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Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 341
Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Lovely little piece of nonsense on the other bored...
Monkeys...chimps...religious half wits...
Perhaps tis true: Bitterness never brings insight.
Tell you what: You go and ignore us for the next four years; you folks condemn the 51% who have `lost their minds` hehe...
In the interim, perhaps we can all work together to end many of the diseases that ...hopefully...stem cell research will help cure.
Perhaps we can kill enough Islamic Fascists to make the vast majority of the Moslem population see that killings and bombings against free people are so counterproductive. Perhaps by working through our USA Peace Corps we can bring about true and lasting
peace; by contributing to Doctors Without Borders we can bring health to dying children and adults in developing countries.
If you take a look at your verbage you can easily see that it is you of the left that appears so hostile and uncompromising.
I wish for nothing but the best for my country and yours. And every other country on our planet. After all, this is the only planet we have.
I say this in friendship and understand your frustration with the US gummint & those who appear to almost `lust` for war.
I promise you it is not I who wishes war on anyone, save the fascists who wish to kill us without regard to any degree of innocense. I also believe that the thugs of the world tend to only listen to those who have the strength and vigor to stand up to them. Hopefully, this is the message sent to OBL & allies. Beyond that, all I can say is: Whatcha gonna say about the `intelligence` of the GOP candidate in 2008, Bill Frist (if he is nominated)? The guy graduated first in his class, is a medical doctor and a lifetime member of Doctors Without Borders and the US Senate leader.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 333
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Well Fonz, there won't be much done with that "evil" stem cell research as long as ignorant, Bible banging Dubya is at the helm. Why isn't stem cell research considered "pro life", anyway?

Four more years of self righteous incompetence!!

(Maybe next time!)

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 330
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Glad you menioned stem cell research, Rough. The Republicans have gotta get over this aversion to scientific research via stem cells. My best friends have had
diabetis, my grandmother dies in ur house when I was 7 from the damn thing and my own daughter had a form of palsy and I have had, as you know, some medical conditions of my own that can be ameliorated by such research. Never give up hope, Roughie, for there are too many of us on BOTH sides of the political wall who will demand research for ourselves and our families.
Belee dat.

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 327
Letdown 2004

The election was a disappointment for me, that's for sure. I stayed up til 5:30 and the bitter end! Bush says that he's going to be more inclusive to the Dems and try to heal the divisiveness in the country right now. The old "uniter not a divider" line again, so I'll believe it when I see it! I'm trying to think positive. Maybe Barrack Obama will decide to run in 2008! It's high time we had an Afro American in the White House (Clinton doesn't count)!

Stem cell research could entail some of the biggest medical breakthroughs in generations. If further research isn't pro life I don't know what is. Things in Iraq will hopefully improve and our men and women will come home. Man, I hope and pray for that one every day. My best to you and yours. We'll all make it through the next four years together.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 321
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

If you recall, I predicted this months ago when I told you guys that Murkins would never vote for a guy like Kerry because he doesn't look good on TV. He is unattractive and too stiff. What he does and says does not matter in the least.

You guys called me names, and said Americans were not that shallow and superficial.

Any more questions?

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 318
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Thx Roughie...
Leege, it cuts both ways: My own sister called & said she voted for Kerry because our dad always told us to `vote Democrat` cuz the Dems are for the working man.
I then informed her that she long ago left the working class, being a Real Estate Mogul and all...to which she replied...
Yep, too many people have OPEN minds, all the better to let their brains run out.
Platitudes and never looking beyond the next ridge is a trait all too familiar with all kinds of folks Im afraid Mr L.
Perhaps you are right about one thing. The hell with any gummint, they all suck.
Ill be one of the first to plead for stem cell research but mygawd! Even some normally intelligent folks equate it with cloning or abortions.
Thats like equating transfusions with the ancient crap of bleeding or equating silent meditation with sending a damsel into a fire to appease the Sun god...
Conceptualisation and differentiation are not the hallmarks of many over here, Im afraid to say, my Northern friend. No indeed.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 301
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Hey Fonz ....(high five!)

Roughy ... I couldn't help but to think of how you'd be feeling today. My bro and sis in law are totally in the dumps. Its as if they were running in the election. Actually they were helping in his campain or as I stated it to them "Are you going to help him complain"?
I didn't even bother to give them crap about it or anyone else for that matter. I did yuck it up with some of my fellow Bush supporters earlier today. And laughed at some people crying on the tele. Talk about your hardcore Lurch fans!
Although my wife isn't hugely into politics like I am and especially have been lately we stayed up as late as we could and we both voted the same in every catagory. Last I remember it was all about Ohio until I awoke around 7am to see the totals in Bush's favor.

