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Post InfoTOPIC: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?
Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: Jun 9, 2004
Views: 669
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

"DM, you should be all over that, like OJ on white women. "

So you suggest he should kill her? lol. And anyone who still doesn't believe OJ did it, just read up on his last interview...the guy is a complete ass.

And Kiki, im sorry but that "think you are hot and you will be" dont quite work. Thats why places like Torrid sell belly shirts and g-strings for women who should NEVER be seen in public with the likes. There are just certain limits to decency, and knowing your limits is important. If i wear the right outfit, i dont look that bad. But i would never go out in spandex. (you all have seen the 400lbs woman wearing tight biker shorts and a baggy t-shirt at McDonalds that suddenly makes you lose your appetite) Plus that philosophy just leads to people dying from obesity while still thinking they are beautiful despite the fat. There are dozens of reasons to lose weight beyond looking better to other people.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Jun 9, 2004
Views: 663
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?


Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Jun 9, 2004
Views: 662
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

ops, sorry just testing. how do you put images here?

Posted By: html

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 650
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

Posted By: chris

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 646
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

Hey DM, did you watch the Restaurant on NBC at all this season? I thought it was pretty interesting. I think if yiu do exactly the opposite of what Rocco does, you'll be ok.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 642
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

ok, thats the pic that I want, now how do I put others here? what is the html for adding a pic?

Posted By: deagonmaster

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 641
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

I havent seen that one yet. i don't get to watch a lot of tv. what time does it come on? est

Posted By: chris

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 635
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

the season just ended, but they may show repeats on the Bravo channel. I dont know what time though. You should watch it, i think it would be good for an aspiring chef to see. Rocco despirito is a really bad business person though. great chef, but bad business person (so it seems at least).

Posted By: Kiki Dee

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 632
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

You don't understand the concept behind self image, do you? Feeling beautiful doesn't mean that you go out in spandex all the time, or that you wear things that aren't flattering for you. Girls/women who do that are stupid. I'm a big girl, but I choose my clothes to flatter my figure, and I carry myself with confidence. My friends embarrass me with the compliments they give me all the time. They tell me how they don't look at me as a fat girl, when I am. But, my attitude is that of a skinny chick. I don't think of MYSELF as a fat girl, either, but I know that I am one. It's a little complicated. Sure is probably going to post something to try to discredit me due to my dichotomy, but it's just how I am. It works for me. Ask the sexiest woman you know if she feels sexy all the time. If she's honest, she'll tell you that she has to have the right mind-set to truly feel sexy. It's that same mind-set that you can develop to make you feel beautiful regardless of what society thinks.

And your comment about people "dying from obesity while still thinking they are beautiful despite the fat" was totally shallow. I'm a beautiful person, but I also know that my weight is a dangerous thing. I'm active, I eat right, and I'm losing weight. Just because I'm big, doesn't mean I'm ugly. Fat people are just that: People who happen to be fat. They're still people, they still have good qualities about them, and they still deserve to be treated with respect. I've been lucky enough to be treated well in my life, but I know others who haven't been. My mom, for example, has lost 200 lbs in the past 22 months since she had gastric bypass surgery. She's looking and feeling great, but she was crying the other day. When I asked her why, she said, "Because I'm so happy!... And because I'm so sad." Huh? Now you see where I get MY dichotomy. "I feel so good now that I've lost so much weight. I'm wearing size large shirts instead of 4x. But I never realized exactly how badly I was treated when I was fat until now. Now, people make eye contact with me, they open doors for me, they smile at me and say "hello". Just normal things, right? But that never happened before, when I was big. I was shunned. I felt invisible. Like I wasn't worth smiling at. I was worthless and cast out from society." And she cried some more. And it's true. I feel the same way any time I go to the mall, or go to an athletic store to buy work out clothes. People, in general, are shallow jerks. And I think you, Baka, are better than that, so I wanted to share.

Posted By: krisbish96

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 626
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

I agree with Kiki whole heartedly!!!

