Post InfoTOPIC: God
Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Nov 26, 2008
Views: 1375


I was just wondering if I could start a topic about the existence of God. I know this forum is about telekinesis, but there is no forum on the existence of God, and you probably purposly did this. If you don't want me to continue with this topic in this forum, or you want me to start it in another forum I understand. Just want to see if its ok with you before I continue, thanks.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Nov 29, 2008
Views: 1362
RE: God

That's fine, no problem with that.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Nov 29, 2008
Views: 1359
RE: God


I think you put alot of good points in your section about the existence of God and religions. I believe the main reason why I don't believe in God is because it makes sense that an intelligent species (humans) would create a God to expalin everything unknown. And even religious people would agree on this fact. Also, what makes christianity any different than the the religion the Greeks and Romans believed in. Nothing really, everyone believed in that religion even more so than Christianity. But times changed and a new God arised, which challenged the beliefs of the Romans, and many converted to this new, better God. And this God is still around today. We except the fact that there god's didn't exist, and yet we believe that our God does. Why people believe this is summed up very well in Keith's section.

Also, alot of people say to me they believe in God because "there has to be something more out there". Why? Why does there have to be a force that we can't see, controlling the universe? Because there doesn't have to be, sure there could be, but thats just a belief, and can never be known until this divine force makes itself known, which it never has too.

I also have a question for any Chrsitian to answer, if you were born into a christian family, and therefore are a christian, if you decide to convert to say buddhism, would you go Heaven or Hell according to the Christian God.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Nov 29, 2008
Views: 1357
RE: God

It doesn't make any sense to me that there is supposed to an invisible God up in the sky somewhere who told us 10 things not to do and then allows situations where its almost impossible not to do them and when we do throws us into hell and damnation for eternity. And he loves us? He's got a friggin funny way of showing it.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Nov 30, 2008
Views: 1353
RE: God

Your right, but it is possible that this God really does have some divine plan, or is allowing us to do what we want, and he judges where we go beyond the ten commandments. And maybe all the people who die these horrible deaths just go straight to this heaven. Sure, there could be this divine force we can't comprehend, but why would it ever come to us. And why would it spread it's laws through humans, who have the ability to lie. Apparently people sent by God though, are given the ability to do a miracle or two to prove they were sent by God. If God can talk and give "superpowers" to one person, why not just spread the stupid word yourself. Makes a pretty good case for people who don't believe eh?

I don't steal, I don't kill, and probably never will commit any "major" sins. But becuase I don't believe in God i'm going to Hell? Because I'm logical I have to suffer for eternity? Because I don't believe in words that people said two thousand years ago. This makes no sense to me.

Posted By: Painted Demon

Posted On: Dec 1, 2008
Views: 1342
RE: God

Hey Keith,

I can see how the whole Religious aspect of spiritual belief systems can beome confusing. I mean who really has the time to read everything in the Bible, or the Koran?

I hear that Allah was a rapist and pedophile. Although I have never read the Koran, this is a generalization I have formed out of my ignorance and laziness.

Remember, ignorance of the law, is not a viable defense of the law.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 2, 2008
Views: 1335
RE: God

Painted Demon

Do you believe in God?

Posted By: Birco

Posted On: Dec 2, 2008
Views: 1333
RE: God

Stethoscope Boy: "But becuase I don't believe in God i'm going to Hell?"

Logically if you don't believe in God then you also don't believe in hell, as it is all tied up in the same religion, and therefore you have nothing to worry about: You shall die and go back to the unconscious state you were in before you were born... or whatever happens.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 1328
RE: God

Yes I know, I was just questioning the religion's principles.

Thanks for your response though

Posted By: Painted Demon

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 1325
RE: God

A few years ago I almost died on the side of the highway. As I laid there dieing, I pray for God to let me live. So, I guess the answer is yes, I do believe in God.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 1320
RE: God

Don't take this the wrong way. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. But do you ever wonder why God saved you but let the other million suffering people in the world praying for God to save them die. I understand where your coming from though, If i were in your position I would have probably prayed to God too, pretty selfish though, denying God than praying to him when your dying. However, thats what's the majority does. I'm not saying your part of that majority.

Posted By: Painted Demon

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 1318
RE: God

I do not know if "God" as I understand him saved me or not. And yes, I am a selfish, self centered man with many character defects. I continually try to improve, it isn't easy.

I shared that with you not as an example to prove God exists, but because you asked me if I believed in God. The truth is, I prayed out of fear of my life ending, with still so much to acheive. I know one thing, life is short and valauble, and worth living. Whatever it is you want to do, get to it right away, don't wait another second.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 4, 2008
Views: 1315
RE: God

Painted demon,
You're right, live life now, not wait for the future because the future may never come. A few years back I found myself in the back of an ambulance wired up and listening to the siren blaring and thought I was going to die. It was a heart problem since sorted. Anyway, I really thought and felt I was going to die, I did not even think about God for a second, I did not feel at all afraid (always thought I would!) but instead felt incredibly frustrated because I didn't want to die, I had too many things left I wanted to do.
Since then I have been busy doing them.
Just wanted to toss that into the debate.

Posted By: Painted Demon

Posted On: Dec 4, 2008
Views: 1307
RE: God


I have been employed in the Legal industry for the past 20 years after my Military Career.

I am not at all pleased with my career, and am looking to step into another, yet this is not easy at 45 years old.

However, I do not get any pleasure anymore from my careeer regardless of the income it provides, it is a simple exchange of my life for money.

Within a few years I hope to have a new business prospering and look forward to this, as it gets me through the daily duldrums of an otherwise tedious, meaninless and boring existence.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 4, 2008
Views: 1304
RE: God

Thanks for the advice, I'm only 17 and i'm not sure what exactly I want to do. I'm aware of the amazing value and mystery to life, and i know my perseption of life will probably change throughout my life. It can end at any time, however for some reason I believe that I won't die until my time is up, and if i'm ever in the situation when I'm dieing I might just except the fact that this is when i'm suppost to die. I'm not sure why i think this, maybe it's just a comfort thing.

"Whatever it is you want to do, get to it right away, don't wait another second"

Thats actuelly some good advice, and helps in a situation i'm in right now. Thanks.

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