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Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Jul 9, 2006
Views: 1421
Eat Goat Cheese

Oy! It'd have to be way more than $5 to get me to eat that again, I don't know how many of you read my post last night but I got mega sick from some that I ate at work. Would anyone actually do a shot of sour milk for $5? That's like, paying for food poisoning.

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jul 9, 2006
Views: 1415
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

I wouldn't drink a shot of milk, sour or not, for $5. That would make me a bad person like all the rest of you on here. Especailly you Syrgot. I hope you know the reason you got sick from that goat cheese was because God was punishing you. You'll understand my way when you're in hell.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1403
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

I really hope thats the fake vanessa. Just so I don't get into a rant and take over a thread I'm gonna keep this simple so your protein deprived brain can hopefully get this. You are a mammal, you drank milk when you were a baby, if you are female you probably produce it now, if god is going to punish you for that then **** him. Now if we had all flat teeth and still were on four legs, and your god talked to us, then I could see your argument. If you choose not to eat it then fine, thats your choice.

I guess I'm just ****ed cause I've been on a vegan diet to loose weight for a few weeks. It sucks, sucks ass, major ass, like ten times the size of my shrinking ass. Everything fat free and sugar free sucks to, and I feel like ****, but it will be worth it this time next year.

I'd do a shot of Yogurt or sour cream for $5, lol.

Posted By: hmmm

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1392
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Hey genius...you can't recognize a troll when you read one. It is just some tard pretending to be another tard just to try and start ****. You should have just ignored it like everyone else. I think as punishment you should have to do the chunk dance from goonies.

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1391
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

^ Not me... although I do have something interesting about it to post... I'll start a new topic with it later. That's a good example of why not to eat dairy products, Syrgot.

Dragonmaster, if you are starving on a vegan diet you should do some research, you're probably chewing on rice crackers. Nuts, for one thing, are a great source of protein, minerals, fatty acids, etc.

Posted By: Bellus

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1384
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Dragonmaster, get the hell off the vegetarian diet. It is a stupid diet to begin with and starving yourself to lose weight doesn't work. Your body doesn't like it and will cause you all kinds of misery. Instead, cut your calories, exercise at least 30 minutes a day where your heart rate is around 140-150, and keep eating meat because vegans are psycho freaks and you don't need any more of that reputation. The weight will come off. Don't expect massive loses though. Be happy with a pound a week.

Posted By: Bellus

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1382
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Syrgot, using the same reasoning, food poisoning is a good reason not to eat fruits and vegetables. They can carry Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Bacillus cereus to name a few and they can easily make you as sick as that bad milk. Better to stick with non-foods like Twinkies and the 7-11 hot dogs that spin on the heater for several days.

Posted By: dave

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1376
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

I agree with bellus about the exercise stuff... the way I looked at it, I was maintaining a steady weight of 290lbs when I was obese a few years ago. That meant all I had to do was alter my habits a little and the weight would come off gradually. I watched what I ate a little (researching calorie content of food VS. activity calorie loss helps a lot).. and did some easy exercise every day like walking 45 min. or whatever. I never looked at a scale. I lost 20 lbs in 2-3 months and never yo-yo'd back. On your current diet you are going to bounce back soon and add 10lbs.

Posted By: mike

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1361
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

I drank a large cup of bad milk once - chunks hadn't started to form yet... drank the whole thing then took a deep whiff and realized it was bad. 'sour milk' is not the right term, makes it sound like sour cream... no, bad milk is horrible.

Posted By: Glynnis O

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1353
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

I don't understand the whole point of veganism or vegetarianism. We were BORN to eat meat! What really gets me is these stupid milk-free and dairy alternatives, many of which have more chemicals than regular milk. One can't make the argument that milk has a lot of fat and cholesterol, because skim milk is readily available. With the hormones and cruelty stuff, you can always buy Horizon organic because they have neither.

With plants, research has shown that a chemical change occurs in plants when they get cut down, thus making a sense of "pain." How do we know plants don't feel pain? We don't.

What really angers me is how irresponsible PETA is with their campaigns. I mean come on, people- Beer is healthier than milk? Feeding your kids meat is child abuse? PETA needs to spend much more money on actually helping animals than ****ing people off who eat meat once in a while.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1350
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

hmmmm, like your doing?

vanessa, I've got a question, do you eat bread, pasta, or go out to eat anywhere? Just wondering.

Bellus, ok I do eat some fish. (with this nice caper sauce mmmm......) I don't expect to loose it quick. If I can get down to 200 by this time next year I'm good. I just mainly switched to low/no fat foods and low/no sugar foods. Like instead of my normal cheese and juice for breakfast I'm going with Cherios and Skim milk, with no sugar. Things like that. Other than days I do the market, or cut the grass I ride my bike for at least an hour each day. I put it in front of the TV, so when star trek is on I'm on the bike. (looser = me, I know) BTW, lol at second post.

Dave, I was on the slim slow diet. I had to go off of it when my BP got so high I couldn't stand up, then I went back up to 320lbs, my all time high. I even thought about going to the hospital, if I cant loose at least 20 in the next two months I'm going.

Mike, Once I drank milk that had set so long it had separated into this white blob and water, nasty. The white stuff just kind of stayed where it was and when I saw it wasn't moving it was already to late. I couldn't touch the stuff for a month.

Posted By: Bellus

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1343
RE: RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Dragonmaster, don't worry about fat or sugar. Just watch total calorie intake for a day and compare it to how much you burn a day (http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index.html). You can eat nothing but peanut butter cups and lose weight as long as the calorie total is less than you need. Of course you will feel starving and malnurished. Hell, even that fatass Jerad lost a couple hundred pounds just walking to Subway every day and it certainly wasn't because the sandwiches are so high in nutrients.

Who really cares what PETA or those type of people say. I mean, does anyone really know one? They certainly are in the minority. There are all kinds of wacko groups saying all kinds of crap. They are all just ****ing loony.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1341
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

post that original post, in your response...

"^ Not me... although I do have something interesting about it to post... I'll start a new topic with it later. That's a good example of why not to eat dairy products, Syrgot."

... you basically just said "I didn't say it originally... but I do agree with it." You mine as well have just not denied you said it.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1340
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Sorry, the first line of that was suppose to be "Vanessa, even if you didn't post that original post, in your response..." I'm not sure how it got cut off.

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jul 10, 2006
Views: 1333
RE: Eat Goat Cheese

Since when was it so wrong to post a link or article? It's not. Don't you have any better criticisms to make?

Dragonmaster, you'll discover that it's very easy to lose weight with a vegan diet. As long as you stay away from crackers and other wheat products, you will find yourself eating more fruit and vegetables, and eating nuts and mushrooms and not missing meat at all.

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