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Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Jun 5, 2004
Views: 827
Ronald Reagan Dies

So, what are your thoughts on the passing of this ex president of the United States?

Personally I have little repect for the man and his death is a point of sheer irrelevance to me. His legacy and influence on America: to have made people selfish, greedy, insular, and uncaring towards their fellow man. He corrupted the American spirit, and made it base.

God bless Franklin D. Roosevelt.


p.s. Now looking forward to raising a glass for the (hopefully) prolonged and painful death of Margaret Thatcher.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Jun 5, 2004
Views: 823
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

Reagan was the greatest President of my life time. His vision of America as a "bright shining city on a hill", the fact that he helped destroy the "evil empire" and that the Iron Curtain was taken down without a shot speaks volumns on a man who I worked for and respected.
The remarks on Mrs Thatcher are beneath you, my friend, and I doubt you really mean them.
Leadership in todays world is a near impossibility; to do it with honor and grace as Reagan had is more so. To have worked for his election & to have voted for him twice was an honor and a privilege. Perhaps this wasn't what you wanted to hear, Dio, but it is from the heart and I truly loved the guy. I can respect that you disagree.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Jun 5, 2004
Views: 816
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

Damn Dio, do you dislike the old Iron Maiden that much? Commander, did you know that Reagan voted for FDR and was a card carrying Democrat in the 40's and 50's? I'll admit, I liked Reagan when he was in office. I was in high school and, before I became more liberal minded in my twenties, I got caught up in his unrelenting optimism and flag waving charm. That was before I realized that TOO much nationalism was a negative thing, that can breed bigotry and mistrust. The thing about Reagan was he truly believed his own shiat, even when he was misguided and totally off base. This is more than I could say for Clinton. Reagan gave some award winning speeches, no doubt about that. I don't know if he wrote many of them himself, but his Challenger speach, the one he gave the day of the disaster, is the one I will always remember. He was the perfect President for the age we live in. The actor whose best performance was his eight years in Washington, taking bullets, taking on the "evil empire", and playing cowboy. Dubya's a cowboy too, though without the humility or an inkling of the wisdom. If Reagan was our John Wayne, Dubya's our Quick Draw McGraw I suppose. I thought lesser of Reagan as I got a little older and became intrinsically more jaded, but I would take him over the idiot that's in there now.

His role in ending the Cold War will be what he is most remembered for, but Gorbachev deserves just as much credit. "Fair and balanced" Fox News will make him out to be the greatest President of all time. The negative aspects are more prevelant now in hindsight, and I was someone who chose to overlook them at the time they were happening. Trickled down economics, putting us in debt up to our eyeballs, the true beginnings of US job outsourcing, his ignorance about AIDs. I'm quite certain he was not at the reigns during his second term and no one can convince me that he wasn't already showing signs of Alzheimers then. The most obvious blight on his presidency is Iran Contra, a no win for Reagan either way you slice it....either he knew about it and condoned it, or was totally out of the loop and others were really running the show.

I think that truly "fair and balanced" historians will ultimately judge him as "average" at best, but he was likable as hell.

Posted By: GG

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 811
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

"Likeable as hell"........proud of...(gasps for breath) you truly are unredeemable locusts, are`nt you.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 809
RE: GG hehehe

Yeah but we're "likeable as hell"LOL
Now shut up & get the commandor his tea & Walker shortcake cookies and be quick about it!


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 805
RE: old warpigs live a long time...

Good riddance to a piece of shiate who murdered thousands during his lifetime.
He was a good public speaker, I'll give him that much. But, the "Great Communicator?"

Hardly. The only thing he ever 'communicated' was : 'Fark you, poor people.'

Now, Thatcher, she has to be a male-brained zygote or something cause I don't even think she was a real woman. Another rich, ruling-class scumbag who proved that women can be every bit as ruthless and cold hearted to the peasants as any man.

Yah, great "leaders" we've got, eh?

Philosophically, I still don't understand why I even NEED a 'Leader'???
I'm all grown up now. I could see it being important for children to have a role model/disciplinarian but once you are an adult, why do I need someone to tell me what to do all the time - how to act - what to think - basically how to live my life?

