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Posted By: Anti-Bleeding-Heart

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 567
RE: Politics

Bob Dole --

Crazy Train yes, and I hold on tightly

Yes, people do die, and for all sorts of reasons.

Manarchy? WTF?

Curde Oil was at $45.00 per BBL today for Texas Sweet Crude. Premium is gasoline, a by-product of refined Crude Oil, and it is sold by the gallon.

Isolationsim is not a bad thing, but if we don't stop the wacko extremists terrorists, then we will be in trouble.

WMD moved to Jordon is only a theroy, and one that is plausable, but there is evidence that there was a large exodus of equipment from sites all over Iraq.

Dragonmaster is crazier than even superman.

Agreed... but Liberalism and socialism is purtty darned close.

The funny thing is that people do listen, and then they debate, pulling rhetoric from their prospective goodie bags.

We don't have "spy satalites" but we do have satalites that watch. They are not "spy" because everyone knows about them, and when they are overhead. The MTV satalite conspiracy.

We do, and they did.

No organized nation, but radical Islamic factions, that have taken refuge in various extremist Islamic nations like, say, Afghanastan and Iraq, and even Kwait.

I agree, you said 50, I predict 40. Alternative sources are on the rise, and becoming more reasonably priced. A fuel cell powered car is now only $100K

If you pay taxes you have a right to bitch, but you don't have the right to bitch because "your" canidate did or did not make it. You must make your voice heard (granted, it is really all upto the electorial collage, who is supposed to vote the way the public says, but that is another story all togather).

As for winning or loosing an arguement. Tell my debate coach cousin that it is not possible to loose an investigation. According to her, it is possible and she hates it.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 558
RE: Politics



Not sure how Curde oil fits in. Lower crude oil prices would be most obviously reflected in the pumps.

Correct, wacko terrorists are different from wacko nations.

Some people have a theory that Dragons exist.

Dragonmaster is crazier than Janet Reno's hair stylist.

It's fun to spend other people's money!

Generally the left and right ends argue with each other. The middle just changes the channel.

We have spy satellites, weather satellites, and even bad MTV satellites but I am pretty sure we don't have satalites.


Correct, wacko terrorists are different from wacko nations.

By wheelchair will run on an alternative fuel source.


Loose is some a baby tooth gets right before you lose it.

Posted By: Anti-Bleeding-Heart

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 553
RE: Politics

Bob Dole --

Crude Oil is unrefined gasoline, Diesel, Propane, Butane and the like. Curde Oil prices are the basis for all the prices on these fuel sources. Crude prices will affect the price of Gasoline yes, but the tax base on Gasoline, the "super-fund" etc all keep the prices stable between $1.25 to $2.00 . Bob, you should know this.

We agree on Wacko. But some wackos take refuge from other wackos.

Dragons exist only in the world of witches and warlocks and especially in the Dragonmaster's mind. Ahhh to have his imagination. Do you think he keeps his dragons in the basement of his Insane Asylum?

Dragonmaster is crazier than a sh!thouse RAT.

You are blessed with a "clicker"

Agreed. Satellites do exist. I will check my spelling better from now on. For shame For shame Anit-Bleeding-Heart.

Alternative fuel sources are a goooooood thing, regardless if it is for a wheelchair, train, or Sherman Tank.

Exactly again? Wow, that is 2

lose, not loose... Loose as in Bill Clinton has loose morals.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 551
RE: Politics

Yes, I just don't think a 62% fluctuation is stable. It smells rotten to me. Also, except for the occasional gas grill refill, Gas is the only oil product to directly come out of my pocket. Prices on things like plastics are not as noticeable.

and some wackos harbor other wackos

If I were to force myself to think of Dragonmaster's basement, I picture Buffalo Bill's basement in Silence of the Lambs. I think he also dances in the same outfit.

Dragonmaster is crazier than a HellBat stoned on catnip.

I hate that when I am alone, I can mash the buttons down and nothing happens but if somebody else is around, all I have to do is bump it ever so slightly and porno comes on every time.

Twinkies are an excellent alternative fuel source

Not Exactly, 1 exactly and 1 correct.

This implied Clinton has morals.

Anti-Bleeding-Heart is the same as a Coagulating Heart. Bad valves can lead to bleeding hearts.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 545
RE: Politics

I'm just siting back on this one. lol

"We do not have any "spy satalites""

Right, and the SR-71 was realy retired also.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 544
RE: Politics


Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 541
RE: Politics

Yo, bleeding heart? Are you halliburton?

Bob Dole, dammit, stop stealing my name you cock sucking mother ****ing son of a bitch! Why the **** can't you get your own handle? This **** is getting annoying.

Dragonmaster, seriously, you are one of the dumbest idiots in the history of WV. Come on kid, you pour coffee for a living. Is that seriously the best job you can get? Why don't you do something that will pay more? You're a complete fool. Therefore, why in the hell would anyone listen to any of your political views? Besides being the worst speller on the planet, you're so uniformed it's insane. Did you know we landed on the moon?

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 540
RE: Politics


Keep up or take notes. There is no such thing as a 'satalite'.

