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Posted By: Girl123

Posted On: May 20, 2008
Views: 1804
Evidence Please!

Until I see a person who claims to be a "TK" walk into a real, genuine, scientific lab with real scientists testing them, I dont believe a thing. If TK is soooooooooooo real, and they insist on showing everyone else videos proving its real, then it shouldn't be hard to show a few scientists. After all, they claim its so real right?

TK doesn't exist. Point, blank.

Posted By: cj

Posted On: May 20, 2008
Views: 1803
RE: Evidence Please!

right on..............

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1798
RE: Evidence Please!

I couldn't agree more, I've been saying it long enough myself.

Posted By: Delphinus

Posted On: May 23, 2008
Views: 1788
RE: Evidence Please!

Hypothetically if TK existed, most people would be afraid to show scientists as naturally they would be experimented on... And even if they did show scientists its not as if the government is going to announce it to the world that TK exisisted, for obvious reasons...

Posted By: andres

Posted On: May 23, 2008
Views: 1783
RE: Evidence Please!

Are you kidding? It would be a revolution, we would have to reconstruct the laws of physics, the whole world would know about it. Since when scientists need to ask the government whether they should make public a discovery? The government has nothing to do with that.
Telekinetics are afraid to be experimented by scientists, that’s true, but because they would be easily disproved. If telekinesis existed the first thing any telekinetic would do is show scientists how wrong they are. Unfortunately for them that’s never going to happen.

Posted By: Delphinus

Posted On: May 24, 2008
Views: 1774
RE: Evidence Please!

Yes fair enough it would be one of the greatest discoveries but your missing my point, they would naturally tell the government but the government would not tell society! How many secrets does the government keep from us? Because they worried that we would panic.... All im sayng if TK existed fair enough we should know about it already, but there's no smoke with out fire.

Posted By: Noname

Posted On: May 24, 2008
Views: 1773
RE: RE: Evidence Please!

Done finito, long time ago, history. You just haven't talked to the scientists or read the stories. Love,

(I say I'm someone else than who I am to get away for a while and just enjoy life, I'll be back with style)

Celebrate the times come on!

All night long!

Posted By: andres

Posted On: May 24, 2008
Views: 1765
RE: Evidence Please!

Delphinus I know what you mean but I just don’t see any government in that picture, it’s a science discovery. Scientists wouldn’t need to get the approved of a government to make that public.
I don’t think people would panic at all, instead everyone would start trying to move objects with their minds everyday, people would love to be telekinetics.
Anyway, it’s useless to keep discussing this, I hope you know why.

Posted By: cool hand luke

Posted On: May 24, 2008
Views: 1753
RE: RE: Evidence Please!

Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, and that's only because I think you're such a good bunch!

I swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth, and I would testify in congress if there were such a thing in my country.

Good so far? Good. Now on to the heart of the matter.

I am a rare case here, I realize that. I claim something outragous, and still manage to say it in a fairly civilized manner (hopefully) not sounding like your every day hormone based teenager who of course naturally would be dragged to a forum such as this one.

Ok, alright? Are you still reading? Good.

Like I said, I like to think of myself as an honest man. In fact, people who I've spoken to strictly via the internet, have told me that I radiate a certain confidence which seems to imply that I'm not talking ****, and like to tell it like it is.

Well, and what do I claim? I feel by now that I have warned you enough through my writing that I may bring up something that in most societies potentially could give me a psychiatric diagnosis. I wonder if any of you have even thought of that.

If anyone here knows how people are judged within psychiatric institutions, you will be well aware of the fact that most psychiatrists would judge a person insane, had s/he claimed that s/he had actual telepathic experiences on a weekly basis.

Now, I think my writing shows that I'm not one of the forementioned teenagers, which some people here seem to think in reality encompass the vast majority of people claiming the "outragous" feats that are discussed on this forum.

