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Posted By: ronnie raygun

Posted On: Jul 9, 2004
Views: 911
Fun at the G8

This was from another board. Chilling.

* * * * * * * * * *


Last Saturday night, June 5, 2004 a friend and I arrived in Savannah on our way to Florida, unaware of the G8 conference taking place in the vicinity or that Sonny Perdue, the governor of Georgia had declared martial law for six counties including Savannah and Sea Island which is about 60 miles away and where dimson and the G8 are having their meeting. ( I don't think the rest of America knew that Georgia was under martial law either) .

Although the dignitaries are going to Sea Island, many of the bureaucrats accompanying the leaders were booked into hotels in the Historic Section on the river which is the charming area tourists visit. It's usually booked up every weekend and this weekend was no exception, but more about that later.

We went to the Bennigan restaurant next to the hotel for dinner and realized that many of the patrons were not the usual tourists. It wasn't difficult to pick out plain clothes cops, feds, and even a likely couple of "contractors" with Irish brogue sitting around the bar, mostly displaying sullen faces with blank eyed stares, which occasionally and sneakily fell on us. When we left the restaurant we noticed the hotel next to ours had police cars with names of at least six different municipalities, towns, and counties parked outside.

On Saturday morning we headed down to the historic area ourselves. On the way I saw the Georgia National Guard patrolling the streets. I saw humvees all over town. I saw small tanks. I saw jeeps. I saw young kids wearing their Georgia National Guard camouflage outfits and very nervous serious faces. And I thought of Kent State. I saw black metal cages the cops and the guard were putting together. Pens. Not wooden saw horses that say 'don't cross this line'but PENS to hold people in ! Uniforms and army and cops were all over with guns tied to their legs like gunfighters.

I saw a very small Coast Guard boat on the river, more like a rubber raft with two machine guns, one at either end of the boat, riding up the river, and harassing a tourist paddle boat. . And though I previously had thought people who talk about black helicopters should be wearing tin hats, sure enough, I saw two fly over our hotel. If tourists and residents weren't alarmed before, they had to be at these sights, as I was. A person quickly becomes imprinted with a siege mentality.

And what was all this for? The local paper had been publishing that there were going to be thousands of protesters and windows might be smashed and they could expect violence.

The organized protesters, mostly residents from the areas and some labor unions had obtained permits and printed their schedule of speakers and affirmed they meant this to be peaceful protest against violations of free speech and the G-8 actions.

The "townies" told me police had announced anyone carrying a sign will be arrested, no bail. That on Monday they will be stopping cars and searching them and can do so without any reason. Of course they can. But we will be leaving on Sunday before we can be subjected to this indignity.

There are 25,000 cops in the town of 20,000 residents.

There are 25,000 cops, sherriffs, troopers, correction officers on loan, FBI agents, and other federal govt. people driving white vans with U.S. govt. plates who have descended on this town. Savannah makes it's money through the historic old houses dating from the 1700's bringing tourism.

At first Savannah thought it would be wonderful to have the G 8 meeting nearby. But on this day certainly the townspeople were doing quite a lot of rethinking this idea. The town was almost empty of tourists except for some 50 or so brave or ignorant souls. Empty streets means you're not making lots of money and not feeling terribly cheerful about it. The townspeople of Savannah are feeling deceived and wondering why the media intimated there was going to be "terra" and why the military was putting on such a scary and heavy handed show. (a report was later published in the paper that Boston police had been invited,ominously, because the Feds intended to show them "how to handle protesters).

We walked around the old city and stopped to listen to an outdoor concert which was interrupted by a caravan of 10 or more police cars followed by a government van with sirens blaring , slowly circling the square, twice, where we and some thirty other tourists sat listening to the concert. The noise of the sirens ever growing closer and louder caused everyone to look and finally stand up to see what had happened. Nothing had happened. Two young guardsmen with walkie-talkies and batons marched around the square eyeing the tourists. This was a practice exercise in instilling fear. Nazi Germany replayed.

