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Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: Oct 18, 2004
Views: 1308
So you say you wont vote.

For all of you who say you will not vote because it is like voting for the lesser of two evils. I say to you...

When it comes to running the country and obviously being the most powerful person in the world, wouldn't you rather it be the lesser of two evils.

So stop your complaining about how you don't like either candidate and bloody well have a backbone. You lazy buggers. If you don't vote, I don't want to hear one bloody word from any of you about how America is great, or about how you hate the government, cause you will have done absolutly nothing to make it any better. In fact, your ignorance in proclaiming it some right to throw away your vote detracts from anything democracy stands for.

Of course I realize that half of the people here are too young to vote, and a quarter of us are from different countries, but you 25% that can... you're a pathetic excuse for a citizen if you do not vote.

Posted By: Jack

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1301
RE: So you say you wont vote.

I refuse to vote in these US elections. This decision may partly be influenced by the fact that I'm not a US citizen and thus have no right to, but it's mainly about my personal differences with both the candidates.

I do, however, reserve the right to say that America is great and that I hate the government, should I ever want to. And be a lazy bugger.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1298

why is it so hard for people to understand this, I'm not voting this year becouse I belive both canadates arent fit to run a country, why would i want the "lesser evil" to make desisions that will efect my daily life? The current system dosent work, which is in another thread so I wont start that up here. Shure anybody could run, but without the big bucks to back you up it won't do any good. It would be nice if the government had a place on the balate that said "neither" so we could just weed out the lazy people from the ones who do want better, and love their country, but hate the current government.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1294
RE: So you say you wont vote.

The point is Dragonmaster that one of them WILL run your country. One WILL dominate the world scene. It is a cop out what you're saying. Fine, you don't like them, but that doesn't change anything. Find your balls and make a choice. It seems so popular now a days to be a fence sitter. And I suppose if you only assosiate with others of your ilk you will have lots to talk about. But don't come in here spewing your government crap unless you're going suck up your idealism and live in the real world.
If you don't vote, you have no right to complain.

Posted By: Jack

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1291
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Perhaps I don't have the right, but I fully intend to complain about issues that I'm not voting on. And irritate people at the same time, if at all possible.

Dragonmaster, in England the people who can't/won't decide but have sufficient energy to drag themselves to the polling station spoil their paper by scrawling something incomprehensible and usually obscene across it. Have you considered anything like that?

Posted By: Eloise

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1288
RE: So you say you wont vote.

That may work (A "donkey" vote it's called) in WV, so long as they don't have computer voting (see FL).
I agree with Aurora. Barring the next arrival of Christ, Kerry of Bush will be Prez. Dragonmaster, look deeply into what each is saying. There will be SOMETHING that you will find somewhere that will peak your interest. Even if it just that one candidate promises he will wear blue ties on Thursdays. I think the problem is, as Syrgot pointed out that it it is a copout to say "I'm not voting for either - they're both bad". To me that just says you're too lazy to look into the philosophies and values of each candidate, and too irresponsible to make a firm decision.

Posted By: rox

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1283
RE: So you say you wont vote.

yeah, not voting just because all candidates suck monkey nuts means that there is a greater chance that the one who in your opinion sucks bigger monkey nuts will win. so, vote for the guy who sucks the smallest monkey nuts

Posted By: SuperNerd

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1256
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Dragonmasters vote doesnt matter. He is a citizen of W.V. and it is projected to go republican and if he hates the current republican govt and votes for kerry its not gonna matter because there are so many hicks around him that like it. only vote if you have the chance of winning. espcially if you live in a swing state.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 1248
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Only vote if you have a chance on winning? That's retarted. Keep in mind that you're voting for more than just the president on november second. Congress, Governor, stuff that will affect you in YOUR state, and also state elections don't have an electoral college, it's popular vote. If you don't like the bills George is getting passed, but say you live in Texas or something like that, you're probably right, voting Kerry won't get you anywhere, but voting for a Dem congressmen or a Dem senator will have a much bigger impact than voting for just the president.

Posted By: Dr. Zhivago

Posted On: Oct 20, 2004
Views: 1215
RE: So you say you wont vote.

I'm with Syrgot on this one. If there were elections held which would allow me to vote for our state's elector in the electoral college, I would vote. As it is right now, only 29 of the states require their electors to vote correspondingly with the popular vote anyways. Popular vote doesn't count because our forefathers knew that we would only screw up a true democracy.

Posted By: dude101

Posted On: Oct 20, 2004
Views: 1209
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Dragonmaster, it's kind of a Catch-22, isn't it? If you and your kind voted in previous elections, then chances are you would have a candidate that you actually did believe in. But because you chose not to vote (as most young people do), the candidates dont regard you or the issues that effect you as truly important and dont cater to your vote. And why would they? So you whine about it not making a difference, but in reality, your vote is tremendously important and valuable and shouldn't be wasted.

Just think of the BILLIONS of people in the world who aren't so lucky to cast a ballot. It's such an amazing privledge, and so it's sickening to hear kids like you make comments like that.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 20, 2004
Views: 1201
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Very nicley said. I was going to say something along those lines but....you said it.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 20, 2004
Views: 1194

Anyways, i dont feel like arguing politics (I do see your point), talking about Dragons, or even Evanescence.

i've been in to see the doc. and stuff and I'm a bit down becouse of my health.
I'm also down becouse i've been doing nothing but thinking of the girl at work and how I'm not good enuf for her, and how she deserves so much more than what i could ever give her. Then thinking how much of an idiot i am for even thinking i'd have a chance with her.

My mom is also having cancer surgery Friday. she's not to worried, but i've been in her place, her cancer thinkfully is not anywhere as near as bad as mine is, but still.

so if you could spare a sec. for a little prayer or something it would be nice and stuf.

See you if a few days/weeks/whenever.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: Oct 20, 2004
Views: 1189
RE: So you say you wont vote.

Dragonmaster, while I feel your pain, you have already stated this information on another thread. Pls refrain from stating it again, I was quite happy with this thread being about politics, thank you very much.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 21, 2004
Views: 1184
RE: So you say you wont vote.

if you look at the times i posted it here first thank you. anyways i said i see your point, dosentt that mean something? seeing as how I never admit to that?

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