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Post InfoTOPIC: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...
Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 742
You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Oops, perhaps you tuned to Canaduh TV or reading the Daily Mirror or NY Times didn't see it: Weapons of mass destruction have turned up in...
ta dah!!!!!!! IRAQ!!!!

Well I'll be! Looks like loony l-man and his schools of lemmings will have to come up with an excuse for this one. My offer: Uh, say the sarin was bought at the local Walgreens by Ron Reagan in '88. Hey, if ya can't buffalo 'em with your brilliance b.s.'em with your ah...b.s.

Tata fluffy....


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 729
RE: drunk again eh Fonz?

Oh, brother.

yah, the pop can full of something or other was 'discovered' right along side OJ's bloody glove.

what a shocker.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 728
Bonghits are on me!!!!!!!!!!

Tehehe .... Leege lost the bet. Time to shave your head dude.

Yes, WMD do exist. But, Santa, the tooth fairy and Bigfoot still do not.
Its a no brainer. As if Saddam & those following him would really get rid of what helped them win wars? Hell no. And now the media is hooked on trying to say its possibly from the looping sessions a year back. So ... it still means they had the WMD. Doesn't matter if its one or one hundred. The fact now shows WMD does exist in Iraq. And for you who say "its just one". Imagine your country finding JUST ONE on a main road in one of your major cities.

Talk about some brownie points for my man GW!!!

Lucky I caught the 1 minute segment about the WMD finally on tv. I thought Fonz went bonkers because I logged on and skipped in here for a second prior to seeing it on the news.
And the media once again failed to broadcast another victory in this war. Ofcourse they are going overboard with talking about the assisination of the future "spokesmodel" for Iraq.

The funny thing is gay marriage overwhelmed the media and the old POW humiliation as well. You'd think something of this magnitude would be more of the BREAKING NEWS rather than that of dudes making out with each other and dikes huggin.
I'm sure my forign friends don't know what I'm talking about & its that Massachusetts just legalized gay marriage:)
Yippie! Who cares.
Legalize hemp and you'll get me dancing in the streets & much more happy.

Ok, so we found Saddam, WMD but I doubt we'll ever be able to shut up the hipocrits.
Awwww who listens to em anyways?

Yes Fonz. We were right!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 727
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Right now Fluffy's kicking around stuff in his house all mad at Murka.
He's surfing the web trying to find out info stating the almighty Fonz is wrong.
Good luck finding that Leege. We found something else more important ... WMD!!!



Now its time for you to think of another joke. Must be pleanty in Canada.


Posted By: Bear

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 722
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Sorry guys, but one shell loaded with safrin doesn't constitute WMD. This is what happens when you listen to Paul Harvey early in the morning. Find something biological or something atomic. As awful as nerve gas is, I doubt this shell posed any major threat to the population of Chicago.

Of course that credible Iraqi, Ahmed Chalabi, assured our CIA that those weapons were there even though our own inspectors said they weren't. He also assured us that his group, the Iraqi National Congress, would be welcomed with open arms as part of a change in government, and he assured us that we would be welcomed as liberators. Wrong, wrong, wrong again, AND we're still paying the SOB $350,000 a month for more misinformation. It all amounts to this: the neocons who are running this administration, all Ivy Leaguers, have been hoodwinked by some rug merchant. Shame shame.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 719
RE: You're wrong on this one, Bear

A small bottle of sarin (nerve gas) could cripple and kill lots of people. I know, for I have the anarchists cookbook recipe.
Anyway, the pics of the truckloads of SOMETHING heading toward Syria in Marc of 2003 should -- as I've said before -- cause you a lot of restless nights, for much of Saddam's WMD is unaccounted for but perhaps, just perhaps, headed toward a neighborhood right here in 'merika.
Feel better?
And, ah, Legionairres Disease, perhaps you don't believe in much but believe in Nazi-like Muslims coming to kill as many of us as possible. Belee dat...
And Killer: You should know better than to question the mighty Fonz. Gimmee ten!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 718
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

No I'm sorry Bear, but this find is important and should be looked at more so than just a "its something we all knew about" type of thing.

This particular chemical weapon didn't function properly. Doesn't mean it isn't and wasn't deadly. If pointed in the right place its just as deadly as some idiot with a bunch of handgrinades strapped to him/her.

I don't know how you wouldn't think the chemical found isn't an important find?
Its a chemical/biological weapon to say the least and whos to say there isn't more of them. One=two.

The assisination goes to show you how F-ed up that country is. Maybe we should just pull our **** outta there. We're doing all we can, but it goes to show terrorism is very real and much more easy over there.

Another huge problem is countries (who are on terrorists lists) don't want to do a thing about it, but complain about what the United States is doing. Just a few days ago they released info concerning Canada. Seems the terrorist say they will now target them because they are our friends?
Well I can't speak for Canada , but we're doing all we an at this point.

Too much bad publicity and negativity from everyone at this point.Weapons don't mean anything I guess until they go off?


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 715
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

yah, nerve gas. Ho, ho.
They quit using nerve gas in WW1.
You know why? Because it DIDN'T WORK! Something called the wind kept farking things up.

That's like saying "Oh look, we found a Me262 hiding in a hanger in Tikrit"... that just proves the Saddman was a malcontent deserving of Imperial invasion.

Yah, big threat. I feel safer already. How many billions for that discovery? How many lives? Oh right I forgot, lives don't count.