A: I don't. None of us do.
So, what purpose does it serve to elect a monkey world alpha male 'leader?'
A: None. We do it out of instinct.

Class dismissed.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 796
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

Here it is, folks.

War-culture Reaganomics in a nutshell:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) While Americans are shelling out record prices for fuel, Iraqis pay only about 5 cents a gallon for gasoline a benefit of hundreds of millions of dollars subsidies bankrolled by American taxpayers.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 773
But Leege....

He was known to work well with chimps.

Posted By: ronnie raygun

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 769
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

The firing of the air traffic controllers, winnable nuclear war, recallable nuclear missiles, trees that cause pollution, Elliott Abrams lying to Congress, ketchup as a vegetable, colluding with Guatemalan thugs, pardons for F.B.I. lawbreakers, voodoo economics, budget deficits, toasts to Ferdinand Marcos, public housing cutbacks, redbaiting the nuclear freeze movement, James Watt.

Getting cozy with Argentine fascist generals, tax credits for segregated schools, disinformation campaigns, "homeless by choice," Manuel Noriega, falling wages, the HUD scandal, air raids on Libya, "constructive engagement" with apartheid South Africa, United States Information Agency blacklists of liberal speakers, attacks on OSHA and workplace safety, the invasion of Grenada, assassination manuals, Nancy's astrologer.

Drug tests, lie detector tests, Fawn Hall, female appointees (8 percent), mining harbors, the S&L scandal, 239 dead U.S. troops in Beirut, Al Haig "in control," silence on AIDS, food-stamp reductions, Debategate, White House shredding, Jonas Savimbi, tax cuts for the rich, "mistakes were made."

Michael Deaver's conviction for influence peddling, Lyn Nofziger's conviction for influence peddling, Caspar Weinberger's five-count indictment, Ed Meese ("You don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime"), Donald Regan (women don't "understand throw-weights"), education cuts, massacres in El Salvador.

"The bombing begins in five minutes," $640 Pentagon toilet seats, African-American judicial appointees (1.9 percent), Reader's Digest, C.I.A.-sponsored car-bombing in Lebanon (more than eighty civilians killed), 200 officials accused of wrongdoing, William Casey, Iran/contra. "Facts are stupid things," three-by-five cards, the MX missile, Bitburg, S.D.I., Robert Bork, naps, Teflon.

(copied from somewhere)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 761
even American's are ignorant on a day of respect

I'm abit glad he's now gone. The last few years just rotted him a way. Nasty disease he had and feel for anyone having to deal with it/him.

As for personality I loved Ronnie Regan. Nice guy etc etc. When he was in office everyone here in the states seemed to be happy & then he went ahead and cut back on defenses. My old man lost his job because he worked creating stuff that destroy people and countries:)
Ofcourse back then a job was much more easy to find and my Dad got it together and we moved on as if nothing happened.
Reganomics .... ect. but all and all he did things for the good of humanity.

The man just wouldn't die. 93 or something old like that!?!? Christ, most of us could never be that lucky. Although he only remembered up until he was roughly 87 or so.
He lived a life most people can't. An actor with a co-star monkey and then president. Not a bad life at all. Good for him.


The big shocker for me was last night. My brother stopped in to help me do some yardwork earlier in the day and we decided to buy some chink food and rent a movie later that evening. Ofcourse we picked up a stupied movie and the wife was ****ed when we got in, but I won't bore ya about that.

When we got to my local video store I saw on the tv in the middle of the place a picture of Regan and they were saying he just passed on. I hadn't heard it, but knew he was really doing bad.
Then I see this f-ing dumb blonde bitch kinda jumping in the air swinging her arms as if she was victorious or something?
So as I walked past her I said " What did they just say Regan just died?"
And she said "yes" smiling.
"And your ****ing laughing?" I asked the dummy.

Quickly she put her hands over her mouth and got all embarressed. "Oh I'm sorry"

"Your not only sorry your also pathetic" I said walking past her to the new release section.

