Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 21, 2004
Views: 772

Aretha sang about it, now we have the dynamic duo of multimillionaires and egoists running message boards ... (a message board, for gawdsakes!) who threaten to kick someone in the nutz or...or...OR, to actually have 6 ft 11 inch athletes running into stands to give payback to some chucklehead who had the brilliant idea of tossing beer into the face of said millionaire. Ha...
Ron (dont call him Sketch) Artest started a fight last Friday in Auburn Hills, MI, by pushing star Ben Wallace hard during a lay up attempt when ahead by 15 with 46 seconds remaining. Please. Artest, a knuckle dragger for sure, was benched earlier this season for wanting time off for his bidniz sideline, being a, ah, `rap star`. Anyway, careful for what you ask for, Einstein: Artest is gonna lose $6 mil and he, along with a couple other thugs on the Pacers, may well spend jail time.
Anyway, my main point is that no, Mr Artest, you may NOT expect me to respect you. Like the morons who tossed the beer and popcorn on you and your boys, you have made Zero inroads in your pursuit of the Fonz` & other folks` respect. IOW, you have to earn it. Making millions off the money dropping believers or beer swilling pot bellied Gomers who verbally call you names and then attacking them by way of a round house that was uncalled for & perhaps unseen...that isnt earning anything but contempt and/or 12 months in jail.
And threatening a poster...a POSTER for Chrissakes....with a punch in the ball sack or a life time ban...
ah, that doesn`t earn any respect either.
This culture is crass and in dire need of priorities. This past week illustrates my point more than any million words can say.
This goes far beyond simple left/right ideology; it is saying that Machiavellian Logic (i.e., fear) trumpts reason.
I hate people who say I TOLD YOU SO. Still, Babs Hoffa? How often have we seen peeps DEMAND we respect someone most of us have never seen, never spoken to nor even (at times) agree with?

Keep up the puckkerin, boys, I`m sure you`ll be well rewarded for your toady posture regarding Hoffa; perhaps tis better to ban the fans and leege than to `punish` the guilty...the assault & batterers and those who threaten a site.
Makes sense to you!


Posted By: Bear

Posted On: Nov 21, 2004
Views: 766

I'm sure that Artest is OK with his "suspension." Remember, he was the genius who wanted time off from the NBA to promote his rap career.

The way I see it, the NBA has idiots on the court, and idiots in the stands who pay to watch the idiots "play." Whaddaya expect?

Personally, I wouldn't walk downstairs to watch the NBA if they were playing in my living room. I'd definitely want to make sure that they hadn't stolen my stereo, however.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 22, 2004
Views: 757

Yeah Bear, I am an NBA fan but I hear you loud and clear.
Until we apply the law in the world to these prima donnas on the court, IN THE COURT, and to the `fans` involved (I hope I am not absolving them in your eyes), this country is turning into a nation about hip hop crap, misbehaving, taking drugs to better yourself regardless of denuement and so forth.
This is capitalism, sure. But, while you make a pittance compared to the aberrant jackass Artest (as do I), there is little we can do except to swiftly punish the wrongdoer and to send a message that this is an inappropriate way to conduct onesself. Problem is, you & I are powerless, for the most part, in the punishment; we can only send a message by way of our own conduct, and at best this is going to have an affect on what...maybe a couple dozen kids in your school, next to none for me???
Somehow, the solution isn`t to reward the Artest`s of the world and/or to kiss ass all day long to people in perceived positions of power; it is to do the right thing, to borrow a phrase from Spike Lee, and to recoil at the knuckledraggers like our man Ron.
That is truly all we can do...


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 24, 2004
Views: 742

the whole purpose of 'sport' is violence and mindless competition. Never mind what they told you about team work and all that bullshiate, it's really about winning. There is no real purpose to 'sport' except to compete for the sake of competition. We must indoctrinate the masses to compete and be at each others throat at all times. It's all so pointless.

