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Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 353
First US Presidential debate is in the can

The first, and arguably most important, Presidential debate between John Kerry and George Bush is history and Kerry pretty much mopped the floor with Bushie. Any rational thinking, fair minded person would agree that Kerry handily beat Bush.

Kerry was calm, cool and polished. He made his points clearly and with intelligence and fianlly put to rest several of the blatant lies that Bush and his cronies have been continually putting out. Kerry was laser sharp and looked Presidential. And to see someone FINALLY be able to throw Bush's horrible foreign and domestic policies right in his face was f ucking GLORIOUS! I wish now I would have taped it.

Bush stumbled and slurred. He HAD to be in defense mode and Kerry took it to him with both barrels. Bush totally had me at a loss several times as I didn't know what the hell he was babbling about (I doubt he knew either). There were a few times when he was literally at a loss for words...quite a few awkward pauses. I think his handlers have told him that if he gets some question he doesn't have the answer for to just SAY NOTHING. That works for Bushie, as stupidly saying nothing just looks better than stupidly saying something asinine. But, as I've said before, Bush has a hard enough time when he's at a podium all by himself and not in the context of an intellectual debate whereupon he has to feign intelligence.

So Round 1 of the old debates easily goes to Kerry. I only hope that it gives Kerry that little bounce he needs in the polls.


Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 345
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

Yep, I believe Lurch won. Problem is, Bush never really attacked him and if you think about it, Lurch NEVER offered a solution. Remember: He kept saying we need an exit strategy outta Eyerack; Hokay, fella who ALSO thought there were WMDs there...what is your exit strategy?
How you gonna get the French, Germans and Russians to help when they have already said they will not help?
In reality, other than taxing the living crap outta us and `hepping the hepless` and p i ssing and moaning, Lurch had/has no answers, only platitudes.
When we need permission slips from the Blue hats and when I need to work until October just to pay my taxes and when Sweden or Denmark look like tax havens by comparison....
Oh well, I am far too busy trying to get the hell outta here (have plans to move to Central America), so, as Robin Williams might say:


Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 343
RE: Oh, btw...the undecideds

If, after evaluating and listening to both Kerry and Bush for the past year or so, you have found yourself still undecided, then you are truly...STUPID!
God how I wish we could make abortion retroactive.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 338
Did you ever have to make up your mind?

Yeah, that's what I just don't get, Fonz. How can there be anyone undecided at this point? If you don't have a clue who you're going to vote for at this point don't bother. Sheesh!

The problem with Iraq is we should have NEVER invaded in the first place. That becomes clearer every day. In a fair world, the burden of coming up with a sensible solution SHOULD be with Bush and the neo cons who got us into this mess. I remember back when the ball started rolling on all this, Fonz...you had some serious reservations about it yourself and you voiced them here. I know I was against it from the start. It may not be exactly like Vietnam but there are a lot of similarities, and we're definitely going to have to be in there for the long haul. That's not taking into account any other hot spots that may erupt. Afghanistan I could accept, in the hopes that we might wipe out Al Queda at its base and capture or kill Bin Laden. I never bought into this connection between Saddam and Al Queda...the paltry proof we were given in no way justified this ongoing war..."defending America" by invading Iraq. Saddam could have been contained indefinitely. I know it's not the answer a lot of people want but it's the truth. We've transformed Iraq into a cancerous breeding ground and magnet for terrorists...something it never was before. We've got our very own West Bank now that we are going to have to deal with for a long time. We've only got ourselves to blame for that.

I know the international community pretty much thinks that we got ourselves into this and are not willing to help us get out. I honestly can't say as I blame them one bit. But it's Bush and his whole "go it alone" attitude that they despise. When he stubbornly dug in his heels and announced in so many words that "you're either for us or against us", he alienated many, including longtime allies. I really do think that Kerry would represent a fresh start in the eyes of many throughout the globe and that he would be able to get more international help in there. The way I see it, Kerry could not possibly do any worse than Bush has so far.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 337
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

I didn't see either man winning. Kerry threw out some "god awful" stats and Bush told him what was up. Bush also sounded more truthful and insistant with his answers. Sure Bush gave a couple monkey looks, but all John did was smile like he was posing as Lurch for a crest commercial. BTW- they were not suppose to pan into either persons while listening to the other speak(Yet, Kerry is going to try to give that to the press) DESPERATE!
I don't blame Bush for some of his looks he gave scary Kerry. Maybe if Kerry did his homework and told truthful stats he wouldn't have made GW look so disgusted by the lies.

Neither went after each other and it was more tame than I thought it would be.
The thing is that they brought up some of the most important aspects of the campain last night. Sure the economy will be the next BIG issue, but not the central focal point for most voters. Iraq and war was key.
This is where Kerry will more than likely fall a part. On paper the United States isn't as troubled as most think. Jobs and economy are not the strongest, but they are both growing. This won't help Kerry and his lame plan which will only hurt us a decade from now. But, you'll hear all about that when Bush has to correct him yet again with his numbers.

And John should talk about education ... no really John really should because he hasn't around my side of the map. And the idiots from here. You will hear him complain about that which is more a state problem especially here where we are at an all time low. Especially when every state is funded and then later misshandled by smucks like Kerry.

The Chaney Edwards debate should be kind of fun. I hope John #2 remembers he's not in court this time. Dick is a pro at debating. Still I like Edwards a bit more and would have liked to see his presence in congress at a higher level. Too bad hes bending over for Lurch who should be on the other side.

