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Post InfoTOPIC: Reality v the paranormal
Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 6, 2007
Views: 570
RE: Reality v the paranormal

Your last post said, and I quote, "we can end this debate you wont be conviced until its scientific fact so one day when we have definitive evidence which we will you cant say anything so let end this disscussion".

Okay, I am happy to end it. You started off by saying that there was lots of proof, lots of evidence of remote viewing, (and how stupid I was not to see it), but you have failed to produce any.
I notice you NOW say "one day when we have definite evidence...".

In other words, eventually, you finally agree that we do not have any proof of rv.
How come it took you so long to admit the obvious?
Never mind, we are all sick and tired of your nonsense and this thread is now closed.

You have nothing of interest to say.

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