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Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1163
Vote for the Worst Idol

So I found a web site that you can vote for the worst American Idol.. Check it out. WorstAmericanIdol
Looks as if FAT Scott is in the lead! I don't get how he is still there.. He's sush an ass*

Posted By: idol sucks

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1155
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

everyone involved with that show is a media tool and should be shot.

i will not listen to someone just because fox/clearchannel tells me to.

think for yourselves people... oops, let me translate for you
baaaa, baaaaa, baaaa

Posted By: gilly3

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1154
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

You don't like Scott just because he's fat? Nice. Reuben was way fatter than Scott! Is it only okay to be fat if you are black?

Scott has a smooth voice and a natural R&B style. I'd buy his record.

Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1152
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

It's not because he's fat. It's because he is a realy wanna be. I hate guys like him. Thug and jiggy. It's so gross.

Posted By: gilly3

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1146
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

You just keep telling yourself that. Scott has been consistent and solid from the beginning. He's just not very good looking. But if this were a radio show instead of a tv show, nobody would be complaining about Scott.

Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1140
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

Yeah but who woud want to buy a CD off an arrogant jerk! His attitude would show right through a radio station too!

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1130
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol


I am of the belief that watching American Idol actually causes IQ points to leech out of your brain and into the air, destined to be vanquished by the wild blue yonder and henceforth never seen again. By extrapolation there then exists a finite number of Idol viewings per individual that will render them, how do you say, dumb as ****.

Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1126
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

REALLY?!?!?! Damn that's what is going on!!!

Posted By: Joe

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1125
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

Eminem is an arrogant jerk and he doesn't have problems selling CDs. Scott is gross though, not that great of a singer. Bob, you are already dumb as **** so you got nothing to lose by watching the show.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1122
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

I have never seen American Idol, ever, but it does seem like they are getting a lot of mileage out of that show. I have seen the contestants in magazines and stuff. TV has really changed so much! I pretty much never watch television, but I guess there's not as much competition for air time since there are like so many, too many, channels on regular cable, and then digital...

Posted By: Joe

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1117
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

Not me again!

Posted By: TK

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1112
never seen American idol

i have never seen American idol. everyone has seen it but me, and i dont plan on seeing it anytime soon.

Posted By: Gaul

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1101
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

I saw it a couple of times. It's one of those things that everyone pretends to like because they think everyone else likes it for some profound reason that they personaly don't understand...but in reality no one likes it.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1098
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

I hate hearing normal people singing other people's songs...they usually suck and I certainly wouldn't spend an hour watching it on television, now karaoke at the bar, that is a different story, because it is fun/funny to do, and it is fun/funny to watch.

Seriously, someone getting a big music break that way, please, that is not really going to work for many people. They just always seem second banana.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1007
RE: Vote for the Worst Idol

its like survivor, ppl liked the first season, and were all going to hate it by the 6th season, and they will end it at like the 20th

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