Post InfoTOPIC: Hanz
Posted By: Barb and Axel

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1693

What a handsome German Shepherd Dog!!!

Posted By: shano

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1686
RE: Hanz

Cute dog!

Posted By: Hanz's Owners

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1680
RE: Hanz

Thank you, we are very proud. As other german shepard owners know, it is near impossible to have a GSD sit so calm like that especially next to a tree full of ornaments, LOL.

Thank you to all who seem to be voting for him. We appreciate it very much.

Posted By: moogle832

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1652
RE: Hanz

thats a terrible picture...the dog doesnt even have a santa hat on : (
Any other animal there is cuter than Hanz. like Starbuck, much better.

Posted By: alyssa

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1644
RE: Hanz

I'm responding to the comment which was made towards hanz about him having a bad picture I guess the person who wrote that has no taste beacause he is a beautiful german shepard......
PS. There is no reason to make negative comments about other people animals.....

Posted By: Hero

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1642
RE: Hanz

69 votes for Hanz
I call Shinanigins

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1637
RE: Hanz

I agree... Hanz is cheating and he isn't even wearing a costume!!!!

Posted By: Barb and Axel

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1630
RE: Hanz

The reason why Hanz is getting so many votes is not because there is cheating going on..that is just plain mean...and whoever else said bad things about him should be ashamed of themselves. All the animals in the contest are adorable...Hanz just so happens to be of a breed that a lot of people love. My Axel is an awesome German Shepherd. I just prefer the breed. I would never bad mouth the other pictures. What a shame that some people have to be so mean.
Barb and Axel...proud GSD owner!!

Posted By: alyssa

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1623
RE: Hanz

I don't see how hanz is cheating because he is in front of a christmas tree.. The lizards aren't wearing anything silly and not far behind hanz and no one is complaining about them...

Posted By: SmirkDirk

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1622
RE: Hanz

Do think cheating or rigging is happening. I don't think it's a matter of people saying bad things about other people's pets, its the fact that Hanz, as beautiful a dog as he may be, is definitely not a stand-out compared to some of the other pics, or with the theme of the holiday.

Posted By: Barb and axel

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1611
RE: Hanz

That is your opinion. But there is no rigging or cheating going on...that is just plain nasty to say/imply...and how much more Christmas can you get Hanz is in front of a Christmas tree...and looking very Regal. I just thinks its mean that people would say mean things about an animal because it doesn't fit into what they think the picture should be.
Barb and Axel

Posted By: Hanz's Owners

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1586
RE: Hanz

I would like to thank everyone that keeps voting for Hanz. We are amazed at the response he is getting. I especially want to thank ALL of you that keep posting nice comments about Hanz. The mean stuff people write doesn't bother me, I'm just so happy that Hanz is in my life that it really doesn't matter if everyone else in the world thought bad of him. He brings me joy each and everyday and we wanted to share his picture with everyone else.
To those assuming we are cheating, well you can think what you want but it would be kinda hard & Expensive for us to buy 70 computers to vote on all for a $50 gift certificate, wouldn't it?? We did not paint anything on Hanz or use any special paint shop, it is a simple and cute picture.
I have noticed something, the more bad stuff people are writing on here the more votes he seems to be getting, so I guess we thank those people too.

Posted By: FBiAAAHT

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1569
RE: Hanz

Hanz Cheats.

Posted By: Shano

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1547
RE: Hanz

How do you cheat, I dont understand, its the nicest picture out of all of them, its a cute dog, how could that be cheating. Theres lots of other nice pictures. But im guessing lots of people like this one, Please keep your "hanz is cheating" comments to yourself.

Posted By: yep

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 1530
RE: Hanz

this happened last year, too. an average dog picture got sooo many votes in so little time. it's ok, though, cuz todd didn't let them win. even though they had the most votes, it was obvious what was happening and i guess todd made the decision to let the more realistic number of votes for the next runner up win. so no worries. if they're cheating, he'll be able to tell. if not, good for them (tho, in all honesty, i doubt that is the case. saying it's a popular breed, etc., and expecting people to believe that is just cheap and naive.) if the votes are truly legit, i'd guess they have a lot of friends and family voting--which isn't against the rules i don't think. at any rate, i love german shepherds, but i am not foolish enough to believe that that one pet got so many votes in so little time without shenanigans or family/friends voting.

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