I like to keep things civilized in a discussion, be it online or offline. So I try to express myself in a clear manner that reflects the honest and direct relationship I have towards the claimed abilities that are discussed on this forum.

Notice I say abilties, and not ability. This is because, well, my experiences (you might as well give me a diagnosis right away, if there are any professional psychiatrists or psychologists here). My impression when reading this forum is that the highly educated is a rare specimen here. This is of course natural given the controversies surrounding the subject in question.

Ok, I think I've been elaborating enough so far, and hopefully come across as a close-to ordinary, and reasonably educated fellow. So I think it's time to try to cut it short and get to the point.

Now, as I've already pointed out in a sort of indirect matter, I have had weekly experiences with things that I nor any other people I have approached could explain with any textbook used in, you could say, accepted sciences.

Quite frankly I've been a spectator of the evolvement of this forum from the beginning. My interest has been genuine from the start, but has later on evolved into one of disgust and sometimes anger.

I myself was one of the members of the certain site that had a "beef" with the infamous author of this very site upon which I'm here more or less willingly participating in. Well, much could be said about what happened there. The sad thing is, when thinking back, I can only relate to it in the same way as when watching quarrels and fights back in middle school.

There are many sad truths about internet discussions, and a major one is that their quality is seldom of the best, and often times they rarely even touch on the real facts of the matters in question.

Speaking of which, I'm a rare case here, and I'm a rare case in most societies around the world. What I've seen on this forum is not of the quality I was hoping for when intially taking interest in these discussions.

Moving on, the reason for my being here is of an honest, curious, more or less normal human being trying to fit his experiences into a framework I can relate to without naturally internalizing the world view of the psychotic, or even the raving mad in the eyes of my peers.

During the last few years of my life, I have been forced to keep certain things secret from others. The others being my friends and other people I have encountered in my life. And this is also one of the main things most people here don't understand.

Most of what we don't understand is what we haven't experienced. I could tell you about my aunt who's in constant pain beause a disease called MS. You would most likely believe me when I say that, but there's really no way you can understand the pain she's going through. This is a natural psychological fact.

Now, I'm well read in psychology as well as different sciences. My background is not important, apart from some of the experiences I have. As I have already said, I have been interested in the subject matter of this forum for several years, a genuine interest first colored by a certain uncertainty and a very real skepticism towards most of the things concerning these phenomena.

Rarely do I have the time or the chance to participate in a reasonable discussion about these things. This is natural. I don't want to be looked upon as a weirdo (more like "the weirdo") in certain circles, and I certainly don't want to be looked upon as crazy.

There is more to the psychology of people experiencing the inexplicable than what meets the eye. You don't understand other people's situation as much as you understand your own. This is individual, and in fact the more educated people such as natural scientists are not good at this ability.

As a starter, go see the movie "phenomenon" with John Travolta. Having an actual skill, be it consistent or not, that is looked upon with fear and uncertainty is enough to get yourself framed upon and even frozen out from social or intellectual circles.

So, back to the subject matter. I was there from the very beginning. I read through the material on the different sites focused on subjects ranging from extrasensory awareness to psychokinesis, or telekinesis as you like to call it here.

I went through the articles and tried everything, again and again. Soon enough I had some results that I was certain was inexplaicable through our current "textbook" knowledge of human physiology. I went on, continued, and continued to get results as time went by.

Soon I was lucky and managed to get into one of the free courses offered by one of the sites, similar to the one Keith here was bashing at this forum many months ago. I was trained in different fields in the so-called paranormal, and started to get more results which were even more inexplicable than my previous ones.

I discovered parts of myself that I never before had thought possible or believed in. My world has been changed forever. I have been forced to consider views of reality that are not common in the western society.

My experience with these things is so vast, mind-blowing and incredible that there's no possible way for me to consider an ordinary skeptic approach towards the understanding of these subjects.

Throughout these years, I have learned, applied, and through this process become a different person than I was before, and I certainly think this is mostly for the good.