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 623
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

Nah Baka's just some 15 year old doushebag who has no expeareance with girls whatsoever...So he hasnt really had the chance to understand what you are talking about. Hes just getting over the whole cuddies thing. I dont think we should spring anything else on him for a while.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 620
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

22. I might not act it but i am unfortunantely. And not understand? You are talking to one of the orignal lardasses :/ I have been obese for 14 years, and I have taken more than my share of beatings. Not always because of the weight, but it added to the problems. Better portion of my schooling i was assaulted in one form or another on a daily basis. So over time i just become bitter. Some say ignorance is bliss, and i have seen too many people who live that. Overweight people who think they are beautiful just as they are, and there is no need to change it. Yeah, i have known larger people who really were cool, but ignoring that you have a weight problem is no way around it. I know that if i dont do something about my health i will die long before i reach 40. Its not an easy thing to do, but i acknowledge my problem. I dont try thinking happy thoughts so i can bear with the weight easier...i let the pain come through to give me more reason to change it. Although in an of itself doing so often leads to depression which often causes overeating. So my cure is also my disease. There is no easy way around being overweight, and unfortunantely most people are overweight due to thier families, when parents are overweight often they overfeed thier children and cause them to develop bad eating habits. This kind of thing is hard to overcome. So you think that i am just some kid who knows nothing...feel free to keep thinking that. In my time i have found everyone knows some things others dont, and in that always believe that others know little.

Posted By: Sure

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 614
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

If you had any self-confidence you would not say that.

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 608
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

22 and you still live at home? damn...

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: Jun 10, 2004
Views: 605
RE: I'm comin' out, and what a better place to say it?

Yeah, the great part of a system that doesn't work. Got a college degree. no one wants it. Either bachelors or higher, an associates just means you are overqualified for entry level and underqualified for a real position. And here in AZ the high-end average pay for jobs (being at reputable companies with entry level positions) is around $7/hr. For those jobs there are usually 500-1000 applicants per open position. (in some cases there has been 10,000 applications reported for a single open position) If you manage to land a job paying, oh $7.50/hr working 40 hours a week you are only bringing in 1200 a month before taxes, which take home would be closer to 900-1000 (unless you go bare minimum in which case you will be paying over a thousand once tax time comes around) For a studio apartment in a neighborhood where there is only a 10% chance of having your car stolen/vandalized per year (which is good, there are a lot of apartment complexes which the standard occupant will have at least one case of vandalism within the 6 month lease period) the cost per month (for just a studio mind you) is between 450 and 600/month. Include gas costs, food, utilities, car insurance (at my age i got a screaming deal at 120/month but it can go to 220 if i leave my parents group coverage) and the cost of a car or maintenance on an older paid off car, and you are already in the negatives. The only way most people out here live out of thier parents houses between 18 and 30 are either in college dorms, or with 2-3 roommates. Unfortunantely, i dont get along with people enough to have roommates. (you all know i dont get along with people) so for the time i am forced to stay at home with my parents. Currently i am trying to get a job at a school district as a janitor at a high school ($10/hr with benefits, its kinda government with being a federally funded district which explains the high pay) and if i can get the job and stand it so i can keep it, then i can hopefully move out into my own place within a year or two.

As for self confidence...none. I have yet to suceed in anything i deem important. I cant keep friends, or jobs, or move out, cant even seem to keep my faith in order. Im completely mental, my health is steadily deteriorating but i have never had a job with health insurance that i could afford so i have to stick with it. For 2 years ive been having psiatic nerve issues which most likely indicates a herniated disc in my lower spine. Not dangerous, just hella painful where i cant sleep well at night because any position i lay in sends a stinging pain like a pinched nerve all the way from the back of my knee to my spine. Im chronically obese, and lack the willpower to change it. Every time i start a program i wuss out. Im afraid that ill lose the weight and nothing will change, ill still be the same pathetic looser i always have been, and i will just have wasted all that energy for nothing. Im constantly torn between the concept of whether dying early is such a bad thing. All i care is to pay off my debts so my family wont get screwed with the rest of my bills.

Yeah, i know what you are all thinking. you think im just trying to get your pity, that i live to have people tell me its all going to be alright. But i dont want that, i want to be insulted. Please, i know you have dozens of comebacks Dave so let it rip. im pretty positive you got some too Sure. Aurora, i doubt you will have any negative comments, but you might think of a few about how i shouldn't wallow in self pity, i should do something to change it. Kiki, you most likely would be the one to offer some encouragement, but i ask you not to. Pain is the only way one can know they are still alive. If you read this far, i am sorry for wasting your time.

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