Predictably, it is full of violent thugs and bullies, whose behavior is idolized and emulated by the fans. The Boston Bruins and the Philadelphia Flyers were notorious for wading into the crowds from the penalty box, swinging their sticks at fans pelting them with stuff. So what? We socialize them that way.

Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Nov 24, 2004
Views: 735

"the whole purpose of 'sport' is violence and mindless competition."

More negative nonsense from the neighborhood nihilist. You'll have to explain how violence is raison d'etre of running, golf, and jai alai. Athletics were invented long before the perfidious USA was founded, and they were far more about exalting the human body than "violence and mindless competition." The Greeks believed that the body and the mind needed to be healthy and in harmony, and that, not any lust for violence, was why athletics was such an integral part of their civilization and why sports remained a part of Western culture. Of course violence is the purpose of some sports, most notably the one that you like best.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 24, 2004
Views: 732

Nihilist, no. More like existentialist -
The Greeks 'believed' lots of stuff. A violent underclass of warrior 'defenders' was seen as a necessary component to any healthy, functional human society (Platos Republic) - now rendered obsolete by technology...specifically, nuclear weapons.

Male aggression in general is an obsolete evolutionary trait that serves no purpose in modern civilization, unfortunately we just don't know it yet. For example: at one time, rape was a primary mode of reproduction.

The real question is - is violence learned behaviour?
I don't know. Probably for the most part, it is.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 24, 2004
Views: 729
RE: oh, and also....

To see where violence is not learned behaviour, one need only consider the animal world of ‘tooth and claw’ in which we humans survived and evolved for millions of years. Of course, adaptability was our greatest attribute by virtue of higher intelligence, which enabled us to overcome our relative weakness in the animal kingdom, and which was eventually used to create a nuclear bomb - the ultimate act of violence. The connection is obvious. Violence must also be an evolved trait, manifest today in competition.

However, that does not change the fact that it is obsolete.

Class dismissed, see you next week.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 24, 2004
Views: 724
RE: Before you shoot off, prof...

Yeah Steve, I believe old leege comes across more as a nihilist than as any kind of philosopher, though Ayn Rand did warn that the ultimate existentialist would devolve to the point of
"if something means something, reject it" or some such rot LOL.
Look, leege, the culmination of all sports is to determine a winner and a loser and one need not tear off portions of ones foe or see real blood to succeed in that task. Good God man, think about the irrational tone of your post. The first pillar of a great society is how we treat one another and Ive agreed with you more than once that America has done a kind of poor job in that regard lately.
But your constant sniping against all Western Culture & all religions should cause you pause when you consider that it was Christ who said some 2000 years ago to LOVE YOUR BROTHER AS YOURSELF. I can only imagine the looks on the PHILOSOPHERS of his day when he said THIS stuff, eh what?
My problem with sports is that loyalty is no longer in vogue and every pro athlete whores himself to the highest bidder. This may be better than the bad old days when millionaire owners treated their jocks like animals and such, but not much...since many athletes DO act like jackazzes and some idiots do NEED role models and find Artest and Rodman...
Role models???
I never did. Only adults I envied as a kid were the spouses of Gina Lollabrigitta and Sophia Loren.
Lets just say I was advanced for my age. Sorta like now.

Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Nov 25, 2004
Views: 716

"Male aggression in general is an obsolete evolutionary trait that serves no purpose in modern civilization"

That's an excellent point, and it's very possibly why there's not a single time in human history, including the present, when there hasn't been at least one war. Of course, materialism, greed, and the idea of private property have something to do with that, too.

"The real question is - is violence learned behaviour?
I don't know. Probably for the most part, it is."

Some of our traits are hard-wired. We come from apes, who developed their brains to survive rather than their ability to kill. There's a great book entitled The Naked Ape that delves into that question. It's been so long since I read it that I can't recall all the author's conclusions.

