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Posted By: Jamie

Posted On: Apr 22, 2014
Views: 1973
Legalize Prostitution!

I am hoping the Government will legalize prostitution. Let's not be quick to condemn people for what they want to do with themselves. I also believe the Government should also tax those who are involve in the trade.

Posted By: sapphire

Posted On: Apr 19, 2014
Views: 2185
legalize or........ not!

My God! let there be one thing left that can truly hold us near to God. Women body should not be seen as something for sale, if we as women can come up with the idea of honestly making money it is nothing to cut our pride if we use a basic talent of selling bag-juice, janitor work, damn as hell be a doctor or nurse or domestic helper.... and the list can go on..... let us have just a little bit more pride in earning our honest bread than by selling our bodies to some nasty twisted mind freak.

Posted By: dave

Posted On: Apr 15, 2014
Views: 2508

Prostitution ; it better people make love and not war in jamaica

Posted By: Legalmatter

Posted On: Apr 5, 2014
Views: 1950
Prostitution - Ganja - What Next ?

To Legalize or not to legalize? That is the question (paraphrased). It is disturbing to see the depth to which we will go in order to indulge our depraved nature. I'm not surprised however, as the Bible, which so many seem to despise and try to ridicule, warned that "in the last days there would be scoffers who prefer to believe a lie than the truth" It has outlasted all its detractors and will continue to do so. The question you should ask is, what if I'm wrong? Life is about choices and there are people who are going to decide to do the wrong thing, but that does not mean we should encourage them. As a society we have made many bad choices and we are reaping the consequences. Lets not perpetuate the culture of bad choices. We can and indeed should change. The fact that there are demons among us: Murderers, liars, thieves, haters, adulterers, fornicators, prostitutes, cheaters, homosexuals, corrupt individuals etc,(all sins) doesn't mean we should all allow ourselves to become possessed. There must be boundaries. Take a look at the chaos on our roadways with all the laws in place. Can you imagine what it would be like without any law? Are you all saying we should become like "the blind leading the blind?" We cannot despise the Moral and Ethical and Civil laws and expect to prosper as an individual, a family, a city, a country or a world. The world is sinking fast but we CHOOSE to be blind and unbelieving. The Bible declaress "when they shall say it's peace and safety, it will be sudden destruction." Mankind, open up your eyes Be Aware!!!

Posted By: Kiwijohn

Posted On: Mar 27, 2014
Views: 2546
Legal in NZ and Australia

Some of these comments are just bizarre.
Prostitution is legal in New Zealand and Australia both of which are very prosperous countries with outstanding social values and high rates of education.
Much like all the time that is wasted enforcing marijuana laws, controlling illegal prostitution is a endless and useless use of resources.
It's going on anyway. Driving from Mo'Bay to Negril is a quick education on how rampant this activity is.
Legalize it and marijuana......wake up!!

Posted By: AW

Posted On: Mar 25, 2014
Views: 2408
Religion and Prostitution

Ha Ha Ha. I love to hear "god fearing" religious parrots squawking, " I read it in the bible, I read it in the bible". Polly want a cracker? Cultural, Social, Religious indoctrination. "MEMEs" look up the meaning.
Actually its no laughing matter. The things people believe are "real", Hell is down and heaven's in the sky behind the clouds. The martyrs are waiting in the garden of everlasting life. Ive been here for 42 years and the thought of everlasting life in a really great garden...... well no thanks, Ill pass.
Your bible is plagiarism at its best. They are probably tons of lawsuits flying around that everlasting garden. But hey..... if you want to believe what you read no problem. "Jesus love me, yes I know, for the bible tells me so".
I wonder if prostitutes go to church on sundays? Probably some I would figure. Probably sneered at for contamination of the Offering.
What better place for whores, thieves and adulterers than church on sundays?

Posted By: Shena

Posted On: Mar 6, 2014
Views: 3130
Legalizing Prostitution

In order for us to consider this legalizing of prostitution, we have to take into consideration both sexes, because the homosexuals are going to want to do this too and then that will become another issue.

Another factor to take into consideration is the safety of these females that we will be giving the go-ahead to go on the streets. Who will protect them?

Also how is this going to impact our young girls growing up? They will think that school is not necessary. They don't need to learn anything. Then we will have to pump more money into advertising to try to educate our young children/teenagers that "Education IS Important."

Posted By: joe

Posted On: Mar 6, 2014
Views: 2428

What is the Internet hosting service?

Posted By: Jason O'Keith Kirby

Posted On: Mar 2, 2014
Views: 2557
Should Jamaica Legalise prostitution?

Absolutely not! Isn't this a "christian" country built off uplifting values? So how then can you see and know that this detestable sin be legalised?
If the government decides to legalise it then they might as well call human trafficing invoulentary human tourisim and trade.

Posted By: Wabuko Harrison Ochieng

Posted On: Feb 19, 2014
Views: 2045
Should Jamaican government legalize prostitution?

No government should legalize prostitution. It's ungodly and dents the moral of the society

Posted By: Asham Hamilton

Posted On: Feb 17, 2014
Views: 2108
Legalize pot?

I don't think so because while I believe Marijuana is not the most lethal drug when consumed, Jamaica's underground economy is too big and removing pot from that mix only opens the door for more hard drugs to be traded in the absence of Marijuana. Compare Jamaica's economy to all the Countries that entertain legal pot and you'll see that we can't walk in their footsteps.

Posted By: George Roberts

Posted On: Jan 24, 2014
Views: 3714

it is my greatest belief that we were never ready for independence, and still is not. we have not done one thing that does not require help from somebody outside our shores, we cant feed ourselves , clothes or keep our people safe, streets clean, provide jobs, its best to stop fooling our-self about being independent.

Posted By: Esther

Posted On: Jan 19, 2014
Views: 3239
Please help the Jamaican bobsled team get to Sochi

The Jamaican bobsled team qualified for the Winter Olympics but they don't have the money to get there. They have 8 days to raise $80,000. Please help them get there or tell someone about it!

This is the link to make a donation:

Posted By: pablo

Posted On: Jan 4, 2014
Views: 4379

same so its not wrong to import food if its getting cheaper through it, sooner or later food must be imported at such a skyrocketing population rate. i would not implement a one child law like in china but things like free school for the first child, a second child gets the half of the schoolfee back... where there is no way to gain land soon, we must decrease the demand...
instead of setting useless actions we should find the reason for our problems and solve them

Posted By: pablo

Posted On: Jan 4, 2014
Views: 2560
legalisation of prostetution

legalizing prostetution would implement a new possible taxincome just like in 90% of the rest of the world. further on STD's would decrease if the prostitutes have to do frequent health check ups monthly.. just like in any first world country. a couple of years ago first world laws where implemented in jamaica, without the social backupsystem which makes it possible to work. Portugal cut drug adiction and aids deaths in half... by decriminalizing ALL drugs and threating addiction as a public health issue, instead of a crime.
iceland recovered from its recession so quick because the goverment bailed out the people and imprisoned the banksters... there are plenty examples which are showing us how to make it better. its only our ignorance makes us believe in the mistakes we where tought

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