I now understand the expression "I'm freaked." Anger vies with revulsion within me at what this government is doing and what I am seeing. POLICE STATE. You can feel it. The cops are looking to make trouble....where there is none. And they will. They are too dense to understand that those young people who announced they will be protesting are protesting for them too.

I saw a group of young 20 to 30 year olds eating at an outdoor restaurant. The cops and guard cordoned off the street with police cars and humvees and stood around about 15 thick in a bunch in front of the diners, stood just staring at them. I don't know if these kids knew they were surrounded on the other sides also, but they sat there quietly eating at their outside tables. Nothing about them said they were protesters. They might have been or might not but they had the misfortune to look young in a town taken over by martial law. They must have been in fear. There was not a smile to be seen. But they didn't look up or acknowledge the show of force. What bravery and absolute guts.

We passed by a college dormitory which had been taken over by the Georgia guard as a place to sleep. Young men in uniform were guarding the sidewalk with their rifles. On our return trip we saw that they had spread razor barbed wire along the paths into the dormitories, which made me laugh. How were their fellow reservists going to get in tonite?

Meanwhile, this administration arranged that all 2400 reporters from all over the world would have to stay in Savannah while the meetings went on 60 miles away. The government people also reserved entire blocks of hotels in the downtown district - and then canceled the rooms at the beginning of the weekend without any remuneration to the hotels. Massive deception. It was decided if the government booked the hotels the protesters wouldn't be able to and would have no place to stay.

I would guess not many Savannahians are going to be voting for dimson after this.

The town was shocked at the military and government actions but the townspeople were being very quiet about it. You will notice that you read nothing of this in the major or minor papers. You'll also notice that you saw none of this on TV or cable.

This country has become a populace victimized; stripped of the civil liberties that our government espouses it is spreading around the world, a gulag, under an administration which acts as occupiers in its own country and under the guise of protecting the "homeland" is ready and able to commit violence against its own people.

This country is presently in the control of the military.

I never in my life thought I would see in America what I have seen happening in the town of Savannah. It made me angry at that Governor, and the police and plainclothes people. They are giving press releases that they are there to protect the people of that town, and have convinced some townies of that, while others have just left town or closed business for the week. It sure didn't look to me as if they were there to protect people. Quite the opposite. Their function appeared to be to instill fear and intimidate the populace. They succeeded.

We left on Sunday, and were followed by a Sheriff's white truck which pulled up close in back of us and followed us for a way. I could see the uniformed driver talking on his phone as he followed our car. I knew he was checking our plate with his HQ. We must have passed the test. He put the phone down and peeled off .

I've never seen my government act this way, not even immediately after 9/11 in New York City.

By Tuesday, the local paper reported there had been a couple of marches and a gathering at the designated site, lovely old Forsyth Park. 100 protestors showed up in total.

Reports of non happenings appeared in the local paper. 25 "activists" made an unscheduled march and were immediately surrounded by troops in riot gear,masks, batons, shields, pepper gas, who later said they were sure the 25 were going to make trouble.


"Free speech and the Right to Assemble" seem to have slipped through the cracks along with the Constitution of the United States.

The British end every speech with "God Save Our King/Queen"

I'm moved to end with "God Save Our Country From Those Who Are Sworn To Protect It Because They Are Destroying Everything This Country Is Supposed To Represent.

Posted By: gg.

Posted On: Jul 9, 2004
Views: 909

Who`s "them" and who`s "us". when Labour turned to "New Labour" I did`nt read the newspapers- I did`nt need to, to see the ignorant swine who make up the masses just let everything fall apart as if nothing had changed. and when it comes down to martial law in THIS country, they`ll be absorbed into whatever nationalistic sump ideoligy that presents itself to them. People are only bearable as individuals, as soon as they organize themselves into ANY group they become schizoids devoid of any responsibility, just too willing to obey orders....ANY orders. -of course I`m being fanciful, when it comes down to it we`ll pretty soon see who the REAL us and them are, then we can get on with rebuilding the ruins....again.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Jul 9, 2004
Views: 904
RE: Fun at the G8

Yah, it's a pretty bad sign when the high courts of the land start discussing 'torture' as if such a things are worthy of consideration. Very bad sign.

