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Post InfoTOPIC: Oh Goodie!
Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Jan 27, 2005
Views: 384
He swings and misses!

Who could have predicted that JSK would reply to my last post?

Well, everyone, in all honesty.

Still, like virtually everything else, it was never under his control. JSK waited for Viking to respond to my post in hopes that Viking would proudly proclaim that he and Alphonse were more than his little cheerleaders. Yet, all he got was Alphonse’s sad little breakdown.

Then, when I added JSK in my response to Alphonse, he had no choice but to post and further proves my Pavlov analogy. Plus, he goes on to confirm that he is Viking’s sock puppet while claiming to not having read by breakdown of the dynamics in the neo-con cellblock.

So, JSK, thanks for playing the game and feel free to try again. And don’t worry, you only did what was expected of you.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Jan 28, 2005
Views: 381
RE: Oh Goodie!

Not bad fluffy!
I give you high marks for something pretty damn funny. Took two points off cuz Waz & his boyfriend coudn`t dance to it, tho...
atf, FoF
Friend of Fluffy

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jan 28, 2005
Views: 376
RE: Oh Goodie!

Anything to annoy you Wizzy. I see you just can't help to come back and defend yourself for whatever reason. Like I said dummy I really didn't read your multi long-winded posts. So if you feel your right about whatever it is in your weird little mind ... so be it. Your only beating yourself.
Heya Fonz!


Posted By: atf

Posted On: Jan 29, 2005
Views: 364
RE: Oh Goodie!

Back at ya, killer.
The funniest post of all of Gizzard`s was his telling us that, during the initial anti war marches, he was driving peeps to the front or some such nonsense. Actually, maybe he had commendeered his own damn short bus...ha!
In truth I have forgotten his story; prolly b.s. anyway.

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Jan 31, 2005
Views: 356
JSK get needed help

It is the fact that you didn’t read the post that proves several of the points that I made, JSK. But don’t feel bad, most of it was beyond your skill of reading comprehension (that means I used big words). Just be happy knowing that you have been following the path that I’ve laid out for you in this thread from the start.

Still, as predictable as you are, there is something different in your posts here. I can’t help but notice that your spelling is getting better. Obviously, you are getting some help in your posts. Well done! I think it’s great that you’ve found something to do with your daughter.

Alphonse also made improvements in his last few posts. While predictably making flawed premises, he was nonetheless able to express them in a mostly legible manner. What makes this not as notable as JSK getting spelling help is the fact that two things made this increase in coherence expected:

A) Alphonse was in a state of sobriety that he attains at the end of each month due to…
B) He’s his rationing his liquor until his “disability” check arrives in a few days.

I almost feel like I should be embarrassed for deriving so much entertainment from this little experiment. On the other hand, when you find two people who look upon Pauley Shore movies as documentaries, how can you not drop a few grains of salt on the slugs?

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Jan 31, 2005
Views: 352
RE: Oh Goodie!

hehehe...first off, my welf...er, disability check is spent on other crap, Gizzard. But thx for caring...
What a guy! But what a bad time in your life, waznutz, for we all know you`re still in mourning for Jim Varney, whom you worshipped above Lard azz Brando & Sir Alec Guinness & on a par with M Moore.
Condolences regarding Varney, the election of Nov 2nd and the more recent loss for you lefties of January 30th in eye rack!
supporter of winners

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Jan 31, 2005
Views: 347
RE: Oh Gizzard!

Gizzard? Tehehe yeah I like that one Fonz.
Gizz or Jizz I just knew you would pick on my one and only weakness(next to Craptonite!) SPELLIN ... I mean spelling.
And even swoopin down tossing attacks at my new born kid. You are a peice of work pal.

My harmless outlashes are all in fun. Maybe you can read words, but you just don't get it. When I post a few sentences and its "hooray for Fonz" or whomever its not meant to ruin your week dude. Infact, its not even an attempt at anything but agreeing with Fonz. Once again with my horrible spelling and few sentences it worked. Must be great to be so perfect Gizzard?

