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Post InfoTOPIC: Have u Tried it ?
Posted By: That Guy

Posted On: Mar 12, 2011
Views: 2223
Have u Tried it ?

well have u, i mean all I've been reading is people bashing on the idea of telekinesis shooting down the people who have done some or little research, on it frankly, i think its easy to sit there and say something does not exist" do some **** poor little test on the so a claimed most famous methods of learning it and Prove that they can be done with just every day physic SO WHAT? all u have proven is that it can be duplicated threw other means, if u truly wanted to find out u would ACTUALLY TRY THE METHODS" in my option u have no RIGHT TO SAY IT DOES NOT EXIST" UNLESS U ACTUALLY TRY THE METHODS even if main stream scientist say it does not exist.from what i can see you have done these little test and very little research and decide in Ur mind that TK does not exist but u WONT EVEN TAKE THE TIME OUT TO DO THE INEXPENSIVE METHODS UR SELF? to really see if there some truth to them, no i guess u rather sit on Ur high horse and bash on these people LOL,and i don't even know why u made this site u said it Ur self no video over the internet can prove it so.. form what i can see u just made this site just to argue with people about how Ur so right lol but seriously here sometihng i feel u should get results from called a psi ball very simple im not going to explain how to just Google it AND YES I KNOW IT DOES NOT PROVE TK EXIST BUT WHAT IT WILL PROVE IF U ACTUALLY TRY! IS THAT U CAN POOL ENERGY IN UR HANDS AND ACTUAL FEEL FORCES IN BETWEEN THEM (IVE DONE THIS SEVERAL TIMES )(78 to be pacific AND STILL FEEL AMAZED EVERY TIME! now ask ur self this, if energy pooling in ur hands is possible and actually feel forces in between them is TK really that Far Fetch? And if u and i quot "DON'T HAVE THE TIME FOR SUCH TRIVIAL THINGS " then well i laugh at u and Ur ignorance and closed mindedness no study from any scientist institution can tell u whats real and whats not only u can by doing a proper and thoroughly study of ur own and well if u let other people decide for u then i just wasted my time talking to you

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 13, 2011
Views: 2220
RE: Have u Tried it ?

You just don't get it do you? What you are saying is that if someone said to you they could walk on water but refused to demonstrate it to you, you would then do a ton of research on walking on water, try to do it yourself for say a year and only then could you say he was lying. I would say that was a pretty stupid thing for you to do. Personally I would just ask for a demonstration, if they refused I would just class them as yet another idiot and move on. You have to understand that when people claim they can do a certain thing it is up to them to prove it, not up to us to prove they can't because that is impossible. Can you prove me wrong if I say I can walk on water? The answer is no, you cannot. It is up to me to prove I can.
Get it now? Somehow I doubt it, people who claim they can produce balls of energy between their hands are generally so deep into TK they are convinced it is real and no amount of common sense and logic will be allowed to seep into their tiny little minds.

Posted By: That Guy

Posted On: Mar 13, 2011
Views: 2209
RE: Have u Tried it ?

lol im sorry i thought this was a forum of weather or not TK is real not if someone will demonstrate it, look u don't get it were not talking about if some one will demonstrate for u were TALKING ABOUT IF IT EXIST OR NOT! AND yes if u really wanted to know u do the research Ur self, Once u Question the existences of something u step in to a scientist shoes and IF U REALLY WANNA KNOW LIKE U CLAIM U PUT IN THE EFFORT. Ur the close minded one stuck on what society says is real or not IM IN THE REAL WORLD WERE HARD CORE FACTS Says it all. and like i said before this forum is pointless because all u do from what iv read is shoot down any idea that it maybe real and move on u Ur like a old Person still stuck in Ur ways refusing to do a simple little Psi Ball Workout IF IT DOESN'T EXIST Then What Could It HURT? u don't wont proof that TK exist u just want every one in the world to agree with u that it doesn't how sad.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 13, 2011
Views: 2207
RE: Have u Tried it ?

You are quite right, this forum is all about if TK is real or not. So how do we find out? Easy. If someone says they can do it then all they have to do is demonstrate it, it's that simple. However, you do not agree, you think if they don't demonstrate it you cannot say they can't do it until you have studied it and spent ages practising it.
How stupid are you? If they can't demonstrate it they can't do it.
So if I said to you I can fly through the air unaided and yesterday flew to Jupiter, had lunch there with Elvis then flew back, you could not, by your own rules, say I didn't. I say again, how stupid are you?
You say you live in the real world? In that case get real, get a brain, get a life. You say you live in the real world with hard facts. In that case where are the hard facts supporting TK? That's right, there aren't any, which is why TK is just a silly myth supported by feeble minded idiots like you.
Your argument is just plain ridiculous but you don't have the sense to realise it.

