Post InfoTOPIC: Why TK?
Posted By: Xiro

Posted On: Mar 27, 2006
Views: 1598
Why TK?

There are plenty of other, much more ridiculous cults out there... Tarot or astrology,I mean, come on! TK is science, and those are all superstituous things... Why would you be dumb enough to attack something with a scientific background, when you could assault something far more ridiculous... I can point you to sites that think they can turn invisible if you want^ ^

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 27, 2006
Views: 1590
RE: Why TK?


It occurs to me that you are being very selective when it comes to deciding what is a fact and what is silly.

I select the topics for my site based on whatever I want.

If you don't like this site then simply stop visiting and stop posting a series of very stupid comments. It just makes you look a moron.


Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Mar 28, 2006
Views: 1583
RE: Why TK?


Just read through what seems to be a lot of your threads but can you actually perform TK? You seem very uptight about skeptics view on TK, I was just wondering what background you had on the subject.

That link you provided in your first thread, the link to the website titled 'The Black Vault' I was unable to find the section you talked about regarding TK. Have you a more accurate link, would be helpful.

If you believe TK exists then can you explain why TK has not been proven to exist?

I actually don't believe Randi would turn away an opportunity to find the person who can actually perform TK, and believe the whole idea of offering the $1Million is to find that person but that has not happened. This is because in my view noone can openly perform TK. The point you make about Randi refusing to test someone who claims they can survive on just water is just plain silly, I think a magician has already done that in a glass box hanging from a crane in London for 40Days.

I have done plenty of research on the subject and find that most information on TK is provided by people who believe in TK so a lot of research comes across very biased. I'm yet to see a video clip where I can honestly say no trickery was involved but if you know of one that shows no trickery a link would be much appreciated.

Unfortunately for you Xiro the only thing that stops you from being right is the fact that TK has not been proven to exist. With all the technology these days I'm surprised that if TK is actually real then why hasn't it been proven.

This is my opinion.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 28, 2006
Views: 1579
RE: Why TK?

What you just said...

"With all the technology these days I'm surprised that if TK is actually real then why hasn't it been proven. This is my opinion."

That hits the nail right on the head Grant, couldn't agree more! All they have is heresay, blind faith and a bucket of sand in which to bury their heads.

We also both know we will not get a sensible response to that point because the TKers don't have an answer!


Posted By: Xiro

Posted On: Mar 28, 2006
Views: 1575
RE: Why TK?

Keith, I would be selective as to whom you call a moron, since my arrival here you have been the one to show no intelligence what so ever, this is the first post you seem to have found some manners, sorta...
Grant, you seem to have some reason...Yes, I can preform TK as per diagnosed by the U.S military, as for my link. I'm afraid I myself can't locate their original TK article, hopefully the articles detailing remote viewing and the star gate will suffice. Should you disbelive the existance of TK in U.S labs, follow it up with a CIA line and ask for the declassified star gate programs reguarding the SRI, I havn't the time to look through their records...
I use TK but not as you desire... For your definition of TK is flawed... Points to appreciate are-
1.)Tk is not consciously manipulated
2.)TK is not controlable
You seem to be obsessed with both of these. Fact is, these are not reasonable and may never be possible. As I said earlier, I'm not defending it's use, Im defending it's existance...
TK has not been proven to exist for the mater I just said. It can't be controled. SRI's expierments were astronomically profound, showing the the chances their results where by chance were 1 to 10 to the 35th power. But the only problem with these results is none of these were controlable, so no one belive TK exists because the TKer can't control any of this.
I agree, no serious TK had accepted Randi's call. As I said before, the reasons are based on Randi's expectations. You can't fly, but you can jump. I can't move something freely, but I can use TK...
As for the crane in london thing, mind providing a link?
I to have done plenty of research. Being a parapsychologist it is not my goal to prove these skills, it's my goal to disprove them. My analysis, and expierences, and understanding of quantum physics says that TK can exist. Weather or not it does is where skepticisim comes in. And I have to say, most people are fixed one way or another...
And technology has done many things to prove TK exists, electronomers, Kirlian Photography, some laser pinpointed pendulum thing I forgot the name of. As I said, TK is all but proven. No one is willing to accept it's more then chance because it can't be controled.
Thank you for showing you have a deal of intelect...