Lastly ... if you have a problem with me keep it with me and leave my family out of it.
Happy monday retard.

JSK/Fonz 2008

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 330
A Romping Good Retort!

All through this thread I’ve been having fun playing the puppet master for our own little neo con contingent. And for those of you who have been following along, I hope that you’ve enjoyed the little show that I’ve been able to give you.

Now, JSK’s last post here was what I like to think of as the semi-wildcard. It was something that I was expecting in one form or another, the only question was when it would present itself.

Perhaps this would be a good time to delve in a little deeper to the dynamics of this thread. For the neo cons, they were assuming that this was just the usual game of Right versus Left. They figured that all they had to do was keep with the “Mega dittos” and “It’s Clinton’s fault” and they could rest assured that they had made their case.

Instead, I knew what they would do and was able to play their own game plan against them. In each of my responses I would structure it in such a way that I could sit back knowing what the result would be.

But there was more to my responses than just that. I was also presenting the neo cons with a glimpse of a new style of liberal. For years now the Left has allowed the Right to define the rules in such a way that was cripplingly stacked against them. The Right could persecute a Liberal President for placing his penis in that girl’s mouth, but anyone questioning a Conservative President’s manufacturing a war on selectively flawed reasoning was tantamount to treason.

Sadly, I’m one of those horrible liberals who doesn’t play by the rules that conservatives try to impose on me. I am a liberal who has studied their tactics and is prepared to level the playing field.

You can see that this has been an effective strategy. Both Alphonse and JSK allowed themselves to believe that I was upset by their posts. In fact, this has been a consistent theme in JSK’s posts. In his mind, the fact that I will use an entire paragraph to insult his intelligence instead of using his common tact of using the word “retard” is proof positive to him that I am angry.

He is also befuddled because I won’t play their game of taunting names. I simply call them Alphonse and JSK. I tend to like the civility of the Continental Congress where they would call each other the “Right Honorable” and “My Esteemed Colleague” when arguing fiercely.

You see, JSK has a mind that works on the most fundamental level when reading. This is a major reason why he is opposed to reading any post that is composed of more than a few short sentences. Even in the short posts, he is looking for quick clues that give him a hint of whether the poster agrees or opposes his beliefs. If he sees a short piece of text that in essence says “Clinton did it” then his mind translates the entire post to say “Under Clinton, the World was allowed to decay onto the edge of ruin and it is now our brave President’s mission to reverse this and create a Utopia for all.” Likewise, if he sees an implication that the war of Iraq is bad, his mind translates the post to say, “I hate America and it’s President and I hope the terrorists win.”

Even Viking understands this aspect about JSK. That is why he gives visual clues in his longer posts so that JSK will be able to find the text that assures him that Viking is on his side. It also allows JSK to see that Viking is a fellow neo con and then conclude that he is a hero because it is a long post.

Viking even conveniently proved this point a while back when he tried his hand at satire. He wrote a post that jokingly chastised JSK. Sadly, Viking forgot who his target audience was and wrote above their level. This led to an angry little tirade from JSK for he believed that he had been attacked, much to the amusement of the rest of us.

So you can see that it is not surprising that JSK was able to convince himself that I was becoming more and more upset with his every post. The truth of the matter is that he had to believe this, for his own piece of mind. If he didn’t hold this dearly in his mind then he might have to entertain the thought that he was being played all through this thread, and that was something that he could never allow himself to believe.

So what is it about his last post that made it a semi-wild card? Well, I knew that if this thread went long enough that JSK would fly off the handle and redefine the rules as they applied to others. It is, after all, a tactic that has served the Right well for many years. The only question was when would this happen?

So let’s look at the new rule that he is trying to impose. His family is off limits. And why does he call for this rule? Obviously for one of two reasons. It could be due to the fact that I implied that an infant offspring, whether real or imagined, was smart enough to assist their parent in typing. Or it might be due to the implication I made that a parent might even spend time with an infant offspring, whether real or imagined, while sitting in front of a computer and even posting on a message board.