Here comes the draft. Murkins shore aren't going to like that very much. Maybe this will finally spur them into some good old 'hell no we won't go' protest action.

Just say no. I'm declaring war on war.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Jul 9, 2004
Views: 894
I do feel a draft

If Bushie gets re elected the draft is a certainty. If most of the gung ho 18-25 year olds who supported the Iraq War knew that draft boards had been quietly reconvening for some time, I wonder if they would be quite as "sold" on the idea. Next year at this time, more of our guys will be shipped over to the shooting galleries in Iraq to fight in a war that was completely unecessary.


Posted By: President Pubes jnr.

Posted On: Jul 10, 2004
Views: 886
RE: Fun at the G8

My fellow ambivilents, I say this to you....Would you rather it was some foriegn territorialist insulgients horrorising our good citizens when we can do a real bang up job of it ourselves? We have a workforce of good old boys just sitting in front of their T.V`s using their American know-how to find their butts, then scratch them. I know this because I have been persfully responsible for them having no jobs to go to. We don`t need religious instrumentalists in our homeground. We don`t need no education, we don`t need no thought contro......hold on till I turn my walkman off.....there....and I furthur say this.......Michael Moore is a WEENER!!!!! (This message brought to you by the letter "G" and the number "8").....God bless pancakes!


Posted By: legion of doom

Posted On: Jul 11, 2004
Views: 855
RE: Fun at the G8

Legal Nonsense

by Charley Reese

I love the sharp tongue of the British. A former legal adviser to the British Foreign Office has said George Bush's war on terrorism is "legal nonsense" and confers no more power on the United States to detain people than the war against obesity.

That's true. The British lady, Elizabeth Wilmshurst, is quite correct, too, that the war against Iraq was illegal and thus the occupation of Iraq was/is illegal. I say "was/is" because that depends on whether you believe the fairy tale of Iraqi sovereignty.

So it turns out old Saddam Hussein was correct. He is still the legal president of Iraq; the new Iraqi government is illegal and has no right to try him. That, of course, will not prevent him from being tried and eventually hanged. One of the things I hope Americans are learning, besides the fact that the war wasn't worth it, is that the rule of law is a farce. Like language, the law is twisted to justify what the Bush administration wants to do. This administration is bound by neither law nor truth.

I'm no lawyer, but I pointed out some time ago that you can't declare war on a tactic, and that's all terrorism is – a tactic. Real terrorists, as opposed to people resisting occupation of their country or guerrillas fighting to overthrow a government, are criminals, and as criminals deserve to be hunted down. That, however, is not a war.

For all time, when bad governments wanted to increase their power, they spread fear and claimed the new power would allow them to "protect" the people. If there were no real enemies at the gate, they would invent them. The threat of terrorism has been enormously exaggerated by this administration to justify a very un-American lust for power. It has spread fear like a glutton spreads butter on hot pancakes.

Some local law-enforcement officers also fearmonger to get bigger budgets. Some in burgs no international terrorist could find with a satellite are warning the local folks to suspect everybody they see.

Another word that is vastly abused in this crazy time is "intelligence." Do you know what intelligence is? It's just knowledge, and knowledge must be factual. Assertions are not knowledge. Beliefs are not knowledge. Fears are not knowledge. Regardless of what so-called "intelligence" said, the facts are that Iraq had no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, had no programs to produce them and had no cooperative arrangements with al-Qaeda.

Vice President Dick Cheney, who probably should see a psychologist as well as a cardiologist, continues to claim a connection, but what he calls a connection is one or two meetings in a period of years from which nothing ever came. If a mere meeting is a "connection," then all of us have connections with every human being we've ever met, however briefly. This is another example of language abuse.

Another architect of the illegal war, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, still coyly claims that just because we haven't found the weapons doesn't mean they don't exist. That's true. We haven't found any Martians, either, but perhaps they do exist, perhaps even in the offices of the Pentagon. It's always been hard to prove a negative.

