742 EVERGREEN TERRACE - SIMPSON'S SPINOFF -> what is goth?Start A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: what is goth?
Posted By: Xandir

Posted On: Aug 10, 2005
Views: 435
RE: what is goth?

I think you are talking about Bucky Bucks. Drawn together is the best cartoon reality show ever. Captain Hero lying in a ball in the shower crying like a little girl - it just doesn't get any better. The second season is supposed to start in October and season one is coming out on DVD around the same time. Word is the banned episode will be on the DVD. On the banned episode, Captain Hero uses his x-ray vision to watch the female housemates in the shower. He uses it so much that Roxy gets a brain tumor that causes her to revert back to a 1930s Aunt Jemima type character. Captain Hero feels guilty and decides he has to give up all his super powers. The only way to lose his powers is to fall off a horse so he ends up paralysed.

Posted By: Xandir

Posted On: Aug 10, 2005
Views: 434
RE: what is goth?

Love, Xandir

Posted By: jinxiejae

Posted On: Aug 13, 2005
Views: 424
RE: what is goth?

first off to xandir, what the hell does
drawn together have to dowith the question what is goth? finanly to that mom who resulted to verbal abuse when her kid went through a goth phase and got all giddy when she got bubble gum jeans and a sparkly kiss tshirt, your are evil incarnate, and i hope your kids self esteem wasnt marred becouse of your obsession of what others might think of her. i smell an impedending eating disorder in the near future. and hon, kiss is freaking goth!! kiss is about as prep as a coffin roadster.
and and no self respecting kid, prep, goth, hip hop, or other wise will admit to wearing a look called "saved by the bell." now goth has been divided into several sub groups that its hard to tell what exzactly is goth and what isnt. there are the misery lovers as some have pointed out, the wannabe vamps, punk, and industrial and so on. but i believe goth isnt so much a look, or a depression induced veiw, mostly i think goth is just liking things that are just spooky and twisted. wiccans arent all goths, they dont all dress in black and lament on the futlity of the living. wicca is a religion peaple. its not harry potter bull****. a lot of goths are just peaple who reject on conformist views of what is "pretty" or "cute." they tend to think outside of the box (no pun intended.) why should the blonde blue eyed girls with tans be the "Ideal" for beauty. its just an appriciation for diversity.
i also Know plenty of goth chicks who actuly like to laugh, and be funny! yes they are out there. plain and simple its a "screw you ill like what i like and make no apolgies about it." attitude. so what is goth? anything spooky or twisted and unashamed by it.

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