It'd be nice if the thread to which one was replying could be seen while writing the reply. Good stuff in your second post and also in ATF's, but my poor, addled, pre-Alzheimer's brain can only handle a couple of thoughts at at a time.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 25, 2004
Views: 710
RE: philosophy 101

I read 'The Human Zoo' - Desmond Morris (same author, his opus, great book - evolutionary behaviorism)

We're going to talk philosophy now, are we?

I don't know what you're talking about Fonz, presumably that makes two of us. I don't recall Ayn Rand saying any such thing, but I only read that tiresome 'Atlas Shrugged' romance novel business. The logical consequence of existenitalism is not nihilism - it just says to live for today because you might be dead tomorrow, and that's all there is. Purely rational.

'I know that I exist and I know an external world exists. Everything else, is construction.' - Albert Camus (the myth of Sisyphus)

And he's right too, it is. We humans made it all up. We invented 'meaning' and attributed it to existance where there was none. Clever ape, we are.

We take ourselves far too seriously – I noticed ‘play’ was not on Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs? Too much competition for the sake of competition. Most of it is so pointless. Being a cooperative social ape is primarily why we survived.

"A friend swears the public likes this terror stuff because it gives the appearance of meaning to lives that don’t have any." -?

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 25, 2004
Views: 709

re: 'constant sniping against all Western Culture & all religions '

All my philosophy is drawn from 'western' sources, pinhead. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, DesCartes -> Nietzsche, Camus the existentialist embraced by 60's AMERICAN culture.

You just read the wrong guys. Jeebus? Who the hell is that? Was that written by the Brothers Grimm? Sounds like one of those mythological types like Zeus or Atlas, Xena the warrior wrestling princess?

I refuse to buy any more tapes. These DVDs are magnificent quality.
Oh, I got that Rumble Rose game too, it sucks but the graphics are decent. I'll post some video for you yokels.

Posted By: Abraxas

Posted On: Nov 25, 2004
Views: 703

Let's see, quoting imaginary sayings of imaginary religious figures. Amazingly enough, outside of the bible, not one of the contemporary figures who actually existed in real life during the supposed time frame ever mentioned the existence of Jeebus. Hmmmmmm........not a one.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Nov 26, 2004
Views: 694
RE: You have presumed wrong, as usual...

...hehe, ya, you haven`t read Rand saying that? Know what? I believe you. Perhaps reading her books on the New Left and Romanticism and also epstimology will help, though even you in your warped idiocy may be better served by listening to Kansas and their Dust In The Wind song and thinking: Opposite...Rand is OPPOSITE!
But what could we expect from a follower of Michael Moore.
btw, to the other peeps here with an IQ higher than leeges, meaning all of you most likely: Moore, Sean Penn and Rep. James McDermott (D WA) are all running for cover in that serious questions are being asked in the Food for Oil UN scheme; seems they have a lot to account for and may have some prior knowledge. Ha...Moore, Penn and Artest all in a jail at the same time? Won`t happen, but We The Living (another Rand Novel, btw, sh*t 4 brains) can always hope.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Nov 28, 2004
Views: 665
Dumble Hoes

Leege ... lets see the screen captures! I saw the commercials enough to know they can't sell the game on its premis anyways.
Hence why they just had to show real chicks to build the game up. (ofcourse who wouldn't!)
Unlike most games that come out they don't show anything but whats in/on the game.
It actually made the game look too inferior, but then again they will still make a killing and a sequel.
I just think its too bad they feel the need to create s h i t. I've heard nothing good about it so far except it has a great commercial.

Oh who am I kidden I'm just ****ed they sold more games in one hour then I did since my site opened!!! :)~

Upload Fluffy please!


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Nov 29, 2004
Views: 661

logistic problems - it's a PS2 only game so I would have to connect to my puter to get some videos and captures. The modeling is pretty good - high polygon counts, but yah, it sux. I bought a bunch of stupid stuff cause I got a whole lot of extra money recently. Being an existentialist 'absurd person' I tend to eschew practical sensible purchase considerations for 'stupid stuff' every time.

I'll make some up, no worries.

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