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Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 300
a British take on the mess and Canuckistan

Check this out from fark.com:


As a Brit who moved to Canada almost a decade ago let me state that I've never regretted it. I love my adopted home country. Funny to think that back when I began to make my move,fellow Brits would comment that I was moving to the "civilised part of North America" I laughed it off not knowing of the differences. But since I've been here I'll gladly stick to this side of the border. A few of the reasons why.

1) Peace loving nation. What was it Blair said when he visited Ottawa recently that there seems to be a calm in international affairs once it's known that Canada is involved?

2) Medicinal pot. Thank you Canada.

3) Gay marriages...for now...and the ability to have one of the largest gay festivals in the world anually. And I say that as a straight man. Thank you Canada.

4)Our Leaders actually listen to the UN and refuse to be co-erced into action by our southern neigbours- Thanks Mr Chrietien.

5) Acceptance of all races. Race riots in Canada? When? Jackie Robinson...welcome to Montreal.

6) Toronto Blue Jays. "World Series" Champions back to back.

7) Hockey gold and champions of a tournament named World that actually had more than 2 nations represented.

These are the magnificent 7 that come to mind.

And on a similar theme a friend made an interesting theory recently.

What if the EU and Russia formed one super power and invaded the US. When quizzed as to why they would claim they were freeing the American people from....

1) A leader whose original election win was considered highly tainted and possible immoral and illegal.

2) A leader that sent the country to war on a non threatining country-and this has now been proven on all counts.

3)The destruction of their civil liberties with both the Patriot act and ban on Gay unions. Not to mention the ban on harmless pot but allowance of cancerous smokes.

4) The ban on harmless, infact beneficial, imports of drugs from a goodwilled country-Canada.

Whereas Iraqis were 'freed' from the tyranny of SH. When will the Americans earn their freedom.

This certainly came across as a rant but I think there were some very interesting points raised.

BTW he also said....you know why America has the American Dream and Canada doesn't?

Because we are awake.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 298
RE: a British take on the mess and Canuckistan

Pretty funny.
Keep em coming, Fark guy.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 296
RE: tard Leege

Your leaders listen to the UN (or atleast did this time) only because it meant not doing anything once again.
Other than that your leaders have a long history (as many others do) of cry baby-ing about not getting their own way.
You clowns cry poverty and have countless times. Hows your free health care when you need to wait 6 months for a drug you need?
You'd die before you get it. Atleast we can get it and most of the time either our insurance company takes care of it or you can bitch to the state you live in and you have a better than 50% chance of getting it.
(Quicker than a Canadian)
Plus, you can't call your medical free when its all tacked on in your cost of living "taxes" and high prices you idiots pay up in cold land.

Lets face it Leege ... if it wasn't for the United States you guys would be farked.

Race riots? You have racism in Canada. You have murder and you have a drug problem. You also have less population and minority.

Your also considered a vacation land to most.
Nothing else.


PS-BUSH 2004

Posted By: Dio

Posted On: Nov 5, 2004
Views: 271
Yes Canada...

Canada has always been perceived by the British as America but with culture and an IQ, as JSK has clearly demonstrated here. ;)



Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 5, 2004
Views: 265
RE: a British take on the mess and Canuckistan

We don't "wait 6 months for drugs"

Who told you that bullshiate? I've never waited for any drug IN MY WHOLE LIFE - they arrive delivered the same afternoon of the day you order them - the "cost" is 2 bucks.
Americans buy drugs OFF US, as they recently did for a whole pile of flu shots - the 'britgent' mentioned this. We have to wait for some things, like MRI scans because we don't have enough scanners, but I had 2 operations in the past 2 years, both orthopedic, and I never waited more than a couple of months for each. Orthopedic surgery! They did a great job too! (IMO)

You Americans constantly spew this nonsense information about the evils of "socialism" or some such foolishness, demonstrating that you don't know what you're talking about, and pretty soon, you start to believe your own bullshiate. This is what happens when people like JSK base their entire worldview on cliches, platitudes, anecdotes and comic books.

Every western democracy is "socialist" - where did you think all those taxes were going, idiot? We are just a bit more that the US, is all. Not much more either. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, are all way more socialist than us, plus a bunch of other countries that I can't recall.

Canada - 30 million people, 8 million gun owners = 147 gun murders last year.

United States - 250 million people, who knows how many guns =
16,500 gun murders last year. That's right, SIXTEEN THOUSAND. jeepers!

Even JSK can do the math.

Now shut yer pie hole lest I admonish you again, you insufferable, posturing, know-nothing twit.

Posted By: Kent

Posted On: Nov 5, 2004
Views: 261
RE: RE: my country is better than your country!

Please, you guys. This is getting ridiculous.

Canada is ok. I've been there before and the people are pretty nice and they've got alot of things that I like better than the U.S., like the scenery in Banff and some pretty awesome strip clubs.

There are alot of things great about the U.S., too and I must admit I love this country.