Posted By: That Guy

Posted On: Mar 13, 2011
Views: 2197
RE: Have u Tried it ?

Man...This Is Pointless... Ur so Closed minded its retarded but what ever i finish my Debates YET AGAIN U NEGATE MY Question and go off on some ludicrous example and YES not by my own reasoning BUT "SCIENCE" reasoning i could not say Ur wrong unless i do my own research on the possibility of it of course off the bat i don't believe you BUT THAT'S WHAT Science is u imbecile what DO U THINK Scientist DO? MAKE A VOTE and see who every gets the most is right NO THEY STUDY! put in research ON IT DO there own test AND O YEA THEIRS NO PROOF THAT IT DOESN'T EXIST SO STOP Proclaiming to the Heavens that it does not Exist GO AHEAD GIVE ME A LINK, A COPY AND PASTE, Send it to my email, post it, saying that they have dis proven it CAN'T CAN YOU? u hide behind stupid and feeble minded and dare not entertain my request for u to do the psi workout is it because u will not lower ur self to a lower intellects request? or is it perhaps u might actually feel something and look like a total illiterate Moron ? all this time u spend wasting here arguing with me about who's right and who's wrong u could have done the psi ball work out and been done with it.Come on now lets be honest u really don't care for Tk u made this site for two reasoning 1.) u tried it and failed miserably now u just wanna bash on it like a spiteful kid 2.)u hate how people don't agree with u that it doesn't exist so u set out to make every one agree with u which is it ? To stubborn to answer its OK ^.^

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 14, 2011
Views: 2190
RE: Have u Tried it ?

Let's get something straight. I do not care in the least what you or others think about TK. I only say it doesn't exist. If you want to believe it does fine, your choice, all I say is you are wrong to think it and don't tell me what to think. You call me closed minded yet you have no idea how much study I have done on the subject over the years, far more than you have that's for sure!
You say you want me to provide proof that TK doesn't exist. I will say this one last time.
IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SUPPLY PROOF THAT A THING DOES NOT EXIST. How can you? I gave an example of that in my last post. I will give you another because you obviously didn't understand it (low intelligence seems to be a requirement of believing in TK).
Now pay attention! If I say to you I can walk on water but refuse to demonstrate it (for all the same reasons people give for not demonstrating their TK) then how the hell can you prove I can't? Try actually thinking about it for a few minutes. When you have come up with the answer tell me, it will be a world first. It is because it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove a thing does not exist that it is the responsibility of those making the claim to PROVE it. In other words I would have to demonstrate walking on water before anyone could believe me.
Get it now? Somehow I doubt it. Ask a friend to explain it to you, or maybe your school teacher would be a better bet, just ask them how to prove a thing doesn't exist.
Don't bother coming back until you finally grasp that fact.
BTW, you said you live in the real world with hard facts, please supply proof that TK exists and I will make sure you get the $1,000,000 James Randi prize. Why can't you understand the very simple concept that if there was even just one piece of real evidence that TK was real, we wouldn't be having this discussion because we would all know it was real. Is any of this too hard for you to follow?

Posted By: Onyx Sturm

Posted On: Mar 31, 2011
Views: 2135
RE: Have u Tried it ?

I think the reason you don't believe it exists is because A.) you've tried, couldn't do it and now say it doesn't exist or B.) you've been taught all your life that it's not real. I was rather skeptical at first, but after moving a pencil multiple times -multiple times, mind you- while a few friends watched and verified that I'd done it, I've come to the conclusion that it does, in fact, exist, and that everyone has it. Upon reading your article bashing the whole thing, I realized that you were one of the many stereotypic nonbelievers.

Dare to be different. That's all I have to say for this matter.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 1, 2011
Views: 2129
RE: Have u Tried it ?

I am not "one of the many stereotypic (sic) nonbelievers" as you put it. The reason I don't believe in TK is because it doesn't exist, and that is a fact.
If TK existed it would have been proved years ago, but it hasn't. All it would take is for one person, just ONE, to give a demonstration under basic test conditions. You claim you have TK, so go ahead and prove it because thousands of others have also made the same claim, and have never demonstrated it. Talk is easy, and that's all you have.
Would you care to explain, just for the record, what exactly it is you do with a pencil that proves TK?

You said "Dare to be different." What an excellent idea, be different and demonstrate you have TK. (Sits back and waits for usual ridiculous excuse why a demonstration cannot be given).

Posted By: Luke

Posted On: Apr 25, 2011
Views: 2088
RE: Have u Tried it ?

I am by no means an expert on this subject, however I have a bachelor degree in both biology and philosophy. I feel that both are relevant to this discussion.