This is an administration of sick puppies whose minds are haunted by lust for power, ideological phantoms and a profound contempt for the American people. A willingness to deceive is always proof of contempt.

Hopefully, in November, a majority of Americans will decide that this administration, like its illegal war, isn't worth reelecting.

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Jul 11, 2004
Views: 847
RE: Fun at the G8

The majority didn't elect this administration the first time. I sadly predict that Bush will be the first President in American history to twice lose the popular vote and twice win the Presidency.

Tecumseh, where are you???????????

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Jul 11, 2004
Views: 844
Fun at the G8

If the implied threat of another terrorist attack grows substantially between now and election time grows, and there's every indication it will, the powers that be may just cancel the elections all together. That would be another way for Bush to steal yet another election.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Jul 12, 2004
Views: 828
RE: Fun at the G8

re: Tecumseh

The evildoing Murkins shot him in the back at the battle of Moravian town, deep in Canadian territory, in the war of 1812 (actually died in 1813 I think). The British General Whattisname chickened out in fine British tradition, and was later court marshalled in disgrace. The victorious Murkin General went on to be president, after we kicked him out of our country that is (Harrison).

Strange thing - we committed an act of barbarism - murdered wounded soldiers - and why? Get this, because unlike the Murkins, we didn't have any slaves to carry out the wounded, so the Indians scalped em. Weird, eh? The crazy shiate they did back then.

So thanks for murdering Chief Tecumseh, he was one of Canada's finest sons. Get back to the business at hand of seizing control of the middle east and never-you-mind aboot us Canucks up here.

Posted By: Geordie (Netto Marx) George

Posted On: Jul 12, 2004
Views: 825
Oh, THAT Tecumseh!...

....I thought he was talking about Groucho`s character in "Duck Soup". Now THERE`S a political platform worth voting for....."I`m strictly on the up and up, so everyone beware, if there`s graft and corruption - and I don`t get my share -we line them up against the wall and POP goes the weasel!"....Actually that`s not too far from the present lot`s attitude...only with worse jokes....."YMCA" dance, anyone? - HAIL FREEDONIA!!


Posted By: Viking

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 800
RE: Fun at 'Fessor's.

[Here comes the draft. Murkins shore aren't going to like that very much.]...fluffy

Nah, there ain't gonna be no draft. You see one of the many benefits of having a large all volunteer military is plenty of trigger men. Technology, education and employment are some of the other benefits.

[Maybe this will finally spur them into some good old 'hell no we won't go' protest action.]...legion

Well, there are a few bongo drummers still around but I think that most people are over that silly sixties foolishness.

[Just say no. I'm declaring war on war.]...legion

War is human behavior. As long as there are people on the planet, there are going to be wars. Instead of wasting your time declaring war on the inevitable, why not try to get rid of something else problematic...like liberalism, for instance.

[So it turns out old Saddam Hussein was correct. He is still the legal president of Iraq; the new Iraqi government is illegal and has no right to try him.]...legion

Oh damn, thats torn it. Well, I guess we have no other option than to reinstall Saddy and pack up our ****. And right when things were starting to liven up too. It's just not fair! I just hate leaving right in the middle of a good fireworks show!! Thanks for spoiling EVERYTHING!!!

[I do feel a draft]...Roughy

You do? Wait, I bet I know what's causing this.

{walks across the room and closes the window}


There, that should do it. Feeling better Roughy? I'll bet it was GG who left that window open too, that dadburn Scotty. I've noticed that ever since 'Fessor instituted that workplace smoking ban ole GG has been hanging around windows mumbling to himself.

[If Bushie gets re elected the draft is a certainty.]...Rough

It is? Really? Even if we don't need it? You may not know this Rough but the Pentagon is meeting its recruitment goals for trigger men clear through 2006. There is a shortage but it's not of shooters. We have a shortage of technical personnel. Computer technicians, aircraft mechanics, etc. can earn tripple or more in the private sector. Because of this most techs don't reenlist after their initial hitch is over. Dubb might fill this gap with something called the Individual Ready Reserves(IRR). These are people who have been out of the service for two years or less. The IRR is NOT the draft. The IRR has been used in nearly every war we've been in.