Posted By: Wannabe Punk WHo CAN levitate

Posted On: Mar 28, 2006
Views: 1568
RE: Why TK?

Xiro, leave! You are the devil!

Posted By: Xiro

Posted On: Mar 28, 2006
Views: 1563
RE: Why TK?


Posted By: wannabe punk who CAN levitate

Posted On: Mar 29, 2006
Views: 1549
RE: Why TK?

XIRO is a punk A$$. And he calls himself smart, yet he replied to me first post with a question mark. very stupid that guy is. If you didn't understand what I wrote earlier then let me explain a lil more clearly. LEAVE! YOU ARE THE DEVIL!

Posted By: Xiro

Posted On: Mar 29, 2006
Views: 1547
RE: Why TK?

So keith, is this the highlight of your side of the arguement?^ ^

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 30, 2006
Views: 1535
RE: Why TK?

If you have failed to grasp 'my side of the argument' at this stage then you never will.
In it's simplest terms, for the intellectually challenged, I say TK has never been proven. If it exists then why doesn't somebody demonstrate it? Until it's demonstrated I will continue to say it doesn't exist.
Got it now?
If not, show this to a responsible adult and get them to explain it to you.

Posted By: Andohondae

Posted On: Mar 31, 2006
Views: 1532
RE: Why TK?

Keith, i am from a strong religous background and according to my faith each individual is entitled to their own beleifs. i am a pyrokenetic and i truly beleive in it though i would enjoy you trying to explain my abilities. not out of malice but out of curiosity

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 31, 2006
Views: 1527
RE: Why TK?

You said......
"i am a pyrokenetic and i truly beleive in it though i would enjoy you trying to explain my abilities"

You have an over active imagination and need to get a real life.

Posted By: BOBBY

Posted On: Mar 31, 2006
Views: 1523
RE: Why TK?

Keith I absolutely agree....But of course these people don't just get the hint and leave...They reply with foolish words about how you are mean and can't prove things and other crap like that...I feel sorry for those people I guess...but anyway, Im writin to give ya some support Keith. Have a good 1

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 31, 2006
Views: 1521
RE: Why TK?

Thanks Bobby.
Yes, you would expect them to go to a site like ppsociety where little school kids with time on their hands like to invent stories about how they switched on their computer last night just by looking at it.
Why they come to this site and try and convince me is a total mystery. I really can't be bothered talking to the delusioned and/or liars.

You would think they would spend the time showing the world their amazing paranormal powers and seeking ever lasting fame and fortune. Oh yeah I almost forgot, they can't do it under test conditions, only when alone in their bedrooms.......

Posted By: Uzoma

Posted On: Apr 5, 2006
Views: 1489
RE: Why TK?

Keith, did it ever occur to you that maybe some people who have the ability reufse to display it in the open due to the never ending peace in their life? if you could perform acts of telekinesis, would you parade it around for the whole world to see like some type of ignorant child, or keep it to yourself knowing that that alone is the best path? Also, unlike you, i donot believe that telekinesis doesn't exist. But that does not mean that I support Xiro either.

I, unlike some religious groups, believe only what my eyes have seen. However, I am not rash enough to throw everything out of the window due to no visible evidence. Yes, you proved that two tests of telekinesis are misleading, but what about the rest? What about the simple ones like creating a psi ball or moving something light across the table? Those are simple tests as well my friend. To cut your questions short, no I cannot perform telekinesis, but am willing to experiment to see whether it is true or not. Through my own experience I will determine whether or not it is real or just a rumor that has started since the days of old.

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