Lets face it ... last night didn't change anyones views. Bush supporters obviously said he won and Kerry supporters took his side. Its all in what channel you were watching or website reading.

I'll agree with ATF if you are still undecided maybe you should actually wake up before walking around outside and go about your life.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 1, 2004
Views: 327
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

Were we watching the same debate, Killah? It's Bushie who seems to have the problem connecting with much of anything remotely resembling reality. I lost count of the number of blatant lies and bullshiat he pulled out of his arse! I still can't figure out if Bush is just inherently stupid or such a pathological liar at this point he truly doesn't know what the hell he's babbling about. He's a wind up toy. I love it when his little beedy eyes start blinking uncontrollably, when he's obviously having trouble recalling what one of the handlers fed him right before going on! Kerry actually corrected Bush on several of the key lies that Bush and his cronies have been troweling out about him. In the heat of the moment, Kerry may have been off slightly on a few facts and figures but there's NO comparison to Bushie...whole different ballpark of lies and bullshiat. I wish Bush and Co. could be held accountable for the shameful lies that these swiftboat vets for "truth" put out (and got busted on) but that may be asking too much. Oh, but they had nothing to do with that, now did they? These guys will do anything to keep their jobs, no doubt about it. And in this crazy world of partisan politics we've got some vets supporting a President whose sorry arse went AWOL from the Guard, against a decorated war hero who experienced war first hand and then came back home to protest 'Nam for the bullshiat war it was.

I caught Bill Maher's show tonight and watched Bill and George Carlin's assessment of the debate and Dubya. Why do you need a fatheaded Fox moron like Sean Hannity to give his two cents about the debate when I have THE MAN George Carlin to give it to me straight? The VP debate on Tuesday should be pretty lively. It may very well be even more fiery than the Bush/Kerry throw down in Miami. I think Edwards is REALLY going to take it to Mr. Halliburton. Ole Dick might just blow a gasket before the evening's over. I've never seen anyone have an actual conniption but I might just see one Tuesday night! I hope his ole ticker can take it. Remember how pensive and ticked off Bushie looked the other night when Kerry threw the President's awful record right in his face? Expect the same thing from Cheney (and he's MORE the old fart). These guys just don't like the truth. You know, "they can't handle the truth." It's something sort of like vampires and sunlight, best I figure!


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 320
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

Well, ex-captain of the Harvard debate team versus Bonzo the chimp - no big surprise who won. Actually, Shrub didn't seem to be doing all that badly considering what a mismatch it was - a couple of times I saw him even string more than 3 words together all in a row. Pretty impressive for a lower primate.

Did he say anything quotably stupid?

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 310
Get your fresh Dubya quotes!

Any quotably stupid quotes? Are you kidding me, ya crazy Canuck?? It's DUBYA!!

Here are but a few....quoted directly:

"My concern about the Senator is that, in the course of this campaign I've been listening very carefully to what he says, and he changes positions on the war on Iraq. It's a...changes positions on something as...fundamental as what you believe in your core, in your hearts of hearts is right for...in Iraq. I..you cannot lead if you send mexed missage...mixed messages."

("Mexed missages" obviously has something to do with our neighbors to the south!)

"I have...I understand EVERYONE in this country doesn't agree with the choices I've made. And I made some tough decisions. But people know where I stand."

(Sometimes his mistaken messages ring truer than what he means to say.)

"That's kind of a pre-September 10th mentality, to hope that somehow resolutions and failed inspections would make the world a more peaceful place."

(..or even kind of a pre-September 11th mentality, but close enough, I guess!)

"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. You know why? Because an enemy realizes the stakes. The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their idealogy of hatred. That's why they're fighting fo VOCIFEROUSLY!"

(Dubya tries, in vain, to insert a big word into his limited repertoire.)

And finally...

"And you know I think about...Missy Johnson's a fantastic young lady I met in Charlotte, North Carolina..she and her son, Bryan. They came to see me. Her husband PJ got killed. He'd been in Afghanistan, went to Iraq. You know it's hard to try to love her as best I can, knowing full well the decsion I made caused her..her loved one to be in harm's way."

(Man, that sure paints an uncomfortable mental picture!)

I forgot to mention that the Dixie Chicks were on Bill Maher's show last night. And, you know what..they didn't wrestle! I couldn't believe it!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 298
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

Kerry reminds me of a Al Gorish type of tone when he speaks. Same monotone boring fake promising voice.
Being a Bush supporter I obviously cringed a few times ole GW spoke & cringed even more listen to Kerry try and poke a good jab at him. You really can't tell me either did any better than the other. No realy harsh words and noone got ko'd. (so to speak)
But, Bush corrected Kerry several times and told him the proper numbers and stats which everyone in congress knows. It was John's lying way of trying to make the president look bad. Well he didn't. It baffles me why Kerry's wrong details were not brought up more so? I want a guy who can count and read running the country.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 291
RE: First US Presidential debate is in the can

The President did a sufficient job of making himself look bad with little help from Mr. Kerry. Bushie always does! All you need is Dubya alone at the mic and you're just bound to get some "memorable" quotes. Comedy gold!

Awww gee, I sorta like Lurch's monotone voice. I still want to hear him say, "You rang" sometime before the election...or "Yes, Mr. Addams".

I'll take Kerry's voice and delivery style over "Dubya-Speak" any day. The man sounds like a cross between a mildly retarded John Wayne and a cornfed reject from "Hee Haw"!

(Dio will forgive the "Hee Haw" reference...I'm sure he doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about!) Bloody Yank!