Posted By: Anit-Bleeding-Heart

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 536
RE: Politics

Bob Dole (or whoever you are)

It is economics. When the price of a some comodity starts to rise, this also drives the price of the byproducts up. Sometimes the prices raise out of fear. That is the basis of Wall Street, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Remember in 1986 when the price of oil droped 50%, and the price of gasoline also had a dramatic drop?

Dragonmast harbors wacko dragons.

"It puts the lotion on it's skin. Do you know what kind of HELL I can bring to you?"

Dragonmaster is crazier than a NYC cab driver on his first day in Fargo ND.

Do you hate, or do you really like it?

I stand corrected. you are EXACTLY correct on this matter.

Ok, I will stop that. I would not want anyone thinking Clinton had anything but a love of cigars.

That is why Barney Clark went to the hospital.

Posted By: Anti-Bleeding-Heart

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 529
RE: Politics

Dragonmaster --

You are a conspiracist right?

You probably think there is a flying saucer in Area 51. right?

You probably think that the Mason's killed JKF. Right?

You probably think that McCarthy was not gay. Right?

You probably think that beings from another world built the Pyramids.

You probably are worried about the "Black and Silent helicopters" are watching your right now. Right?

You probably put tin foil on your windows so the goverment can't listen to your thoughts because it blocks out the microimplanted transmitting device that was placed in your brain. Right?

"The are coming to take me away Ha HA!" this is your motto and mantra. Right?

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 528
RE: Politics


The same thing happened with 'Tickle-Me Elmo' Dolls.

Dragonmaster's house is filled with a bunch of jittery dragons all loaded up with espresso and tea he stole.

"Can you help me get this couch in the back of my van? I'm moving to my aunt's house and ever since a tumor ate up my spinal cord, I can't carry anything heavy. I think I love you. Is that a lesion?"

Dragonmaster is crazier than a priest in a playground.

I hate that it changes without asking me but it's not like there was anything better on, anyhow.

That's accurate.

Dragonmaster does not have the sense to go to the hospital. He prefers to bleed in the coffee all day.

Posted By: Anit-Bleeding-Heart

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 526
RE: Politics

Mr Bob Dole Sir--

When people realized that Beanie Babies were just material filled with beans, the bottom fell out of the market.

Caffine high induced dragons. Oh My God!

I am thinking of Buffalo Bob in Joe Dirt now also. Thanks!

Dragonmaster is crazier than Linda Trip's hair on a BAD HAIR DAY!

5248 television stations of nothing on. That is what the USA has become today.

Another thing we agree on.

Remind me not to goto any Starbuck's Coffee in West Ver-genny. I don't want coffe made from someone who believes in dragons, won't goto a dr's office, won't goto a hospital, spell casting nut ball, slow coach, fruitcake.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 515
RE: Politics

Conspiracist, oh, you mean I'm not spoon fead by our government, yes.

Area 51 shut down. It was moved to a better location. It's very unlikely that there were alien remains there. It was just a test site for things like the SR-71, U2, and various other aircraft.

I never folowed who killed JFK. That was before my time.

Who's McCarthy? Jenny McCarthy? Sweet!

We didn't build them on our own, even now we don't have the tools or teck. to build them.

I'm not shure about "Black and Silent helicopters" never heard of them. There are ways of watching people in there house from space, but I'm not going o be watched, I'm a nobody.

The last two are just ****ed up. I'm just an informed person who won't buy into the hype our government spits out.

"I don't want coffe made from someone who believes in dragons"

I can think of much worse.

Posted By: Dragonmaster ™

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 515
RE: Politics

The last few days has realy sucked or whatever. (I promised no details) So I'm taking a few days off from the PC to work on my drawings, I'm pretty backed up, and I need the peace of not having to argue online what can only be done face to face.

PLEASE, make fun of me while I'm gone. If I come back I'll have fun reading them. Thank Her for Beth, or I'd not be back.

Posted By: Bob DoleĀ®

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 513
RE: Politics

Not believing conspiracy theories does not make someone a government drone.

Area 51 is still open but the only aliens ever to be located in that whole part of the country are the fruit-picking kind.

You couldn't have followed JFK's killer. Jack Ruby already did.

Senator McCarthy. I don't think you two would have gotten along.

Of course we didn't build them. The ancient Egyptians built them. They had no special help from aliens or Ra. Experiments have been done showing clearly that a pyramid could be built with the knowledge they had and tens of thousands of slaves with nothing to do for a few decades.

They don't use the black and silent helicoptors in WV. They would be too obvious. They use rusted old pickup trucks with bullet holes in the fenders and engines that backfire every 20 seconds. The 'Men in Black' where bib overalls and spit chewing tobacco on their own shoes. They blend right in. The only givaway is the sticker in the back window of a little boy peeing on a hippy.

You are an informed person as much as Carlito is cool.

A bloody cup of coffee is worse.

If you are backed up, I guess you need to stay away from the McDonalds in WalMart and get some fiber in your diet.

I think the only reason you look up to Her is to try and peek up Her skirt. Pervert.

Dragonmaster is crazier than a dungeonmaster without his 20-sided dice.

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