I've discussed the subject matter with people from various disciplines and trades, and encountered a lot of different reactions, both from the claims I've made and from my various demonstrations that fortunately most of the time have been very successful.

For example, a few days ago, I made a lasting impression on an MD concerning a diagnosis I gave on a third person which turned out to be correct. I drew and described an inflamed appendix as yellow, a fact that I think in most cases is reserved to those who have a medical degree. This guy was incidently also an expert on the inner organs, hence his speciality knowledge in this particular area.

Now, the last few years I have practically been forced to read as much as I can on the subject of parapsychology in order to understand my own experiences. I have come to realize that there are certain sides concerning this matter that are touching on things that I think the general public wouldn't handle well had these things been known on a "schoolbook level".

Most people like to relate to reality as fairly simple. That we as human beings merely are another mammal on this planet, consuming and living similarly to other primates such as monkeys. Now, I don't think anyone here would take that notion as offensive. I'm merely preaching the truth, not drawing any conclusions. And I won't touch on the subject of religion in this post, as I see most of that as quite irrelevant to this.

Now, most people wouldn't take offense knowing there is a spiritual part to us as human beings, and as the book this particular web site relates to has "God" in the title, I don't think it would too "far off" to mention this here. And in fact, I think religion well could be incorporated into a framework of a new and better understanding of reality and the universe.

The strong point of this notion is that most religions have a spiritual part, and thereby most religious people I think could relate to this.

I come from a country were christians are rare specimen, but in other large countries such as the United States, I see this as more relevant, and I also take notion of the fact that most of the living there belive in the existance of "psi", the basic premise of the actual science called parapsychology.

I offer here an understanding of this from one of the people who have taken their experience to the next level so-to-speak, not trying to sound like I'm bragging in any way. This is a free ground. Anyone is free to try and give it a shot.

Because of these experiences that I claim to have had, I have not only adopted a more flexible view on reality as a whole, I have quite clearly in the process become a much more educated person than I used to be, naturally and effectively.

As a cause of this I do not plan to prove anything, because I know that there is a science working on that for me and everyone else. It's called parapsychology. Because of my experiences I plan to, not only finish my studies in Computer Science, but I'm also intensively studying other subjects such as psychology , physics and science in general to further evolve my understanding of the universe.

And I hope that skeptics and serious researchers in the field of parapsychology will continue to communicate and perhaps together create a new framework for the understanding of subjects such as parapsychology in relation to human biology as well as quantum physics and other interesting developments in this field such as string theory.

Thank you for reading, and considering my views.

If you have read all this, good job!

Posted By: andres

Posted On: May 24, 2008
Views: 1742
RE: Evidence Please!

“I have had weekly experiences with things that I nor any other people I have approached could explain with any textbook used in, you could say, accepted sciences”
“I discovered parts of myself that I never before had thought possible or believed in. My world has been changed forever. I have been forced to consider views of reality that are not common in the western societ”
“Because of these experiences that I claim to have had, I have not only adopted a more flexible view on reality as a whole,…..”
“My experience with these things is so vast, mind-blowing and incredible that there's no possible way for me to consider an ordinary skeptic approach towards the understanding of these subjects”

Plz,mention those “experinces” you have had, the inexplicables results, so I can see you’re point, specially the ones that made you change your mind about telekinesis and reality as a whole.

“There are many sad truths about internet discussions, and a major one is that their quality is seldom of the best THEY RARELY EVEN TOUCH ON THE REAL FACTS OF THE MATTERS IN QUESTION”

True,but you perfectly fit into the kind of people who don’t touch the real facts of the matters in question.The fact of the matter here is that telekinesis doesn’t exist.I don’t think there’s something I need to experience(except from science) to be sure about that.None psychiatric opinion about us and the way we comment on this forums will change that fact.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 25, 2008
Views: 1740
RE: Evidence Please!

Cool Hand Luke (good film BTW),
I agree with everything that Andres has posted and add my own thoughts.

