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Post InfoTOPIC: The olymipics are coming the olympics are coming !
Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jun 5, 2004
Views: 242
The olymipics are coming the olympics are coming !

Yesterday we had to attend my buddies daughters birthday party. Shes at the age where she's still drooling and slobbering.
A human crap factory at this point and didn't care about the cake she slammed her face into. Ofcourse its for the Dad's and dudes. Just another reason to pound down beers and talk about how cool we all use to be ...etc.
In the few hours of my constant non stop abuse with alcohol and dangerous and addictive drug pot, my wife wasn't feeling good so we left alittle early. This may stop some but no... not me!!! Before getting to the homestead I picked up another 12 pack of buds went home and listened to tunes all night long falling asleep with my headphones wrapped around my face(LOL)
I stummbled upstairs in the wee hours and was junk this morning.
By around 10 am my wife still couldn't get my arse outta bed. I kinda remember her standing over me asking "Are you gonna sleep all day long? Its sunny out GET UP!

I pretended to get up and as soon as she'd leave the room I'd fall back and threw the covers over myself. Christ, did I reak!!!

Finally later she came back upstairs and said "The women's olympic trials are on"
I guessed it was a trick to get me up from the dead seeing nothin else worked.
No it wasn't the trial for the soon to be X CIA director and court tv with a segment on OJ Simpleton (BTW I watched some of his comical interview) instead it was women wrasslin!

2 whole matches outta 5 not too shabby! Ofcourse they were not wearing skimpy dresses and were not grabbing a hold of the certain parts most of us would have liked them to (even though they resembled men in some ways) but the matches were cool.
Looks like they might get their fair share of the spotlight possibly.

Actually, I can't wait to see the various nationalities going at it on the mats. Theres gotta be atleast one chick in the olympics with giant hooters and a firm junk in her trunk (ass)

Not sure if anyone saw or cared too. I just figured I'd ramble and actually talk about something related towards Celebrity boxing:)

No worries I'm all better now. Ofcourse now I got the munchies and am kinda giggly.
Have a good weekend-


Posted By: An Englishman in Murka

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 216
RE: The olymipics are coming the olympics are coming !

Jeff I did not know this years olympics were having women wrestling! I noticed the olympics of four years ago was a money making idea for some especially in the states.
They actually charged people to see certain events on pay per view? I heard that from a chap from California who spent countless amounts of money to watch one event and yet had to sit through hours of boring events that were also featured that day.
My question is how much female wrestling will they show and how much a wack?