To both of these horrible sins, I am guilty. However, I am one of the new liberals and I am not about to let someone else define the rules that apply to me due to such trivia. All anyone need do is read a few of my posts here and it becomes apparent that if I wanted to take the low road in reference to an offspring, real or imagined, I could so absolutely do much worse than imply good parenting or superb post-natal intelligence.

Now, if I may, I’d like to make reference to my original post on this thread. I have to admit that I am surprised at how well the election went in Iraq. The optimist in me says that it could have been worse, and the pessimist in me says it could have been better. It appears it was a good day for those in Iraq who may want more of a voice in their government.

However, it was one good day out of so few and there will have to be untold more good days before anyone can claim success.

In so many ways, the concept of democracy in Iraq by this method is such an experiment. The question being if a democracy can be imposed upon a country? The people in the Ukraine were willing to stand up and demand that their votes were counted. Will a democracy actually grow when the people there have no vested claim in securing this democracy? Or will the Shia use this vote as a means to overpowering the Sunni with their majority? Will this all crumble into a civil war?

The results of this experiment are years away. It may be three, five, ten or twenty years before we know the answers.

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 324
RE: hehe

Wiz, you sure `nuff do bloviate!
Appears like you have spent way too much time attempting to analyze something that is beyond the boundaries of the text killer & I have given you at this site. Now, I didn`t call you names and I`m not saying you would be incapable of an appraisal of J`s smarts or my IQ, but we are, after all, on a FRIGGIN MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!
Look back, my friend, and see who it is that attacks the West, our culture, our people; yes, you do at times temper your assault on Western Values (at least compared to leege LOL), but you lash out at those who believe you wrong in the War on Terror. Before you start, I agree that is poor terminology to say a War on Terror (can one actually wage war AGAINST terror?) and my take is more a war against terrorists who chuck a bomb in a meat market, fascists who despise me because I`m a Presbyterian and not a Shi`a,
Catholics who wanna whack me because I`m on the wrong side of the tracks in Belfast (and Ian Paisley and other whack jobs).
The neo cons are, apparently, your enemies, and though killer seems to write more like one than I do, he really isn`t your enemy. Your `enemy`, if you do indeed have one, is a man or woman who wishes to kill you simply for being a part of the West and all of your wimpering aside, believe me...they WILL kill you and your entire family for NO reason other than who you are, where you come from and/or what you do or don`t believe.
The Iraqi`s are now set and let us hope that whoever wins the election there he/she can bring stability to the region.
Now, let us return to the flames that seem to mean so much to you; perhaps it`s some kinda theoropy, I dunno....hehe

Posted By: Viking

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 324
Greetings Comrades Ruffy fluffy & Wizzy®.

Did ya'll miss me. Aww come on guys, admit it, you know you did. Well I won't waste too much time with the kissey stuff. There's a lot of juicy little pinkish-green things that need my attention. I'll just dive right in...

[But you can't make people to see what they don't want to see.]...fluffy

Heeeyeah, I’ll say! Particularly when they see the world through pinkish-green colored glasses.

[Of course I knew there were no weapons, that was an easy deduction. Induction, actually. And I told you so, but you didn't believe me, you didn't listen to what I regarded as elementary. You believed your president Chimpy in Chief, okay, fine.]...fluffy

An induction eh? Hey, I've got one of them there induction thingys too fluffs. Try this’n on fer size. UNSCOM discovered a document at the Iraqi Air Force Headquarters in July 1998 showing that Iraq OVERSTATED by at least 6,000 the number of chemical bombs it told the United Appeasers it had used during the Iran-Iraq War. To this day UNMOVIC(formerly UNSCOM) can not account for these missing 6,000 bombs.

How 'bout them apples, huh? Did you induce anything from that? No? No worries fluffs, I'll throw out a couple more so's youins can have sumpin else to chew on. Hell, I've got a million'ub'em! According to UNMOVIC, to this day Iraq still has not accounted for 15,000 122mm artillery rockets that in the past were its preferred means for delivering nerve agents(VX), nor has it accounted for about 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent.