What was the CIA guy paying the mercs in Viet Nam? 5 bucks a head?

That's how much your government values LIFE brother, five Murkin bucks. Your life, anyones life. You better belive it.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 710
I wholeheartedly agree with Bear

What was found hardly constitutes raising a fuss about. They need to find a whole lot more to even begin to justify invading Iraq. And even if they do find the "mother lode" of WMD's...Saddam had never attacked us. The story got the shaft in the news because it was hardly newsworthy. I will only be impressed, or even interested, when they find HUGE stockpiles of bio, chemical, atomic, etc.

SHOULD HAVE STAYED THE HELL OUT OF THERE. We have ourselves to blame for the bloody mess that continues over there. Al Queda's business is booming over there (no pun intended) because we have created the perfect breeding ground for terrorism. The anti Western movement has grown exponentially since the invasion. But, I'm only telling you what the history books will say in about 50 years.

Dubya's still a dumb ass. Thanked Donny Rumsfeld for the fine job he's doing just the other day. Yeah, Rumsfeld's doing a real bang up job!


Just my two cents.


Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 706

Erm, have I missed something here. The above messages are a little vague, but am I correct in assuming you're saying that the Weapons of Mass destruction (i.e. the long range nuclear/biotoxin missiles and installation site that supposedly threatened the UK & US mainland and were used by Bush and Blair as a prerequisite for invading Iraq) have now finally been found en masse? I'm suprised this story has slipped past me being so profoundly significant a news item.

I've checked the British press and found nil. Where is this news story? I mean believe it or not, all the media should be reporting on this whether they back the war or not. So where is it? Someone give me a link, it's not in any of the newspapers I've checked yet. This story should be huge shouldn't it? It's the validation Bush and Blair have been looking for. So where's the story.

Is it one of those National Enquirer stories? I wish someone would point me in the right direction. And I hope it's not going to be one of those stories saying that they've found a rusty missile shell case in a Farm in Iraq that contains a bottle of Domestos again. They haven't found one of those long range cow launchers like the one used by the French in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.

I wish I could find this story???



Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 700
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Sarin was being made, I believe, in a London lab not too long ago. The ingrediants were, most likely, imported from another country.
To say for one instant that chemicals which have greatly impared and killed many Gulf War Vets and the Kurds (in 1988) aren't there -- or are in 'small quantities' -- is really naive.
But, life does go on. Ah, don't worry: Those Arabs in Whitechapel are good guys. I'm sure they're all boy scouts. So, have a kabob and such and pretend they like you.


Posted By: Hmmm

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 699
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

I've got stronger stuff in my shed for killing bugs in the garden than that old thing released.

I've worked with cyanide in gold mines that was more dangerous, and had the same first aid procedures.

I'm not impressed yet. Show me the aerosol bio-weapon. Then I'll be impressed.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 697
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Well I wouldn't expect the ones totally against this war, the occupation of Iraq and most against the US to say anything but they are saying right now.
Point is they found A WEAPON. Mass distruction? Yes, it is. Just because you can kill your weeds in your garden with it doesn't mean it won't kill a human or humans.
So you guys think they were used for Saddam's garden? Likely answers from those who are now proven wrong wrong wrong and can't justify themselves.Chemical and bio weapons are WMD because if they are shot in the right areas can and will kill lots of people. Look at the Kurds for instance.
And this particular weapon SHOULD have been accounted for and destroyed by Saddam MANY years ago. To say its just looters or in the wrong hands just goes to show possibly how much they had and how lightly they took it upon themselves to get rid of it. All they've done is hide them well.
You guys crack me up. Now its not IF we find WMD or chemical/bio weapons its how much?
Nothing will ever be good enough for you clowns.

Right back at cha Fonz-

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 694
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

Sure read your Guardian BS Dio. If anything that paper is the most one sided peice of literature you fools read. In America we have a paper kind of like it. Its called the Star magazine.
Just from reading your link you gave us all I got out of it was people trying to unjustify the war. Saying this weapon SHOULD have been destroyed, but more than likely its really nothing to worry about?
Point is what did they do with the "stockpile" of these types of weapons that the inspectors knew about?
YEP... played hot potato with it and are hiding them. Now its proven they are in the wrong hands, but for some reason this still isn't good enough.
Then for the rest of the article it plainly bashes the coalition forces particularly the United States.
Rubbish. Have fun reading it.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 457
RE: You were WRONG, we were RIGHT, as usual...

That would be a weapon of somewhat limited destruction in the best case. The Japs released it in a crowded subway with thousands of nippers running around and only killed 12 people. That's about the best case scenario you could hope for - a confined area. And still, it didn't work very good.

That's because, my dear simple minds, there's something called the air and the atmosphere. It extends up for many miles, and anything gaseous released into it dissipates pretty quickly like putting a few drops of snake venom in the ocean. See, gas must be a bit heavier than air to be effective, so that it hangs there like a low fog, but not too heavy otherwise it just creeps along the ground. But if you make it lighter, it dissipates more quickly, so they discovered way back in WW2 that gas was really a lousy weapon for war - especially when the wind changed and blew the stuff back on your own troops.

Gulf war vets? You only lost, like two guys during that whole war. And they both committed suicide. Soldiers are dying now all these years later because of the depleted uranium bombs USED BY THE UNITED STATES during that war, not Saddam. Not Sarin.

Stupidheads. Don't you guys know anything?

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