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Posted By: chan

Posted On: May 24, 2009
Views: 4250

«ÈÆ[¦Ó½×¡A¦³Ãö«Ç¤º³]­pªººÞ²z¡A¥Ñ© ó¯Ê¥Fªk·½¡A±N¤§¯Ç¤J«Ø¿vªkÅé¨t¤U¦³¨ä¥¿·í© »P¥²­n©Ê¡A¦Ó¥Ø«e±q¨Æ¦¹¤@¦æ·~ªº¤H­û¯À½è¨} ²û¤£»ô¡A³o¤]¬OµLªk§_»{ªº¨Æ¹ê¡A«Ø¿vª««Ç¤º³]­p¸Ë­×ºÞ²z¿ì kªº¨î­qÀ³¤]¬O¾E´N²{ªpªº¹L´ç®É´Áªº°µªk¡A¦ý ¦¹ºÞ²z¿ìªk¤½¥¬¬I¦æ¦Ü¤µ¡A¬J¤wµo²{½Ñ¦h¯Ê¥¢ P°ÝÃD¡A¹êÀ³°O¨ú¸gÅç¡A°w¹ï³o¨Ç¯Ê¥¢»P°ÝÃD¡A ¾¨³t¿Ñ¨D¹ïµ¦¤~¬O¡C¡u¥L¤s¤§¥Û¥i¥H§ð¿ù¡v¡A¥ý ¶i°ê®aªº¸gÅç»P°µªk¥i¨Ñ§Ú­Ì°µ¬°°Ñ¦Ò»P­Éà ¡C¬ü¡B¤é¨â°ê¦b¦¹¤@»â°ìªºµo®i»â¥ý¥@¬É¦U° ¡A¦Ó¦bºÞ²z¨î«×¤Î±M·~¦a¦ì¤W¡A¬ü°ê¤S³Ó¤é¥» ¤@Äw¡A¦]¦¹¡A¥»¬ã¨s±N¥H¬ü°ê¬°¥D­n°Ñ¦Ò¹ï¶H¡A ¦Ó¥H¤é¥»¬°»²¡C

Posted By: king

Posted On: Apr 18, 2009
Views: 4223

ƒLƒ“ƒOEƒCƒGƒXEƒLƒŠƒXƒg‹³ ï

Posted By: alhe

Posted On: Apr 8, 2009
Views: 4148


This is what has been happening the last 3 years

Posted By: jericho

Posted On: Mar 19, 2009
Views: 4125
144 Ó¢¹úͶ×ÊÒÆÃñ

Posted By: xczc

Posted On: Mar 17, 2009
Views: 4106


Posted By: 32232222

Posted On: Feb 12, 2009
Views: 3049

Posted By: Á÷Ë®Ïß

Posted On: Nov 16, 2008
Views: 3003
assembly line

ÎÂÁëÊо­Î³Á÷Ë®ÏßÖÆÔ쳧λÓÚ¶« º£Ö®±õµÄÎÂÁëÊÐÁÜ´¨¹¤ÒµÇø,ÊÇרҵ·¢Õ¹³ Ϊ¼¯³ÉÑо¿¡¢Éè¼Æ¡¢Éú²ú¡¢ÏúÊÛÉú²úÏßµ ³§¼Ò.

Posted By: 000

Posted On: Sep 13, 2008
Views: 3221


Posted By: qq

Posted On: Sep 12, 2008
Views: 3203


Posted By: СÀî

Posted On: Sep 12, 2008
Views: 3186


Posted By: kimberly

Posted On: May 13, 2007
Views: 3703
when i was rape in augest

in augest of 2006 my ungole two friend's came over and we where out in the shid hanging out playing video game's my ungole dident lut me play aney game becuse of his gril friend so he went to bed and i staed up playing video game's and my ungole two friend's took turn rapeing me.

Posted By: kimberly

Posted On: May 13, 2007
Views: 3695
when i was rape in augest

in augest my ungole two friend's came over and we where out side hanging out playing video game's my ungole dident lut me play aney game becuse of his gril friend so he went bed and i staed up playing video game's and my his two friend's took turn rapeing me

Posted By: poohbaby

Posted On: Jan 25, 2007
Views: 3996
so bad

when u feel like i do it is hard i was 9 and so small then by my own dad rapes me i am so mad and sad at the same time pepole say it would be ok but i know inside it wont

Posted By: L

Posted On: Dec 3, 2006
Views: 3862
Surviving after 11 yrs.

Someone I did not know raped me 11 yrs ago. The rape was a horrible experience for me and i did not tell anyone until many years later. Meanwhile i found myself to be pregnant by the person who raped me. At the time, i told no one of my rape just that i was pregnant. It was not until my seventh or beginning of my 8th month that i started to show. I stayed thin and slim the whole pregnancy. I knew around 4 months that something was not right and could feel the baby kick at that point. However, i continued to hide the pregnancy and rape. Years after my daughter was born, i told my partner who i was in a relationship with for about 3 years. At that point, they suggested that i get help and therapy for the sexual assault. Thank god, this person was so caring and loving about this matter because at the time i do not know where or how i got the strength or energy to go through with the therapy or talking about it, reliving it. Thank god, they were my rock at that time. I made the choice to keep the child, which is now my beautiful 10-year-old daughter. She is amazing and is now my new rock for all of this. However, i do still at times have flashbacks and at this point in my life, it is hard for me even to mention the word rape let alone talk about it. I have never really been able to talk freely about it or with out feeling as i am reliving it as i speak about it. I went through a lot of self-blame and guilt and from others also. i still to this day have people tell me that i am at fault and make me feel as if i am to blame or that i deserved it. i Have grown over time to lesson that guilt and blame feeling but at times it does arise. I have more strength today to know that i was not at fault or at least i feel 90% of the time that i a not to blame. i still though after all these years have difficulty talking about it....i am kind of glad that i can type it out here it does make it a bit easier to hide behind a screen then to talk to someone live about the rape. if anyone has any suggestions for me on dealing with the issue of talking about the rape or have some ideas for where i am in this process of coping with my assault after all these years please feel free to email me ( thanks for listen all of u and take care my hope is with you....L

Posted By: lana

Posted On: Nov 27, 2006
Views: 3894
it is too hard to deal with

i was raped when i was 12 by my aunt's husband and coz i was so tiny and he was too big i couldnt push or even scream i froze he threatened to kill my mom if i told anyone he kept raping me for 3 years , now im 19 but ill never get over it !!!if anyone has aidea of what i can do plz say smthn

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