[Never been to move.org - heard of it, though.]...fluffy

You don't say? Well take it from me, if you ever find yourself unemployed fluffs, just look them up. By what I've "induced" from your posts, you could RUN the place. No problem-o!

[...Rush, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly. The book of Jehovah.
Although, they're not all totally wrong about everything. Not quite.

Well s-h-i-t and fall back in it! I can’t believe my eyes!! I'm totally shocked that such a statement could cross your pinkish-green lips. You must've gotten a hold of some bad mung powder or sumpin. Well whatever the case may be, you might wanna keep this under raps. If Ruffy and Wizzy hear you mumbling stuff like that they’ll surely demote you down to commie junior grade.

[I really have to thank Viking for taking part in this thread.]...Wizzy®

Aww, don’t mention it Wizzy. The pleasure was all mine. You just keep teeing’em up and I’ll keep mashing’em down the fairway. Have we got a deal?

[I always get a kick out of his(moi) little attempts to diffuse an issue. Actually, it’s more a case of confuse the issue than diffuse.]...Wizzy®

{sigh...} Wizzy, you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that if you ever expect to score any points against me. Regurgitating those tired old worn-out liberal clichés of “smoke & mirrors” and “confuse & diffuse” won’t float in a puddle of p-i-s-s let alone a debate. You’re gonna have to bring a lot more to the table than that. Tell you what, after you get through reading this post see if you can disprove any of the WIDELY KNOWN AND HEAVILY DOCUMENTED evidence that I’ve brought forth. There’s a shiny new pair of flip-flops in it if you can.

[Yes, Viking did the usual song and dance about how the fouled intelligence on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was (sing along kids!) the Clinton’s fault. And he pulled out a list of liberals who were fooled by this intelligence to validate Dubya’s invasion to get these weapons.]...Wizzy®

Good gawd almighty...do I have to connect all the dots for you? Wizzy, what I’ve been doing all along is so PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that I can hardly believe you still can’t see it. I was demonstrating, with little effort, the rank liberal hypocrisy in this whole Eye-raky affair. You know, Bubba’s Haliburton no bid contract was wonnerful but DUBB’S WAS A CRIME! Bubba’s baby milk bombings in Eye-rak were a thing of beauty but DUBB’S WERE AN ATROCITY! Bubba’s intelligence said Saddy had WMD but DUBB WAS LYING! I could go on and on and on and on but there’s no need. Maybe a dab of this will soak in...err, I hope anyway.

[Let’s look at the list of liberals from Viking’s post. They share two qualities. First, they based their statements on intelligence briefings that were filtered and handed to them by the White House.]...Wizzy®

Heh, heh, heh, heeeyeah! Intelligence briefings that were handed to them by the BUBBA WHITE HOUSE! Look at the dates Wizzy. I swear! If you keep pitching that slow hanging curve out over the middle of the plate, I’ll jack it out of the park every time. You really can’t blame me.

[And secondly, none of them ordered the invasion of Iraq. Nope, not one of them was President at the time when this decision was made.]...Wizzy®

Heeyeah, but you’ll notice that 99% of these liberal naysayers had NO PROBLEM in VOTING FOR the AUTHORIZATION TO GO TO WAR as well as the appropriations bill TO PAY FOR IT! As ABC’s Chris Berman used to say:It’s waaaaay back! Waaaay baaack!! Gone!!!

[Viking also tips his hat to the fact that the White House has already been deceptive in its case for handing over Social Security to Wall Street. He throws out the year 2047 as when the money coming in no longer the meets the benefits paid out. This is a far cry from the 2018 figure tossed around by the White House.]...Wizzy®

It helps to actually know what you’re talking about, BEFORE you begin to talk about it. The year 2047(now revised to 2052) is the year when Social Crapidity is projected to become insolvent. Insolvency means bankruptcy Wizzy. Dubb’s 2018(now revised to 2020) is the year when Social Crapidity starts running in the red. Running in the red means spending more money than taking in. Since you can’t seem to comprehend this Wizzy I’ll try and ‘splain it reeeeeel simple like. People/Corporations/ Gummit Bureaucracies usually start running in the red LOOOOONG(sometimes years) before they go bankrupt. Back, back, back, back, back, back, back!!!