"That Guy" writes that science is done through research, and since Keith failed to conduct his own study, that he is not being scientific. This is actually false. Science is HUGE. Possibly the hugest field of study. As such, it is impossible for any one person to be an expert on all aspects of science. I will use myself as an example. I believe in global warming. I accept global warming, not because I have examined the data for myself, and analyzed it to be real. I accept it because it is outside of my own area of expertise, and so, I (rightly so) accept the conclusion drawn by scientists who have put in the research.

This is really not that strange of an idea to accept. No one that I personally know actually tests the "nutritional facts" given on the packaging of any given food item, rather we all accept the research put into it as accurate. It would be incredibly difficult to test every claim for yourself, not to mention, if you are not an expert you are more likely to make a mistake in your trials anyway.

I would also like to make a note on the claim that telekinesis has not been dis-proven. This is true, however it does not in any way mean that we should actually accept telekinesis as factual. There are animals that no one has seen in decades, but we still cannot claim that it "proves" that the species is extinct. In fact, there is no "proof" that tyrannosaurus is extinct. There is just an overwhelming amount of evidence to support the claim.

On that note, it should be said that any scientist who believes in telekinesis does so on a personal level, rather than scientific. It can be equated to any religious belief in that sense. The person is free to believe in whatever they want. However, when it is a belief in something that has not been tested, and corroborated with evidence (See Sir Karl Popper), then it is a personal belief rather than any actual scientific reasoning.

To conclude, I argue that it is in no way pseudo-science to claim that telekinesis is nonexistent. It is NEVER the scientist's duty to show that something doesn't exist, rather his/her duty is to show that something DOES exist. Let's just apply Occam's Razor to the fullest extent. It is simplest to assume that nothing exists. So, always assume that nothing exists, until you are shown proof that it actually does. So, for example, it makes no sense to claim that humans do not exist, because there is proof that humans actually do exist. We should however, assume that telekinesis does not exist until we are shown proof on the contrary. Such is the way of the scientist, and is what directs scientific progress.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Apr 27, 2011
Views: 2080
RE: Have u Tried it ?

Onyx Sturm, do you not have any stronger evidence? Moving a pencil multiple times!!! Come on lets get real here? The slightest angle on the table with the fainest of blows from my mouth and I could make a pencil move.

Luke, I was always under the impression that to 'disprove' something then it had to be proven to begin with. The same as you would 'disarm' a man who was 'armed' in the first place. How can you disprove something that just isn't there?

Keith, I don't know how you can waste so much of your time on a simpleton? Trying to explain to 'That Guy' is like bashing your head against a brick wall. The guy has the most atrocious spelling and grammar and uses CAPITAL letters as if he's demonstrating that he's a child trying to shout the loudest thinking it will make his argument right.

Posted By: Onyx Sturm

Posted On: May 8, 2011
Views: 2060
RE: Have u Tried it ?

I don't believe that saying that I legititmately moved said pencil with repeated results is going to sway your already decided mind. I also think that no matter what I say I move, or anyone else for that matter, you'll come up with some logical or scientifical answer or another disproving it. I don't exactly know why you're so heatedly against it (and I know you're going to say 'I don't know why you're so heatedly FOR it!'), but letting us know would be nice, besides the persona 'It just doesn't exist.' Speaking of which, you said that telekinesis doesn't exist because it's a 'proven fact.' Proven by who, exactly? Referring to the original topic, have you actually tried it? As for 'proof' that it does, in fact, exist, I'd be more than happy to give it to you, as would any other true to live telekinetic, but seeing as I don't know you or have any means of meeting you in person, it can't happen. You'll probably take that as an 'excuse' or something of the sort, but I can't please everyone. And before I end here, I'm not trying to persuade anyone to try it, so to say, just trying to figure out why people are so against it.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 9, 2011
Views: 2056
RE: Have u Tried it ?

When someone demonstrates TK under normal test conditions (filming yourself in your bedroom counts for nothing) I will sit up and take notice.
Until then talk is easy and is all you have. Empty talk. Blah blah blah.

Posted By: Onyx Sturm

Posted On: May 11, 2011
Views: 2050
RE: Have u Tried it ?

I don't believe you've even bothered to look for a legit telekinetic. I think you'd rather say it doesn't exist and leave it at that, without even giving it a chance. They aren't going to come to you, you've got to go to them.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 12, 2011
Views: 2047
RE: Have u Tried it ?

"...without even giving it a chance..."
That's really quite funny, they have had at least 100 years to prove themselves, how much longer will it take them to give a little demo?
It doesn't exist, it's just a load of talk, blah blah blah, just like you are doing, blah blah blah.
Get over it, accept the obvious, and move on in your life.

Posted By: Onyx Sturm

Posted On: May 14, 2011
Views: 2041
RE: Have u Tried it ?

Meh, whatever. Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall.

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