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Post InfoTOPIC: Green Day is CRAP!
Posted By: Shan

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1307
Green Day is CRAP!

i saw green day in 94 and they were really great. EVERYONE had a great time; they were running all over the stage, stage dives, mud slinging, etc. they're on tour right now so i went to see them w/ hopes of them being as good or better. THEY SUCKED!!! they were in San Francisco and kept shouting that they were in SF so the crowd would go nuts. but they did it about 100 times. enough already. then they had the crowd do the wave. THE WAVE?!! they also sang "Shout" as in "throw your hands up and Shout" and "We Are the Champions". we were so disgusted we left early. i've NEVER left a concert early.

Posted By: man

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1306
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

sounds fun, wish i had gone

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1302
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

sounds like shan is a whimpy little girl that should just listen to Jewel

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1299
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

i agree, green day is horrible

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1297
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

"i agree, green day is horrible"

then it is settled. Green day is anything but horrible.

Posted By: Someone else

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1284
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

Yeah, their old songs were way better...

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1282
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

I see. the picture is coming clear now. adam = someone else = shan = probably every other lame post made here.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1271
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

probly. i like green day too...

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1268
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

considering they sold several million copies and have been on the charts for almost a year i would say that little dorks like adam dont really matter

Posted By: shan

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1252
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

hey theo; you sound like an f**king retard...i mean a true green day fan that deserves to only see and buy corporate created bulls**t bands.

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1249
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

considering you are a ****ing retard i could see how you might think that. i'm sure it is confusing for you but rest assured you are the dip**** here.

Posted By: wes

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1245
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

yes, retards all think alike.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1242
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

so i am shan and someone else....which would mean i used to like green day....wow you know things about me i never knew...as far as i know, i never liked green day, but since you say i did, i guess so

Posted By: superfly

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 1226
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

green days sucks, no they don't they rule, no way they suck, but they've sold millions of albums, you're retarded, YOU'RE retarded, adam's retarded, not as retarded as green day, **** you theo...

I would love to see those who get involved in these pointless 'debates' in a room together. guarantee they would sit with their hands between their legs, looking at their feet. put them behind a keyboard though and watch out! ronaldreaganmiketyson style tough guys here.

ok so now get it over with. someone call me a faggot and a retard and post 'i have sex with goats' under my name...

Posted By: superfly

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 1224
RE: Green Day is CRAP!

i have sex with goats.

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