You realize this means I don't have to write 1000 times I love Kerry (As stated and promised in a post a few weeks back:)

I don't recall you mentioning too much about Stem cell research in past posts Roughy.
Is this just another subject your gonna Biatch about!?! I'm for it in some ways, but feel in the wrong hands it could re-create multiple Dios.
Depending on certain ways its used I think it should be held back until they have a firm grasp on it. But, ofcourse like most things if you don't test it, try it or f u ck with it nothing will happen.

I say Legalize pot or atleast decriminalize it for Gods sakes!!! They couldn't even do that in Alaska this election:(~

If you can't even get past POT how the hell will they get into something more important like stem cell research?
Its not like the president is totally against it. He is just weary of it. Besides certain states can work with it and by all means playing God shouldn't be something just anyone with a doctors note should be able to do.

Although the second other countries start getting good with it then we'll have to jump on that band wagon as well.

Its alive!!!
(Mary Shelly's) Frankinstein

Once again Rough sorry your bummed out, but just think your not the only one.
I'm sure Teresa is beside herself with sorrow.
She could have ran the friggin country!

(Whos state voted for Kerry)
Hey does this mean Osama Bin Ladin won't bomb us?

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 292
Weed....stem cells....FDR

Killah! I figured you would lie low and wait for the smoke to settle! Smart boy!

There's about a snowball's chance in hell of pot being legalized while Bush and the Bible banging evangelicals are at the reigns. With the Republicans controlling the House and Senate even more now, expect the arse tightening to get even worse here (if that's possible)! But, no biggie...I think we both know that pot probably won't be legal in our lifetime.

Hey, your state did vote Kerry, didn't it? No surprise there, of course. Well, it's been nice knowing you! Osama has got it in for you, big time pal! You can always bring the kith and kin down here to NC. We're RED all the way....WOOOOOO! I still sometimes wonder if the two of us shouldn't switch states...I don't mind cold weather. My brother in law is in Maryland, which was also scored by Kerry, even though he is a pretty die hard Bushie supporter.

I just heard this report on the radio that said that most of the prudes here voted "morals" OVER the economy and the war. They don't mind the gross incompetence as long as you're a good Christian. Amazing...simply amazing. And where is the morality in lying about the justifications for a war that's killed thousands? I would argue that Bush isn't a "good Christian" and I've heard from a few evangelicals who actually feel the same way. Iraq is Bush's mess and now it looks like he is going to have to be the one who's going to have to clean it up. However Iraq turns out, it will ultimately be what Bush is remembered for.

Stem cell research...I'm all for it, 100% but I'm not going to be gabbing about it. Fonz is a big advocate as well, as you can see. I think I'm done discussing politics for a while, at least until Bush does something especially stupid (which could take all of two hours). The Dems have to restructure their party and come up with a new battle plan. I think Barrack Obama's going to be the one to watch and I guess old Hillary's going to run in 2008. Edwards might just run for the White House somewhere down the road. Speaking of stem cell research and cloned Dio's, I think I've got the solution for the Democrats that would actually capitalize both on science and a huge comeback. I say CLONE FDR! You know they can probably already clone a human (probably got one in some Swiss holding tank right now). With FDR you've got an unprecedented FOUR TIMER who got us through the Depression and WW2! Technically, it would be his fifth term but since it would be a "Cloned FDR" you might be able to get around it. And plus we would probably be able to produce a clone of the old guy without the polio! Think of it! The Dems might just consider it if they get desperate enough. Dig him up, nab some DNA and GET TO WORK, and maybe by 2008 we'll have FDR v. Arnold!!

FDR/JFK 2008!
(That's the ticket!)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 275
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Eh-ya Roughy,

When referring to OBL he won't be doing anything to my state only because WE didn't vote Bush in. Well some tried, but due to our close ties to Kerry and the fact that too many yuppies live around here, and we are surrounded by democrats Bushy lost in votes. OBL said he will only go after those states that voted Bush in.
(LOL)What a dumb ass towel head.

In regards to legalizing dope in any form I think we will all see it medically done in our life time.
I also believe we will stamp out the criminalization of it by the next two presidencies.
Who really cares if its legal ....like anything else its too easy to find and is cheaper being done on the black market. Why allow the government any more loop-holes to profit from. Although if they were smart it would open a whole new world of money for all sorts of things. Weed could actually make the United States enough money to feed each and every family 4 square meals a day. But, with the downing of cigarettes I seriously don't see any point of making any waves. I am a member of NORM and masscann.
I use to attend rallies in Boston and New York until recently when all the teenie boppers decided it was just a day to drink get stupid and party. Forgetting what we were actually there to do. And causing more problems than that of weed itself.
So be it.

