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Post InfoTOPIC: No votes for Da-Club?
Posted By: Alan

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1248
No votes for Da-Club?

I noticed there are no votes for joining the ile high club. Any reasons why?

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1243
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Why would that be annoying? That would be like free live porn and would probably be pretty darn entertaining and make the flight go by super quick! LOL

Posted By: Sylvie

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1226
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Cos I'd rather have that going on-- way better than an inflight movie.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1217
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Personally, I would probably be too distracted in an airplane to get it on...although, I probably could have accomplished that with my last boyfriend.

Posted By: Bakakage

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1196
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

If its the people in front of you doing it, then you can have fun cheering them on or laughing at the guy or stuff. like a lifeguard i knew in high school that caught a couple doing it in a wave pool at SunSplash so she just said "honey, if he needs the waves to help him he aint worth the time" lol. im sure that guy had a hard time performing after that.

Posted By: Chrissie

Posted On: Nov 13, 2005
Views: 1187
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

This would be oh so bad. Ever look at other people on the plane? Now what percentage are actually good looking? Chances are great that you'd see a nasty bunch of ugly rocking the seat in front.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1182
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

bakakage, so your that fat guy who lays down on the cement next to the edge of the pool looking like a beached whale?

Posted By: carrie

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1176
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Once I was on an airplane and this older guy next to me asked the flight attendant for a blanket, put it over his lap, and proceeded to join the club solo. Now THAT was annoying.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1171
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

No Way! Gross!

Posted By: Tom

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1158
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

That might have been me... normally I would go in the restroom to do that but with you next to me I couldn't resist.

Posted By: carrie

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1154
RE: RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Try to control yourself next time. And I'll remember to restrict my fluid intake before flying, so as not to interrupt you in the bathroom.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1140
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

ive never flown...but if i did, i would make it a goal to beat off in the bathroom

Posted By: Brandll

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1136
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

I voted for that. Whats worse than seeing two ugly people get it on in a completely akward space?

Posted By:

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1131
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No votes for Da-Club?

honestly I don't think I would care how ugly they were it would still be entertaining. whether or not I'd want to beat off to it is another matter.

adam, if you do it make sure you drink plenty of water or it'll clog your pee hole

Posted By: Bakakage

Posted On: Nov 14, 2005
Views: 1120
RE: No votes for Da-Club?

Ron Jeremy is an ugly bastard but people still watch his movies. And there are a lot of nappy female porn stars too. If it aint hot, at least it would be funny. Kind of like a bad car wreck. Cant look away even though you know you shouldn't stare.

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