[Now, while I consider this(Social Crapidity) to be a problem, I by no means consider it pressing.]...Wizzy®

Well, isn’t that nice. I see you’ve progressed from thinking that Social Crapidity is a “non-pressing problem” to a revised “problem...that by no means is pressing.” Reeeeel progress that is.

[I am fully in favor of our beginning to address the issue now. However, I have absolutely no faith in the plan proposed by Dubya.]...Wizzy®

Heh, heh, heh. I’m afraid your over reliance on the liberal talking points is really starting to catch up with you here Wizzy. How can you have “absolutely no faith in the plan proposed by Dubya” When Dubb HADN’T EVEN PROPOSED A PLAN WHEN YOU MADE THIS POST. Don’t worry though Wizzy, you’re not the only pink-o commie already critizing that which does not exist. All week secular liberals were p-i-s-s-i-n-g and moaning about “Dubb’s Plan” when there was no plan. All that existed at that time were some ideas formulated by Senior Dubb Cabinet Officials. This was a hilarious little item pointed out on the Sunday talk show circuit.

[Oh, and Viking, could you remind me what prison Ken Lay is in?]...Wizzy®

Ummm, isn’t there ‘pposed to be this thingy called a trial first? We learned in your previous post that you had no idea what junk bonds were. We can now add “building a criminal judicial case” along with “general purpose high school civics” to your list of things to brush up on.

[Actually, I really appreciate Viking taking part in this thread.]...Wizzy®

Hey, no prob Wiz. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Whatsa pal for aye?

[I’m not sure who is enjoying it more, Viking or myself.]...Wizzy®

Oh, I think by this time in the thread we both pretty much know the answer to this little riddle.

[Of course, I also have the satisfaction of getting Viking to salivate.]...Wizzy®

Well...actually, drooling effervescently like the falls of Niagara would be more like it. I can’t really ‘splain it Wizzy but for some reason publicly responding to unsubstantiated commie rhetoric and liberal talking points has always had this effect on me. I've been this way pretty much my whole adult life. Oh, and I don’t need any ringing bells or setch to get me going either. Ain’t that something? Maybe I’ll write a book on it someday.

[Viking does come forth and admit that there was deception presented by the White House when it comes to Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. He does this when he says that it wasn’t that bad and throws the ball again and points to Kerry’s service record and Dan Rather’s broadcast. I well easily accept this if Viking can explain how many U.S. soldiers (you remember them, the ones we all supposedly support) were killed or injured by Kerry and Rather that makes them worse than Dubya.]...Wizzy®

Errrrrm...huh? Uhhh, I’m beginning to wonder Wizzy if even you know what you’re talking about here.

[Some of these right winnuts are in a constant state of denial.]...Ruffy

Heh, heh, heh. I swear Ruffy, sometimes you really slay me. You really do.

[Simply put, they have nothing left to stand on. The Iraq War continues to be a misguided disaster as more and more Americans are realizing this every day. It's becoming all to clear that this little Dubya adventure had more to do with revenge against Saddy for trying to take out his dad as well as trying to establish a lucrative Middle Eastern partner to make Bush's fat cat constituents even fatter.]...Ruffy

Ruffy! Stay calm!! Now...slowly, but carefully, step away from the Mikey Mooreon Fecalhype Nine Elebben deluxe version DVD. Everything will be alright. Oh, and stay away from the Commandant’s study. There might be some scissors in there.

[We're pretty much the modern day Roman Empire and this is all about the ongoing effort from the neocons to proactively spread our influence throughout the globe.]...Ruffy

And stay away from fluffy’s little red booklets too!

[How will these upcoming elections go? Well, I predict a bloodbath...]...Ruffy

Hmmm, let’s see...I feel a draft, Lurch wins and now the ‘lection bloodbath thingy. Is that 0 for 3? Oh well, that’s “par for the course” I guess.