[If most of the gung ho 18-25 year olds who supported the Iraq War knew that draft boards had been quietly reconvening for some time,]...Rough

Oh Roughy. You really crack me up sometimes. Where on earth did you read this juicy pinkish-green tidbit? Draft boards are made up of hundreds of civilians all accross this country. How can hundreds of civilans keep a secret from the liberal media when Lurch couldn't even keep his VP pick of Jon-Jon quiet for a few hours? Plus, draft boards can't be convened without an act from Congress. Since Congress is chock full of liberals, wouldn't you think at least one of them...say Teddy Kennedy...would've leaked this "draft board activity" to the liberal media by now?

[DIO/ROUGH 2004]...Rough

You know, I've been thinking about this for awhile Roughy and...well...it just ain't gonna work. You see we have a law against johnny foreigners sleeping in the White Hou...wait, I forgot about Bubba renting out the Lincoln Bedroom. Let me rephrase that. Uh, what I meant to say was we have this law against johnny foreigners "living" in the White House and I'm not so sure we could pass 'Fessor off as a colonist. Oh sure we could teach 'Fessor to drink iced tea and drive on the correct side of the road, but I'm afraid that his monocle and bushy mustache are a dead giveaway. Besides, do you really want to play second fiddle? Of course not! What you need to do is give yourself a promotion and find a junior. As luck would have it, I just happen to have in mind the perfect running mate...fluffy. Wait...don't laugh, I'm serious. Think about it. This'll help get rid of pesky ole Nadless. How can Raffe boy campaign as a real commie when you two are miles to the left of that cockeyed nincompoop? I've got more ideas too. Here's your old campaign banner:

'Fessor/Rough 2004

Now I admit that's a pretty good one but look at this:

Ruffy-n-Fluffy 2004

How 'bout them apples? Ruffy and Fluffy. Is that catchy or what? I'm just brimmed with all sorts of good ideas ain't I?

'Course I know what you're probably thinking:"Sounds good but fluffy's igloo isn't located in the lower fourty-eight either." No worries, I've got that base covered too. When people start asking about fluffy's funny accent and peculiar mannerisms we'll just tell them he's from Jersey. Problem solved. We warpigs think of everything don't we?

[If the implied threat of another terrorist attack grows substantially between now and election time grows, and there's every indication it will, the powers that be may just cancel the elections all together. That would be another way for Bush to steal yet another election.]...Rough

Elections cannot be cancelled. There is a constitutional provision to delay an election during a national emergency. I'm not familiar with this provision so I'm not sure when or for how long it could be used. At any rate we warpigs do not want this election cancelled or delayed. This Lurch/Jon-Jon ticket is one of the most liberal in history. I wanna see it crash and burn.

[God bless pancakes!]...pp

Do they eat pancakes in Scotland?

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 795
RE: Fun at the G8

WB Viking.
Always enjoy a good tolerable spanking when someone needs it. But, be careful on my buddy Roughy

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 794
RE: Fun at the H10

Hmmmm darn British HTML flaws!!!

Lets try again......
WB Viking.
Always enjoy a good tolerable spanking when someone needs it. But, be careful on my buddy Roughy (please note the proper spelling.)

Rough like most who are not supporting Bush or anything else hes done or is doing plainly looks for the worse case senerio.
I'd do the same and usually do seeing I'm more on Bush's side than Lurch. Although I do like his young little side kick that Lurch keeps huggin and pinching ..... yeah I like him running NC not the USA!

Actually, its what Murka might need that of less experience with congress and its evil ways. Although Lurch will teach him all he knows. Hopefully Johny Jr. doesn't learn from Lurch or it'll mean he too will do absolutley nothing if elected. And still I'm betting on no change in power come Nov.
I'm not buying the current opinion polls on Fox news or MTV's road rules what so ever!