To me it wasn't the time or place to make a comment like that let alone jump around like your got crabs.

I mentioned to my bro how F-ed up people are and disrespectful. Not loud so the whole store could hear it, but enough for my brother and maybe a handful near us.
There was some dude standing watching the whole thing that took place and I continued to say how much of a dumb f-ing bitch this woman was. Just because the oval office is in shambles now does it mean all the yuppies gotta hate their own government and its historic values and own people (or something like that)I said to my bro. My bro didn't say much and just listened to me talk about how F-in dumb this woman was.

And how she did it was what ****ed me off. In the middle of the flippin store! The lady looked to be in her late 30's or so and gave that fake ass educated look. So it wasn't like she was saying it because she was drunk or on drugs.
Basically one of those weirdo's that think they rule the norms of society driving around in their gay ass Saab's and suv's.
March around the streets to stamp out everything from war to ants. The world revolves around them and their pathetic Martha Steward additudes.

Thankfully when I humiliated the lady she immediatly walked a way and I thought she left, but instead she stood by the exit door. Then I realized the guy who was standing next to us quickly turned and walked off a bit in a hurry to where the woman stood still looking all retarded and embarrased as if she wanted to leave but couldn't. Then I realized the guy that was standing next to me and my bro was either her husband or boyfriend . HAHA.

They left the place about 10 seconds after I gave her **** about being a dumb **** hating your own. F-ing Dems!!! Best thing is they didn't even grab a movie ...tehehe. I'm just not sure if he left because he was more ****ed at her or me? Like I care really.
I could see him talking to her in the car.
"What are you stupid doin **** like that in public!?!?!" and then smacking her for being that way. One could only wish.

So not like tragity deserves to be placed, but I'll forever remember Regan's passing with the trip to the local video store. People remember what they were doing when both Kennedy's got wasted , 9/11 ... but now I'll forever remember some dumb ugly whore bag jumping up and down like a towel head would on 9/11.

Its one thing to be an ass on a message board to some extent. I can see Johny Forigner's laughing that our beloved jellybean man has finally bought the farm, but I will never tolorate it infront of my face. Especially when they are celebrating the death of one of their own. Thats just plain wrong.

Have a fun monday tomorrow peeps,


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 760
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

To set the record straight...Ronald Regan's speach writer was an Armenian American named Kenneth Khatchikian.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jun 6, 2004
Views: 757
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

I thought it was a woman ... forgot her name though.


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Jun 7, 2004
Views: 753
RE: Ronald Reagan Dies

That's Peggy Noonan, she was a great speech writer and one of Reagan's fave speech writers too. I think she wrote his Inaugural Speech.

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Jun 7, 2004
Views: 748
Reagan Dies and no one noticed for weeks!

Yes Dio, Ron is dead and all of us here are just heartbroken. However, he can now be placed upon a postage stamp. To this end, I have just sent a letter to my congressman requesting that he immediately submit a proposal to so just that. I think it should be a postage due stamp. What better way to commemorate this man than with a stamp where you can pass on the expense of your action to someone else? I can see it now. Reagan’s smiling face with the text “I’m dead… Let your grandkids pay the bill!”

It would also honor Reagan in another way. Since people with Alzheimer’s tend to forget that postage is more than 5 cents, their letters are more apt to arrive postage due. Such a fitting tribute!

By the way, JSK, that was quite the heroic tale you wove for us. I kept reading and expecting at any minute for some passing D-Day vet to give you his Congressional Medal and for Ann Coulter to straddle your face. Gosh, I wonder who will play you in the movie?

Posted By: anti JSK

Posted On: Jun 7, 2004
Views: 745

I'm not sure if you are from "the states" or not.

Guess it doesn't really matter.

JSK is like the red headed step child.

It's hard to take anyone serious when they use words like "chink" or "retard".

He has admitted to smoking alot of weed.

I doubt he would be using words like that if he ever had a child that was challanged in any way.

Keep smoking your weed, kid. Actually the worlds wrong, and you are right. OK?

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