[Bottom line like I've said all along...

1) Saddam never attacked us.

Yes! That’s absolutely true! Saddy NEVER attacked us! Saddy’s army DID NOT cross the Kuwaiti/Saudi border in 1991! They DID NOT attack the fascist ‘Merican Marines at the border town of Khafji and start the ground portion of the first Gulf War. And whoever says otherwise is nothing more than a damn Dubb ‘Ministration shill spreading another BUSH FAMILY LIE! There!!! That aughtta tell’em!!! Now, do I get a Mao suit too?

[He had nothing to do with 9/11 and, sorry Hagar, taking pot shots at our jets in the no fly zone doesn't count!]...Ruffy

Hey...you know something Ruffy, you jist might have sumpin there. Take a gander at this. The next time some country like China, N. Korea or Frants for that matter p-i-s-s-e-s us off, I say we just shoot at their planes to get even. Since we now know that little ole things like shooting at another nation's aircraft isn’t an aggressive act of war, they won’t have anything to b-i-t-c-h about! Helluva plan huh? Stick with me Ruffy...we’re goin’ places!

[2) There were never any pervasive connections between Saddam's regime and al Queda.]...Ruffy

Oh? Is that so? Well maybe you should try and ‘splain that one to Sen. Hilly Clinton. “He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members.” What she is talking about here are Taliban fighters(many of which are also al Qaeda) getting medical treatment as well as R&R in Baghdad during the Afghan invasion. Our good buddy Abu Musab al Zarqawi(al Zarqawi) was one of hundreds of such fighters that got patched up, patted on the bottom, and sent on his merry little jihady way...BACK TO AFGHANISTAN.

[Bin Laden'a got to love Bush for playing right into his hands.Ruffy

Heeeyeah! Dubb has captured/killed hundreds of Binny’s towels, dried up millions of dollars of al Qaeda’s funding, and destroyed ALL of Binny’s towel infrastructure in Afghanistan. Yeah, I’ll bet Dubb and Binny are real buds alright. Hell, they're prolly even pen pals by now.

[3) No WMDs. No kidding! This is what I love watching the right wingnuts try to desperately squirm their way out of. Sorry...you were wrong. Get over it!]...Ruffy

Hey Ruffy, how’s this for squirming? Of the 15 million kg of chlorine imported under the United Appeaser’s Oil for Bribes/Food for Kickbacks program since 1997, Baghdad used only 10 million kg and supposedly had 5 million kg “in stock.” When United Appeaser inspectors questioned Eye-raky officials on the whereabouts of the 5 million “in stock” kg of chlorine, guess what they were told? NUTTIN’! To this day, the United Appeasers cannot account for the “missing” chlorine. Now I’m guessing here that you do know what chlorine gas is used for. If not just ask any WWI vet or WWII holocaust survivor...I’ll bet they know.

[He certainly was no threat to us. The thing of it is, the sanctions were actually working!]...Ruffy

The sanctions were actually working...........Yes folks, I’m still mostly upright after reading that one. {ahem} So Ruffy, tell us all about that shining beacon of successful international legislation...better known as the Oil for Bribes/Food for Kickbacks program. We’re all ears.

Well that certainly was fun. I hope ya’ll derived at least half as much fun reading this post as I did writing it. This is DEFINITELY one of the best sites around. I truly never know what I’ll read here ‘till I plop down and take a peak. I wanna tip my Kevlar to ‘Fessor for putting up with our s-h-i-t all these years and leaving the lights on for us. Every time I come here I’m informed at times, amazed at other times, and thoroughly entertained all the time. There’s nothing quite like shooting the s-h-i-t with a diverse little group setch as this. {group hug}...NOT!!!No self-respecting red-blooded right-wing fundy yahoo would be CAUGHT DEAD hugging anything that didn’t have hot legs and a big rack! And Dr. Hutchinson in fancy dress doesn’t count!! So there!!!