Roughy theres always 2008. Thats an easy call with knowing Bush won't get in.
Like you I just want a better, safer and happy America. Not just a stoned out, lazy one of the 60's. Although that brought together us and the Canadians:)~

It all boils down to how the people in Iraq can handle pulling their country together at this point and beyond. Although we'll still be there in numbers for quite some time you'll see a difference sooner than later. By sooner I mean before the election.

Figured I'd throw out a few comments and run for cover.
Thanks Viking for shutting the window.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 792
RE: Fun at the G8

Someone babbled: "War is human behavior. As long as there are people on the planet, there are going to be wars. "

- Oh yah? Well, rape used to be 'human behaviour' at one time too. In fact, for primitive man, rape was probably our primary means of reproduction. Ah, those were the days, eh? Too bad more conservatives weren't around at the time to 'conserve' our more traditional and wisened ways of doing things? I could almost write the Pat Buchannan speach myself.

More gurgling noises: "Instead of wasting your time declaring war on the inevitable, why not try to get rid of something else problematic...like liberalism, for instance."

Ach! I can never decide who I hate more, the liberals or the conservatives. Both want to tell me, the mighty legion, what to do, how to act, how to live my life. They can both fark off. I've always gotten a laugh out of other people who love to tell everyone else what to do. Are they certain that "their way" is the best way to live? How many lives have they lived anyway? Are they vampires who have lived many different lives and therefore must be an authority on it? Isn't this life basically the FIRST TIME THROUGH for any of us? How do I know if the drunk who lived his life on a park bench lived a happier life than me? I can't say for sure, because I've never lived that life.

Send in the clowns.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 786
RE: Fun at the G8

Ahh, the warpigs are gonnna want to fight no matter what Leege. It's just in their genes I guess. Even though we're fighing a country that hadn't had stockpiles of WMDs in ten years and had never attacked us. But, like Bushie said the other day, "Iraq had the capability to make weapons and did not like America!" What a brillinat man! So, who do we invade next? According to that criteria, that probably encompasses most of the globe now! That Dubya...mind of a retarded clam!

We're graced with the presence yet again of Hagar, the viking with the tin horns...who drops by every six months to unload on people and then runs for cover! Heh, heh. And I know Bear feels left out..you attacked everyone but him and I suspect he's a leftie pinko, too! Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see what the powers that be have in store for "Indecision 04". With the paraniod state of America and the terror threat at dark fuschia, anything could happen. We'll play "wait and see" on the draft too. We're going to have to keep the same number of troops in Iraq through 2006-7 and we've only been there a little over a year...still a LONG road ahead on a path we didn't have to take. That's just Iraq and doesn't include the wastelands of Afghanistan, that we totally squandered, and any other hot spot that could erupt. Despite everything, are we ANY closer to Bin Laden, the dude who actually DID attack us? Oh, I forgot...Dubya said he's not even that concerned about Osama any more! I like Ruffy n Fluffy though, Hagar! It is DAMN CATHCY and that's about half the battle in this day and age. Y'see, you warpigs can be creative when you want to be! I've been trying to get Dio to work on his "yankee accent", but so far it's pretty fruitless. He can sound a awful lot like Tom Daschle after he's had a few belts of Auntie Mavis' home brew, though.

Killah! Soon to be DA-DA! Now, I'll admit Edwards wouldn't have been my first choice, although I suspected all along Kerry would go with him. I love the way Bush and Co. has gone after his "inexperience", when he has substantially more experience than Dubya did when he ran. I expect Edwards to do quite well against the curmudgeonly Dick Cheney in the debates. Hell, that ole geezer's liable to have a coronary. And Kerry will make mincemeat out of the gloriously inept Bushie! Insofar as Saddam, I'll say right here we would have just been much better off just capping that bastard when we had the chance! As long as he's still taking in oxygen, he's going to be trouble with a capital "T". His little appearance before the court a few weeks back was only a preview of the circus his trial will be. Almost half the population of Iraq wants to see the man set free and he, as long as he can talk and spit venom, he will only get that segment of the population riled up. Nothing that happens over there will surprise me, including Saddam being set free and running for office again. It had better be a short trial with the firing squad waiting out back!

Hagar/Killah 2004

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