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Posted By: Could Care Less About Comments by Children

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 645
RE: poll

No, he meant pole I think. He seems to have a fascination with wanting everyone around him to be gay. Wonder why. ;)

And what's wrong with smoking pot exactly? You kids have been listening to too mush propoganda me thinks.

Posted By: odd todd-o

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 642
RE: poll

you must be Oscar. Or gay.

Posted By: dave

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 637
RE: poll

Hey I dont think you should knock the pot untill youve tried it alot...

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 637
RE: poll

Do you need a bong or a one-hitter for that?

Posted By: dave

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 622
RE: poll

Probabally a bong. A pipe will more than likely give you a negitive opinion of the first experience. Where a bong can be rather proficiant at hightining the first encounter, no pun intended

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: Feb 18, 2004
Views: 617
RE: poll

I tried it twice in 1981. Didn't enhale and didn't ever try it again! I know, I sound like Clinton...

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: Feb 19, 2004
Views: 605
RE: poll

HAHAHAHAHA, and I guess you did NOT have sexual relations with that woman, lol yeah I did it a ton in high school, It was like sex, Good while it lasts but leaves you with a big fargen mess when all is said and done, and it costs 20 its like...EXACTALLY like sex. lol

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: Feb 20, 2004
Views: 600
RE: poll

Dave - I am a woman, and I swear that I've never slept with Clinton! The one night that I tried pot, I hit curbs and was asleep at 9:30! What fun is that?

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