P.S. Oh, and Wizzy, one more thing. I couldn’t help but notice a common theme amongst your several follow up posts. A theme of yard animals, saliva, salad tossing, masturbation and balls. Now I’m not entirely sure exactly what it is you have in mind here but by the sound of things, I’ll bet it’s probably illegal in your state. If it’s not, then it should be.

Baiting, switching, smoking, mirroring and STILL pulling for my man Dean-o for head nincompoop,
Viking Pavlov(aka Hagar)

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 318
More fun with Captain Tinhorns!

Heheh, and Hagar conveniently chooses not to reference Dickless Cheney's classic quote from late 2000....."Saddam Hussein is no longer a threat, not even to his own neighbors".

So now, who do you think was right Vik-otin? Billy, Hilly and Lurch or the Dickless Wonder? Hmmmmmm...

Unlike some of the purported lefty quotes, Dick's is actually on tape! I'll have to send Hagar a copy sometime.

C'mon V-man, everyone with half a brain knows the Iraq War was totally manufactured. Pretending it wasn't is not only pointless but just downright tacky! We went to war under false pretenses and I know you're smart enough to realize that....just too proud and gung ho to admit it!

Hugs and Kisses,


Posted By: atf

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 316
RE: Viking...

oh boy...
The Fonz is looking like a Nancy Pelosi rocking head//Stepford Tory after that one.
Pardone, Senor, pero yo tengo que `salivate`...
Gizzard, we only say things that are hurtful cuz we mean it. (I can almost hear that old soulful melody `You only hurt the ones you love` right now hehe)
& Giz: Dipping one`s dick in the purple paint doesn`t quite match the courage of the Iraqi`s, but it may give your fav fella a chance to do something w/you REALLY UNIQUE 2ite.
not having as good a time as Waz but trying!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 310
RE: Oh Goodie!

Yeah right Gizzard. Who cares if you were ****ed. I wasn't upset but once you started bringing my kid into it I became concerned simply because theres no reason to bring my little kid into this for your cheap thrill.Thats just plain ****ty to do. I know your not married and doubt has a girlfriend so you don't see me posting garbage about your Mom or something rude like that do ya?
Basically, I hope your better than that Wiz.

And my posts didn't show I was getting angry I was trying to stress my point. Your the one who made more snide comments towards Fonz and I. Thinking we need each other to back the other up. I think you were truely upset only because others don't feel the way you do. Although I still haven't read all your pathetic babble I can just sense your ego getting stepped on and you act like everyones inferior to you. For that I did and always get a laugh. And I simply like to call people retards. If I wanted to really be mean or should I say witty I'd certainly use a word or phrases unlike the ones we all used in the 4th grade. Kind of like most of your dim-witted jokes. About my spelling etc. Doesn't bother me and only shows your reaching for something. Well reach the other way retard.

I've had enough of your BS .... time to read more enjoyable posts below yours. Your annoyance this week is at an all time high.
But maybe next week we'll agree on something?
Yeah.... maybe not.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 238
RE: Oh Goodie!

And as usual its late and I've once again sped read through the rest. Maybe some input tomorrow and I'll even include some big words so I can redeem myself. Or just use spellcheck like most of you clowns do. I don't care I'm sure I could type quicker than any of ya. There that makes me feel better.

While soaring through Vik's post I noticed lots of stuff Fonz and I and ofcourse Viking himself has brought up in the past. You see we need to repeat ourselves to drill this **** in all your heads! From how I see it most American's that come to this board support Bush and the war. The forigners don't.(so what)

And Wizzy,Gizzy,Dizzy when I shortly blew up on the V-man it was because I sped-read his post during the wee hours of the morning. Kinda like the one I'm having now.

Maybe I've spewed enough about politics and am just sick of repeating and telling you like it is. I'd stick to the subject, but sadly there is none @ DHQ.

Viking and ATF do a great job of it. Maybe I'll just stick to being an annoying prick to the ones who insult or disagree with them?
(No not you Roughy!)

Good f u ckin night


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