press and has a much higher standard of living. To be sure, after the war and hopeful peaceful pull out of most of the troops, the average lifetime of an Iraqi will climb from the current 56 that he/she had under Saddam.

I could go on but...why? As Killer said: shuddup & go away boy, ya bother me....


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 292
RE: I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...

Heheh, even many of the hard core neocons and Republicans are jumping ship over this Iraq war. Just imagine, all those dimwitted conservatives in positions of 'Leadership' in your government have finally come to the realization that....I WAS RIGHT! I guess they weren't such smart people after all, eh?

Fred finally caught on - he used to be in the military (wrote for the Stars n' Stripes) and later wrote a Cop column for the Warshington Post. Fred used his massive brain to figure out the war was a fraud, you could too, if only you applied yourself.


"After WWII, the French occupied Vietnam (again) by force of arms; in 1954, after years of bloody war, they lost at Dien Bien Phu and left. In the late forties, the Jews occupied Palestine by force of arms; after years of bloody war, that one is still undecided. A bit later, the French, having learned nothing, did the same thing in Algeria; they lost again and left again.

Meanwhile the Americans, having learned nothing from all of this, occupied Vietnam by force; after years of bloody etc, they leaped off the top of the Embassy and fled. The Israelis, sigh, occupied southern Lebanon, and ….The Russians occupied Afghanistan and after years of bloody etc, got whipped. Is there a pattern here? Or did someone put something in my tequila?

Presumably having noticed none of this, America is occupying both Afghanistan and Iraq. We send our soldiers to preside over torture and humiliation. I doubt it's what they enlisted for."

Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 289
RE: silence, pinheads...

Just nuke em all, eh? Indiscriminate mass murder is, so the appropriate response to the murder of an individual, especially when it's like this totally gross cutting his head off with a knife, instead of decently blowing his head off with a radar directed bomb from thousands of feet in the air and stuff, like, you know, civilized people.

It's because there is no difference.
Osama bin Laden = George Bush
There is no "good versus evil" except in Fonzies comic book collection of childish world views.

(Question: Does it hurt to be so stupid?)

The directives came from Military Intelligence and the CIA, right from the top on down. Bumsfeld is merely regurgitating his usual spin and lies when he calls it 'abuse'. But as usual, Fonzie parrots the neocon line, what a shocker.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 283
RE: I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...

Its you who isn't listening/reading.
One, I'm not a neocon. As indicated, I was against going into Iraq. We're there and now I have given -- albeit tiny morsels -- you some reason to think there is more hope for the Iraqi people because we are.
Yes, yes, war is insane. Remember: Saddam started one in 1980 and again in 1991 and OBL did on 9/11/01.
Oh, and the beheading of a 26 year old American? Not on al Jazeerah. Nothing new there. Your pablum puking...nothing new there, either.
Your duplicity and naivete are matched only by your hatred for things that are progressive and cathartic with respect to evil in the world -- which is something that yes, I most certainly DO believe in...evil, that is.


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 11, 2004
Views: 272
A WMD !!!, a WMD !!!, My Kingdom for a WMD !!!

Look, Leege, are you gonna be posting about this business from now until 6-30-04 ??? ...

Like, aren't you ever gonna get off this subject for a while and give it a rest, fella ??? ...

If it'll make you feel any better, I think everybody on this board is well aware of your opinions and understands them. Now, if you wanna keep posting about this, that's fine with me, but my point is you're not scoring any MORE points yourself by bringing this S.O.S. up over and over. Sort of like what you produce after you finish your bowlful of bran in the morning.

Like I've said all along, Shrub has made a major mistake in credibility because The Big WMD Discovery (hell, now I'm posting like CatDaddy) has not, and probably never will, be made ...

... and others have countered that arguement with why Saddam Hussein had to be gotten rid of.

The WMD arguement stands on its own merit, and EVERYBODY understands this.

All the other reasons, including the Iraqi POW abuse, are just more points on your scorecard, yes, but you're not gonna end up changing the ballgame at this point.

Is that sinking in ??? ...

The 'Murkin ball club is gonna leave the bases, leave the bench, and get the hell outta the stadium by 6-30-04, and there's NOT gonna be any overtime. [Yeah, I suppose the 'Murkin "coaches" (key civilian advisors) and "ballplayers" (Military) will still hang on in supporting roles--and, I agree with you that even THAT'S too damn much and they ALL oughta get the hell outta there COMPLETELY--but the ballgame is headin' towards the bottom of the ninth inning and, unless Shrub wants to go down in flames in his bid for re-election, there's no Babe Ruth waiting in the wings to be a Big 'Murking Hero in there.]

Now, about those FvsF Producers who are peddling such cheap crap that they're causing you to fart in your own bowlful of bran in the morning ...

Go ahead and let's hear it, because nobody's sure as hell gonna wipe your butt, believe me.

Your prolific buddy,


Posted By: Some towelhead

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 223
RE: I was RIGHT, YOU were WRONG...as usual...

Shame on all the disbelievers!!!
WMD were just found 5/18/04.
Just days after this assinine post.

