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Post InfoTOPIC: I want the DVD!
Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Apr 11, 2005
Views: 358
I want the DVD!

That's right. I can hardly wait for them to release the funeral of Pope John Paul Part Deux on DVD!

Actually, I'm just interested in repeatedly viewing the part where the masses booed Dubya.

Of course, this explains why Dubya bumped President Carter so he could bring Condi Rice. Since Dubya couldn't get the Vatican to require all attendees to sign a loyalty oath as he does here in the States, he needed Rice there to console him by telling him that it was just a small number of insurgants booing and that the silent majority was praying to/for him.

Then Condi Rice gave the crowd her patented scowl and skunk-eye glare.

Now, while most of the crowd was not American, I can guarantee you that virtually all those attending who were American were claiming to be Canadian. When I was in Rome last month, I spoke with a couple of cabbies and they all said they were amused by the increase of "Canadian" tourists the past few years. Especially those "Canadians" who had American flags on their shirts or jackets. And one case was a trio of soldiers in uniform!