I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to bring in Billary Clinton. If thats the dems secret assault weapon it looks as if the republicans will be running the show also in 2008. Sure, she will do just fine in New York and maybe even here, but the bible belt states and redneck valleys won't have it!
She might stand a "small" chance if she were someones running mate, but even then its no dice for that dike.

Be glad Bush got in again. Now you can see how the movie will end.

And as for stemcell research I can say I don't know enough about it to complain or back it up. I see pleanty of stars jumping on the bandwagon, but again what do they know? Real people like Fonz I would listen to and would like to get details about it rather than from my favorite rockstar or porn actress.
When all else fails(cloning)just say yes to stemcell research.
Its what superman would have wanted.

Take care-

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 272
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

No, I think Osama will figure out a way to go after the ones who specifically voted for Bush. He'll figure out some way to contaminate Schiltz Beer or firebomb a WWE live event or something!

Meanwhile, I'll probably be put me on Bush's shiat list. I'll be arrested for being in cohoots with the "evildoers" since I have the audacity to protest the Dubya Administration!

Meanwhile, Barrack Obama really needs to change that name. Too close to Osama and folks might start gettting suspicious.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 5, 2004
Views: 263
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Its not just his name, Roughie. The guys voting record and various stances on issues in Illinois are scary. He was far to the LEFT of everyone in the Illinois legislature. He comes from the opposite end of the Clinton/Lieberman/Bayh/Breaux crowd. The guys a whacko. Wasnt going to mention it, but...well....lets allow him to begin voting for the peeps of Illinois first, then we shall see...
Things that MOST of us can agree on should be where Bushie can go, IMHO: Getting most of the troops out of Iraq; continuing the battle against al Qaeda; the promotion of PREVENTITIVE medicine (stem cell & other research); stopping partial birth abortion while admitting that the majority want to allow a woman the right to choose/allowing parental notification of abortion; so called `start up loans` to various entrepeneurs, expand this funding while ending a lot of goofy pork projects; expanding the health care system so that all people have access to medical care w/o having to worry that they will go bankrupt because of a medical catastrophe; creating a social security provision whereby the youth can tap into various forms of funds, be they equity, money market, etc.; stop any stiffling of free thought at both the university AND the corporate world...
Hey, these are just some ideas. Remember, you cant get this on the other bored, unless you wanna also know


Ah, doesnt everyone?


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 6, 2004
Views: 255
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

re"The Republicans have gotta get over this aversion to scientific research"

No, they don't to 'get over' anything. They are being consistant with their backwards philosophy.

-ie: conservative - to conserve. To remain faithful to 'traditional' values and morals.
In other words, conservatives are Luddites.

But the one thing we know for certain about life, the one thing that is a CONSTANT in life, is CHANGE.

Therefore, 'conservatives' represent an anarchonism that cannot ever be. They must be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21 century lest they bring about a return to the 'good old days' of alchemy, lashings, bloodletting, gulags, slavery, female servitude, //back to the days of guns and sexism and pre-emptive violence, of environmental abuse and no rights for women and a sincere hatred of gays and foreigners and minorities. blah blah etc, which is all part of the Republican party platform.

You think it's funny that your boy Chimpy McFlightsuit won. You think it's all like a big sporting event.

We just think it's sad in a tragic comedy sort of way. No legal pot for you, sonny. Or anything else, now, get BACK TO WORK.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 6, 2004
Views: 248
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Leege your a commi bastard.


Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 7, 2004
Views: 243
RE: Hehehe Aw Yes, FM Dio...

Well, L man, thats why Im not a Conservative or whatever.
Adapt or Die.
Grow, not stagnate.
Innovate, be a Warrior for Truth, not a warrior to kill or injure.
Wanna know the BIGGEST REASON YOUR BOY MUNSTER DIDNT WIN? Simple, really. Even the peeps who passively know me & other vets could NEVER see us as Ghengis Khans; the fact that the moron saw fit to refuse an apology killed him.
Semper Phi: let the leader be worthy of leading. Bush has a chance to CHANGE things here & believe me, when he does, we can count on you commuanarchists to be the first to bitch...
Belee dat!
Killer, man the gates & tender the pitchforks! Forward & Onward! And Vike: take no prisoners!
Dio, aboard or consider yourself left behind. The Bush choo choo is leaving the station and MOVING FORWARD!!!!

