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Post InfoTOPIC: If I could change the world...
Posted By: PETA dot org

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1711
If I could change the world...

If I could change the world, this is what would happen: One day, upon waking, every person would finally realise that there is absolutely NO reason to exploit animals for food, fashion, entertainment or profit. The night before, everyone would have had the same dream; humans being forcibly taken from their apartments, houses, and offices, then systematically crammed into overcrowded, suffocating boxcars, soon to be lined up in slaughterhouses, hung upside down by their ankles on conveyors while waiting in terror to be gutted, skinned, drawn and quartered, and eventually processed into various commodites, such as food and shoes.

Posted By: jerry

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1708
RE: If I could change the world...

I like steak. mooo.
I like pork chops. oink oink.
I like chicken. buk-buk-buk-bukaah
I like lamb. ba-a-a-a-a
I like lobster. crunch
I like cat. yum

Posted By: Reality

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1706
RE: If I could change the world...

That dream sounds like fun. Good times all around.

Posted By: mike

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1697
RE: If I could change the world...

No one wants to hear your problems, PETA. There's a reason why not everyone's a vegetarian. It's because you're wrong.

Posted By: cuppajane

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1695
RE: If I could change the world...

But c'mon "PETA dot org", have you never had a deliciously mid-rare BURGER with CHEESE and BACON with all the fantastic condiments like MAYO (you know, EGGS and oil). Oh, don't forget to chase it with a MILKshake.

You should watch Colonial House on PBS Monday night. But use your version of "right" when you see the simulation of people trying to survive.

I wonder how many animals had to suffer to create all YOUR modern conveniences...oh wait, that's different because PETA lives by "Do as I say, not as I do".

Embryo and Mammary secretion cooked together to form a custard later to be freezed and blended into a yummy delicious shake time! Ciao dawl!

Posted By: I like to eat animals

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1692
RE: If I could change the world...

C'mon, animals were put on this world for us to eat them. That's all there is to it.

Posted By: dude

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1681
RE: If I could change the world...

If you think about it, human love for meat and animal products is what keeps those animals from becoming extinct. We're actually helping the species to thrive on planet earth.

Eat steak, help a species.

Posted By: Peta supporter

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1660
RE: If I could change the world...

I like bloody food, mmmmmmmm, the rarer the better, and the more tortured the softer, YUM. Hey I'm not a carnivore all the way, and your an omnivore, so get with it!

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1648
RE: If I could change the world...

If they are raised for it, its not like people being pulled from apartments. If someone raised humans for food...thats what it would be like. most likely the people would be near braindead with no one to teach them, and they would be kept blissfully stupid until the day they are taken to the "fun house" where they come out in many many burger patties. Im not for hunting for food when you have plenty of access to farm raised food. Plus, when you think about it, many of those animals have it well. If someone offered a person a chance to have everything he wanted, but in return they would set the date of his death...he probably would take it. Say "ive lived a good enough life" These animals are fed (although some improperly, a good portion are taken care of right) kept in safe environments where in teh wild they would be eaten. Hell, here they are even guarenteed sex if they are a breeder. I would have no problem being a human breeder. BRING EM ON!

Posted By: Jay

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1617
RE: If I could change the world...

Right on, PETA dot org. Zero gravity would be a lot of fun, but your choice is better yet (by far). Don't let these clowns bother you. Most people simply haven't given serious thought to animal rights arguments -- just as with other issues, the idea that aspects of their lifestyles may be unethical is frightening. They feel threatened, so they mock it or present whatever responses pop into their heads -- arguments whose refutations are obvious to any person familiar with the debate (on either side).

Posted By: gilly3

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1611
RE: If I could change the world...

If God doesn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1602
RE: If I could change the world...

Jay, "animal rights activists" tend to be the most closed minded people on the subject. Refusing to think that thier lifestyle isn't needed. What makes you think that animals are better than plants? they are both living organisms. They both respond to stimuli, although the plants respond at a much slower pace. Does taht mean its okay to eat sloths as long as they are killed before they realize whats going on? Ill agree that many of the practices by the meat industry are wrong and need to be redone. Some torture the animals before processing them, others feed them improperly. Im still totally against Veal, in that you are guarenteed that the animal was mistreated. But standard beef/pork and on occasion chicken (but they are the worst mistreated of all) are usually taken care of well enough, and raised properly for human consumption. What happens to people who live in areas where only the most basic grass will grow, and no fruits or vegtables can be obtained, so they have to raise animals for it.

Domesticated turkeys. They are so stupid they drown in rain. So if they died in the rain, and then were eaten, is that wrong?

And are you like the Earth liberation front, who uses high CFC items like spraypaint which is highly destructive to the environment to deface SUVs because of their pollutive qualities? One of the idiots who destroys thier own cause to try bringing others in. Its about like a vegitarian killing animals to write anti-animal cruelty signs with thier blood. Ill agree that there are many problems with current meat regulations and processing, but thats no reason to force feed veganism down our throats. And on that note...

Vegeterian or Vegan? which are you? Vegans absolutely hate vegitarians, often more than us carnivores because they are hypocrites. And if you are one of the people who doesn't even understand the difference, then you are the most unknowledged on the subject there is.

Posted By: Kiki Dee

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1597
RE: If I could change the world...

Right on, BaKaKage!!! I could'nt have said it better myself.

And here's how I would change the world: I would own the Fox network, and as the owner of Fox, I would create a reality TV show. I would interview people who are die-hard PETA supporters. I would give them the venue to make their voices heard. Then, I'd put them in a semi-controlled environment. It'll be like survivor, sort of. The controlled part of it: I control which animals they deal with. PETA supports the rights of all animals, right? Not just the cute and fluffy ones. I'd throw every last nasty, dangerous animal in that environment, and watch those morons try to survive. Sometimes, it's not a matter of food. Sometimes, it's kill or be killed.

My next show would be: Animal Court, starring Judge Judy. We'd take animals who tried to hurt other animals to trial. It would be just as serious as the human version, but this would be something that PETA could be proud of. A huge display of the assinine ideas of this STUPID association.

Seriously, though, I really feel sorry for these people. These people don't even believe in keeping pets, so they've never experienced the love they can get from a puppy or a kitten. They've never had to take responsiblity to clean up after a bird or a fish or any other pet. They've never ridden a horse or gone fishing. Animals make great companions, and some animals are trained to enhance the quality of people's lives (seeing eye dogs, drug sniffing dogs, etc.). Have you ever seen the joy in a child's eyes when they first see a new puppy, kitten, or any other small animal? It's a unique sight. It's no small wonder that these people are so uptight. Their stupidity is keeping them from some of the greatest, yet simplest, joys in life.

Posted By: garritt

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1574
RE: If I could change the world...

the only way to truely solve this is 3 rounds of bareknuckle boxing.

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1566
RE: If I could change the world...

Yeah Im in on the bare knuckel boxing. I friggen hate vegitarians. and vegans for that matter. Anamals lost the fu*kin war. I hate all this hippy liberal anamal rights stiff is bullsh*t! If you dont want to eat meat, cool. my best friend is a vegitarian. But dont pass your friggen belifs on me. And quit trin to phuck up my ability to consume all the meaty goodness that I want. I am sick and tired of your wining and moaning about how meat is so bad and your so friggen smart for not eating it.

I understand that you need attention and all but go out and get a friggen gutar or something, well maybie not a gutar because then you will just sit around on your ass singing songs about evil meat and sh*t. Go out and get a friggen life and drop the friggen tie die. god damn hippys.

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