It is not often that we have someone who supports TK and the paranormal who makes such a long post on this board. By and large the majority of TK supporters who post here are not very articulate.
However, having said that, you managed to make a record breaking long post without actually saying anything. The fact that you are able to express yourself does not give any extra credence to your beliefs than those that struggle to string a sentence together.
All that post boils down to is that you claim to have paranormal powers of some description or other. Lots of people make that claim. The Internet is teaming with them.
None have ever proven it and neither have you.
What do you expect to happen next? That we all go "Wow! this guy talks a lot of sense, it must be real, he must be genuine"? You must surely realise this is not going to happen, we demand proof here.
Thanks for the post, but you are no different to all the rest that claim paranormal powers, in other words all talk and no action.
Do I believe you have paranormal powers? No, of course not.
Do I think YOU may believe you have paranormal powers? You may do. So what? Many people genuinely believe they are special, have a super power the rest of us do not.
You may find it interesting to question why you think that. You may learn something about yourself.

Posted By: andres

Posted On: May 25, 2008
Views: 1726
RE: Evidence Please!

I totally agree,he didn’t actually say anything,which is funny because he thinks he did.He just managed to say pretty much the same thing as the other people who claim that telekinesis is real,but in a different,you could say more educated,way.He was forced to do it that way and comment so much **** because he is trying to defend something impossible,something that doesn’t exist,so he is forced to make such a long post trying to be smart but without actually making a point.
Cool Hand Luke,you’re talking about experiences that you have had that made you see reality in a more flexible way.Now I think you have gone crazy since you got into parapsychology and stuff,and now you try to see it all complex when it is not,and all because of your misunderstanding of your experiences, results, whatever you claim to have had.So,start again from the beginning in some of your studies and try to interpret things better.Telekinesis doesn’t exist, it’s a fact,it’s not something flexible.

Posted By: cj

Posted On: May 25, 2008
Views: 1718
RE: Evidence Please!

actually keith most believe we all posess these capabilities telekinesis im actually quite skeptical of if theres anything to it i would tend to think we are just somehow increasing a ((natural)) energy to be able to manipulate and move a light object that would still be telekinesis? right im not going to speculate about emfs or electro static energy because truth be told i have no clue what it is or how it occurs at all but isnt it possible something like that could be going on? i have experianced movement that shouldnt occur even while its covered up what could this be? i dont think its some magical force but its something why do these movements occur? like i always say i find tk unlikely because it contradicts current physics so idk / and for telepathy its more likely and not such a stretch but still no definitive evidence

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 26, 2008
Views: 1713
RE: Evidence Please!

Forget about TK being proven or not for a minute, I'll tell you what really concerns me about posts like this.
This guy, cool hand luke, goes to great trouble to try and convince us that he is speaking the truth. He goes on at some length to try and convince us he is not your run-of-the-mill teenager being silly, but that he is an educated and intelligent person that we should treat seriously. It is obviously VERY important to HIM that we take him seriously. And what is it that he is saying that he is so desperate for us to take seriously? I tell you in a sentence, HIS sentence....

"I offer here an understanding of this from one of the people who have taken their experience to the next level so-to-speak, not trying to sound like I'm bragging in any way"

In a word, he is desperate for us to believe that he is somehow special, he has attained the 'next level'. He wants us to think that he is somehow very special, gifted, wise, better than the rest of us mere mortals. That is what this is all about.
I honestly think it is sad. I do not say this for any dramatic effect, I mean it.
What is so missing form this guy's life that in order, in his view, to gain respect and admiration, he has to resort to this daft fantasy?
It may be that I have misjudged him, easily done when all you have is one post to go on, it may be that he actually believes it. If this is the case then he needs help.
Being able to make effective communication does not mean that person can't have a mental/psychological/personality disorder. Or just be a sad person in need of friends.

Posted By: cj

Posted On: May 26, 2008
Views: 1711
RE: Evidence Please!

bravo on that one keith

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