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Post InfoTOPIC: SSUP Crest.
Posted By: 2muchtime

Posted On: May 7, 2003
Views: 656
RE: SSUP Crest.

look who's talking about having too much time... kendal writes a whole ess-ay where a few sentences would do the trick... someone needs the attention...

Posted By: jheskew

Posted On: May 9, 2003
Views: 651
RE: RE: SSUP Crest.

You know, when ever I reply to anything on this site I'm usually drunk and/or in a bad mood (tonight I'm drunk) but GOD DAMN, "What's with the guy in the can"?!?!?

Um, that's the point of the site, watch the toons. Please, if any of the entries don't make sense, rewatch all of the toons. Then vote.

As for the Kendel bagging on the artwork:
Roger Ebert's only effort into the world of film was "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls", and he gets paid to judge the worth of every movie. So I can only assume by the lack of an artistic endeavor on your part that you turned your back on creativity when the teacher no longer allowed you to paint by numbers. You are a ****ing tool. You freely admit that you don't care about this site, yet you took the time to open the window in your ivory tower and cast down your **** upon those who would attempt to help out oddtodd.

Go back to your cubicle and delusions of grandeur. You obviously "don't get it". Hey, ignorance is bliss. You'd make a good leader for the Christian Coalition. If they fail to understand or find humor in something, they attack it. Kind of like your comments:

"For the sake of being nice, I'll assume at least _some_ of you actually _want_ to work, as opposed to those who are just Natural Born Slackers."


"That means I have no clue what the hell this is all about."

"#19, for it's authentic "crest" look, the fact that it, too, is well done, and I get a kick out of the wanker in the bathrobe. I'll admit the "canned person" gag is lost on me, but I'll assume that it is something I might be familiar with if (a) I frequented this site more often that this once, and (b) cared."

and my personal favorite:

"As for #1, which I see is in contention for the win at the moment... "fanboy giggling". If its creator is an artist by trade it's no wonder he/she/it is unemployed. Plus, Star Wars jokes haven't been funny for something like 15 years now (I think it was the "Vacation" movie that nailed the coffin shut tightly.)"

"Wanker in the bathrobe?" Wow. You are in the running for the dumbest post of 2003. You're not in advertising are you? Or middle managment? Or maybe you took time out of your busy schedule to remove the silver spoon from your daddy's ass so you could let all those beneath you know what they are suppose to think. And as for your opinion on funny, Carrot Top isn't a genius. I'm sorry to break the news to you.

Oh, if you found this confusing, just ask one of you frat buddies for an explanation. He'll be happy to give you the stock "**** those slacker/working-class/bookworm/know-it-all/freethinking losers. Let's shotgun a beer" answer. Nevermind that he won't understand that the afore mentioned author has a book deal and the luxury of living his life in a robe. Hef lives in pjs. But I guess thats different because he supplies naked chicks. You're so vain I bet when you masterbate you think of yourself.

Posted By: Matthew

Posted On: May 9, 2003
Views: 649
RE: SSUP Crest.

Okay, so like, why the heck is my comment the one that the nut posts under?

I have a job, but like one time I was royally screwed by a lay-off as my company fell apart around me.

And then I was a canned person, and I felt like I was in a can (all cramped and stuff and, like, covered in some crappy canned-person water stuff) because I was all cramped up in my parents' house because I was so broke and I couldn't do anything and I was all claustrophobic and depressed. And then one day I was forwarded a link to and I was happy and then I had some cof-fay and then I finally found a job and got some mo-nay.

And now I don't like it when nuts respond to my posts. #1 is tired, #19 is pretty good, but I'm still lovin' #11 cuz I do.

Posted By: HenrytheBald

Posted On: Sep 5, 2003
Views: 630
RE: SSUP Crest.

Of course we all realize that another GREAT mov-ay has a similar image to that of the #1 seal. The movie that I speak of is Army of Darkness (Pimpshwimp) and I had that in mind when voting. Speaking of the great Bruce Campbell movie. During the Odd Todd's Halloween Special the music from Army of Darkness is used and I think it was very fitting and I am glad that Odd Todd knows of such (once again) greatness. I really enjoy his stuff (and stuff) and no matter what anyone says i think it was 100% fun-ay.

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