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Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 650
A Day in the Life of JSK


JSK gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his
morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging
liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first
swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His medications are
safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their
safety and that they work as advertised.

All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical
plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid
medical insurance - now JSK gets it too. He prepares his morning
bacon and eggs.
JSK's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for
laws to regulate the meat packing industry.

In the morning shower, JSK reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is
properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total
because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was
putting on his body and how much it contained. JSK dresses, walks
and takes a deep breath.
The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko
liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He
walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to
work. It
saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees
because some
fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which
gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

JSK begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical
benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy
liberal union members fought and died for these working standards.
JSKs employer pays these standards because JSK's employer doesn't want
his employees to call the union.
If JSK is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker
compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't
think he should lose his home or go hungry because of his temporary

Its noon time and JSK needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some
bills. JSK's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some
godless liberal commie wanted to protect JSK's money from unscrupulous bankers
who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.

JSK has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and his
federal student loan because some elitist crybaby lefty hippy decided that JSK and
the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more
over his lifetime.

JSK is home from work. He plans to visit his father (FONZ) this evening at
farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is
among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal pinko
for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the
third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home
Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans.
The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal-socialist
stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.

He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on
Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking,
cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so JSK
wouldn't have to.

JSK gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk
show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and
are good.
He doesn't mention that the beloved Republicans have fought against
every protection and benefit JSK enjoys throughout his day.

JSK agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our
lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should
take care of themselves, just like me."

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 647
RE: Hehehe, very clever, Beaver Leever, but....

....our lad has to work AT HIS SELF EMPLOYED JOB (because there are no jobs that are fit for Americans, they have all been outsourced by Mrs Kerry & her ilk) and has to figure out how to pay all the Mass Taxes in Tuchettesville, USA.
He has to avoid all the illegals from Canaduh who are in the US via Northern Exposure INdirectly from the middle east. When he takes his flight, being an Anglo Irish lad (and seeing as you lefties & your blood brethren @ the ACLU dont want any racial profiling...heavens to Kerry!), he must have all body cavaties searched, whilst those wunnerful scrubby looking Islamic goat hearders are let on the plane with nary a pat on the butt. How p.c.! How compassionate. How crazy! Still, the New World Order, which says that all us riff raff must work until June just to pay our taxes (while the zillionaires/Kerryites pay next to nothing) must be paid! Ante up to the bar, pardner. Give us your name, ssn & blood type. WE at commie HQ will control the horizontal. WE shall control the verticle.
Yeah, right goober. You lefties sure make the world a greater place. Course, it helps that the EVIL bidniz giants can take our pal Killer away on a plane, or that he can ride around on fuel supplied by the GREEDY guyz @ Sunoco & Exxon, in a car made by folks in Deetwah or Tennassssseeee or that when he gets sick Pfizer can help him recover, or that if he needs radiation treatments Siemens will be there.
But what about the gubbmint?!
Ah yes, gummint! Just ahmember....any gubbmint strong enough to GIVE us something is powerful enough to take it away!
Getting the flu, Killer? Go up to Canaduh and take a number; right outta Beetlejuice you very well may take number 1,756,369. Still, we shall all go together when we go, assured of bureaucratic brain botulism
brought to us by the very people who are sworn to PROTECT US (hehehe), NUTURE US and be there. Yeah sure. Tell us another one, Leege. BTW, the USA has a box where all one needs do is mark it off to pay more in taxes. Lurch never has.


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 642
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Ahh, yes the good ole New World Order. And who actually coined that clever little phrase and lined his filthy rich pockets as an oil pimp with all his kith and kin....Was it a leftie, commie, pinko, tree hugger???

Oh YEAH... it was none other than GEORGE BUSH SR or "41" or whatever the hell they're calling the old goat this week! Because oil is more powerful than ketchup (at least in my estimation) and at least Teresa never sold out to the Saudis!


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 2, 2004
Views: 641

The Bushie's never have either!

Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 628
JSK... you ungrateful bastard, Sir!

Is this true what Private Legion is saying about what those people you always call names have done for you?

You bounder! You bite the hand that feeds you and tittle tattle about jolly good blokes who are doing decent things to make your life better and all you can do is call them tree huggers and commo fag liberals.

You ungrateful bastard... why I... (begins waving his chrome handled walking cane)... I, I, I, can't believe how selfish that is. I can't believe how you stand for those, what you call them in America, erm... cack handed chicken ferries hard line right wing fasho rotter nasty bugger totalitarian pillock whips, who oppose anything that wants to care for people and make the world a better place whilst you stick up for the business men and their clinically uncaring materialism.

You bog standard rotter, you shameful trooper.... if this is true I'm demoting you to private again. Selfishness is not allowed at DIHQ.

Harrumphety Tumf Tumf!!!! ;)


[Oh for the record everyone, some of you may or may not know I got sacked from my job earlier this year in January, for the sin of creating a comedy website for a friend's leaving event :->. Guess what... I've just been sacked again from a part time job I do [Legion spurts out coffee laughing his head off]. Getting sacked twice in one year... now that's a bloody achievement I say.

What was the reason this time. My boss attempted to blackmail me into not giving a statement to the Police regarding a violent and brutal assault I witnessed by a man beating a woman causing severe injuries to which I intervened and prevented from continuing. The attacker also worked for my boss, I was told if I gave a statement, I would be sacked. And what would you lot guess I did? Yup, I never submit to blackmail regardless of the consequences to myself.

2004 sacked X2 whooo hooo!

Cue the song 'Wham Rap' by Wham... you all know George Michael and his gentlemans toilet incident with the police officer. [Dio now fears this song will become as influential in Legion's life as what happened when he introduced him to the works of Nietzsche... Legion the Wham fan!!!!! ;)]

"Wham! Rap"

Hey everybody take a look at me,
I've got street credibility,
I may not have a job,
But I have a good time,
With the boys that I meet "down on the line"

So you don't approve,
Well, who asked you to?
This guy's got better things to do
I ain't never gonna work, get down in the dirt
I choose, to cruise
Gonna live my life, sharp as a knife
I've found my groove and I just can't lose
I'm style from head to toe
Cool cat flash gonna let you know
I'm a soul boy - I'm a dole boy -
Take pleasure in leisure, I believe in joy!


http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/clipserve/B000005RUV001009/202-24111 71-2233466

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 623
RE:Atleast I have a life

Geez Fluffy thanks for thinking about me and taking the time to post all about me.
I know those aren't from your words. Its like one of those FIT in the word comical bits or whatever.
First off ... I really don't have the time to read through all your BS. I scanned (quickly) some of my other buddies posts.
I thank you all for thinking about me.

(Leege cut and ...)
JSK begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical
benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation .........

I begin my work day when I want to. Unlike you I do work.
I do have a good job. I work for myself. And to top it off I did it all myself and worked my butt off to do what I am doing now.
I don't have exellent pay, I don't have medical and I don't have any of the rest you mention.
As you know I have a kid on the way, a house, a perfect wife and just about anything else which would consider me NORMAL in Murka. But, unlike some people in this country I worked for it and I earned it. I want to keep it and be happy like I am now.
While your spunging off your country inwhich you have no respect or thanks for just remember thats not the way I am.
I'm much different than you Leege in many ways, but still the same in one sense. We both smoke pot. You don't even like the same type of fem fighting I do.
Another big difference which your totally ****ed at is I can and will vote in November for a guy you hate.
Tough tooties fluff.

I'll be back with a rebuttle and some proper humiliation for you later. I'm just tossing pebbles at you. The rocks will come later.

Now its time to sit back and watch the New England Pats kick ass.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 617
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Like me, Dio has become too smart to be "employable" in capitalist Galt-World. Bounder did it 20 YEARS BEFORE I did though, bloody over-achiever.

