IF THE SOUTH HAD WON -> If the south would stand upStart A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: If the south would stand up
Posted By: zachary fiers

Posted On: Apr 18, 2011
Views: 605
RE: If the south would stand up

let the war begin brothers

Posted By: nate haddock

Posted On: Sep 1, 2011
Views: 591
RE: If the south would stand up

im with ya lets do it

Posted By: Ryan

Posted On: Dec 19, 2011
Views: 576
RE: If the south would stand up

This is ridiculous. The South seceding is one of the most cowardly things that this country has ever done. You guys lost one election in 1860. The North politically had been subject to the South since the age of JEFFERSON. You had the Supreme Court in your hand since Taney's nomination and you guys elected James Buchanan and James Polk (two TERRIBLE Presidents) but when we finally elect Abraham Lincoln YOU SECEDE. And Lincoln wasn't even going to force the South to emancipate the slaves! He wasn't going to infringe on states rights at all. He was going to block slavery from expanding and that's it! He wasn't going to touch your institutions or way of life. What the South did was cowardly. And then funny thing the Confederate Constitution made seceding ILLEGAL. You guys are hypocrites. And then you attack Fort Sumter after Lincoln told Jefferson Davis he wanted to only send supplies to the fort no munitions. You started the war and the North ended it. Look I'm sorry so many of your sons died but there was no justification for the South seceding and no justification for you attacking the Union soldiers at Fort Sumter. Also that whole slavery thing you guys were preoccupied with at that time needed to go.We both know that and I'm sure you aren't trying to defend that now but that was a major problem and it needed addressing.

Posted By: son of the south

Posted On: Jan 7, 2012
Views: 573
RE: If the south would stand up

Great input y'all!
I had the opportunity to visit the Texas Civil War Museum recently. What struck me was the substantial participation of Hispanic soldiers from Texas. What was interesting as well was the representation of Native Americans in the Confederate Army; Choctaw, Cherokee, and others. The state of Texas at the time of the war of northern aggression was a diverse economy. Surely slavery existed, but the majority of the state was consisted of single family farms. I suspect that eventually the issue of slavery would have settled itself. A letter from one of the young Confederate heroes mentioned that "we just want to be left alone". Isn't that what we all really would prefer? The less government in our lives the better?
On another vein, I read that "Emancipation Day" (Federal Holiday) in the D.C. commemorates freeing slaves in Maryland. Oddly, the citizens who brought their slaves in to be freed were given up to $300.00 per slave, and the former slave was given the sum of $100.00 if they got out of the US all together! Strange how the Federal government got into the business of purchasing slaves in order to evict them from the US! THEY EVEN SPECIFIED THE COUNTRIES IN THE LEGISLATION! So before our Unionist friends get all warm and fuzzy about ending slavery, remember that the US (y'all) purchased these people in the hope that y'all could kick them out. Let's all retire to the library and verify this fact!
Also, Visit the Confederate Memorial in Arlington.
Designed by an American Jew, the monument features the first Black soldiers (heroes) ever honored on a monument in the United States.

Posted By: son of the south

Posted On: Jan 7, 2012
Views: 571
RE: If the south would stand up

I know I was a little off topic before, but it felt good to vent.
So back on subject:
While secession is clearly permitted in the Declaration of Independence:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,.."
We should remember that Fort Sumter was in....that's right....in South Carolina. South Carolina had rightfully abolished the existing government and established a new government. Use the Declaration as a basis and it becomes crystal clear. Secession was heartily embraced by the northern states as well, see the Hartford Convention. The new england states proposed secession because the us government was at war with England. This cut off the lucrative trade with a slave trading nation. (Ouch)The truth is painful I know. We of the United States permitted slavery from the inception of the nation. it is an ugly truth we must all acknowledge. But let's not forget that the New England states made huge fortunes trading rum for humans. Research how the University of Rhode Island changed it's name to Brown University. (note, go to the Brown website, then dig a little deeper.) The Brown website states that only a small portion of the Brown family fortune was made from slave trading. The truth, of course, differs considerably.
However, the unification of our states has proven to be imperative to the existence of freedom in the world as we know it. The President of the United States who closed World War 2 was a son of a Confederate Veteran. (Truman) One of the greatest cavalry commanders of all time, George Patton, was a son of a Confederate veteran, and learned tactics from the great Confederate Cavalryman John Mosby (who was a great friend of President U.S. Grant). One of the best Confederate Cavalry leaders in America. General Joe Wheeler, under whom my ancestor served, proved his worth as a Untied States commander in the Spanish American War. The descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest died in a bombing run in Europe, fighting the most evil of empires the world has ever known. Tennessee's Alvin York was the son of a Confederate Veteran.
I propose that we all, both north and south look at what is going on in this country, and reconsider our direction. Look at our borders. The FED is tasked with protecting us, yet you and I sue those states who enforce laws for which the FED is responsible. Consider the requirement that states contribute funds to federal health programs (individuals under penalty without compliance). Far be it that we condemn those who cannot afford health care, but we should fund those programs with cuts in other programs that do not further our interests as a nation. Does this sound unrealistic? Similar to the issues of those Americans who saw a President elected with 40% of the electorate in 1860?

Posted By: son of the south

Posted On: Jan 7, 2012
Views: 569
RE: If the south would stand up

Ah....I feel I have struck nerve............fear not my Yankee friends. We southerners understand your position. When your plate was buttered with the profits of cheap cotton (sold in Memphis in 1859 at 4 cents a pound and sold in New York at $1.60)it was tough to see us go. I read where the future Commander of the C.S.S. Alabama was treated to champagne in New York, while he purchased huge stores of percussion caps, shells and powder from northern ammunition plants before the Union government realized that the South was serious about our independence. The truth is, Americans have always been rebels. From the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania to the New Mexican Border enforcement in modern times. We should embrace this American ideal!

Posted By: son of the south

Posted On: Jan 7, 2012
Views: 568
RE: If the south would stand up

My father served as a corpsman in the south Pacific in World War 2. My Uncle flew a TBM Avenger in the South Pacific. My mom was a nurse in Seattle during the war. My brother manned a .50 cal in Vietnam. My father in law drove a tank serving under Patton. Some of the Former Boy Scouts in my kid's scout troop served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They all played "Capture the Flag" and fought hard to be the Confederates in the contest. The scoutmaster (the author) had a hand in this......
I am just saying that we southerners love this country.
Damn those who oppose us and God help those who stand with us!

Posted By: Cameron Hawkins

Posted On: Apr 5, 2012
Views: 550
RE: RE: If the south would stand up

Finally someone agrees with me. I believe that we should protest until America gives us what we want, independence. If they don't then we need to use amendment number 2 and bear arms. Congress gives what the people want therefore if the people want to become a new country and with enough protest we can get what we want. Reply if you agree.

Posted By: jack

Posted On: May 19, 2012
Views: 545
RE: RE: If the south would stand up

Stand up?! You had your chance recently in this presidential primary. You failed. One person crossed party lines with a message to get the Federal Government off our backs & stop paying for the welfare of the big corporations profiting off war and the drug trade in Afghanistan. A fellow southerner - Ron Paul. Instead you went heavily for a pair of Yankees Romney & Santorum. You might as well tattoo Goldman Suchs Bank on Romney's backside. He is their boy - just like O'Bama, Goldman is his # 1 financial supporter. Santorum's view of governments roll in your personal life is scary. Google his video.
So tied up in thinking you have to vote as a democrat or stay true to the republican party - what a joke - so much for the independent thought of a southerner rebel.
Y'all pass the welfare - please.

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