However, my second fave in the world has always been the U.K. partially because of my heritage and partly because I've had such a great time each time I'm there. I'm one of those silly guys that watch Britcoms on PBS each week.

I understand you all hate Bush, and I understand that you've got your reasons, but I also know that history is full of variations on the same theme. The theme is people fight about stupid things constantly. It's just stupid, but it's life and it happens.

However, there are some differences in this world. I don't understand the Muslim mind, but I know that what they did in '01 was horrible and wrong. I feel like that act was the culmination of years of subtle efforts by the world to deal with them carefully, but ultimately ineffectively. I think that briefcase weapons in the hands of the wrong people can start a snowball that may go out of control. Something must be done.

What Bush is doing, whether you agree with it or not, is in uncharted water. He is trying to fight an enemy that refuses to take and hold territory but seems satisfied in bringing havoc and pain. You can't surround them, you can't drive them out of their hideout, because they are spread all over the world like germs.

I have to say this, history will judge what is being done by Bush here, and if it turns out that it is for the better, I do hope that you all have the bravery to admit it. It may take 30 years to figure it all out, but I think that it will all be clear in time. Anyone heard of the Soviet Union?

One thing I never see or hear is anyone proposing something as an alternative that sounds like it will actually work. All I hear from others is more of the same things that set us up for the fiasco of '01. I'm open to ideas, but thusfar I heard not a one that's a bit innovative.

BTW, I know that the Iraq situation started wrong. I know that it was not connected to 9/11 and I know that it has caused alot of international problems and tensions. I also think that 30 years from now if we have a whole bunch of freely elected representative republics or democracies that I'll be quite pleased, if I'm still around. Just as I view the "war on terror" as a different tactic, I think Iraq is a different approach to finding democracies in the mid east. Again, I see no alternatives being proposed except for summits and peace treaties that only result in people blowing each other up about 6 months later.

I'm going to bed. Before I do, I'd like to admonish you all to act your ages and stop throwing toys at each other! :-)

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 11, 2004
Views: 244
RE: a British take on the mess and Canuckistan

Jeez Kent, I just now saw this little whack you did on the boyz and ya...I gotta agree with most of what you say.
Suffice it to say that, while Im in agreement with you that both the USA and Canada have so many wonderful things about them that they can brag about, there is, if you will, a certain mind set that was so well exposed by the late and great Canadian writer/commentator Gordon Sinclair, when he wrote (6/5/73) that "Im one Canadian thats damned sick and tired of (self righteous) Canadians" and so forth...(The Americans by Gordon Sinclair). The facts are always relevant when dealing with leftists/statists/socialists in that they, not unlike the Taliban, Shiite Moslems, Orthodox Jews and `Born Again Christians` have a religion... and it is called
GOVERNMENT. The arrogance of these folks in attacking we Americans is as pertinent now as it was 31 years ago.
Now, Fluffy may rail against it, the Fessor may question the wisdom of allowing the `riff raff` to determine their leaders in it and they all tend to sound off against any war the USA was/is/will be involved in, but you better believe me when I tell you that it is good old American technology that has made the world a far better place in which to live. Before someone says anything here, just a few facts:
1) I was raised in Canada. Most of my family is Canadian. I know Canada, having travelled from Quebec to Vancouver, BC. Thus, if you say Im `anti Canadian` its kind of a misuse of terminology, imho.
2) Killer is mostly correct about many of the operations and other cutting edge medical procedures, in that the USA has far better hospitals. From our laser technology to our hospice programs we are the envy of the world. Insofar as leege`s saying that Canadians receive their meds early & conveniently, I suppose he is accurate.
3) The vitriol and verbage used by many in the rest of the world is perhaps troubling, but Im reminded of why many of the very rich dont care what others think of them. Why would they? They look at the rest of the world and shrug their shoulders. I know killer has had his own business & is doing well; Hutch is VERY well off; Harry is, to my knowledge, also well off. Sounds like ditto for Marty, Vike and you. Ive owned a store, several houses and a wholesale company. Presently Im negotiating for a few more rentals. Think any other country in the socialist world would give us such opportunities?
Yes, the poor and infirm (like me hehe) need to be taken care of, but the gun violence and such that L man mentions is as far away from my world as the drug culure...which may be right here in my `hood, but I have chosen not to participate & besides...I have found that the majority of the peeps killed by guns are members of gangs Thus, they are doing us all a favor.
Perhaps you are right, however, in mentioning that many countries have their positives. Mexico, a land I have been to so many times, also has total gun control and yet a violent climate. It also has ancient Mayan sites, beautiful beaches, historical significance and a culture that has borrowed from the Spanish, French, Germans and Anglos (theres a whole section of Mexico City where you neednt know any Spanish and the sounds of Cockney accented English can be heard 24/7).
In short, thx for the input. Just remember though: The `net, your `puter and much of what we use daily are brought to you by USA technology. If some here bitch and moan...what is it the Valley Girlz say?
Whatever! heheheh