Any good leader could be caught asleep when something major goes down.

ITEM "By the time Dubya finishes reading "My Pet Goat"..."

However, a good leader, upon being appraised of the problem, STOPS whatever thing of lesser importance may have been going on, and STANDS TO.

Dubya, on the other hand, stands confused until somebody else tells him what to do.

I think most of the intelligentsia has already concluded that politics is hopelessly farked. The current "choice" offered in the United States between 2 centrist ruling-class millionaires with near identical ideology illustates this point perfectly.

On with the show!

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 3, 2004
Views: 607
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Hey, Im also scrounging from the gubbmint.
Doesnt that count for anything?


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 4, 2004
Views: 584
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Yes, yes, that's a jolly good show Fonz. But see, you actually earned your pittance over in 'Nam, whereas Dio and myself are just wannabe philosopher-kings who fancy ourselves above the mindless competition of the capitalist social-status hierarchy.

In other words: Moochers. And damn proud of it!

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 5, 2004
Views: 571
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Oy vey, never thought of that.
Still, when I have become a millionaire by mooching and stealing from the `productive` by selling worthless DVDs and tapes on how to buy $250,000 properties with zero down, you guyz will welcome me into the WWWWW Club (We Wont Work, Will We) faster than you can say
TOM VU!!!!!!
Holy Carlton Sheets, folks...I just made my millions by sending out bullshyte from my one bedroom apartment; Id like to introduce you to my two best students, Mr Dionysus and Mr Jolly....

Always thinking....

Posted By: left handed

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 551
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Pretty sad, that legion, who now lives in Canada, and I'm assuming was US born and bred, has to live his life through JSK. Maybe he's jealous. Maybe that explains his disdain.

Well, thank God, the cannucks are supporting him. I'm not a Bush supporter, (although after reading roughies' bitching and moaning and bitch cry's, it's hard to stay on focus.) Thank God only a handful of people read this board...anymore then 100 and the Kerry campaign would have to be informed that some guy using the handle of "rough", who bitches like a woman in heat about everything other then his little catfight vids, was swaying the vote.

Is there any wonder why "Rough" is a single man?

I just find it comical that some guy (Legion) who has admitted to not working, having no money in the bank, and now living in Canada thinks he is the know all. I do remember his post on Barbs board on 9/11/01, about 2 PM, that day, saying something to the effect of...."I told you idiots this was going to happen...etc, etc, etc,...while hiding under his trailor in Canada.

Nicely done, fluff boy.

Leaning hard to the left, but happy to have the right offsetting my vote.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 541
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Yes, I get the feeling Fluff is a Jealous sort. However, never forget you have home grown far leftists who prefer to stay here and bitch & moan about the freedoms and prosperity we have in the USA & the West. You mention Roughie but Im thinking more of Wizzzzputz.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 533
RE: noone could hang in my shoes

I'm no dem or republican. I'm actually independant, but backing up my pres.
For that one thing I get all these nice things said about me:)
And now a dedication by the most useless person in Canada. He's even more worthless than moochers in Murka. I know its hard to imagine.
Christ, its not like I stuck a bumper sticker on my car like some of these "nice people".

Classic s h it .


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 524
Hmmm, three things Mr. "left handed"

Well, maybe four...

1) I'm just a PROUD AMERICAN buddy and think that the ride we've been taken on these past four years has been a tragedy. Sorry if I get a little emotional about it sometimes. If I cared as little about it as you obviously do, I wouldn't even bother voting this year.

2) Not single

3) Now don't go and use some ANONYMOUS name like "left handed". WTF? It makes YOU seem like the bitch. Be a man...you can tell me who you really are. Don't be shy!

4) It might help your argument a bit if you learned the difference between "then" and "than". It sort of makes you sound ignorant! Not related to a certain Jabroini are you?

Carry on!


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 7, 2004
Views: 515
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Yes, but you forget one very important thing:

I lie about everything.

I'm telling the truth.

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